Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1948, p. 1

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INSTALLING LIGHTS Brampton is planning to instal artificial lighting on the baseball dia- mond. It is interesting to note the cost is around $3,000. (Open to all members, amateur or commercial growers) 24 Any novel . arrangement of flowers 25 Display ‘basket of Tulips, at least 25 blooms Entries accepted from 4 to 5.30 p.111. Show open to the public at 8 p.m., when premiums will be distributed. Wednesday, May 26, 1948. Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill ‘ This show will be held in con- nection with a regular meeting of the Socjety andimembers are invited to bring Exhibits of Flowers as per classes listed belowf In addition to the Horse Show, there will be the Jersey Cattle Show. 3 Sheep Dog demonstration, and many other attractions fox" young Class The 1948 Fair promises to exceed the 'finc records of previous years and as in the past will feature the Horse Show. which present entries would indicate will be the largest in some time. Some of Canada’s finest horses will compete in the thrilling saddle and hurdle events and c6mpete in the various classes for which at- tractive prizes and. many coveted trophies are oflfered for competition. The show this year will be featured by the showing of several four and six horse teams. Next Monday is Fair Day in Rich- mond Hill. For almost a century the Spring Fair sponsored by the Richmond Hill ‘Agricultural Society has been an important event in the life of the community, the first Fair having been held here in 1849. Throughout this long span of local history the Agricultural Society has carried on lending" encouragement and inspiration to Agriculture and each year on May 24th staging the ever-popular Richmond Hill Fair. It' now is‘ an established community institution and each year hundreds of old boys and girls travel back to View the attractions and renew old acguaintanceg. _ Annual Tulip Show Wednesday, Mayr26 Fine Horse-Show Will Feature 99th Annual Fair Victoria Day 21 9‘) 18 RICHMOND HILL FAIR, MONDAY, MAY 24: 11 14 16 19 10 13 12 VOL. LXIX. RUSS CREIGHTON TO PLAY FOR MONSTER DANCE O IN ARENA-AT NIGHT Lilac single, 1 specimen pan- nicle Lilac double, 1 specimen pan- nicle 'Lilac, ',collection 6 pannicles, at least}. colors ‘ Individual branch of any other shrub in bloom Specials Low bowl of Spring Flowers, suitable for dinner table Bowl or Vase of Spring Flow- ers suitable for living room Arrangement of Flowering Shrubs _ Effective arrangement of Rock Garden blooms, with foliage only, (at least 4 varieties) Bowl or case of ,flowers featur- ing‘tulips Arrangement of Lily of the Valâ€" ley, with one other small flower Arrangement of Violas Arrangement of Pansies color ‘ - Collection single 12 blooms, at least 3 colors . Specimen Parrot Tulip Specimen Parrot Tulips, 3 blooms , Specimen Lily Flowered Tulips (pointed petals) Collection Lily Flowered Tulips, 3 blooms Mr. Paul Angle, Chairman Specimen single, any color Collection single, 3 Rod Collection single. 3 White Collection single, 3 Pink Collection single. 3 Yellow collection single, 3 any other Late Flowering Tulips Flowering. Shrubs Spring Flowers Open Classes TEA BAGS THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Dancing 24th of May and every Saturday night to Merl'ymakers' 9- piece Orchestra at Bolton Casino. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Mr. Gordon Lewis and Mr. R. A. Bradshaw, re- presented St. Mary’s Church at the Ninety-Sixth Session of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto, held during this week. ~Th,e §ilve1' Trowel was used when the‘c’orner stones were laid on May 24, 1880 by Mr. Warring Kennedy and Mrs. Peter Patterson. ‘The' Clock, for over thirty years ticked off the minutes in the First éhurch, when that church was burned in December 1879, the clock was thrown from the gallery into a snow bank where it remained. covered until the following spring. Mr. John San- derson recovered it and later built its present cabinet. The works are be- liiedved to be approximately 120 years 0 . Bishop of Toronto to Confirm Class of Twenty-four and Dedicate Gifts at St. Mary's Anglican Church on Sunday next It is expected that St. Mary‘s An- glican Church, Richmond Hill, will be filled to capacity on Sunday morning next, when the Right Rev. A. R. Beverley, M.A., D.