TAX RATE UNCHANGED Markham Village tax rate has been ï¬xed for 1948 at 3‘0 mills, the same rate as last year, LATE GORDON L. BANKS The funeral of the late Gordon L. Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Banks. Garden Ave., Lanzstaï¬, was held from Wright &v Tavlor Funeral Parlors on Tuesday after- noon and was very largely attended by friends and relatives. The late Gordon L. Banks jr.. age eighteen .vears lost his life while swimming in the Severn River last Saturday- He had spent the week end in the north with a Toronto friend. Vernon Slade. Besides his narents. he is survived by one brother and two sisters. Intermemtx took Mace in Richtmond ' Hill cemetery. Survivian are her husband. six children, Edith of Ottawa, Albert, Arthur, George and Stanley of Map- le and twelve grandchildren. Funeral services were held from her late residence on Saturday, June 12th. Rev. Mr. Fockler officiated. Pallbearers were Messrs. Bert Peel- ar, Bill Ramby, Garret Blough. Sam Cave, Chas. Smith and Ernest George. Interment took place in Hillcrest. Cemetery} Woodbridge. Although_Mrs. Foster had been in ill health for some_year_s her fatal heart attack came as a great shock to'a_II._ ' V She was born on Lot 13. Con. 5 Vaughan Township on February 19, 1883. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Putterbaug‘h she attended Vellore School and was a member 9f Maple United Church. LATE MRS. FRANK FOSTER On Thursday, June 10th, 1948, Mrs. Frank Foster, the former Bertie May Putterbaugh, and a life long resident of Vaughan Township, suddenly pass- ed a_\V"ay at her home at _Maple. During a discussion of police inat- ters councillors Wicks said he felt the time was coming when the mun- icipality had need of two full time constables. ‘Oomplaint wars heard that Constable Wideman was engag- ed for too much of his time doing police work in Markham village. Constable Wideman expressed his desire to co-operate with other pol- ice, but suggested that with his own increasing responsibilities there must be a limit to the time he could spend outside the township. Reeve Griï¬in, Deputy-reeve Rumney and councillor Timbers spoke favorably of the sug- gestion a second constable might have to be engaged. The Township Building by-law should have more teeth in it, was the opinion expressed at the Markham Township council meeting when Manning Board matters were dis- cussed with the members by Walter Craig. The opinion was expressed that the regulations should insist on a better type of dwelling and living in improvised shacks should not be allowed. Claims Markham Township Needs Second Poï¬ce Following the competition a ban- quet was held in the Presbyterian (ihurch and presided over 'by Bill Mitchell, Oak Ridges, President of the York County Junior Farmers who in his opening remarks made special reference to the excellent meal supplï¬ed by the ladies. Fol- lowing a word of greeting by Dick Hilliard, Junior Extension Fieldman, two humorous stunts were carried on by the Juniors themselves and like last year met with whole-hearted The farms visited for the live- stock classes this year were: Eaton Hall Farm, King â€" draft horses, light horses. Holstein cows; Jack BOWser. NeWmarket â€"â€" Angus hei- fers; Herb Dunham, Newmarket â€" Jersey cows: J. H. Crang, Newmar- ket â€"â€" Shorthorn cows, Suffolk ewes and market class, Yorkshire sows and gilts. A delightfull surprise greeted the boys when Mr. and Mrs. John Kudelka of Mr. Crang’s farm played hosts to them, supplying a very delicious and suï¬'icing lunch to all present. An expression of ap- preciation was inade ‘by Bruce Snid- er, of Maple, Past President of the County group._ Throughout the district the buzz in farm circles concerns the results of the York County Junior Farmer Livestock Judging Contests and Girls’ Achievement Day held at Newmarket and attended by an en- thusiastic group of Juniors. Fortyâ€" three young men from all districts of the county registered in the boys' section with a very promising dele- gation from the newly formed Schomrberg Club. Once again the local Junior. Farmer coaches gave leadership and training to novices who ‘from all appearances gained in every way from the competition. The girls’ section. featuring the units "‘Cotton Accessories for the Club Girl’s Bedroom†and “Tlhe Supper Club" and presented in the Parish Hall, contained many attractive ex- hibits. Prize Winners In Junior Farmers Judging Competition VOL. LXIX. MARY KEFFER AND BRUCE