WWW WWeno WOOOOOO 00 600“ WOOM““MO¢~ own...“ SERVING CANADIANS Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted EYESIUHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Wednesday, June 23rd F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACE u: Tues.June29ih, Strawberry Festival Under Ahc auspices of Erersley W. A. "10 be held at Eversley School 5.30 to 8.00 p.m. Entertainment in the church at 8:15 p.m. by Rev. W. A. Hunnisett and the Fred Victor Mission Orchestra, To'rotno Toronto Presbytery to be represented ADMISSION: Adults 65c; Children 35c 100th Anniversary Eversley Presbyterian Church THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June 17th, 1048 All Work Guaranteed. Siding, Troughing and Furnace Repairs Roofing of all types 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Prescriptions for Glasses Fined For Appulntmcm Phone Richmond Bil} 33 At ll a.m. â€"â€" Rev. J. B. Thompson, Toronto and Newmarket Presbyterian Choir At 7.30 p.m. â€"- Rev. Dr. Orr Mulligan, Aurora and Maple Presbyterian Choir Vaughan Roofing Co. Sunday, June 27th RICHVALE, ONTARIO Richmond Hill l36r33 Estimates Free LIMI‘IED moss. Margaret Rankin. Billy Rankin, Jean Scriver, Shirley Shipton, Gwyn- neth Sowden, Carol Ann Stephenson, Noreen Tancock, Lois Weir. Rut-h Springford will act as Mistress of Ceremonies, and a collection will be taken for the B. C. Flood Victims. ..Miss Marguerite Boyle will hold a recital and ted with twenty of her elocution pupils at her residence “Homewood Hall†Thornhill, on Sat- urday afternoon, June 26th at 2:30 p. m. Winnifred Heath. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., contralto, will be the as- sisting artist. mTheu programme will include read- ings by Barbara Bell. Corinne Cher- ry, Harvey Evans. Harold Grifblgle, L-Vavura Haltrison, John Kim-her, Edna Lane, Carol Mansbridge, Joan Mc- Lellan, Mary Sue McGee, Lois Nat- The regular monthlv meeting of the Doncaster Ladies’ Club was held on Tuesday evening, June 8th. at the home of Mrs. Wan. Garnett, Morgan Ave. A box for Britain was com- pleted and sent on to a family in Birmingham. Also. a date was set and place for the Bazaar to he held in the Fall was arranged. Tickets ‘iave been printed and are now on sale for the picnic to he held at Woodland Park on Saturday, July 17th. Adults will cost 35c and chil- iren 25c. Next meeting will be held rt the home of Mrs. W. Goodchild m July 6th. a Marguerite Boyle Will Hold Recital In Aid of B. C. Flood Victims .. Doncaster Ladies Club The W. A. and W.M.S. of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly meeting: at the home of Mrs. Teasdale, Concord, last Thursday afternoon. Guest speaker was Mrs. Williams of King". and vis- itors from King were Miss Ferguson and Miss Gilletley. Arrangements were made for a church picnic to be held some time in May. Thornhill Horticultural Society To Hold Peony Show Best wishes for a complete recov- ery are extended to eight year old Adrian Macdonald. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Macdonald of Morgan Ave., who underwent an operation in a Toronto hospital last week. A welcome to the extended to Mr. and inson who came from occupy the home on which thev purchased Mrs. R. Thompson. . A speedy recovery to Mrs. Claude Mon‘ison of Seccombe Ave., who un- ierwent an operation in Toronto Western hos-pita! recently. Thorn hill Thornhill District News HROUGH CHEMISIRY Horticultural Society thememmunity is and Mrs. Ray Rob- from Willowdale to a on Proctor Ave., lased from Mr. and [will hold it 'nesday next Memorial H to the‘ publi Mr. P. Bone was judge and guest speaker at the Pickering Horticul- tural Society last; week, and this week he is at Gananoque, Arnprzor and Ottawa attending the District meetings of numbers two and three, where he will speak and extend greetings from the Ontario Horticulâ€" tural Association. Mrs. P. Bone and Miss BettyBone entertained at a kitchen shower this week in honour of Miss Norma Mc- Kay, whose marriage to Mr. James Heslo‘p will take place on Saturday. June 26th, in Thornhill United Church. Guests from Toronto, Con- cord, Richmond Hill and Thornhill attended. The tea table was centred with a charming arrangement of lily- nfâ€"the-valle‘y. Mrs. N. McKay and Mrs. B. Heslop poured tea and Miss Betty Bone and her aunt, Mrs. H. Moore of Toronto, snrved.‘ refresh- ments. A combined picnic fof the church, Sunday School and Woman’s Assoc- iation of Thcrnhill Presbyterian Church will be held on the church grounds on Saturday, July 7th. Miss Jean Scott entertained the Fortnite Club of Thornhill Presby- terian Church at a picnic last. week. Please instruct your members who intend to take part in District num- ber ï¬ve outing to Guelph on Thurs- day, June 24th, that arrangements have been made for lunch to be ser- ved in the main dining hall, Ontario Agl‘iCUltul‘al College at 1 pm. day- light saving time, to cost 75c per person. There is to be no eating of picnic lunches on the college grounds. Members wishing to take their own box lunch will ï¬nd every facility â€" hot water for tea, etc.. provided for their convenience at Riverside Park. If pmsible, please advise me be- forehand how many of your mem- bers will be taking advantage of the generOSity'of the O.A.C. by having lunch in the College diningr hall. Signed: P. A. Varnham, Chairman, Picnic Committee Di'strict N6. 