IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII-IIIEIIIIIIIIII! Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Open air dance in the evening â€" Sally’s 5-piece orchestra Novelty Dances. Jive (‘ontest Prize for the oldest couple on grounds and for the largest ' family in attendance Men's and Mixed Softball Tournament -â€"with entries in by June 29 Field Day&Dance rsday, July 1 lnTAFmgIQLLOW L SPONSORED BY LASKAY OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION At 1 p.m. NEIL GRAY. Secretary CHARLES BLACK, President I The down payment is only 10"; and the terms are easy, spread over a‘pe’riod up to'two years. ‘ "" †You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Healing System? We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. Richmond Hill Plumbing & Heating ADMISSION: Dance 500. Grounds 250, Free Parking Funeral Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Spring Bouquets City and Suburbén Delivery RICH VALE FLORIST Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and USA. _ Phone Richmond Hill 344122 PHONE 86 RICHMOND HILL Swimming, Fool. Obstacle and Bicycle Races Horseshoe Pitching 82 Yonge Street Order early to avoid disappointment Boxing and Wrestling on a Raft Phone Richmond Hill 296W P.O. Box 1 19 EBbié Bï¬'w’hi'ch to play cards; if desired.‘ The tourist accommodation, we were told, was much more crowd- ed. The “Ascania†is listed as still under austerity conditions but it,is difficult to say just where there is any austerity. Certainly not in the dining room, where meals are as good as in peacetime. Every member of the ship's com- plement seems anxious to do every- thing; possible for each one of the passengers. Ships at present are crowded on every trip and there were about 800‘ passengers on board. There was a very large number of children, but they were all remarkably good, and is a well equipped nursery which is ‘pru’la‘r with the smaller children. "While the ï¬rst accomodation was ï¬lled the public rooms were not ov- ercrowded, and it was always pos- sible to ï¬nd a comfortable chair, 0}: The chief officers, .Capt. W. M. Stewart, 0.B.E., H. E. Wa'rdrop, purâ€" ser, H. Tweed, chief steward, and others are exceedingly pleasant and all can spin exciting yarns of their war experiences. Capt. Stewart, who was on his ï¬rst trip in com- mand of‘th’e “Asea-niaâ€, having pre- viously been Staï¬ Captain on both of the Queens, was for the most of the war in command of a ship sail- ling up and down the east coast of Africa and although he escaped tor- pedoing, had his share of excitement and difficulties. A typical breakfast menu lists 5 different fruits, 7 breakfast cereals, grilled fresh herrings,. calves liver, broiled bacon, eggs in any manner desired, cold meats, 6 kinds of bread, wafl‘les, buckwheat cakes, with maple or golden syrup, pre- serves, marmalade and six different beverages. _ ‘" Isn’t it about time the authdrities cancelled the June 7 holiday. Rec- ognized only-by the banks and ï¬nan- cial ‘houses, and the schools, it is u‘eallv poorly ;uat1'oniz‘£d._ Most ’of the people continue to work. and af- ter all it isn’t the king’s birthday, and industry does not recognize it at all. In Stouï¬'ville the bank and post office were closed, and a certain amount of apathy was most annar- ent in business, but then it was Mon- day usually a slow business day for stores in any case, and a very busy time for the farmers. In this series of articlse it is my hope to present an accurate picture or conditions as they are in England today, to contrast present conditions with what I found when there with Canadian editors in 1942, and to make them as interesting- as pos- sible. The “Ascania†although not a very fast ship, has many advantages, not the least of which is that she is a very steady ship. We were told by passengers who had travelled on many other ships that the Ascania does not roll as much as other lar- ger and faster ships. Certainly we had a very smooth voyage and very few! passengers \suï¬'ered‘from sea sickness. n Duri‘ï¬g the morning- hot broth served in all the public rooms. At noon, a luncheon menu is as varied ‘as the breakfast one, and about four p.m. tea is served to ev- eryone in the public rooms. There are so many conflicting reâ€" ports of what the English are now enduring that this will be an effort to present factual information as I ï¬nd it. To begin with, it is difficult but not impossjble to get bookings to Europe today. There still is a ser- ious shortage of ships, but VMrs. Legge and I were fortunate in being able to .get aCComodation on‘the As- cania leaving: Halifax on April 16, and returned from Liverpool on June 5th. Although the passenger must declare on a. Form H the amount of money he or she is taking with them, the customs officers insist upon see- ing: and counting it. This is one of the ways in which government reg- ulations undermine morals by con- sidering“, everyone as a felon. 