SNIDER 0F MAPLE WIN CHICAGO TRIP OBITUARY THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 It will be with a. matter of pride and loyalty that centennial celebra~ tion‘S‘are marked. at St. John's on June 24th and June 27th. It will be a home-gathering and days of great rejoicing. S. Mason and later by Rev. G. I. B. Johnson. It has been during Mr. W‘orrall’s energetic ministry that St. John’s Parish hall fund began and the building later erected and now serving a need to the congregation and contributing to the progress very greatly. The present rector of St. John’s, 1936 to 1948, is Rev. E. W. G. Won ral], who during World War II, ser- ved in the Canadian Armv overseas as a protestant Padre. During his absence of four‘years the pastorate \fas temporarily aSSumed by Rev, R. The ï¬rst Sunday School was or- ganized on June 7th, 1903 *under W. T. 'Beynon. a branch later organized at Elvin Mills and led by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Whitton. New interest has recently been developed with 01'- ganization of a branch which large- ly includes children from the north- ern end of the parish. Church organizations have devel- oped and progressed. The W. A. started in 1902 by Mrs. L. H. Kirby, wife of the rector, continued to pro- mote all interests pertaining to its responsibilities, with many addit- ional burdens assumed during the war years and assistance still being given .to the British Wai- Victims. Complete information as to the ï¬rst church service of St. John's and the early records are not available, but it would appear that from 1853 there 'have been 15 incumbents. -A close alliance with Aurora had been established for some time, which was discontinued‘in 1912, for church partnership with the Anglican par- ishes of King and Maple, an arrangeâ€" ment started under Rev. 'W. F. Wrixâ€" on and :still continuing, The prominent location of St. John’s on historic Yonge Street, has made 'this church a wellâ€"known landmark from its earliest days. The architectural design of the origin- al building was not greatly/unlike its present structure, though many improvements have been made as the ‘years advanced, notably the erection of a parish hall. The well kept graveyard located directly east of the church has historic importance for tombstones record the names of pioneer families such as the Legges, and the Kerswills, and a white mar- ble stone carries the sacred inscrip- tion, “in memory of Captain Martin Eonale McLeod, Captain of the 20th Regiment, K.0.B.†Anniversary Sunday will be held on June 27th, with Rev. Canon Cody present at 11 3mm, Holy Commun- ion to be observed, and Mrs. Dyke voca'l' soloist at this service. At 7:30 pm. there will be a Conï¬rma- tion Service and the precher will be Rt.__Rev. G. A. Wells, Toronto. " Archdeï¬â€™c‘on‘ Groves-Rees, ‘Mont- real, will be the speaker at Anniv- ersary Evening at St. John’s Angli- can Church, Oak Ridge, at 8 p.m.. Thursday, June 24th, which will be followed by birthday remembrances in the Parish Hall, when a birthday cake will be cut and a social evenâ€" ing enjoyed. Archdeacon Groves-Rees To Speak at Oak Ridges The C.N.E. shield for the highest aggregate score in the novice class was awarded to Les Weatherill of Unionville. To the high standing boy in each class in the Junior Com- petition the following challenge tro- Dhies were presented: Horses â€" E. T: Stephens & Jas. McLean Trophy â€" Lloyd Baldson, Sharon; Beef â€" J-ohn Gal‘dhouse Trophy; â€"â€" Dun- can Watson, Woodbridge; Dairy â€" Gordon Duncan trophy â€" Dawson Aitchison, Schomberg; Sheep â€"-â€" D. W. Baxter Trophy â€" Norman Tyn- dall, Richmond Hill; Swine ~â€"Boyn- ton Bros. Trophy â€" Eldred King, of Markham. The intertownship team award was taken by the Vaughan team con- sisting of Carl Boynton and Masnn Fletcher of Woodbridge, and Keith Wardlaw of Kleinburz. Mary Kefl‘er of Maple, for all round ability won the free trim to Chicago. Bruce Snider of Maple, standing well up in the competition won the other U.S.A. trip, an award based on general proï¬ciency in all Junior Farmer activities. Carl Bognton of Woodbridge, high man in both Junior and Senior contests, won the Col. Geo. B. Little Shield. Keith Wardlaw of Kllleinburg. high senior man, won the Hon. Geo. S. Henry Shield. Ab Rutherford of Wood‘bridge, won the Coach‘s Specâ€" ial.for his high team which consis. ted Vof Carl Boynton. Woodbrizlzz‘o Ke’i-b‘h Wardlaw, ‘Kleinburg, and George Craib of Vellore. Evelyn Hare of the Vellm'e Club was the winner of the A.J.H. Eck- ardt Memorial Tr9phy for outstand- ing achievement. The Ontario Sav- ings Office trophy awarded to the girls’ club with the most outstandâ€" ing work was again won by the Vel- loriei group: approval. Then followed the an- nouncement, of awards by Miss Lulu ROW. Home Economist for York County, and A. L. McKenzie, Assist- ant Agricultural Representative. Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. moved into the “Hiram Keï¬er†at the south of the village. Interment took place on Monday afternoon in Maple cemetery, Rev; Mr. Worrall of St. Stephen’s offic-' iating. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Ernest Brock, Ernest Dibb, Fred Dibb, Wm. Watson, Harry Cun- ningham and Harry Jackson. We are sorry to learn of the.i]l- nes of Mrs. Allan Rumble and hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse haw: rented the rooms occpied by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brock in Miss Hannah‘s house and will move in early in July. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brock have moved into the “Hiram Keï¬er†home. One of Maple‘s 01d residents, Mrs. John Watson, widow of the late John Watson, passed away on Friday, June 11, at the home of her daugh- ter. Mrs. Harry Taylor. Mrs. Wat- son, whose maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Dibb was born in Thorn- hill in December 1857 and has lived her entire life, almost 91 years in this community. She lived on the property now owned by Mr. Elmo Keer, the house later being burned. On her marriage, Mrs. Watson mov- ed to the farm north now Occupied by Mr. Harry Jackson, where she re- sided for a great many years, later living with her daughter, the late Mrs. Carl Saigeon and since Mrs. Saigeon’s death has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Tay- lor. Mrs. Watson was a life-long member of the Anglican church and had the kindest. mostv gentle dispOs- itlon one could ever_hope to meet. M1's.F1‘ed Hampton‘of Fergus is visiting. Mrs. Les Laver for a few days this week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott of Don Head Farms are on a holiday down Mexico way. On_e of Oldest Residents Passes Remember the MRA street dance on June 23rd. A deep freezer is ï¬rst prize in the draw. Numerous other prizes will also be drawn for. Fun for all. ' Sunday, June 20 is “Memorial Day†at Maple Cemetery. Service will be__ hem in 3:30 pm}. Mr. I. B. Musselman, Miss Ada Musselman and Oscar are holidaying in Chicago for a week and later in a cottage at North Bay, on Lake Nip- iss_ing'. 7 ME'BJ'uce Jones is on holidays in Fenelon Falls. Maple Women’s Institute will ca- ter for the veterans’ banquet June 17th in Maple. The main event will be two out of three falls with a ninety minute lim- it featuring- Richvale’s one and only “Red†Garner doing his best to show The ï¬rst gala night planned will be Friday, June 18th and it will be staged in the Richmond Hill arena. On this evening six artistsof the grunt and groan, “wrasslinâ€, may- hem, or what have you will demon- strate this manly art at its best. the construction or the hall such as lumber, gee-l '.,has been ordered and is awai mg the opportune time for delivery. The purchased these materials has somewhat reduced the building fulnds and-so the entertain- ment committee is planning activ- ities which it is hoped will reimburse the asscciations’ building reserves. Although the current cement shor- tage is still blocking the construc- tion of the Richvale Community Hall the East Vaughan Ratepayers Ass- ociation has not been idle. Much of the material needed in the construction of the hall such as lumber, steel, gï¬gihas been ordered Big Wrestling Show At The Richmond Hill Arena June 18th . Aid of Richvale Community Hall according to well established Canadian Traditién that fath- er gets all the attention at home. Even Nipper the dog fetches dad’s slippers as Junior hands over, :well ï¬lled pipe, so dad can sit back and enjoy the Su 'ay papers in comfort. - FATHER’S DAY, Sunday, June 20th is one_d‘a_ty,in the year “in.Essentials, Unity; In Non-EssentialS,. Libggtyirln Things. Charityâ€. MAPLE NEWS ITEMS RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 17th. 1948 STOUFFVILLE LIONS PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT The Stouffville Lions Club intend to put about $500 worth bf new playground equipment in the town park, including swmgs, teeters and slides. The