‘D., Bishop of Tor- onto, will confirm a class of twenty- four young people to be presented by the Rector. In addition, a new Oak Hymn Board and beautiful Desk Prayer Book, presented to the church by the Evening Guild, and a Brass Ewer for Baptismal Font, presented to the church by the W.A. in memory of departed members, will be deciat- ed. ' It is expected that all members of the Guild and the Wbmen's Aux- iliary will be present to see their gifts dedicated. Relatives and friends of those to be confirmed are cordially invited to be present. During Mr. Wrixon’s ministry at St. Mary’s Church, he has presented 165 candi- dates for the sacred rite of Confirm- ation.. Many of these are now living in other parishes in Ontario and other parts of Canada. For many months the officers and directors have been busy planning for this annual event, and given good weather the 1948 fair promises to be a record-breaker. O. D. Robinson. M.F.H.. is president of the Fair this year and supporting him as officers are the following: Vice-president. Wesley Middleton; 2nd vice-president, L. H. Clement; sec.-treas., W. W. Trench; directors: Dalton Rumney, George Agar, H. R. Butt, Morgan Boyle, Reeve P. C. Hill, William Neal. G. Atkinson, Harry Barber. Milton Savage, J12, Alf Bagg. Associate directors are: A. Strong, R. Camp- bell, H. McCague, Boynton Weldâ€" rickz” The Honorary Veterinarians are: Dr. George Kelly and Dr. A. McKinnon. ; On Sunday next, May '231‘d. the conâ€" gregation of Richmond Hill United Church will} hold Anniversary Ser- vices marking the laying of the corâ€" .ner stone of the church on May 24, 1580..ln,,adddition to special services by REV. C. A. Mustard, B.A., D.D. of St. Davids United Church, Toronto and special music by the combined choirs of Richmond Hill and Mark- ham United Churchcs at the evening Service there will be on display a sil- ver trowel and an old clock which \Vill be .,of' historical interest to all residents of this community. At night the Fair Night dance will see the popular Rus. Creighton and his orchestra providing the music for old-time and modern dancing. There will be bingo, and other games to add to the evening’s entertain- ment. and old. The midway will have the popular old attractions and many new features. There. will be the merryâ€" go-round and other rides for the kid- dies, also a Punch and Judy Show and Peter the Clown as an added at- traction. Many manufacturers will display the newest devices for light- ening the burden of work on the farm and in the home. SILVER TROWEL and OLD CLOCK . ON. DISPLAY NEXT SUSDAY DEDICATION DANCE *4w47 is regarded as the world's largest plowing match and features the con- tinent’s greatest exhibit of farm equipment and supplies. For full Dar- ticulars, apply to J. A. Carroll, Man- ager, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. British and US plowmen are ex- pected to attend the International Plowing match and farm machinery demonstration to be held at Kaymur, one and a. half miles south-west 6f Lindsay. October 12, 13,14. 15. This Canvassers working on the Com- munity Hall campaign for funds re- port that donations are being received in very satisfactory amounts. The reception accorded the canvassers in districts outside the village limits has been exceedingly encouraging â€" one team of canvassers reporting that on two streets south of Richmond Hill only three households were unable to give a donation. Many teams have not yet finished their routes and team captains report it is not possible to give a true picture of the results this week. A report in greater detail will be given in next week’s Liberal. WORLD'S LARGEST I‘LOUGHING MATCH ‘ Arrangements are now under way in regard to summer camp. Tenta- tively the dates have been set for July 10th to 17th. It is hoped that most of the boys in the Troop will take advantage of this opportunity to spend a week under canvas. Cost per boy has not yet ben set but it is hoped to keep it to $7.50 per boy. COMMUNITY HALL CAMPAIGN PROGRESSING FAVOIIABLY For many years he has been a keen student of geopolitics. He was recommended as a speaker in the League of Nations on International Affairs. His address on Atomic Power has been well received and is of unusual interest. He comes here as guest speaker with the approba- tion of many service clubs, social organizations, Masonic Lodges and Young Men’s Groups throughout Toronto district. The meeting of the Ladies’ Auxilâ€" iary held at the home of Mrs. Russell Lynett was well attended, eighteen ladies being present. As usual the meeting was opened and closed with prayer and many subjects were dis- cussed. It was arranged that the Auxiliary would sponsor an illustraâ€" ted lecture, both movies and slides, on Tibet, to be delivered by Mr. Wm. Dunning, at the end of September or beginning of October. Mr. Deachman is experienced in Service Club work. having served as secretary of Riverdale Kiwanis Club and is a past editor of Kiwanis Maga- zine “Kâ€"Ray.” He is also a member offlNo. G2 