'The passenger’s signed statement is not accepted at face value and is appar- ently only used as an added charge against the passenger, is as the gbv- ernment seems .to hope, he has nei~ thor intentionally or not, made a mistake. If the examiningr officers ï¬re at all suspicions. the passenger’s person and baggage are subjected to a thorough search. “'OULD ABOLISH JUNE 7 HOLIDAY The boat train arrived at Halifax at about 2 pm. and those passen- g'e‘rs,M(nearly all of them) who went on' board were forced to stay there, although the ship did not sail until 10:30 p.m. that night. We did not go on board at once, but going: up to the Nova Scotia Hotel, had a delightful visit with the members of the Nova Scotia Pi'ess Association, who were gather- ed in session there. With them also were R. A. Giles and W. McCartney, president and manager of the CW. ,The dinner menu is the best of all. Here is a sample one taken at ran- dom:â€"-'0ysters on half shell; Hors d’oeuvres; Consomme or crem soup; Poached ï¬lets of Turbot; veal and ham cutlets; Roast sirloin of beef; Haricots vert; carrots Vichy; boiled. rissolees or voisen potatoes; roast dhiclaen; strawberry souffle; wine jelly; vanilla or orange ice cream; canape anchois, coffee or tea. There is nothing about such menus to suggest austerity. There is plenty of entertainment provided. Horse racing, bingo, and other amusements are organized each evening, while a ship's orches- tra of ï¬ve pieces plays at regular hours. Deck tennis, shuffle-board and other games are popular, and no one need have a dull moment. A11 in all, a voyage on the Ascan- ia is just as enjoyable today as it was before the war. Mr. Abbott’s dollar savings pro- gramme has not made travelling any more pleasant. It has stopped the privilege of allowing friends to go on board ship to see you off. Also once' on board, passengers are not allowed to come off again before the ship sails. 1" 1-0 English Journey, “'A LTER R. LEGGE Stouï¬â€˜villc Tribune The heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. J. Lloyd and family in their recent be- reavement. ‘ The Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting on Wednesday af- ternoon, June 9, in the Sunday School room. After opemng' the meeting: and conducting a short business per- iod, the president, Mrs. Hare, left the meeting in charge of Mrs. H. Patrick, president 0f the Snowball W. 1., whom we were very pleased to have as guests. V These ladies presented a most in- teresting and worthwhile program which included an excellent article written by Dr. Margaret Patterson and entitled ‘A Women’s Work‘, also a reading de 'ictlng recent con- ditions in Hollan which was made more vivid by a lsplay of work from that country. .The musical ren- ditions were especrally appreciated and included piano and vocal solos and a violin and piano duet. A conâ€" test on Trees wa's enjoyed by all and made us realize' 0111‘ lack of know- ledge of our (mm Canadianltrees. The lovely prize was g‘l‘aciously con- ceded in favour of Mrs. YOung' who had the highest number of points among: our own members. On be- half of the Temperancevi‘lle branch, Mrs. M. Beynon expressed sincere thanks to our guests forla most en- joyable afternoon.’During the so- cial hour, Our social conveners ser- Ved- a delicious‘tee.†. A pioneer in cancer research, Sir Alfred Webb, who is vice-nresident of the Royal College of Surgeons, spoke \at the launching; of the appeal at Mansion House. He said that there was no longer any need for the haunting fear of the disease which many people shill had. While he would hesitate to use the word “cureâ€, the fact remained that for many regions of the body between 70 and 90 per cent. of sufl‘erers treated early had shown no signs of the disease ten years afterward. Already there had been enormous re- ductions in cancer of the skin and advances had been made in treat- ment of surgery, by eray and by radium. ' A great new ‘vista had been opened up by the successes of chem- ical therapy. TEMPERANCEV lLLE 'The Aurora Building Company have been awarded