annual joint meeting of the Clergy of North York and the rep- resentatives of the Woman’s Auxil- iary of the Anglican Church met at St. Mary’s Church, Schomberg, on Thursday of last week. Clergy rep- resenting twenty-two churches in the Deanery met for conference and were presided over by the Rural Dean, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, of Rich- mond Hill. The members of the W. A. from many branches in the Dean- ery were presided over by Mrs. Ausâ€" tin Haines. of Sharon. The Deanery Conference opened with a Celebrav tion of the Holy Communion at which there were one hundred and ten communicants. Several promin- ent speakers addressed the two con- ferences and all reported a very suc- cessful day. At the election of of- ï¬cers,, Mrs.‘ N. Chatterley of Rich- mond Hill ’was appointed Deanery Officer 0f the W. A. for the next two years. The June meeting of Maple Wo- men’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Noble Wednesday even- ing, June 9. A very excellent report of the district annual meeting held in Edgeley was given by Mrs. Jack Rumble. Committees were formed for the numerous activities which the W. I. are planning: in the near future. The ladies are catering for the Veteran’s banquet on June 17th, and will conduct a refreshment booth at the M. R. A. street dance June 23rd. They also will run the booth at the village park when the lacrosse matches are being played. They also made plans for a picnic in July to Springwater Park at Mid- hurst, transportation to be by bus. Miss Bertha Cal'ev of Toronto, a former teacher in Maple, spent Sat- urday in the village visiting old friends. NORTH YORK W. A: [)EANERY AND MEETING OF (TLERGY LARGELY ATTENDED Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Diceman (nee Francis Rumble) on the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Ann, on Sunday, June 13, mother and“ daughter both doing _nice1y._> The preliminary is scheduled for 8.15 p..m. and everyone is welcome â€"- don‘t forget}, Friday, June 18th, Richmond Hill Arena to aid building fund for Richvale Community Hall. All the athletes on the evening’s card are in the 160 lb. class which adds up to wrestling at its best â€" fast» and packed fun of action. In the semi-ï¬nal,L“Spidcr" Shack- leton of Hamilton and Ernie Hugh» son, Toronto,vwi-l:ll carry on the tra- ditional inter-city feud trying for two out of three decisions with a forty-ï¬ve minute limit.’ The prelim- inary bout will be a one fall, thirty minute limit tussle which brings to- gether “Tiger†Earl Grant of Scar- bquugh and Carlo Trounce, Italy. how not to promote international goodwill in attempting to best Juan Lopez of Mexico. “Red†has been seen exercising with a couple of flat car wheels â€" evidently he is going to roll all over Lopez â€" yak, yak â€" joke over. - ' Anniversary greetings will be ex- tended to the two hostess societies at the luncheon. King-Besa will celebrate its 55th anniversary on June 2151; and Everslev its 60th an- niversary on June 20th. Arrangements have been made for a bus to transport members of the Richmond Hill auxiliary and other interesï¬ed women to this meeting. Mrs. T. L. Williams, vice-president of Sec. IVA and Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt, viceâ€"president of Sec. IVB are in charge of the meeting and have ar- ranged an interestim programme based on the theme “The Kingdom of God is at hand." “Go yet into all the world and preach the Gospelz†Miss Laura K. Pelton. Overseas Missions Executive Secretary, will be the special speaker. Miss Pelton is a very forceful and interesting lecturer. She has ‘just returned from a visit to the ï¬eld in British Guiana and leaves in the near future to study the work in India and For- mosa, to determine the needs of these ï¬elds from a layman's view- point. Other speakers wisl‘l include Mrs. Curr, president of Toronto Presby- terial: Mns. (Patterson, literature secretary; Mrs. Wood, supply sec. retary; and other Presbyterial 0f- ï¬cers. SECTION MEETING TO BE HELD AT NOBLETON The 33rd annual meeting of Sec- tion IV Toronto ‘Presbyterial will be held in the Nobl'eton Hall, Monday, June let, 1948, wï¬th the King-Base. and Eversley Auxiliaries as hostess- es. Lunch will be served at 12 noon and the afternoon session will open at 1:15 pm. The June meeting of the Lad‘ies’ Auxiliary [of the Boy Scouts was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Whar- ton, 83 Richmond Street, with nine- teen members present. A