1" 1, _ .rtn now. J Hill. Tliwrxii..f,' 20. Hi? 1 7 -v 31.13 (:1' li‘: . 'i.) .7) «Unis per in lill'lilllitl'itl llill RATES Five lino l'ivo illlt" ‘I‘t‘il‘lllllini. FOR SALE l.O.â€"\ M, rich daTk sandy loam. .Jii'id. Thornhill, phoni- 77M. 'l'\VO-WllEEl.ElI ’l‘RAILEl-t. til||'\1li tires. Size 01' box 4 X 7. ï¬liï¬'llllA' U‘P‘l- lI’OTATOES. a few liunipcis ol' eating lichinondiumi soil [)ul;ilnt‘s‘_ Apply 13H Richmond S1,. l-Iill. xIwIT LAWN CHAIRS. lounges. benches, glider swings, wrcn houses. etc. Mountjoy Products. Langstatt. one mile east of Yonge St. c2w47 WHITE ENAMEL FINDLAY OVAL Rance. good as new, used 53 years. Apply 19 Roseview Ave. or phone IllElw after :3. chIT TEN BAGS of KATHADIN SEED potatoes. Apply H. Wood, Oxford St. Ele’in Mills. phone Iichmond Hill 309T c1w47 CEDAR FENCE POSTS, clothes line poles, 500 it. cedar lumber. A pply D. A. Smith, Edgclcy. phone Maple 3011‘?) c2w40 1939 NASH, excellent condition. com» plete with side-beam lights. air conâ€" ditioning and radio. Phone SiiWZ Unionville. c1w47 GIBSON TRACTOR. with all equip» ment. in good condition, new, used only 15 hours. S. ’mlsoiiell(i, Oak lidges. phone 8412, King. *2w40 1039 NASH, excellent condition, com- plete with sea] beam lights. air con- ditioning and radio. Phone Unionvtille 56W2. DUNLOP STRAWBERRY PLANTS and Viking and Lathiam raspberry cancs. H. \Yoods, Oxford St., Elgin Mills, phone 5100.1. 2w-lti ONE ’35 FORD 2-TON TRUCK, loner wheeled base, 12 ft. platform with high racks. also P.(‘.V. class F with route. Alex McDonald, Maple. 01w47 *â€"fl_â€". GENUINE RUSSELL LUPINS; all kinds of perennials: also giant panâ€" sies. J. Butcher. Cedar Ave. Lang- stat't', phone Thornhill 20’7r21. c3w45 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS stair hand~ rails, fire doze, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weldâ€" irg‘. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. tfc35 FEW ARTICLES of furniture inclu- ding dining" room suite and bedstead. Apply Robert Thompson. Proctmx Ave., Thornhill (near Bayviewi. c1w47 ONE SOLID OAK Dining Room Table (exte‘sion). buffet and chairs. good condition. $30; 1 walnut steel single bed, spring and mattress, suitable for boy’s 1: om or summer cottae‘e. Apply 153 i onge St., Richmond'Hill. evenings phone 203W. c1w4£7 â€"-â€"â€"_â€"â€" â€".‘~'â€"‘:ea" ONE PRINCESS PAT COA 'L‘ 0R Wood Range. 1 Quebec heater-circula- tor type, 1 ball rack. bedroom china. feather mattresses and pillows. 1 heavy wagon with new steel tires. Fraser Gee. Victoria Square, phone (3108, ,s'touriviiie. *1w47 DELAVAL MILKERS. new and 1158(1, $200 up. Electropail heaters. $16.75. Electric clippers; $32.50. Oil heat- ers, coal and wood ranges, Century motors, washers. vacuum cleaners and radios. Trades accepted. T0â€" ronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge St.. Toronto. tfc3‘2 HILLVIEW FARM. “For the chicks that pay dividends. R.O.P. sired Barred Rocks. approved New Hamp- shire'x Barred-Rock and Approved Light Sussex x Barred Rock. Oper- ating under strict government sup- ervision. Breedch all double pull- orum tested and government banded. Order your chicks early to receive libcral‘early order discount. Free delivery on all orders. Write for prices now. Harold. J. Hill. Hillview Farm. C:ormley, Ont., phone Stouff- ville 1520. tfc29 \ 1': FOR SALE ?