the contract for a new 3-storey office building at the corner of Prospect and Water Sts., Newmarket. Plans have been pre- pared by Messrs. Allward and Gou- inlockk architects. Toronto. The building will be 52’ x 100', masonry and stone exterior and steel construc- tion. Work is to commence at once. REVOLUTIONARY ADVANCES IN CANCER RESEARCH The British Empire Cancer Cam- paign has just celebrated its 25th an. niversary. It has launched a new appeal for $4,000,000 to enable it to undertake additional research so as to take advantage .of some revolu- tionary scientiï¬c advances made (lurn ing the war. Although cancer is the second most frequentcause of death in Britain today, such progress has been achieved in recent years that much is now known of contributing; factors. NEW OFFICE BUILDING FOR NEWMARKET vcu a. UNLALIVM .~77 New members will be accepted for the Blue Cross until June 25. Any- one interested, please contact Mrs. W. Jennings before Eha‘t date. y. “HEN , H, There was a good attendance at the showing of the National Filn‘x Board held at the scho’ol on Wednes- day evening", June 9. Of Special in- terest to the W. 1. members was the ï¬lm entitled Home and Country, which depicted the birth and growth of this now world-wide organization which last year cdl'ebrated its 50th anniversary. ,. t A. . - -.., .M -..V..__ V V _ 'T‘emperahcevill'e 1W. I. was suc- cessful in winning the special award given to the branch gaining the i’g‘hest number of points in tho urora Horse Show. The many members who participated are to be congratulated for their skiil and Showmanship. ‘ .H.. ,‘ The Pageant of Fashion presented by Lever Bros. on June 7 proved most interesting and informative. Miss Barber, in her excellent com- mentary, traced style trends from 1450 to the modern new look, and showed typical examples of the var- ious periods. Following this presentation, the patches on the shirt were judged and the prizes were won by Mrs. A. Kerr for the ladies and by Miss Phyllis Barker for the children. ul-ï¬Ã©ï¬'ltwfaget ‘ï¬ha-t Sunday, Junn 20,‘ is Father’s “Day...†Y ,I., You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled†or "re-built" engines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are diflerent. They are precision-built to rigid speciï¬cations laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured BOND LAKE GARAGE OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 CARS CALLED F0] REPLACE THAT “WORN-OUT" ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD REMAHIIFAOTHHED EHGIHE EXTENSIVE BUILDING IN NORTH YORK TOWNSHIP Building_ continues to boom in North York toWnship, council were informed when a report from J. R. Garlick, building- inspector, pointed out that permits valued at $2,658,085 were issued during May 1948. Per- mits valued at $7,204,670 have been issued from January lst to May 31‘st, 19498, compared to $3,740,276 for the corresponding; period last year, the report showed. According: to the ï¬rst official es- timate the production of sun-flower seed in Argentine in 1947â€"48 will be 1,074 thousand metric tons( about 2,367 milflidn lb.) which is 56 per cent above the 1946-47 crop, and 73 Der cent above the 1938-48 average. The area sown was estimated at 1,- 584 thousand hectares (about 3,914 acres). ARGENTINE SI‘NFLOWERS ~Don’f Repair . . . REPLACE! The book holidays to come; education for your children; things for the house; added seourity . . friends see the contents. The information and your bank. Your hank keeps it that way.‘ story in tho worldâ€"especially if you are the saving kind. in your passlmok is strictly between you SPONSORED 0 you. it tells the most interesting You can tyanslate it irito many purposes: But vou never let even your intimate Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. _All arts which do not meet engineering speciï¬cations are replace with Genuine Chrysler- engineer‘ed p‘arts. Every Chrysler Method Reménufactured Engine is, testedr on mdynamomerer and is guaranteed? to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in to-day‘ and let us show you what is different about the/ CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufacturing engines. CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED J. Carl Saigeon Agency you THE All insurance matters will reéeive the usual prompt attention and service. LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June ('R B4.\’K MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Teiephone Maple 11 lend 17th, 1948