G.R.C. Grenvflle, A.F. & Educated in the little red: public school house at Flower Station, On- tario, Mr. ‘Deachman attended sec- ondary schools at Smith‘s Falls and East, York and later, a Political Sci~ ence course at the University of Toâ€" f'onto. ' He was the founder of the East Toronto Weekly in 1935 andhas de- veloped a publishing business .which embraces six community Weeklies. In addition to East-York Weekly, he owns the Silverthorn Examiner and East York Pilot. He is licensed as a commercial .pilot and ‘flew with v the R.C.A.F. in World War II asa Pilot- Instructor. , Guest Speaker At Lions Club MR. ALEX DEACHMAN Thursday night, May 20, will be known as “Empire Night". when the Richmond Hill Lions hold" their regu- 'ar meeting. They are fortunate in securing for their guest speaker Mr. Alex Deachman. of Toronto. who will speak on the subject, “ATOMIC POWERâ€"FOR WAR OR PEACE.” He is a third generation Canadian of Scotch-Irish lineage. He was born of pioneer parents in a log 'cabin at Hall’s Mills, Ontario. His mother was a school teacher and his father, the village Postmaster. ' Thére will bé no paper c‘ollectio’n this week. Boy Scout News ?’fl ,é “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Es RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 .Following the announcement that membership was again open. the meetâ€" ing adjourned and the social conven- or, Mrs. Lansdowne and her com- mittee served refreshments. A community paper drive in aid of Home and School funds was arrang- ed by Mr. and Mrs. H. LeMasurier. It was held on May 12 with several The new business included discus- sion of a suitable night to hold the meetings next year. the date and place for the commencement in September, a new type of membership cards, a summary of next year’s financial commitments and ways and means of raising funds. Several points re- garding programmes were debated 'in a lively but friendly way and were left for final decisions at the next executive meeting. Tuesday, May 25. A list of committees and their duties was circulated. so that activities with the widest appeal may be planned. The possibility of forming hobby and handicraft groups for teenâ€"agers and adultsnvas considered and Mrs. Black- burn gave information regarding summer classes for instructors which she had received in a letter from Mr. O. R. Stalter, district supervisor of the community programme division of _the Ontario Department of Edu- catIOn. Woodworking As Hobby . Local Craftsman Makes 1 Many Attractive Pieces (By Doris M. Fitzgerald) A craftsman of whom this district may well be proud is Mr. William A. Wagner whose hobby is woodwork- ing. In his spare time during the past four years Mr. Wagner has made many beautiful tables, chairs, lamp bases. boxvls','hostess trays and other articles of mahoganY. Walnut. maple. birch and other woods, in his base- ment workshop, at hig home in Rich- mond Hill. His grandchildren in Toronto enjoy a deluxe kindergarten set of yellow_ birch, and his daugh- ter in Hamilton, a very modern kitchen. as the result>of his meticu- lous workmanship., ‘A few of his smaller pieces exhibited at the recent Handicraft Fair in Richmond Hill, drew m‘any admixing figmlnents. Prior to 1942 Mr. Wagner's inter- est in woodworking was confined chiefly to building bird houses ex- clusively for Wrens. These houses were of many designs and now adorn the trees of his summer place on Georgian Bay“ Then, one evening he dropped in to see a Toronto neigh- bo'r who had/just finished making a solid walnut tilt top table, and he wished. audibly, that he co‘uld do something of the sort himself. This neighbor encouraged him to go along with him to the Northern Vocational School. where he enrolled to get the "feel" of using power driven tools. Having a natural love for wood. and a desire to design and make things. Mr. Wagner made rapid progress. He now has hisrorwn workshop and The President, Mrs. H. LaMasur- ier, in her retiring remarks thanked the executive and general member- ship for their support and efforts during her two years in office and appealed for a continuance of both for the incoming executive and presi- dent.