_ Registered German" Puppies CHEAP l Phonï¬e Maple Creek Lodge Maple 101 “,7 ' « g URGENT l for WAITING CLIENTS l .i 3 or 4‘s. bedroom. house, large lot House with 2 to 5 acres House with '4 to 1 acre R. H. KANE Real Estate and Insurance vRICHMOND HILL , 7â€". 7% “(â€"vâ€"ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜ H.HHM~â€"-â€"ch \_ i »_ ~..\V-_. » . s... Classified t't'H' 1.. w l “(‘41 condition; " radius. 1 cabinet. 1 lzllil" 1111111911 PANEL TRI't'lx’. 10:10 Ford. running c1w47 ' it“st‘i' ‘i. l‘ and ' l‘iii‘ ll l'\li:i ll'\[ int-ch in. l‘ll.iil, .' -:ii::wi ll‘ ' l ___/ lil'..~\l. :iliill iii! 1 lost r T g‘uuill (on. (ill.â€"-.\"l‘(i\'ii. aim-iii... l'bonc lilt'llllltliltl llill IHWW. <‘l\\ 17 Richmond ('1\\' l7 l’lioiit' Milli-11511. condition. l‘honc Richmond Hill .31. r-lwl7 FOXSUIJ". “ADIU, g'iiiiii i'Iiiitllliiiil. $10.00. Phone Richmond Hill IlllW. 1114..) 3,000 DARWIN TCLIP III'LBS. See them in bloom. N. J. Smellic. Thorn- hill 12.1. clwl7 TWO CHICKEN IIOI‘SES. 12 x 20 and 10 x 32. new lumber. used one year. Phone Thornhill 1011'-ll.‘c1w47 FORDSON 'rRAt‘TTii-i. Model :7. good Sale 8; W7 .oi' ":Ll running condition. Brydon Lloyd. Maple RR. 1. phone 50122. c2\\'~l7 FOR SALE. Cabinet sink. \x‘lllit‘. taps. Apply phone Richmond Hill 401. xlw-17 \ N N I' A.L S and tomato plants ilughcs Greenhouse. Lang'statl', 2nd arcet east of Yong‘c oti‘ highway 1. Phone Thornhill 2001‘1-1. lilwlii FOR SALE, 1 Bay saddle mare, risâ€" ing 5 years old, quiet and broken in all harness. Apply E. lladwin. phone Maple GU r11. x4w47 FOR SALEâ€"1 Jcrscy Cow: 1 part Jersey; 8 tons mixed feed grain; 5 tons mixed hay. Apply P. Stewart. phone Richmond Hill 40 10. SWAP. Painter will swap services for Ford A car or truck. luggage. trailer or washer. Phone Richmond Hill SUEIW. c1w47 HOOVER HAND VACUUM: Royal electric floor polisber. all in good condition. Apply 1:10 Yonge St.. Rich- mond Hill. phone 15. c1w47 GURNEY FURNACES. stoves and gas ranges for bottled gas. L. House, Maple. phcne 102, residence 02122. tic-42 CHOICE MANURE and loam for your lawn and garden; general truckâ€" ine‘. R. Hicks, Thornhill, phone Maple 8712. I c4w-15 SIIALLOW WELL PUMPS. decn well pumps. pedestal basins and china basins with chrome legs and towel racks. Phone Thornhill 177. c2w~10 .McCLARY KITCHEN RANGE. six plates. with warming closet. coal and wood grates, price $10. H. Heise. Stouffville 6105. c2w~17 KARGAS 3â€"bur‘ner coal oil stove “hi oven, 1 bath tub, I cistbrn pump, Ldady's bicycle. like new. Albert B’oI’ves. Maple. I34J. c1w47 TWO SOWS. Apply Sam Asagowich. RR. 2 Woodbridee. ‘6th concession Vaughan. north of Maple sideroad. ’i'lw-IT FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Penn. Thornhill 10S tic-10 DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on Baker. Elmwood and Rugg-les. only 4 unsold. convenient to transportation. schools. churches and shopping. Hydro available. D. M. Medcalf, 27SVV. ’"3w45 OFFICE DESK CHAIR. oak: wicker fernery, walnut Chesterï¬eld table; Findlay range. practically new. for either coal or oil, 45 gal. oil barrel. brass bedstead, springs. dresser, hall