6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June 17th, 1948 RICHMOND HILL Farmers Supply MW‘OOW Official and Accredited Veterinarian Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maplm Small and Large Animals WMNâ€OOOW Full Line of Blatchford Ask us for information Calf-Mix N0 W â€" Strengthened with Vila-Dine The new flurplcmrnt for greater vitamin and mincru contentâ€"greater nutrition! Also hog and stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eventually! Why not now? For delivery call Richvale P.0. Phone Maple 64rd A full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock And they‘ll stay healthy tooâ€" Blatchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays me bigger dividends! 3W Chi‘g‘tal‘ter Roy V. Bick INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone 139 Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Watkins Products ERNIE DURIE VETERINARY R. H. KANE Wednesday, June 23 STEET DANCE ‘“APLE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ART EVANS, Floor Manager. Admission 25c Lucky Draw Games ART WEST’S ORCHESTRA Modern DANCING Olde Tyme SPONSORED BY M. R. A. Feeds about J as. Rabinowitch, BA. Successor to B. B. Jordan Office Hoursâ€"Daily 10 to 5 p.m. Eveningsâ€"Tucsd‘aw, Thursday and Fridays, 8 to 10 And ‘by Appointment, 40 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone ichmond Hiil 229 MORTGAG LOANS ARRANGED Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Residenw --- 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, (.‘nt‘ Willowdale 308 Room 66. 18 I‘orontoq St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 ELgin 5‘029 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS, K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. (0n Active Service) B. E. LYONS, B.A. ‘ JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone 120 (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynott J. F. Lynett ' ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"- Richmond Hill Turonto Officeâ€"13 Toronto Street Pbons Adelaide 5877 ‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Macnaughton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario DE‘ETIST FORMERLY OF THORNHILL \nnounces that his office is now ocabed at the City Limits, North Caron-to, directly opposite the Term- inal, over Liggett’s Drug Store. Phone Office: HLland 9300 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. 800k, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson ‘oronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill. Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Dr. P.- R. M acFarlane DENTIST Closed/Wednesday all day GAS EXTRACTION â€"â€" X-RAY Phone Woodbridge 172 ALEXANDER MacGREGOR K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, MA. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building M acGregor & Wilsgrg DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET BARRISTER SOLICITQR, NQTARX PUBLIC Walter S. Jenkins THURSDAY AFTERNOON Dr. M. J. Quigley BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale A MacNaughton & M acN aughton Dr. W. J. Mason Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman VRichm'ond Hill Every DENTAL Valuable Prizes Refreshments Toroï¬to Centre St. E. Richmond um Hours: 9-11 a.m.; 2-4 pm. Evenings and Sundays: Emergencies 'and appointments only. Telephone 24 Richmond Hill HAPLE [tom itrhe Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept _n number 0: pupfls m PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY For information phom Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58J Instructors of HAWAIIAN GUITAR, MANDOLIN AND PIANO ACCORDION 9 MADAWASKA AVE. ’Dr. A. J. MacKinnon VETERINARY SURGEON Zentre St. W. Richmond Hill Office phone 360W Res. 360J Ken & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for the ‘Counties of York and Ontario. Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate, Sales a specialty. At Fair and Reasonhble Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken.P.O., phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small NewtbnbroOig Ont. Phone Zone 8-218 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales :1 Specialty Telephone Stouffville 7312 OFFICE HOURS: 9-11 a.m.; 1-3 p.m.; 6-8 pm. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. 22 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Dr. Jag. R. Langstaff â€"AND-â€"â€" Dr. Geo. A. Thompson Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial "Operator"â€"â€"-Message Charge) Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 Richmond -Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE Miss Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy P I A N O Florence Minghella Studio Of Music 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Thistletown Dr. R. A. Bigford 5?. J. P. Wilson Wright &. Taylor Adelmo M elecci FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Aédress: Gormley P.O. and By appointment Woodbridge 641-23 Phone Weston 703r12 A. S. Farmer MEDICAL MUSICAL Ken Love AUCTIONEER Office Hours Richmond Hill Ontario