‘ Following this she installed the new officers and retired from the chair. I'n- taking over, Mrs. Wors- dale thanked the members for the honor bestowed on her and hoped that she would justify their faith in her abilities. At the annual meeting of Lang- stafl’ Home and School Association held May 10 the following officers were elected for the 1948-49 term: President, Mrs. S. Worsdale; vice- pres.. Mrs. N. Hicks and Mrs. R. Cud- more; Rec. Sec.. Mrs. L. Loverock; Cor. Sec.. Mrs. W. Blackburn; Treas., Mr. E. Richards; executive, Mrs. J. Cook, Mrs. G. Holt, Mrs. R. McAr- thur, Mrs. P. Pool, Mrs. C. Russell. Mrs. P. Ward, nominations convenor, reported for her committee, Mrs. Markle and Mrs. Peck. It was moved by Mr. Blackburn, seconded by Mr. Richardson. that the association give the school a film strip for each school month as one of its projects for the children for the coming year, agreement was unanimous. . Following the reading of the an- nual report for 1948-49 by Mrs. Cud- more, Mr. Gordon Campbell-Smith gave the Treasurer’s report. Accounts of the conferences attended at the Ontario Federation Convention held in the Royal York Hotel at the end of March were given in the following order: Visual aids, Mrs. H. LeMasur- ier, Pres.; Radio, Mrs. Worsdale; Home Education, Mrs. Pool; Citizen- ship. Mrs. Markle; Music and Arts, Mgs. Shepherd. _ > is too busy evolving new idéas of his own to envy the accomplishments of others. Mrm" Langstaff Home and School Association His latest achieven‘.ent 'is’al ul‘amp base, and stem, showing a striking "inlaid" geometric design in walnut, cherry, and other woods, made by turning a block of carefully lamina- ted woods on his lathe, He did not know quite what to expect but when the shavings began to;fly, and the pattern to take shape,ghe felt that N on-Essentialsi, Liberty fimm In All Things, Charity’fl the trouble of preparing the block had been well worth while._ Mr. Wagner says that the hand~ ling of various types of .wood has led him to a most interesting study of their history, and, to a keener ap- preciation of their beauty. The. deli- cate markings of the grain show to exceptional advantage in some of his smaller pieces such as bowls. trays and cheese plates, all of which are painstakingly hand polished. Finish- ing, he says, is a study in itself and takes much time and patience._ He hates to burn even a little bit of good wood. and makes such odds and ends into gavels, spindles, etc. One of his treasures is part of an old tree, fished out of a lake in Northern Ontario, and given to him by a friend, Finding it very hard and rough to work. he made enquiries" through a very old gentleman. who said that it was hard red cedar which, had not grown in that district for. possibly a hundred years, but had been"pre- served in the water. From this Wood Mr. Wagner turned a lamplbase and some spindles which show a most interesting graining. and emit a rich and pleasant cedary scent. A“ :- ‘ DIED BURKHOLDER. Jess H.â€"â€"At his residence, Markham, 'Ont., Sundayg May 16, 1948. Jess H. Burkholder, beloved husband of Alice Stover. dear father of Myrtle (Mrs. Louis Grove), and Russell Burkholder, in his 84th year. Funeral service was held Tues- day, May 18. Interment Elmwood Cemetery. members’ homes serving as-bollection points. Many of the school children worked very hard to make the drive a success. Mr. Wagner grew up on a farm which his late father had caLved out of the forest near Mount Forest, On- tario. He has been withqthe Colgate- PalmoliveuPeet Comphny [limited far over thirty years. and‘is maxi.r a Direc- tor. and Treasurer of the Company. Since moving to Richmond Hill he has takenan active interest in 'comâ€" munity affairs. An enthusiastic hor- ticulturjst he is Vice-President of L1;]ch Richmond Hill Horticultural Soci- :e'y. He is also .a member of the Men’s Club of the United Church, and of the Richmond Hill Lion’s Club. As Chairman of the Publicity Committee for the latter he is doing a splendid job in the current cam- paign for “A 'Hall for All". This seems tb point to the o_l_d_truism ‘that i'f'y'Bh Wa‘nt to accomplish sgmething ask the help of a busy man» ' ON’I‘ARlO GUERNSEY PICNIC PLANNED The Ontario Guernsey Association has recently announced that their An- nual Picnic will be held at the farm of Jack Fraser, Concord, on Saturday, June 12, 1948. A large amount of the responsibility for the organization of this day has been left with the newly organized York-Simcoe Guern- sey Club. The York Jersey “Parish” Show is the only one where the public is pro- vided with “bleachers” to enjoy the show. The awards will be placed this year by Mr. Maurice Beatty of Mil- ton. a young breeder who made a very creditable showing at the last Royal Winter Fair. It is interesting to note there are four new exhibitors this year, two of them from recently estab- lished herds. The Jersey cattle will be stabled in the skating arena and shown on the lawn adjoining the Horâ€" ticultural gardens. As usual, Richmond Hill Fair will be held on May 24th. Monday next. when the York County Jersey Club will hold their fifth annual Jersey Club Show in co-operation with the Horse Show. Approximately one hundred head of top quality Jerseys have been entered and