tree. 43 Richmond St. Phone 110M. ’1‘1w47 CEDARS, beautiful nursery grown, best for home gardens and hedges; we have them in all sizes; Shrubs. Perennials. etc., to sell cheap as we need the space. Cliï¬iord, Proctor Ave., Thornhill. phone 1941'31. ï¬rst street north Steele’s on Bayview. *2w47 REDROOM SUITE. walnut. modern; dining room suite. desk. chairs. tables, square diningr table; 3 tires (350x10. lumber and other articles to sell cheap. Clifford. Thornhill 1041-31. First road north of Steele's on Bavâ€" view. 2" 2\\'47 F‘IIRNITURE, including double bed with shrines and spring mattress. one bed with layer felt mattress. one day bed and mattress. kitchen table and small tables. chairs. pillows. toilet set. mirrors, hand wrine‘er. bird cae‘es. extension gate. Apply Harman. Stop ‘30. Yonc'e St.. second house north of Lang'staï¬". *1w47 S»WEEKâ€"OT D PUI LETS. while they last: New Hampshires Rhode Island Reds. \Vhite Rock's. 52.05. Black Minâ€" 1301-1 Richmond Hill. “‘4‘ APARTMENT 0R FLAT (unfurnish- orcas X White Leghorns. Anconas 54.015. Light Sussex X Barred Rocks. New Hampshire X Barred Rocks. Barred Rock X New Hampshires. New Hampshire X Lieht Sussex 50.05. Asâ€" sorted Lig'ht or IIeavy breeds 1.00 per hundred less. 6â€"weekâ€"old N e w Hampshire pullets 57.05. Also 2, 31 and -1~weekâ€"old pullets. cockerels or non-sexed in many popular breeds. Day old cockercls. May prices: Barred Rocks. Light Sussex. New Hamp- shire N Barred Rock. Light Sussex X New I-Iampshircs 8.95. White Leg- horns X Barred Rocks 2.30. Send for complet price list. Twcddlc Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. c1w~l7 W V I SPLENDID CATTLE PASTL'RE We have room for S0 to 75 head of cattle on 250 acres of good pasture. Ample waterâ€"spring running 15,000 gals. per day. Lots of shade. excellent grass and clover mixture. We supply salt. (‘an furnish references from farmers who have been sending cattle here for some years. Terms $8.00 per head for the season. This is very cheap for six months cattle feed. NANCY LAKE FARM. PHONE RING 4112 â€"â€" 0. ant Adsâ€"l l l‘ Wi‘lir. :: 't‘i":i-". Orr-1' 1.. .iii-iii,i' i.i«r i'i-ti- in «lt‘l ll:id‘«.\ n. .i.\ i. illllt INDIAN Alwlw: “.1 .i'. sido tar and extras. E. llllill.t‘ .\I‘:Il1lt' titi ill. 1,. 1.1. 27> TONS No1 halt-d ii‘im'h' 11:12: ions loosc hay. iiichii: b loads 2‘ Llll alt-all'n hay. Apply (it-o. .\l.N:1ir. ILR, 2. Maple, phone King Ill-I li‘l‘l'i ________â€"._.â€"â€" llON PLANTS. \‘rgci:ililcs :iinl iloww .'i\, all kinds. All". i". Snyvrs. i'ori‘n criy Yoiig’c SL. loot ol' hill. in“ ad drvss 70 Morgan .»\\'c.. Stop 11A Yoiig‘c Si. ’.'>\\ L FOR REAL ESTATE: phonc l'lcnn. Thornhill liix. iii-Iii FAY Kitchener Big-1 ("hicks avail» able. with special prices. t‘s‘pt'clnll) on started chicks. Don't think it's too late. Most poultry li(‘t']it'1's who held bat-k are now making up tor lost time. Food is still the world s most important word. Ask us loi' priccs, size up your needs. let's have your order. Wcslcy ('lark. R.R. 2, (iormlcy. clwli m WANTED \YANTEI) Bob Calves. P. phone Richmond Hill 401-0. TEN MWEEKS OLD PIGS. Thornhill 2071'12. ctiRLixc. sTONEs iii ant-o. sum condition and price. Write Carloi', 5’27 Bcssercr Street, Ottawa. Ont. clwll Stewart x1w17 Phone clw47 TRANSPORTATION to dotvn town section. one way or both. Telephone lw-lT ed) urgently required by June 730 for 1 adult and 2 children. c1w47 CAPABLE WOMAN desires work 1 or 2 days week. Phone. after ti. Thorn- hill 1021'131. c1w47 PART TIME GIRL OP. WOMAN as waitress for Richmond Hill Cafe. Girl must be over 14. c1w47 .