Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 May 1948, p. 7

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r" calf; Holstein Bull, 11.1; 'i‘. YORK NORTH C. C. F. Candidate‘s will speak at Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill Wed, June 2nd, 8.30 on Come and ask questions. People first. Our easy terms will enable you to enjoy the benefits of :1 Connor in your home today. In a few months your savings will pay for your Connor. and then your family wash will represent a welcome dividend each week. If You Have An Old \X’nshct TrfidéIIt In On A New CONNOR; You'll Appreciate Its Time 5r ~ _ And-Labour Saving Advantages. Paris Auto Supply rariiniigliiiiia _.___. AUCTION SALE OF WALNUT FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. GARDEN TOOLS. Etc. PROCTOR AVE, First Street North of Steels Ave. on Bayview Ave., 2nd Concession of Markham Township, Lot No. 2 Property of Robt. Thompson Sat., June 5th, 1948 1 real good \Valnut 3-Piccc Bedroom Suite complete with Simmons spring. 1 Walnut Dining Room Table. 1 Walnut Dining Room Buffet. 6 Walnut Dining Room Chairs. Above Suite is good. 2 Occasional Chairs. 2 Chesterfield Chairs. Number of Kitchen Chairs. 1 BraSS Bed and Springs. 1 Oak Buffet. ' 1 Writing Desk. 1 “’00d Stove. 1 Medicine Cabinet. Number of good Auto Tires. 650x16. Buffet, 1 Dining Room Table Leather-seated Dining Chairs. Victrola and records. Congoleum Rug, 1 Chesterfield Steel Bed. Springs and Mattress. Radio Cabinet. Steel Bed, Springs and Mattress. Large Kitchen Cupboard. Wash Stand. Kitchen Tables. Stepladder. l Settce. Stand and Clothes Wringer. Block and Tackle. good deep Vi'ell. with Pipes. etc. Scheen for drilch \\‘cll, good. Pipe \Vrench. Wellâ€"boring Auger. Tub. 1 Tub Stand. Quantity of Scrap Iron. Number of Pictures. Number of garden tools. A lat of other articles not mentioned. such as dishes, glassware. etc. Sale at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. Terms: Cash... No reserve as property is sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. Markham P.O., Markham 206 Milliken P.O., Agincourt 52W3 Jas. Smith, Clerk. Lâ€"AAâ€"IHtâ€"AMl-‘l-‘l-‘Hl-‘lâ€"‘lâ€"‘(nlâ€"l Pump complete iâ€"Aiâ€"Hâ€"IH iuction Sale of Live. Stock Implements, Threshing Machine, M. H. Tractor, Hay and Grain, Furniture ' -THE PROPERTY OF g UPPETER E. FERGUSON Lot ‘4. Con..9, Whitohurch, half mile north Stouffville Wednesday June 2nd HORSESâ€"Jet Black Mai‘e,i3 years old, Percheron; Jet Black'Gelding, 4 years old. Percheron. Above is a good team and well-matched. HARNESSâ€"Set Team Breeching Harnes ; Set Single Harness; Num- ber 0 Horse Collars; Pair Collar Tops; Quantity Other Harness; \Set of Bu y Harness. CATTLEâ€"Holstein Cow. fresh; Black and White Cow, fresh; Holstein Cow, full flow, not bred; Holstein Cow, due to calf; Holstein Cow, full flow. not bred; Holstein Cow, full flow, bred - Feb. 5th; Holstein Heifer, bred Jan. 20th; Holstein Cow, milking good, bred Oct. 12th; Holstein'Cow, bred Sept. 24th; Holstein Cow, full flow, bred April 16th; Holstein Heifer, due to years old; Black and White Heifer. 8 months old; Holstein Heifer, 10 months old; Holstein Heifer, 12 months old; 2 Heifer Calves. PIGS Yorkshire White Brood Sow; 8 Small Figs; 8 Chunks, about 1‘25 lbs. POULTRYâ€"~25 Yearling Rock Hens. IMPLEMENTS â€" New Favourite ' Threshing Machine. 28 x 42, complete with cloverâ€"cleaning attachment, high grain elevator, chafi' blower, etc. This ' is practically new, and in excellent condition. New Rubber Drive Belt; V MH 102G Junior Turn Power Tractor, complete with pulley starter, etc. This tractor is real good. MH No. 26 Tractor Plow. ‘2â€"furrow narrow bot- tom adjustable beams. in good condi- tion; MH Binder. 