catalogues are now being printed for distribution to spectators so they will have the names of the exhibitors and, animals in the ring. York Jersey Show Community Hall Cam- paign Progressing Favorath Contributions to the Richmond Hill and District Community Centre Appeal may be claimed as legitimate exemptions from income tax as the result of a Government decision this week. according to a telegram received today at the Community Hall campaign headquarters from J. E. Smith, MP. 7 Mr. Smith. who has been at- tending the sessions‘ of the House of Commons in Ottawa. telegraphed this information to Community Hall campaign ofiic: ials immediately he was inform- ed of-the Government's decis- ion. Richvale Public School Wins Honors at York Musical Festival 'Richvalc (Public School students brought distinction to their com- munity by takinw second place hon- ors at the firstlnnual York Music Festival held on Thursday, May 13th in the Woodbridg'g Qran‘ge Hall.‘ The students of the first and se- cond grades supervised by Mrs. D. Tansley had a very enjoyable bus ride to the festival where they sang in the public school choir class un- der direction of teacher, Mn. W. G. Rigler, acompanied by Mrs. Jackson Taylor and placed second in competi- tion with four other groups. The selection offered was “The Wise Bird” by Artur Edward Johnstone: Y _._ Members of the group were: Lois Baker, Bill Baskervile, Patsy Daven- port, David Edwards, Jean Edwards, John Fisher, Jackie Hartford, Bruce ‘Ince, David Ince, Robert Martin, David Meredith, Dennis Millard,i Lawson Mitchell, George ‘Lowry, Gary Stamp, Joan Stone, Patricia Wood, Brian Taylor, Judy Horton, Eileen Sauko, Margaret Sanko, Sharon Driscoll, 'Donna Guthrie, Robert Beavens, Joan Burke, Helen Burnes, Ron Durham, Robert Fisher, George Good. Gervace Huests, Carole Jar-men, Wm. Johnston, Bar- bara Lowry, Herbert Machod, Nan- ette Millard, Patricia Stone, Law- rence Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, Nancy Underhill, Robert Wialters. Robin Wood, Leo Wilkes, Carol Ann Bryd-, Caroline Brennan, Maxine Johnston. Plan School Addition Vaughan Township‘Council at a special meeting passed a *byvlawuto issue a debenture to finance addi-' tion of two rooms to the >Riqhvale public school. The two rooms will be of partially pro-fabricated construction” and will seat seventy pupils. This will relieve the conges- tion of the main school building and will leave the basement free for do- mestic science classes and extra-cur- ricular activities. It is hoped by the school board that 8. Homeland School Club may be organizedfmak- ing the basement their “meeting room. Free Trip to Bermuda ‘ ' King City Street Dance on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The palatial hotel is where equlable climate prevails. With its own pri- vate ocean beach, its guests may en- joy sub-tropical sunshine, in winter and cooling breezes in spring and summer. Elbow Surf Club is said one of the most comfortably equipped and luxuriously appointed club es- tates in the Western Hemisphere, where continental standards of serv- ice and cuisine prevail. There is bathing accommodation, golf, tennis. riding, cycling and dancing, with social events and entertainments. King City Street. Dance will be held Wednesday, July let, sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association. The first prize draw will be a vacation trip by flight to Elbow Beach Surf Club, Bermuda. Sale of admission tickets will qualify holder of lucky number for this amazing award. Other good prizes will include an electric Goblin vacuum; electric floor lamp; electric clock; electric razor. the remaining list to be com- pleted and announced in the very near future. The opportunity to see Bermuda is the most attractive prize ever pre-3 sented by the Athletic Association over the years of its annual street dance. Finding itself in the favor- able position of making this award, as well as other good draws. on July let, the sale of tickets will doubt- less greatly exceed that of former years. _r. ... .m .v..r__v. When you, the lucky personftake off from Malton airport for Elbow Beach. you will arrive at one of the most dream~like spots on the Island of Bermuda, and though you may have visited this enchanted British possession before, you will be en- tirely enhanced by the location and facilities of Elbow Beach Surf Club. H The purpose of the is to raLse funds for King Memorial flall._ The more one thinks of thié vaca- tion experience in Bermuda, the more reasonably assured one feels he must buy tickets and get going. if going he will to the Island of British prestige. Those winning the other prizes will not be disappointed, and Russ Creighâ€" ton's