‘I ROOMS. vicinity of Richmond Hill. Phone Maple 5312‘}. between St a.m. and 4.30 p.111. c1w40 TWO OR THREE HOUSEKEEPING rooms immediately in Richmond Hill or vicinity. Phone :26 Richmond Hill. . ‘i‘1w47 URGENTLY REQUIRED by young: business couple to be married in June. a small house. apartment or room Apply Box 3:3. Liberal Oï¬ice. ('5l\\'~1t» FOR SI'MMER MONTHS. high school girl to live in. light work. liberal time oh“. private room. Phone Thornhill 111W. c1w47 PASSENGERS leaving Richmond Hill 7.10 a.m. to Albert St. and leaving Toronto at 4.30 pm. Phone 228 Richâ€" mond Hill. 8 Baker Ave. c1w47 ROOM AND BOARD. 1 adult and reasonably quiet children. age 0 years, urgently requested by June 330. Phone Richmond Hill IIUSW between 2 and 0 p.111. c1w47 WANTED â€" Apartment, flat. or small house in Richmond Hill be- fore June 1. by young couple soon to be married. Phone Richmond Hill 222. tfc4t' WOMAN WITH CHILD OF 71 wishes post as housekeeper where child Would be welcome. Capable of all duties. in- cluding housekeeping and cooking. Apâ€" ply Box 46, The Liberal. c1w47 HELP WANTED â€" Man to look ~11‘- ter garden orie day a week during summer months. Maple sideroad and 7th concession. Apply J. G. Glasscn, 15 Wellington St. W. Toronto. pho'ie WA. 2751 c3w4vt TORONTO COUPLE with little girl, desire temporary living accommodaâ€" tion while building home in Richâ€" mond Hill. 2 or 3 rooms would be greatly appreciated. Box 100 or busiâ€" ness phone GLadstone 7565 (reverse charges, ask for Mr. Cornell. c1w47 MISCELLANEOUS RADIO REPAIRS, prompt pick-up and delivery, electrical contracting. .1. Read. phone Richmond Hill 1021-21. tfc47 r) DECORATING this spring"? For a clean neat jib at reasonable rate, phone A. Rollinson, Thornhill 1021'31. *4w42 LAWN Mowers sharpened by ex- perienced hand. Apply C. B. Stout- cnburg. 11 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, phone 492w. x6w47 SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 3721‘5. tfc25 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp- cncd and repaired by an expericnct d workman. Joseph \Vingcr, phone Maple 621'21. ti"th CUSTOM PLOUGHING, cultivating, discing and tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 30 Elirhurst, Lansing, phone Willowdalc 2508. c1w42 PIANO TUNING. C. W. Tuncr from Brampton, Georgetown and Orangeville schools. Repairs of all kinds. Phone 1108J Brampton or write to 125 Elizabeth St. S. Bramp- ton, Ont. x-Iw47 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repsâ€... upholstering, cabinet work. wum carving. Estimates given. N. h VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmom Hill. no. LOST GALVANIZED PIPE. 3' long. 17." diameter. on 3rd of Maikham. be- tween Gormley and No. 'i' highway. Finder please return to M. Siideyko, Gormlcy. Phone Stt‘iul'h'illc 27PM. ’1'1w47 Ti'ickey. ' paws T~s .