most in- spiring and encouraging address on the Boy Scout Movement was given by Rev. W. F. Whixon, guest speak- er for the evening, in which he brought out that Scouting taught a boy good manners, good habits and gave him a chance to make good friends by mingling with good comâ€" panions. This meeting was the last before the holiday season. The meetings will resume in September. The closing meeting of St. Mary's Anglican W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Wrixon, with a large attend- ance. The Rector took- the devotion- al exercises and spoke words of praise of the quiet but outstanding service being rendered the church both at home and abroad by the lo- cal W. A. Mrs. Chatterley presided and many business matters were at- tended to and plans made for a del- egation to represent the branch at the Deanery Conference to be held at. S‘chomberg. Rev. D. Pinkjerton, Missionary in the Peace River Dis- trict, spoke of his work in the West, and a very proï¬table meeting was brought to a close by the Benediction pronounced by the Rector, after which Mrs. Wrixon served refresh- ments. Mrs. Geliiatly, 83, has been cen- nected with this church all her life, joining its communion 63 years ago, She is keenlv anticipating success for this notably ,eyean__,_ A On Sunday. June 27th, anniversary services will he observed morning nnd evening and notable preachers have been secured“ Visiting choirs from Newmarket and Maple Pres- byterian chu_rches will participate. The church W. A. will sponsor a strawberry festival on the school grounds on June 29th and Rev. W. A. Hunnisett and the Fred Victor Miss- ion Orchestra, Toronto. will give a musical entertainment in the church. CLOSING MEETING OF ST. MARY’S W. A. The congregation was founded in 1834, and a hand-hewn log building was the place of worship, then locat- ed on the. southern portion of the present land site. As numbers in- creased a larger and more accomoâ€" dating place of \VOI‘s‘l’l'l'p was required therefore funds by subscription were raised and the present structure took form. The narrow pews, still in use, were assigned to seat-holders and whole families attended weekly wor- ship, the building at times being scarcely large enough to seat the congregation. Many changes have been wrought through the Years. Old families have disappeared from the community, and farms have been passed on to new owners, until very few descendants of the early pion- eers now worship there. Mrs. Eliz- abeth Gellatly, the oldest member of the congregation, and Miss Alice Ferguson and Mr. Lincoln Ferguson have descended from early founders, while the Bovair families have des- cended from the Scott family; Mrs. Walter Shropshire, Mrs. Elizabeth Folliott and Mrs. Mina are grand- daughters of Rev. James Tawse, the ï¬rst minister to settle at Eversley. whose pastorate extended over 40 years. The above mentioned are a few of the descendants of the found- ers, others not noted being included. Mr. Lyle Wells and his sons are the only family of that name now living in the district, though the Hand for the church site was taken from the original Wells farm and now hap- pily owned by Leonard Shropshire. James Tawse. named in honor of his grandfather, Rev. Tawse is a mem- ber of the congregation. Eversley Church 100lh Anniversary Eversley Church buihiing was er- ected in 1848. one hundred years ago, still remaining a commodious stone building, mellowed with age, and quaintly digniï¬ed. BOY SCOUT MEETING HELD Before the bride entered. Miss Lola Jones sang The Lord’s Prayer, ac- companied by Miss Helen Whitten at the organ. The church altar was decorated with baskets of pink roses and iris, The bride. who entered the church on the arm of her father were a dress of white velva ray over satin trimmed with silver Sequins and carried a bouquet of white roses Richmond Hill United Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday. June 12, 1948, when AEileen Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cook, Roseview Ave., was united in marriage to Charles Phillips, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Phillips of Wood'bridge by the Rev. C. B, Brethen. After the reception at the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, the bride and groom with their attendants motored to the home f the bride’s grand- mother, Mrs. m. Nicol, Elgin Mills, who owing to her advanced years was unable to attend the wedding. The bride presented her grandmother with her bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. Hill entertained the bridal attendants and their guests at their home “Stonehaven†in the evening. Later the happy couple left on a trip, the bride travelling in a beige printed crepe frock, brown accessories and green top coat. They will reside in Richmond Hill. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a blush pink satin gown with circular train. Her head- dress was of matching satin with ï¬ngertip veil and she carried :1 cas- cade of red roses. Miss Anita Hill. sister of the bride was maid of honor and Miss Madelon Fabbrie, Toronto, junior bridesmaid. They 'wore gowns of mauve nylon over peach taffeta with inserts of tiered ruffles at the hemline, matching headdress and car- ried nosegays of roses and sweet pegs. Mr. Jack Hatcher, Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Mr. Wm. Jennings and Mr. Charles Sh-aro. Toronto. SHROPSHALL-HILL Standards of snowballs and mauve iris decorated the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill, for the mar- riage of Audrey Adela, elg‘er daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Hxll, Richmond Hill to Mr. William Ed- ward Shropshall, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Shropshall, Birmingham, England. Rev. S. W- H-irtle officiated. Mrs. S. W. Hirth played‘ the wedding music and Miss Audreyr Gill, Tqronto, was sp‘loist: The reception was held at the home of Mrs. T. Allison. For trav- elling the bride wore a suit of aqua blue with navy accessories. On their return they wiL‘l live in Lorneville. Mr. P. F. Campbell was grooms- man for his brother and Mr. Roy Burton and Mr. John Butler were ushers. The bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown with an iv- ory satin bodice and net skirt, a cor- onet of seed pearls held her long veil and:- she carried med. roses and white sweet peas. Mrs. Ivan Ruddock sister of the bride, was matron of honour, gowned in orchid taffeta, while Miss Margaret Allison and Miss Cathryn Campbell chose rom- ance blue and gold. They all had matching half hats with flowers and carried" cascade bouquets of roses. Mrs. Stewart Rumble piayed the wedding music and Miss Lola Jones sang during the signing of the reg- ister. In Richmond Hill United Church on Saturday, June 12th, 1948, Rev. C. B. Brethen officiated at the wed- ding of Leone Kathleen (Bonnie) Burton, daughter of Mr. L. C. Bur- ton and the late Mrs. Burton to John Arthur Campbell, son of Mrs. Camp- bell and‘the late Mr. Campbell. Last Friday evening will long be remembered in Richmond Hill‘ when Norman Harris and his band from Vanity Fair, King Edward Hotel. Toronto, appeared at the Arena for the Dance of the year, sponsored by Richmond Hill Lions Club. The Ar~ ena for this notable occasion was transformed to a garden of ever- greens and flowering shrubs and the stage setting was really a work of art, ï¬rst backed by a huge purple and gold banner with the Lions em- blem, then flanked on either side, with large standards of gorgeous flowers, and the entire front of the stage heavily banked with bouquets of spring flowers. Evelry light in the main auditorium was decorated with long streamers of gold and pur- ple crepe paper, thus giving the en- tire arena the appearance of a lovely garden flanked on all sides with evergreens and flowers and soft col- orfLul lighting overhead. To the sweet strains of this ex- cellent band many hundreds of hap- py couples danced throughout the evening. Goodfellowship was much in evidence and added to this well- planned program. Richmond Hill’s own Lola Jones rendered several solos to the sincere delight of the large crowd‘ who refused to dance while she sang but rather grouped as near the stage as possible to hear those sweet lovely notes. The tre- mendous applause given her was an indication of the appreciation of her Arena Transformed T0 Spring Garden For Lions Big Dance S. FARR. WILLOWDALE. WINNER OF BOAT AND MOTOR CAM l‘BELL-BU RTON PHILLIPS-COOK WEDDINGS ADVERTISING IN CETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL Vaughan Township Council are to be congratulated on their'eï¬â€˜or'ts to keep the roadways in a fair state of repair. It is quite noticeable of late that the sideroads have had period- ical attention especially in the more congested areas and the officials res- ponsible are herewith tendered the appreciation of the residents using these roads with the request that they keep it up. At the reception on