6 i't., good tractor and horse hitch: MH Hay Loader; 'IHC» Mower. 5 ft. cut. new; Dump Rake. 10 ft: 16 Spout Hoe Drill. Mil; IIIC 15»Tooth Springâ€"Tooth Cultiva- ‘tor, tractor and horse hitch; Steel Land Roller; No. 1 Wilkinson Walking Plow; Double .Mould Board Plow: Stiffâ€"Tooth Cultivator. International; Turnip Plow; Turnip Drill; Scuffler: ('oi-n Cultivator: Set of .‘lâ€"Secrion Drug llarrows; Set of LSGction Drug rial-rows; Cutting Box Blower, Mll; Drive Belt; Fanning Mill. complete rwith bugger; Lister, lo inch (li'uin firinder; Farm Wagon (leur. low wheels; Flat Rack; Cutter; MH Mow- er; Set of Sloop Sleighs; Single Rid- ing Plow. MISCELLANEOUS â€" McCormackâ€" Deering Milking Machine, complete with 2 single units, piping and out- lets for 12 head of cattle. This ma- chine is practically new and in good condition. Fairbanks Morse 2 hp. style D, self-oiling gas engine; IHC Gasoline Engine, 2 hp.; Melotte Cream Separator; Root Pulper; Short Drive Belt; Double Power Emery; Bag Truck; Sprayer for White-washing; 3 Steel Drums; Bull Staff; Blackâ€" smith’s Pig Troughs; ‘2 Wheelbarrows; Set of Platform Scales, 2000 lbs.; Grandstone; 2 Electric Woods Fencâ€" ers; Saddler‘s Horse; 2 Blacksmith Forges; Anvil; Steel Vice and Bench; 5 Sling Ropes;Road Drag and Snow Plow; Hay Fork; Circular Saw, Mand- rel and Frame; No. Steel Fence Posts; Scrap Iron; Roll Fence Wire; 2 Rolls Snow Fence; Long Heavy Steel Wire Cable; Chop Box; Long Ladder, 30 ft; Ladder. ‘20 ft; Mill Truck; 2 Scythes; Number of Field Tile; Quantity Beltâ€" ing; Gas Funnel and Strainer; 5 gal. Gas Cans; Forks, hovels, Rakes. Whif- flertces. Neckyokes. Logging Chains. Other Useful Articles. HAY and GRAINâ€"Approx. 177) bus. Fall Wheat; approx. (300 , bus. Ajax Oats; approx. 125 bus. Mixed Grain; 12 Mow of Mixed Hay; Num- ber of Sacks and (lrain Bags; (it) Egg Incubator. FURNITUREfiWooden Bed Springs and Mattress; Dresser and Wash- stand; Cupboard; Sideboard; Kitchen Table; Marvel Kitchen Range; Coalâ€" Oil Stove Organ and Stool (Bell): Hand Power Washing Machine; But- ter Bowl and Print; Set of Butter Scales; 2 Small Tables; Barber‘s Chair; Number of Dishes and Other Furniture and Household Articles. Terms: (“.1le No {eserve farm sold. Sale at one p.1n. DST. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. Markham P.O.. phone Mark. 200. Mib liken P.O.. phone Agincourt Sflwil. LLOYD TURNER. (‘lci-k. g M APLE Tric Lions ('luw ol' Mupr min a ‘x'vijr challenging ;: llll’l'-\ lg. r iv yrs -i\\n very v rim: nwinwa li:. l'iit-d llouilc). :il 1» i::~l lllt‘l'l"“_:. lli. l:l‘i.l c;\ Ll‘unl 11w nw-d :«ir .‘lilillu Jllllll\l(l_iil.‘. imiiiiu’. "l‘iu' 1i i'liziin l\ Ll\ mun: il\ .:< r‘.‘le«,l‘\i link." l.iHl. bred lli, 211.5. \pulic- n. his many expcrii-nu ‘ \\ill. Swi'vivc L‘lubs and other Nanny/intone, :iiw told us that it was all n can of :i‘y- lug. giving of time and energy :IIA. lhzit there was only tho sstzs’l'm-iioit of helpingr others. :iitiiilr' l.lllll.