â€"‘. ~ v a â€" 7 â€"-~.â€" â€"-- â€"-v- ‘ vâ€" i 11.1. it! llll ll.li.liusl. ‘ 1.11: i ' 'I‘l'iNlH‘ll’s‘ WANTED ‘ , . 3‘7 7 il-‘roin .\c\\ Ilriinsuirk‘s \orih Sliorc, 'l‘cndvis uni .uv it-i'c‘mii ‘ill' 7 l"';â€|""'l , ., [HM UH HA. #3,, 1...“. . ,. \. \\..l I “iilll.ll oi. 1w" i.c:oi i m :i 'iwl‘ ol :1 tuiswiiii-ir lliti :i‘ it \v ii ‘ ‘4‘ ll“ “ii†i. ‘iiiii :llllll"l . l‘iiwH it" lli‘ilii " i “‘1 ‘V \ l" l .‘lgiml .\.\' \w ill, \l;iil.li.iii. l,l‘\"('\l *: ‘l‘ ‘ ‘L'i ' ‘ I l' l or :iii‘. iomlw ziui llt‘t't'.\‘llt 'j. ,.i ‘illiwl , l l‘ l‘iznis :ind s‘lii'il'li‘illltll" inn; ‘w li“"A 1" l“ '5 l‘ ‘ *L‘ l‘ ' “ pioiiiwd 11‘ iii.- .iiiiw oi Ylin- Airlml " ' I AM i. }\'_ f\';,~.,,,.,' iiiT", \ongo 55“ .‘\lil: "nuinb. i" sin illll‘l is. .ii i‘olnr Toionto. oi lllt’ 7o. iciui’y ot' illl' ii and lltll 1. li. J Airiilx-Ior, 1:.i\ l\. li,..n;xill.v ,.\ aim iici "iii xiii h.» illl‘ '. l. pli 1: l‘ h ~ :l’ i l‘ilIlltAi, \lr\Y gsnAii “:1 lli'n i 35-3 l-‘â€â€"'“"i llilllï¬‚ï¬ Amhl†lliQ'lliSin‘ has to luv iiiiaszin‘ .ii:.i liii»‘_ , L‘ School. a lion (lilkt's Orchestra, a,“ pm H. ‘ pl “'li‘?‘ 511M" I'l‘WVUI‘ iԠli‘ _ Vi iili :i ii inpi-i tliil‘.llllv d Min“ i\‘~" :11: Mind. i-2w -l. WNW. -.._._. -V‘.__ . , .. . ., , l‘hci'i- :rl "ii't.»ii\'r Ili.i‘i'\ li.’ ii..i~ iiu ( I\,\‘ FOR sxii: .hm“. WW l"OlZ s.\i.i£ 'ioi: iiwisw . i ton ,‘ ' ‘ , ,_ . . _ . ()1 ‘tlllt‘lilli‘ l i ii-i..iiii \\l.. \.1. mi; \\lili stako body; 131.1, I‘ord, 1 top .I mm“ cxoit-ss. Iiii'l, {i'ilt'iI> iiki- now. \« i l ' . . . . Hit" it s-inis ; Sz‘lit‘l‘ll ‘LIMHHI in Small inilcng'c. McMullcn Miiio:s_ hilly H i l , ,.. i . (“H‘ The b'ainu i'nr your crouch on ilii 7 W A r 7 774777 it-ii'plioiii- Liii'l. i: is wcnri: :mw work on the lli‘l‘\'t'> :i: d tho hrnin. v I - .oiztiininl hurry, continual strain. [Ir’ R' A‘l- And till (‘ill'l‘slï¬ \iii‘ g’i'ts tii't'ti .‘is Irtlii‘l‘ Office Hours i'otks do. 9-‘10 a.m.. 12â€"2 (178 mm. Aiiit lli‘itl.‘ tit lit- thoughtfully tl'i'nti‘d and by appointment, by you. IAPLE __ Phone 2 So think oi" ht'l' iliilllt‘,‘ her best mid â€" ' lilt' \\lll"i, Dr. Jas. R. La’lgstaff And try to l)t' tan in thy i..]..l,h.,mt ah“_ ____â€"______â€"_________â€"â€". _; u IIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIlls-III-IIIIIIIIIIIIll-IIIIII-IEBIEII girl. SAND ~- GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE GENERAL HAULAGE ()RVAL JONES â€" AND -- Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: 911 a.m.; 1â€"3 p.m.; 6-8 p.111. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. 22 Yonge Street itichmond Hill Telephone 100 Dr. J. P. Wilson Lentre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 0-11 a.m.: 2-11 pm. E'enings and Sundays: Emergencies and appointments only. Telephone 24 Richmond Ilill Langsial'f Phone Thornhill 2171‘21 Reverse Charges M USI-CAL Adelmo M elecci trom the Toronto Conservatpry of Music will accept a numuer o. pupi‘ls 1n PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY 9'0! information phom Mrs. Mylks 108 Yongc Street ‘ Phone Richmtmd Hill 55†“The Bray (‘hick Does the Trickl†Order yours herehno letter writing. Just let me know what you want and when you want it. FRED WISE Phone .