l'HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thul‘sd BEST QUALITY ROOFING 45 lb. Medium $2.25 Roll 55 lb. Heavy . . . . . . $2.98 Roll 86218011211 Needs At RATHWAITE’S 90 lb. Slate Surface, $3.60 Roll MILORGANITE For Lawns 25 lbs., $1.50 50 lbs., $2.40 101) lbs., $3.90 Phone 18 Sherwin Williams Paints pure turps and linseed oil QUALITY GARDEN SEED‘S F. Y. W, BRATH'WAITE 'In Bulk RALPH W. PARIS, Manager HARDWARE ay May 2 5 lbs., 45c, 25 lbs., $1.50 MAKE GARDENING EASY Buy a Choremaster Power Garden TractOr $158.50 See us for demonstration SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS New Stock For Your Garden )48 VIGORO 10 lbs. 80c. 100 lbs., $4.00 We Deliver The young ladies of the Ed‘g‘eley. Y.P.S. gave Miss Bernice Usher 3. miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Violet K‘efl’er last Wednesday evening. There Was a‘ community miscellaneous shower at the home of Bernice’s parents in her' honOr.‘ The gifts were many yand'y'beautiful‘ and certainly the many ShoWeTs show the high esteem in which Bernice is held in the community. ‘ The members of the Vellore play, “The Bashful Mr. Bobbs" have been entertained rec'éhtly at tHé'home of Mrs. C. H. Snider and MELAH: B‘agg‘. The potato gllowers have also de- cided to carry on the 500 Bushel Po- tato Club and the winners in this will be eligible for the $500.00 prize contest at the’R'oyal Winter Fair. The Misses Helen and Verna King- ston of Bronte were Sunday guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. R. J. Darlington. Prizes to the total value of $150.00 are being provided by Toronto Elevaâ€" tors. The rules call for a block of three acres and the contestants may plant any variety they wish. It is expected that most of them will use the No. 355 hybrid, as it is one of the heaviest yielding husking varieties and early enough to be matured be- fora frost. . , .. Mechanical corn pickers. both single and tivo-row. are now available in the county for husking, and this solves what has been one of the big- probâ€" l‘ems with husking corn. Mr. Cock- burn has pointed out that corn in many cases is yielding much more feed grain than .theccereals, particu- larly barley, since it has been so sub- ject to mildew disease in recent years. Meeting recently in the office of the Agricultural Representative at Newmarket, a number of interested growers decided to organizer), compe- tition in husking corn to be known as the York County 75 Bushel Corn Club. About a dozen and a half have already signed up and anyone interested can obtain particulars from W. M. Cock- hurn, Newman-ket, Secretary, York County Crop Improvement Associa- tion. "aruvv V...“ Five ladies and seven men made'its annual Sunday school picnic at short work of the cleaning of thei‘Vnndland park on Saturday. Juhv hall and sawing of,the wood laat 3rd. ""Q \\'99k- i " i Rev. W, M‘ Ri'nl’hnrlnn‘ of Amman- York Co-ope’rwtive Medical Service is holding a meeting in N'eWmm-ket on the evning of May 26th. All inter- ested are urged to attend. Husking Corn Club v '- Visitors to seek Mrs. A. Mortson on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs‘. G. Mort- son and sons of Victoria, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Agar, Dale, and Lillie Dawn and Mr. and Mrs. Mortson of Richmond Hill. The West York Dist‘rict Annual will held their meeting in Edgeley Hall on Friday, May 28th, beginning at 10 a.m. Please keep this important meet-° ing in mind, ladies. ’ EDGELEY * Full Line of Bl'atchford Feeds Ask us for information about Calf-Mix Yonge St.. Richmond Hill ‘ ' Phone 139 Like the little mischief who asked Mr. Lane to stand close to him in court so that the Judge could see that he hhd a friend, we found ourâ€" selves choking a little as~we thought that the same naughty boy was at some time ‘somehody's dm-linq". We are sure that Mr. Lane felt that way too and we were exceedingly fortu- natelin having such a wonderful sub- étitute for Miss Reynolds and sin- cerely hope that we are privileged in hearing Mr. Lane along ‘the road of life; again soon. alter cases, so many times. Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. a vet'v good example for par- ents 01' guardians to start with he thought, especially with a certain amount of afl‘ection which in itself ‘is understanding, for the lack of these two are responsible for a great deal 3f the waywardness of juveniles to- ay. ilm‘ity to seeds falling by the way- side'and becoming contaminated with the weeds of crime ï¬nding themselves within the grip of the law. May 25th, next and ï¬nal round-up of Guild meetings, so IhI-ing' your hanky to catch the‘ snifl‘les as we say adieu for another few months. I. I Injured when his bicycle was struck from behind by :\ northbound car driven by James Bailey, R.R. 2, Aurâ€" ora, last Friday evening, Bill Jordan, Spruce Road, Richvale, receiVed head injuries and a fractured collarbone. He was treated by Dr. Langstaf’f at his home, and is coming along nicely according to latest reports. Bill had attended a Young People’s meeting at Langstafl“ Baptist Church and was returning home when the accident oc- curred. What a wonderful thing is is for some of the fortunate youngsters to ï¬nd themselves in the custody of such a humanitarian as Mr. Lane, one could just imagine him having heart to heart talks, as boy to boy, in his noble effort to befriend- his ward, and by so doing gaining the conï¬dence s'o essentia‘! in his important work, the results of which must be most grati- fying. ST. MARY'S EVENING GUILD By Glad McLatchy What a surprise awaited members and friends from the neighboring churches last Tuesday, when, instead of Miss Bertha Reynolds, a very amiable looking gentleman took the stand and after expressing regret for Miss Reynold’s inability to fulfil her engagement. Mr. Blake Lane had our undivided attention for a couple of hours. which was all too short. Speaking of his work as Probation Officer, Mr. Lane told many and varied stories. of young lives in sim- And as Mr. Lane remarked that no one is actually born bad. and not everyone has the resistance to ’ï¬ght ng‘ainï¬ circumstances for they do Langstafl" Baptist Church will'hold its annual WSunday school ipicnici at Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Knights (former Joyce Car- ter) on the birth of their baby daugh- ter, Ly'nda Marie. on Friday morn- ing. May 14th. This is a ï¬rst grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. H. Carter of Church St. , Rev. F. M. Bl-otherton. of Amman- uel. Baptist Church in Hamilton was guest preacher at the Baptist Church here last Sunday. Last Fl'idiy eveï¬ing' the Langstafl’ :Teenage Quartette sang for the ï¬rst time. At the Younz' People’s meeting on Friday night of this week, Stan Cal'- ‘cer: will be guest speaker. Miss T. Ro'bson of the British Syr- ian Mission was guest speaker at last Thursday's meeting of the Women's Fellowship, held in the AChurch. MANURE â€" LOAM The new quplument for greater vitamin and mineru contentâ€"greater nutrition! Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. And they’ll stay healthy too- Blatchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays me bigger Chicsl‘tarter SAND and FILL DELIVERED ANYWHERE NOWâ€" Strengthened with Vita-Dine Phone Richmond Hill 239M Thistletown Woodbridge 641'23 Phone Weston 703r12 LANGSTAFF Ken Love AUCTIONEER Ontavio ‘69.06990900000090.0000...“00000000000.â€COMO...“ owwoooummooo«ouuumoooommmwug :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-Ifllllillllt WWGMNOOMNNWOOOQOO§600¢O 6 6f YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHONE 170-J ; Distributors of Bottled Gas i WWWâ€. General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender Work our Speciality : TELEPHONE 74-M V f E By bringing your car in for a motor lune-up. you will save yourself money and spare yourself many inconveniences. With the necessary testing equipment at our disposal we TO NORTH BAY PETROLANE BOTTLED GAS COOKS Towing Service at REASONABLE Rates Spend $1.00 and Save $2.00 MAY WE MAKE A SUGGESTION? Richvale CHARTERED BUSES FQRW ,5; PRIVATE PARTIES AT LOW RATES 144 YONGE. STREET HALIFAX - - - - $54.35 QUEBEC - - - - - 24.30 ST. JOHN - - - - 41.40 STUDEBAKER SALES &. SERVICE Just phone and we will Dick up your car and make delivery after service. Phone 96 [ES BEESTUN Petrolane Corporation Ltd. BUS CONNECTIONS AT BARRIE FOR OWEN SOUND, UOLLINGWOOD AND MIDLAND Come and see our-modern display of gas stoves, spaceheaters and hot water heaters, \-»..J “5..., NORTH BAY To GRAVENHURST‘,“ 8.56 a.m. ‘. 8.56 am." ‘ " 6.11- pm. 6.11 pm. 11.46 am. x 8.31 pm, 12.11 am. 2.26 pm. 12.11~ a,_m} xâ€"Fri., Sat, Sun. 3: H01. only and to Otjillia onlyhzï¬ I have a list of clients waiting for good used cars. For immediate attention and courteous service please call Want to Sell Your Car? McMullen Motors: can give your automobile that renewed pep BAKER’S SALES & SERVICE YOURSHELL DEALER LEAVE RICHMOND. HILL RADIAL STATION RICHMOND HILL â€"- PHONE 177 ~ Round Tl‘i'n â€" Tax Included FROM TORONTO FARES ARE LOW Tickets and Information at E. J. ROBERTS (Daylight Time) HEATS WINNIPEG _. - - - $44.75 REGINA - - - 55.00 CALGARY --. â€" - - 19.05 Rich mond‘ Hill 3581‘] -3 RICHMOND HILL" FREEZES Thornhill