\ (“oi bus 11 great future :is long zi~ all its members \voik hard for the ldcnl. in the club. Maple Lions Club is looking“ for ward to its next meeting \\lil’l’ Dis» trict Governor Lion Frank l'nilci'lnl will speak to the l‘lub, All the incinâ€" bers were very plcused to hear that Lion Frank L'ndu‘hill would be lb: ('lub's first gut-sf speaker at its .c gular meetings. The Salvation Army Appeal is drawing to H close. but for any who have not already made their contri- bution be sure and get it into the mail to-day, You may still lelll yours to the worthy cause. This is thc first National Appeal of the Salvation Army since 1015. You have always contributed gen- erously to the local appeals. now it is your opportunity to support the Nationâ€"wine Appeal. See if you peoâ€" ple of Maple and District can't give the Salvation Army the support that you gave it in the past years when the women of the Institute called on you. Please forward any contributions to Secretary, Maple Lions Club, as soon as possible. Don't forget to mark June ‘lfilrd on your calendar folks! If you live in Maple that's the night to stay in Ma- ple and invite all, and we do mean all, your friends to visit with you. If you live outside Maple, that's the night to be in town. That’s right . . . We're glad you remembered. It's the big M.R.A. Street Dance. There will be a mammoth lucky draw. There \Vill be good music for old time and modern dancing. There will be lots of refreshments, Bingo, other games and fun galore for young and old. Everybody had a good time last year. Make sure you and your friends are on hand this year for a generous slice of the en- joyment. Congratulations are extended to Misses Joanne Johnson and Anne Laurie of this villlge who \\'on hon» ors in their class of 17 years and un- der at the York Musical Festival held in Woodbridgc last week, Joanne won first place for her solo and Anne and Joanne won first place for their vocal duet. On Monday night Joanne won outstanding honors. a 825 schoâ€" larship. The village folk are watchâ€" ing with a good deal of pride and inâ€" terest in Joanne‘s musical career. Hope United Church Sunday School ‘ held a very successful anniversary service last Sunday, when Rev. Mr. » McNath of Newmarkct preached and a Junior choir had charge of the music. Among those‘who attended from outâ€"ofâ€"town were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald of Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. \\‘in. Iloilcs of Noblclon. Maple United Church choir honor- ed their choir leader. Mrs. Lou Marâ€" ritt on her birthday with a beautiful basket of “pinochio pink" roscbuds last Frdav evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund. After rehearsal. a delightful lunch was served. including a birthday cake complete with candles. Mr. Douglas Crook presented Mrs. Marriit with an armful of Snapdragons and thank- ed her for her kindness to him durâ€" ing his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and familv spent Sunday with relatives in Gait. The M.R.A. plan to have a street dance on June 23rd. Excellent prizes will be drawn f01\ The first prize being a Deep Freezer. Maple Women‘s Institute held their May meeting on Wednesdav evening, May 12th at the home of Mrs. Arn- old Rumble. The following officers were elected for 1048-49. Presidentâ€"«Mrs. Norman McCullough lst Viceâ€"Mrs. Norman Payne 2nd Viceâ€"Mrs. Donald Allen Sec.-treas.