‘359r21 Miss Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy P I A N 0 Phone Richmond Hill 1021*13 Florence Minghella Studio Of Music Instructors of HAWAIIAN GUITAR, MANDOLIN AND PIANO ACCORDION 9 MADAW'ASKA AVE. Newtonbrook, Ont. Phone Zone 8-218 Colonia Eur mu' “mm TO RENT FARMHOUSE on lot 14, three quai- tcrs mile west of Bathurst St. up fa1m road. Usable May to November No hydro or telephone. Preference given to tenant who will help in gar- den 2 days per week. Apply after (i p.111. Friday or ay time Saturday to Mr. Clarkson. phone Maple 281-13 ticl-l “Old at 40,56,601?†-â€" Man, ‘i’tiiu’re Crazy Forget your age! 'l‘liousands ure poppy at 70. Try " popping up" with Osti'cx.( untaiiis tonic tor weak. rundown it-cling due solely to body's lack of iron which many men and women cull "old." Try ()strcx ’l‘ouic Tablets tor pep. younger techng, this very day. New "get acquainted" size only 501:. l'or salc at all dung stores everywhere. New {j STOP 22, l 1 Two line features! i TllE lll'MS'l‘l‘1ADS llOOSlER l-IOTSHOTS l Iiloiidic and Dagwood tiny Kibbce. Joan Barton 1111‘- PIIlIQ 1101.11 m p 117 Lu‘lit-fiilié'ufl ‘ and Cabins . IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Now is the time for Spring Change Over Have Winter Oils and Greases changed for summer ' Day or Night Power Winch Towing SI'MMER POLICY (‘oniiniioiis Nightly i'rom 7.30 pm. llool's i‘ipcli TDD p.111. Matincc SaiurdHy 2.00 pm. M A R K H A M Thurs" Fri†May 20. 21 MIRTH. Ml'SIt‘ AND MYSTERY WILLIAM POWELL. MYRNA LOY 111 in 'l‘echnicolor Song of the Thin Man Saturday only! May 22nd in TONE STAR MOONLIGHT' in ‘RI.OND|E‘S BIG MOMENT‘ Monday. Tuesday. May 21th. 23th Roaring Adventurel JOHN WAYNE LARAINE DAY “ TYCOON †Starts Monday .May 3-lst . the funniest picture ever made By actual vote . . “ Sitting Pretty †Pony Crest Lodge Friday, May 213t- Special (‘hicken Dinners Light Lunches A La Carte Meals All Home-made Pies TRY OUR FAMOUS TURKEY BURGER Southern Fried Chickenâ€"French Fries to take out Soft Drinks PARTIES CATERED TO SHOWERS AND WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY Open 10 a.m. - 3 a.m. Phone Richmond Hill 178-J i-4i...i-xi-o-o-.i-o-.-....o-..-i-....-o- o‘o’o-.-i.-o-o~o‘o-u-o&o~¢kn“.,-.,. I-U-n‘u- -‘l-lv-li-U-H-u-i -i -o-o-o- -1-"-1I-0Q1I-KI-il-<I-tl-ii-ii- -o-o-u-ua ma... 7 1 Service Station Power Grea sing Equipment YONGE STREET, RICHVALE Phone Thornhill 203 HA.BUTCHERS DICED BEETS Choice TOMATOES Red Glo MUFFETS Quaker â€"â€" MARMALADE 3 Flavours 24-07.. jar 31c Orange, Lemon. Grapefruit TOMATO JUICE Choice 3 20-02. tins 25c 2 20-oz. tins 35c pkg. 11c BU 0 0C . pkg. 17c 2 20-0z_. tins 2 WARE’S LEMON PIE FILI Oâ€OO“OO“â€OOâ€OOOOOOM O lb. 15c 6 for 25c BANANAS B.C. WINESAP APPLES :~.~JUST2P.0NE'7' a Ill-IIIIIII LEW Simmer III-lllfllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll-IIIIII-‘IIIIIIIIIII I WNONOWMOOO No. 1 CREAMERY 730 lb. NOOO““OOOOOâ€NM -g;g j,al_y. “ .Qg'BAkERs_:_. :. ;123.,~vonge St.,~ qy'Richmond“ Hill Phone 77 HOLIDAY WEEK-END SAVINGS PICKLES Sweet Mixed 16-02. jar 23c HEDLUNDS MEAT SPREADS 3-oz. tin 11c CAMPBELL’S CAKE MIX GOIden, Chocolate, Spice TIER pkt. 31c PICNIC PLATES pkg. 18c SERVIETTES pkg. 18c 15c 32c Small pkg. WAX PAPER Large pkg. OOMOWOOMM. NEW CABBAGE SPINACH CARROTS FRESH AND COOKED MEATS »