Phone Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis of Florida is spending the summer ~with her friend, Mrs. Frank Armstrong Sr. Mr. Bob Ferris, Wife and daughter, Patricia, visited his sister, Mrs. Brit- ton Riddell and M15. Tena Wilson on Sunday. After an absence of ten years, Mr. Harry Bovair of Saskatchewan is visiting his brothers, Arthur and Scott Bovair and calling on other relatives and friends. He attended service at Eversiey church on Sun- day morning. It is hoped he will be among former associates of Eversley church to attend the moth anniver- sary of the present building on June King W}. I. listened to Mrs Ivan Specht give an arresting description of the Canadian International Trade Fair at Toronto, at the regular meet- ing of the W. I. on June 8th. Mrs. Specht and Mrs. A. E. Kelley attend- ed the fair during the week, regis- tering in the guest book as repre- sentatives of Kin-g Women’s Insti- tute. Choicest exhibits from world ountries, graced by the presence of representative attendants, presented an almost believable picture of pro- ducts, so expertly designed, so high in quality, so practical. 750 exhib- itors, many speaking other lan- guages, converged in the Coliseum setting up trade outlets and expan- sion and all in the impressive still- ness of the huge building at Exhib- ition Park. ‘ Mrs. Elizabeth F-olliott, Eversley, has returned home after a few (lays in Toronto. Miss Louise Phillips, Downsvie-tv spent the week end with Mrs. Fred Curtis. Master Herb Minton was rushed to Newmarket‘hospital last week where he underwent an appendix op- eration and is now progressing fav- orably. Mrs. Arthur Wellesley spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Burger at Barrie, intending to attend the annual Archibald Reunion held at Clear Water Park, Midhurst. Ma's. Olivia Glravm, Newmarket, spent several days with her daugh- flzer, Mrs. William Carson. At 91, Mrs. Graves enjOys life to the fullâ€" est and cast her vote on June 7th. At dusk Sunday evening a plane crashed on the Hremphil'l farm, west of Nobleton, Constable William Da- vis summoned Provincial Police aid and investigation was carried out by Jack“ Strong of Brampton. Drumhead Service June 27th A colorful drum'head service will be conducted by King Canadian Legion branch, No. 438, on Sunday after- noon, on the lawn of All Saints An- glican church, King, at 3.30 p.m., parade to form in Memorial Park at 3 pm. Special and music through- out. Salube will be taken by Major N. F. Johnson, Aurora, and the Of- ï¬cer Commanding of Queen’s York Rangers, and Zone Commander, H. A. Phelps. “C†squadron of the Queen’s York' Rangers will be pres- ent. Zone branches are invited to be well represented. "Pad-re the Rev. E. W. G. Worrall will speak. to be assisted at the service by other 10- cal clergy. James Lloyd Interred at Kingr Mr. James Lloyd, a resident of Temperanceville, passed away on Thursday, June 10th, at York Coun- ty Hospital. Newmarket, from heart trouble. Deceased had suffered com- parative poor health from a heart condition for some time, and had been unable to carry on his work with Aurora Anodizing plant since before Christmas. He was in his 58th year, and is survived by his wife, the former Ethel Wells, daugh- ter of Mr. William J. Wells, and eight children: Cecil of Stouffville, Neil in Winnipeg, Arthur at Holland Landing, Mrs. Alï¬â€˜ed Allen (Ger- trude) Whitchuroh .township; Mrs. W. Smith (May) Toronto; Ma's. Stanley Kerr (Louise) Aurora; Don- ald and Dorothy at home. Mr. Lloyd was the son of the late Arthur Lloyd and Isobel Ball, and was born on what later became the Pellatt estate. He had attended King public school, and had farmed most of his life. He was quiet and in- dustrious and a highly respected citizen. His sister is Mrs. Tr/ror Springette, (Ethel) of Toronto and a brother is Wesley Lloyd of Tem- perancevillo.' -__ .. . . . .p v Funeral service was held on Sat- urday from the home of the daugh- ter', Mrs. Alfred Allen, conducted by Rev. T. R. White, Aurora, and inter- ment in King cemetery. Rumble, Mrs. G. Hately and Mrs. G. Wells gave reports of the recent District Annual. ‘La-skay W. I. enjoyed Miss Steph- anie Jarvis, recently home from England, dsecribe her work as dram- atic teacher, and other cultural arts. 4*0th BirthdayF-or Laskay. W. I. p.. Invitations have been issued for the 4*0th anniversary of Laskay W. I. on June 25th on the lawn of Mrs. Marvin Hunter, Miss Grace Hamil- ton of the W. I. department will be ’pvesent to represent Miss A‘nna Lew- is, and another highly qualiï¬ed perâ€" son may also speak. Mrs. R. H. Corner, district president will be there, and many former members of the branch are accepting invijcations. thiâ€"svflénicflalr scrÃ©ï¬ Bookuwill be paved for that day. July lst E0}: Laskay Fie_1d pay Taffy Hollow Park, Laskay, will be the scene of the annual Field Day and Dance sponsored by Las- kay Old Boys Association, the ï¬rst baseball \pitched at 1 pm. Sports events will include baseball tourna- ment, men’s,and mixed; obstacle, foot, swimming and bicycle races; horse shoe pitching, boxing and wrestling on a raft, and the usual no- table