â€"â€"Mrs. John Leece. Assistantâ€"Mrs. Harry Stephenson. District Director Mrs. Tom Jackson. Board of Directors Mrs. Victor Orr. Mrs. Harry Jennings. Mrs.Lloyd Palâ€" mcr and Mrs. John Rumble. Auditorsâ€"Mrs. Kerswill and Mrs. William Orr. Pianistsâ€"«Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Arnold Rumble. Convenors of Standing Committees: Social Welfareâ€"Mrs. Andrew Snider Home Economicsâ€"Mrs. T. Jackson. Agricultureâ€"Mrs. Wm. Orr. Historical Researchâ€" Mrs. Rumble Citizenshipâ€"Mrs. Milton Palmer. Publicityâ€"Mrs. Harry Stephenson. Current Eventsâ€"â€"Mrs. John Rumble. The ladies voted to install sports equipment in Hone and Patterson public schools. They also decided to purchase a large coffee urn for use in the booth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JohnSon and children visited Mrs. Johnson's par- ents in Huntsville over the 24th of May holiday. Rev. Mr. Worrall of St. Stephen‘s Anglican church has resigned to take a larger church in New York City. He intends being in New York June 20th. The C.G.I.T. group are holding their “Mother and Daughter" banquet on Friday night, May 28th in the United church Sunday school room. Arnold MR. T. DI'TTON TO BE SPEAKER AT ADVANCE FOR ('I’IRIS’I‘ SERVICE Mr. Tom Dutton, President of a Toronto manufacturing company and Chairman of the Laymcn's Commit tee on the Advance for Christ and Peace Thankâ€"offering for the Pres- bytery of Toronto. will be the guest speaker at the eleven o’clock church service Sunday morning next, May 30th, in the Richmond Hill Presbyâ€" terian church. Mr. Duttin‘s father was chairman of the Board of Ad- ministration ' of the Presbyterian church in Canada during the period of reconstruction following 15"25 As a result of these contacts Ml‘. Ilutton is Well \'0l’>(’<l in the pm» the blcms and opportunities facing lll‘lt' Presbyterian church ard is on and interesting speaker with -.i ines- lsngc for all followers of the Kirk. TEIVIPERANCLV iLLE} ll‘ .\1. who: ch" :. .luizv Tilt. 1hr" lHLMH‘ vi lUSM”M swuwmwd by lux. '1 be prisi"wl n‘ tin Surduy .~ I“ v win unrier le- :ili\lili‘r‘\ of le‘ \“ ‘l "l I‘ .'x““ ili'l‘". ’I‘Ill\ llll.‘ ln‘il l.L’li_‘. li‘l“lllill l‘iliil Jill, \\llll ll.‘5\i‘ v -i' ll 11nd H l\ hop“! that :ill 1m”... it... ill>illl'l \\i‘. ‘.:ilw this ppwriui ity of ol‘l‘l‘vdllc :i llll‘i ii: _l‘i_\'1lilit' l'\l‘lllll}.". (in \\leucsilul' <‘\'i‘!iiirg. .\l;i_\' li'tb. rhi- l‘i'ucniiyw oi lll‘v Women's ln<1i~ 'ntc nu“: :it ill(‘ hullb‘ of Mrs. Wilkins. link llii In plill‘. lhc lil'iiyjl’LIIll‘ for, :hi.» your. _\l'ii'l' HHH‘h (llfl'llx‘illll lllllll careful considcruli in. nu cvwllr-nil program \\'iI.\ :iri'ziizs‘vll :rird copics ol' iln- sonic will be :ivuilnblc at tho nth llll‘t'llllu'. Tho meetings :irc luld on llnr sci-«ind \chncwlziy afternoon of \‘zlt'll month and :ill ludiw :ii'c i-oi'diub ly invited to alivlid. Sinccrc thanks to our hostess. Mrs. \Yilkins, and to lhc ludics who ])l'll\'llh-d the delicious rcl'i‘cshincnts. Tcn members l't‘pl‘cscnlcd the WI ;n the District Annual held at Noble» ton on May 2151- We \vcrc very pleased to huvP MIT". Mi'Keig clcctcd lo ihc (lIlt’L‘ of Ill-Strict Convener ol' Resolutions. since this is the first time that our branch has been repreâ€" sented on the District Executive. chcrzil references were also made to the various reports submittcd by our own standing committees. Mrs. Hare and Mrs. Baldwin kindly provided the transportation and were accompanied bv Mrs. E. Paxton, Mrs, ll. Clark. Mrs. McKcig, MFR. C. Beynon, Mrs. R. Jennings. Mrs. Chalk. Mrs. Davis and M. l'mehnra. LANC-STAFF Mr. and Mrs. (L R. Crawford of (Jar-den Avenue. Tierngstnfl'. spent the week-end with their friends. Kenneth Odette and his mother of Toronto at their summer cottage at Washugo. C. C. F.