the lawn at Elder Kent, Concord. the bride’s mo- ther received- wearing a gown of rose crepe with natural accessories and corsage of white carnations. She was assist‘ed by the groom’s mother wearing turquoise blue with white accessories and a corsag‘e of pink carnations. Mrs. F. S. Clarke, grand- mother of the bride, poured tea. For the wedding trip east the bride wore powder blue with white accessories and corsage of red roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Kippox will re- side in‘Concord. KIPPOX-WIT’I‘Y The Mapiewood Church of Christ, Toronto, decorated with lilacs and snapdragons was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday after- noon, June 5th, when Doris Esther, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wlitty, Concord, was united in mar- riage to Joseph Brierly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kippox of Toronto, G. M. Johnson of Beamsville of- ï¬ciating. The bride, wearing a princess gown with trim of slipper satin and a headdress of orange blossoms which held her full-length tulle veil and a two-strand pearl necklace, the gift of the groom, entered the church on the arm of her father, carrying a bouquet of red roses and lily of the valley. 7 The bridsemaid, Miss Violet Cur- rie, gowned in pale blue satin with matching: headdress. carried pink roses. The flower girl, Edythe Jane Bennettes, was in pink taffeta with small matching headdress and car- ried an old-fashioned nosegay. Mr. Albert K-ippox supported his brother and the ushers were Mr. Albert Langford. and Mr. Albert Broome. The soloist, Mr; Roy Witty, brother of the bride, sang ‘O-h Perfect Love’ as the bride entered the church and ‘Because’ as the happy couple signed the register. Later all retired to .the Assembly Hall of the church for a wedding: supper. Mr. Wesley Middleton gave a toast to the bride which was ï¬t- tineg responded to by the groom. The happy couple left amid a shower of confetti and good wishes on a short, wedding trip to points north, the bride travelling in a grey suit with powder blue accessories and upon their return will reside in Richmond Hill. and baby’s breath. Her long veil of embroidered net was caught to a net coronet with lily-of-thevalley. Miss Bernice Cook, sister of the bride and maid of honor was dressed in pink nylon sheer with net coronet and veil to match, and carried pink Briarcliï¬'e roses and baby’s breath. Her bridesmaid, Miss Gladys Ched- zoy was dressed in yellow nylon sheer with coronet and veil to match and carried Talisman roses and ba- by’s breath. Mr. Leroy Phillips, brother of the groom, was best man. The ushkrs were Mr. Murray Snider and Mr. Erle Cook, brothel} of the bride. During the signing: of the re 'istey ,,Mi!ss“~.lypla~.j:..lones ,‘Vss‘ang “ n'ough the YEErs‘“'f’With. organ acé companiment, “,3 The bridal" couple received their guests in the church, the bride and groom's parents receiving with them. The bride's mother were ifl'auve sheet with grey accessories and‘corsag‘e of roses. The groom's mother wore grey crepe \Vlth blue accessorles and corâ€" sage of pink roses: The big event of the evening was the drawing of the (lucky ticket for the boat and motor at 12 o’clock sharp. Those were indeed tense moments for everyone. Lions A1 Rice and Doug Boyd mounted the stage with the large drum contain- ing the stubs, among which was one lucky one. Round and round went that drum and then Norman Harris dug deep and un came that impor- tant ticket. A hush fell over the crowd, a pin. could have been heard to drop, then A1 Rice announced “Number 5490. Mr. S. Farr, Willow- daleâ€. A‘huge cheer arose that made the rafters ring and then â€" Is Mr. Farr in the audience? Yes, Mr. Farr was there, and in a mom- ent appeared on the stage to claim his valuable prize by answering a question correctly â€" Oh! you lucky Mr. Farr echoed and re-echoed throughout the crowd. The entire evening was one of friendliness and good fellowship that will contribute much to the goodwill of this splendid community. Much credit is due to Lion Al Rice and his committee for this most successful event. Lion Al wishes to express his sincere appreciation to all mem- bers- of his committee and to the many Lions who helped him decorate the arena and assisted in other ways. audience. She was presented with a. gift 6f roses by Lion Herb Butt. During intermission six valuable door prizes were presented to six lucky people. RICHVALE COMMUNITY NEWS Cur- with ni nk Jane