Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1948, p. 7

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Paris Auto Supply Ltd Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J a O WOO“O.N ”“OOOOOOO“WOOQO MOWOO”MW .91 Paris‘Au‘to Supply 110 Our éa'sy terms wilf enable you to enjoy the benefits of :1 Connor in your home today. In :1 far months your Savings will pay tnr your Connqr, Fund then your ffllnlly wishwii'fll repres‘enr h welcome dividend each week. If You Have An Old \X’nshcr Trade It In On A New You'll Appreriaie It; Time And Labour Saving Advantages. :"'?€L2fil*m*2J1~st-vPRiZE â€"-~-$50.{90 (‘ASH 3%» ‘ “- and? Eight'Additional Cash Prizes. Mail your enl‘ry to Sandy Stewart. Markham, before May 15th Entry should include full particulars regarding nature of act. Contestants will be advised by mail (late of audition. GET YOUR ENTRY IN EARLY :MARKHAM-UNIONVILLE LIONS CLUB AMATEUR SHOW 81' YOSGE ST. RICHMOND HILL PHONE .86 CONNOR EAVESTROUGHING; ROOFING Progressive Conservative Candidate June 7th NORTH YORK Regelect MacKENZIE NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces TINSMITH TALENT WANTED WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th MARKHAM RAINBOW GARDENS PAUL DU BOIS â€"FORâ€" to be held This was budget week. and interest here in Ottawa and throughout Canada has centred on the Tuesday night adâ€" dress delivered by the brilliant young Finance Minister, Hon. Douglas C. Abbott. Budget day is glways an important occasion in the House, and it is one time when seats in the gal- leries are at a premium. This year was no exception and Tuesday night Mr. Abbott spoke to a full House and crowded galleries. Budget contents until delivery of the speech are top ranking: secrets. In order to give press representatives an opportunity to digest the contents. all members of the press gallery are closeted under close guard at 6 p.m.. when the speech contents are revealed to them. They remain closeted and under close guard in much the same manner as jury members at court trials until after the speech has been. delivered. ' This year’s budget is an important one. reflecting extensive development and prosperity throughout the nation. Its many features we will discuss in As the prospects of Russian co-oper- ation for peace waxed and waned last week. there has been a great den] of serious thinking in the nation's capi- tal on the 'need for a l'e-dedication {o unity in Canada. The clear outline by the Minister of External Affairs of Canada’s posi- tion in relation ‘to the pull of world forces has stimulated a continued dis- cussion of our responsibilities. De- fence Minister Brdoke Claxton’s re- cent speech in Montreal on the need for “a foundation of defence forces capable of expansion as rapidly as possible and suitable to enable us to 0T'I‘AWA LETTER. by "Jack" Smith, MP North York v. .. r“.r,vr. An outstanding: address was made to a religious organization in Ottawa last week asking that “The spirit of unity, regardless of race or creed, which was fashioned by Canadians (m the battlefields of World War II. be preserved now for the growth and Welflare of Canada.” Mr. and Mrs. G. Lyons and family of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Caseloy and family on Sunday afternoon. MI'S. B. Perkins and Misx Audrey Perkins of Toronto attended rhurch service here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. McI’ntosh and Lynda of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Klinck on Sunday. We wish all the sick in the com- munitv a speedy recovery, namely ‘Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. P. Bennett 'and .MI'. Louis Nichols. The Mission hand will moot oh Saturday afternoon at 2.30 (l.s.t. in the Sunday School Roam. All chil- dren will be welcome. VICTORIA SQUARE Dbl-een and Joan Stephen- son of Buttonville visited with Misses Kathleen and Betty Barber, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson. Wayne and Bruce visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong- and Mrs. Mortson Six, who is reported to be feeling muah better. also with Mrs. S. Thomas and Mr. H. Smith and family of White Rose. ' "vfill. and Mrs. H. Mortson, Joy and Margaret visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. King and Jean of Newmarket on Sunday. Harold Forster and Nor- man B‘racey spent the week-end at Niagara Falls a_nd_}3ufl‘alo. Mrs. L. Mm'tson and Allan of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson and family Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brumwell and family of Newtonbrook called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Brumwell and family on Sunday evening. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mm‘tson and family took Mi‘é‘. 