‘ NORTH YORK June 7th Vote JACK H. DICKMAN CAPABLE, PRACTICAL SINCERE A LIFE-LONG " RESIDENT OF NORTH YORKâ€"attended Ilukc of York Public School and liarl lluig‘ L'ollcginlc. A VETERANâ€"â€"\\:is ovcrsczis iivc _\c:1rs with the Second [liviâ€" sion. He fought Ill lhcppc and in Normandy. A FARMER is spct‘zilizing in thc prt‘iduction of natural silk, :1 new branch of farming in Canada. AN INDUSTRIAL WORKER was employed for three years before the war by Silyciwvoml's I)£lll'_\' and is familiar with the problems of thc \\‘(ig‘c czu‘iicr. ON JUNE 7 IT'S IN YORK NORTH DICKMAN You can restore new-ca Chrysler-built car or t engines. Chrysler Met :l/flerent. ‘ laid down by Chrysler REPLACE rNAr “worm-our" ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD RENANuerruAEo ENGINE install a Chrysler Method Remunufuctured Engine in your factored engines are not ordinary "overhauled" or "re-built" They are pro 0.2K RIDGES. Phone King 4311 TIIE I. . Rit'liil’iiiliil IIiii. ._-t . i. ...... _ a . ._... , lllllli.\lll|.|, Rim» \Iim A lluzziui', run entirely by Ilieii'mvn ‘cfforrs, \\ill bu held. my the l'li’ownics ] [I b in Tlioi'nhill l'niled ("ii'i'ch Sunday ~' ' a’5’9’1t0’ 6’ M “r9119”? 301119 l ONTARIO srocK YARDS Min-hi p.1n. ’l‘hcrc will no lunnc luloculuiry. Public \Svptfillilll‘l. ‘ 5 BULLETIN ‘ copicinu. candy. yiliyirc t‘!t:}i’l;l.!:i\‘ I'd-nu I'JIIIJIH . ll featuring WALLY FORD slits. made entirely by Iln- gins. “r T ‘d . li’li'usv rvnwmlwi' the lime :uul l’llm “Hillllill‘ruili ll\l.l.“ “(JurimliCy "mm"? \1 7.13 ('HMI. lii\‘\\'ll.l*~ in funds. to \Lllllml'l your bcnl Hwne 3.1“, ilmii‘ efforts In lilisi‘ ‘00...”09090.0.0.0000WOO“00””0090NQWOMMNOOO” mm...” VOTE , John M. Magwood liberal Candidate, East York l regret my late nomination prevents a complete personal canvass. Please accept this as my solicitation for your vote and influence. ' In East York-VOTE MAGWODD OOM”ON”NO”OOWQWOWO“NWM ' Tliorn‘viil. llnt. l 00”". 009 §“”OOOWOM“MCIO“ OM46...“ §)OOOӢ900009009000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOQO 7 l . pl, , A “ lid . . over 32 miles 'of primitive roads and tangled woodland trails it'd/ted six Canadian pioneers . . . arguing fiercely as they went. Their purpose: to kill enrb ot/yer'r rote! Yes, these six early settlers knew they were evenly divided in opinion . . . that ll)”: would vote for one candidate Dr. William Dunlop, The Canada Company's man . . . and three would vote for the other candidate, Col. Anthony Van Egmond. Yet they made the gruelling march to Goderich, Ontario, there to Cast their ballots in the 1835 election of The Upper Canada Legislative Assembly. Not one of the six-said "There's no me my goingâ€"my role will be til/ed." Wwa YOU out your rerrct 11.1110! at every e/ert/mzâ€"Humid/ml, proriurial, federalâ€" you exercise .7 (Zn/y .mr/[n‘iri/ugc [lb/marl, nvméu/ .md fling/9t for by your fflrd’lilfbt’lii. Your r019 pro/rm {/22 future of your i/Ji/ilrwi. To fJi/ in “NT (ll/I}! ii In be [m t/sz .<; good ’ritizm. l‘um.isur:n is 'rru‘. Ivrmirsrs or Coon (Tirlmxsmr nv (flooderham 8;- IMI'I'ED Dis tillers Taro 12 to e: on Waterfront of the Town of Y ork (now Toronto) in 1832 Goodcrlum 81 Worts Mill in foreground. ’"2 I r , Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering specifications are replace with Genuine Chrysler- engineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a dynamometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in ro-day and let us show you what in different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufacturing engines. r pep in just one day by having us ruck. Chrysler Method Remunu- bod Remanufacrured Engines are ClSlOn-Dllllt rt) rigid specifications Engineers. Every Remnnufuctured Don’t Repair . . . REPLACE! LAKE GARAGE (‘ARS CALLED ron AND DELIVERED BOND

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