prizes: oldest couple on the grounds and largest family in at- tendance. In the evening Sally Lloyd and Her Musical Mates, a ï¬ve-piece orchestra. will play for the open air park dance, Neil Gray is secretary and Charles Black, president of the Association. The recent International Trade Fair, Toronto, created a happy inci- dent for Mrs. David Anderson, Tor- onto (nee Both McDonald of. _K.ing) when one of the French exhibitors called at her home in person present- ing to her a letter from her pempal of many years, a young lady living in France. Beth had set up this pen-palâ€"ship while at Aurora'High School, and has since continued to interchange ‘letterS, even with inter- King City District News rf Florida pre- ference of war years. It was with great surprise and delight Mrs. An- derson welcomed her visitor, a per- sonal friend of her French friend. The visitor took Mr. and Mrs. An- derson as his guests to the opening night of the Trade Fair. Softball Schedule for King In the York and Peel League June 22 â€" King at Schomberg June 24 â€" Elia at King June 29 â€"â€" King at Woodbridge A C July 2 â€" King at Nobleton July 6 â€" Tullamore at King July 13 â€" Bolton at King July 15 â€" Kin-g at Thistletown July 20 â€" Woodbridge E P at King Mr. John Larkin was organist for Eversley church service last Sunday morning and Mr. Richardson W'ater- son sang a_solo_. June June June July July July July July Strange Presbyterian W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Dove last week. Laskay United W.M.S. were guests and gave the program which included readings by Mrs. Norman Sloan, the Family Tree written by Rex Frost; an article written by Dr. Archer Wallace and read by Mrs. Marshall McMurchy; piano duet by Mrs. William and Mrs. Norman Bryson; vocal duet by Mrs. Jesse Richards and Helen Hunter and a vocal solo by Mrs. Fred Boys. Mrs. Whatley Finch was in the chair. On Saturday, June 19, at 2.30 p. m. the Martha Winter Mission Band will meet at King United church for regular meeting and Temperanceville Band will be guests, supplying a special speaker for the occasion. Games and refreshments will be ser- ved afterward on the church lawn. ’I‘eston Sunday School Anniversary Sundéy School Anniversary ser- vices wiil be held at Teston United church on Sunday, June 20th. At 1] a.m. the minister, Rev. M. Jen- kinson will preach assisted by the Kettleby United Church choir; at 7.30 pm. Mr. Rowland Moddle, of Aurora high school staff will speak and Pinegrove Junior Choir, winners at Wood‘bridge Music Festival will sing. Umon Communlon Servicq At Teston United church, June 27, 11 a.m. Union Holy Communion will be observed by King, Laskay and Teston United Church congregations, with Mr. Jenkinson preaching and Laskay choir attending. Nurse Mabel Jennings has resign- ed her position as school nurse for the township of Markham and the village of Markham, effective at the end of the present school term. The two municipalities will confer on the matter of replacing Miss Jennings, who has given excellent service in the nursing Dost. MARKH’AM PUBLIC HEALTH. NURSE RESIGNS MAPLE TINSMITH& PLUMBING SUPPLY .( -Ien-u-ua a >- vonm - m -m- Thornhill. Ont. iPhone 252.1 P.0. Box 268! Windows and Door Frames ,Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets, Cupboard Doors, Berry Crates, Rose and Garden Trellis. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired. Phone Richmond Hill 134r31 Tinsmithing and Plumbing Eavestroughing Furnaces Installed J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Amt/mobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE Accountants W. Ernest Lansdown & Co. Acecuntants â€" Auditors Suite 404 â€"â€" 229 Yonge St. TORONTO â€"â€" ELGIN 3810 W‘OODWORKING Langstaff Phone Thornhill 2171‘21 Reverse Charges GENERAL HAULAGE Marguerite Boyle Elocution, Public Speaking, Dramatic Art ORVAL JONES AUB. NICHOLS Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 “HOMEWOOD HALL†L. HOUSE Richmond Hill Phone 89w § PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT 0 moooumooom owwwoowmow E Phone 21-w Richmond Hill, Ont. i “ONOWWOOWWWW 0 FOR SALE 1 Men-D. Model "R" Green Crop Hay Loader on rubber, good as new 1 Massey-Harris Side Rake and Tedder, Good. 1 (i-Can Mex-l). Cabinet Milk Cooler. 25 cycle 1 »1-(‘an Mc.-l). Cabinet Milk Cooler, 25 cycle. 3 Used Deering Mowers. completely overhauled 2 Used No. 33 Massey-Harris Oil Bath Mowers l 8-Ft. Set Fleury-Bissell Double Disc (used). 1 é-Ft. Set Massey-Harris Tractor Double Disc We also have a good stock of mower repairs, hay forks. hay cars, draw rope. pulleys binder twine and baler twine. PE RKI N s FARM AND HOME EQUIPMENT PHONE 21W International Harvester Tractors. Farm Machines and Twine. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.l.L. Paints and Chemicals. Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors Beatty & Fairbanks-Morse Pumps & Home Appliances E. H. HALL h fgtrrrsc; 7017/â€, ' maï¬a“: mucx TIRES HALL’S Service, STATION “If it’s for the Farm â€" We sell it†with confidence 1. Built for results. ELGIN MILLS, ONT. (Opp. Orange Home) RICHMOND HILL