2T. Bi‘umWell and Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. McRoberts and Joan visited last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and‘ son of Oshawa; ' On Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mm‘tson and family took Mr‘s’. if. Bi'umWell and Rev. and Mrs. Currey to-Hig'hland Greek and sur- rounding district to Visit 01a friends and the homestead of Mrs. Brumwell. The special meeting of the W.M.S. which was held in the church, Wed., May 12th, was a real success. Aux- iliaries from Unionville, Headford, Melleville and Richmond Hill were present, when Mrs. Ellis, Vice-presiâ€" dent of the Victor Home, Toronto, was guest speaker. The W.M.S., through the supply department, (10- nated the sum of $35.00 to the Victor Home Executive to assist in the furnishing of their new home which they have purchased at 1102 Broad- vieyv Ave., Toronto. A good attendance heard reports from the standing committees on Home Ecomomics, Historical Re- search and Publicity. Mrs. Cainc read an interesting and humorous article entitled “Why Leave Home” which was taken from a current magazine. In rememberence of Mo- ther's Day. Mrs. Thompson read a beautiful piece, written in the form of a litnay and dedicated to Mother and Father. Plans for the coming year and a number of business matâ€" ters were discussed. Snowball W.l. will be our guests for the June Meeting. At the close of the meet- ing‘ a delicious lunch was served by our hostess and lunch committee. We were pleased to have as guests for the afternoon, a former resident Mrs. Alec Bishop and Mrs. Nelson Kerr of Vellore. The regular monthly meeting- of the Temperancevilie Women's Instit- ute was held at the home of Mrs. N. Thompson on Wednesday afternoon, May 12. Mrs. F. Hare who was re- elected president for this year pre- Sid ed at the meeting with Mrs. A. Young the new secretary. Will anyone who has good, clean used clothing, which has outgi‘OWn its usefulness in your own family, please send it to be packed in the Bale which will be shipped the first Week in June. Contents to be used for Home and Overseas Relief. Please leave parcels at Mrs. Willows store or the church. Mrs. A. Taylor, Miss Shirley Taylor and Miss Francis Shelley of Oak- ville, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. TEMPERANCEVILLE Two skits were _p1‘0duced hv the school dramatic society, under the diâ€" rection of -T. Paton. Mrs. C. J. Cashme. vice-president. Ontario 'Federation of Home and Schools. installed the following offi- cers for the coming Season: Honourarv president; W. I. Turner; vice-presi- dents. Dr. M. Qui'gleya Mrs. J. N. Nib- lock; recording secretary, Mrs. R. M. Barnett; correspondmg secretary, Mrs. W. W. Aberhethy; treasurer, R. Love; executive members, Mrs. G. Jones. Mr. J. C. Ridpath. W. Robinson, Paul Prat, Mrs. N. Samson; teachers. Miss J. McCullougfi, Glen Tennant. Re- freshments Were Served by Mrs. J. C. Finnan and' her ‘committee. at i were produced SERVING CANADIAN You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method" Rémému- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled” or "re-built” en ines. Chrysler Method Rémanufactured Engines are dtfierenf. They are precision-built £0 rigid specifications laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured ', Love; Jones» , Paul , Miss With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thci. insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would. be well advised tofli‘ncrease thelamounts of insurance. Also car owners Who think it will never happen to them’ are caught some time or other withâ€" iut protection. .Th’e cost is a minor ammmt to what it will cost if an jut protection. .Th‘e cos! ambupt to What it will accidunt .h’appe-rls. INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill . Telephc Thornhill BOND LAKE GARAGE OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS mums THAT. "wean-our" “ENEINE WITH A cunvsuan METHOD REMANUFAGTUBED ENGINE Marguerite Boyle Elocution. Public Speaking, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HA LL” l'l' DOESN’I MEAN A "mm m G. SAVAGE )nt RestoregL’dfifyPep! Consult Don’t Repair . . . REPLACE; of fire hazards, would review thoi. and due to the materials would. be rease thelamounts a car owners who Telephone. 118 Phone 89w C.C.F’;’“Public MEETING MACPHAIL DICKMAN Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill , Friday, May 2 1 st, 8.30 ' EVERYBODY WELCOME YORK ' E AS T YORK NORTH THE LIBERAL. .Ric} AGNES Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering specifications are replace with Genuine Chrysler- e'ngii'teeréd parts} 'EverY-Chrysle'r Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a dynamometer and is guaranteed to developthe same Joaque and horsepower as a new engine. Come into-day :1th let us Show yOu what is different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufacturing engines. TOlâ€"IEAR THE CANDIDATES fer-e-U ea - c: mew fig-FIFE“! lmond Hill, Thurs JACK H N ‘ ~ .1 . lN-47-6

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