Orchestra will play for the dance. A truly carnival event should- meet with ready responise, the more so when it is well known that King City needs a Community Hall, and needs it badly, and the sooner the better. The Anne Patten Travel Service will plan the flight, and accommoda- tion for that lucky person. Nothing will be omitted in providing’ freedom from personal responsibility in this respect. President George Agar. vice-pres. George Brown and Bert Kelley; Jack Walkington, secretary-treasurer and by-law has now to be approv- PLAN TWO ROOM ADDITION TO RICHVALE PUBLIC SCHOOL Street Dance the proposed see Bermudh ADVERTISING IN THE LIBERAL GETS RESULTS ed by the Municipal Board at Queen's Park before it becomes a fact. It is hoped this project will be in effect in time to become an ad- vantage for the fall term. ' Provide Playgrounds The school grounds of the Richvale Public School will be levelled this summer in order to provide an ade- uqate sports area for the commun- ity. Plans are for an ice skating rink this coming winter. » North Yonge Radinls Discussed - The East Vaughan Ratepayers As- sociation at their regular monthly meeting discussed the problem of the Yonge Street transportation sys~ tem. The discussion was an im- promptu one however, much interest in the problem was shown by the members present. It was .decided that before an opinion was agreed upon that delegates be sent' to 'the neighboring districts so that ‘Iirst hand information could be gathered 'as‘to what public opinion was and also the prob ems of these communi- tie‘s’concerning tranSportation. The delegates will report at the next ‘re- Euler meeting when the topic will be thoroughly disc-usssedt " The points discussed at the meet,- ing- concerned the tax remuneration of the past several years and it was brought out that if a sinking fund had been established the area would now have sufficient. finances to pro- ceed with arrangements of their own to settle phe pgoblgm. ~ With regard to the Toronto Trans- portation Commission’s suggeStion busses being used it was pointed "out that traffic on the highway would disrupt any schedule andvconditions would not be as good as at present. Mr. Jackson Taylor stated in his opinion an independent study and re- port of the particular problem beau recognized traffic and transporta- tion authority selected and approved by all parties concerned should be considered. He also stated that the TTC.’s report did not have enough positive information considering the period of years they' have had in studying traffic problems. Annual Inspection At the High School a capable executive committee, these persons, supported by strong mém- bership, have already set up machin- ery to set the stupendous event in operation. 'Lieut. J. G. Haynes from Head- quarters Central Command took the salute at the Annual Inspection of the Richmond Hill High School Cadet Corps, ‘held at. the local arena on Wednesday, May 12. He praised the Cadets on their smart appearance, steadiness on parade, and their good demonstration of Cadet training. Following the Inspection and March Past, the program consisted of a mass display of Physical Train- ing, a Demonstration of St. John’s Ambulance‘ Association First Aid, Platoon Drill and a selection of mar- clies by the Bugle Band. Special attractions at the Richmond Hill Fair on Monday, May 24, include the exhibit of Ryland:.sheep, owned by Dr. Noble. Richmond Hill. His is the only flock of thiS tyfie‘of'sheep in Canada,‘and its importation has been abetted .by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. This is the first time any of these sheep have been exhibited in our country. Why this breed has never received attention in Canada is hard to sayâ€"its .quali: ties are so outstanding. Second-in-Commandâ€"Cadet' Licilt. Jim ‘Reycraft. Company Sgt.-Ma‘jor~Cadct C. S. M. Peter Tobias. _A pieasant ititerlude was two dan- ces by the girls of IX 0 under the direction 'of Miss M. R. Gearing. DR. NOBLE TO EXHIBIT RYLAND SHEEP MAY 24 Another attraction will be the.'dis- play of photos by The Humane Soci- ety, illustrative of the. humane treatâ€" ment of animals. These photos will be judged and a camera awarded to the one which is deemed of most worth. The Aurora Boys' Band has been engaged for the afternoon. The Officers and N.C.O.‘s o_n par: ade were: , . Officer Commahdingâ€"Cadet Cap- tain Gerald Paris. - , No. 2 Platoonâ€"Cadet, Lieut. Silvio Steffan, Cadet Sgt. Ray Stunden. Bandmaster â€"Cadet Cpl.Ted Hogan The Instructors of the Cadet Corps were SquadronJLeader F. W. Mor- row and MT. 0. L. Day. No. 1 Platoonâ€"Cadet Lieut Hm: Cadgt Sgt. Byucg Lgyer. No. 47 Allan

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