5 R. R. 2, West Hill 'The above information may be re- laved either to Mr. Varnham or to Mr. Bone. Members of Thornhill Horticultural Society, please note. The following letter has l)een re- ceived by Mr. P. Bone: Imnnrtant Notice: The annual Peony exhibition Guelph, June 24th. Thornhill Unlted Church will hold ts annual picnic at High Park, Tor- rld its Peony Show on Wed- next, June 23rd, atLawrence al Hall. Doors will be open public 3‘1; 8 p.111. On Saturday evening car thieves visited the home of Mr. R. Barber at Milliken and made off with a car. In their hurry they hit the end of the bridge on No. 7 Highway comâ€" pletely wrecking the car. Thence they made their way to Buttonville, where they made several unsuccess- ful attempts to start cars in the neighborhood, ï¬nally making off with the car belonging to Mr, Hugh Allen. It was recovered Sunday eveningr at Musselman’s Lake, ap- parently‘none the worse. Remember the Mission Band pic- nic at the home of Miss Mary Rodick nn Satrday afternoon of this week. Mothers and children are all cordial- ly invited to attend. Mrs. K. Gray of Kirkland Lake who has been attending 21 nurses’ reunion in Toronto, was a week end ilisitor with her sister, Mrs. S. Eng- ish. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Collard were away holidaying this past week end. 7 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoover of Torâ€" onto visited their relatives here on Sunday. onto, on Wednesday, June 30th. De- tails of the picnic will be an'anged at a meeting of the Sunday School staff to be held at the home of Mrs. H. LeMasurier on Thursday evening of this week. Attended by Dr. R. W. Wesley, he was found tobe suffering from a broken collar bone only, and today John is running around as usual. Infants John George Hodkinson and Elizabeth Spring Hodkinson, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hodkinson: and Richard James, son of Dr: and Mrs. Richard Elgie. were christened last Sunday in an outdoor setting at the home of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs; George Spring, Domico Farm, Yonge St. Rev. E. E. Kent performed the ceremony which was attended by relatives and close friends, including Miss M. Strachan of Toronto, a formerschool teacher of Mrs. Elgie’s (former Frances Spring), who presented tiny Richard James with a handsome hand knitted shawl. All three babies were the recipients of numerous beautiful gifts. After the christening, photos Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy and son had Sunday evening supner with his parents in Richmond Hill. John Lennox, son of Mr. and“ Mrs. A. Lennox. celebrated a memorable third birthday last Sunday under very unfortunate circumstances, for it was while driving on Avenue Rd. in Toronto with his parents that ,in some way the child managed to open the rear car door and tumble out. The Ayrshire Breeders of Ontario were entertained at their annual picâ€" nic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Spring, Domico Farm, Yonge St.. last Saturday afternoon. Over 150 guests enjoyed competitions with prizes and baseball games. Cattle judging took place during the afterâ€" noon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heise and son, Al'nth, of Stayner visited among Gorrmley relatives 7 on‘ "Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of Toronto spent last week end in the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson of Osh- awa had Sdnday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. S. Dover and Grace. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Will- owdale had supper Tuesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt. 5f the three infants were taken by Peter Wade, Eric Ford and Allan Ford. Professor Veale of the Ontario Ag- ricultural College gave an illustrated talk on gardening. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald of Hali- fax, N.S., are visiting for several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. R. Wilcox. Fred Tayldr Play shfe â€" protect your dear ones. Insist on pasteurized milk at all times wherever you are or if it is absolutely unavailable then pasteurize it before using by “home†pasteurization methods. Urban and suburban residents are so accustomed to regular de- livery of pasteurized milk, to their homes that they sometimes fail to realize â€" or forget â€" that raw milk exists in many vacation ar- eas, and that raw milk can conâ€" tain dangerous disease bacteria. which can cause such serious ill- nesses as bovine tuberculosis, ty- phoid and paraâ€"ty hoid fever, un- dulant fewer, ‘di theria, scarlet fever and septic sore throat: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Richmond Hill Phone 315W Wood cutting, tree felling, Jogging, post hole digging, snow plowing, towing. Log and lumber hauling a specialty, logs bought for cash. Wood, Lumber, Posts, Poles PROMPT DELIVERY REASONABLE PRICES CUSTOM WORK CARL E. HJLL, M‘. D., M.O.H BUTTON V ILLE 74 RICHMOND ST. Vacationis‘ts Warned Against Raw Milk Dangers G0 RMLEY CARTAGE ouo====ouo i WhatYOu Have Been Waiting For :MNQONOOOWQ‘Q WONWO 09090900000900.9009.†("=0 i-Agincourt, Ont. Phone Agincourt 320wâ€"Gr0ver 6993 3 o ommmommmowomoomuomoww Delivery at once. We give free delivery within a 75 mile radius of Toronto. Combination Coal and EsSatone gas stove, engineered by Guerney and on display in our showroom. "RICHMOND HM ARENA Fridayyhm 25th Ulde Tyme and Modern Music MAX BGAG’S ORCHESTRA Your foremost dealer â€"â€" Sales & Sérvice R. C. BLEWETT OED Admission 500 per person. omomomo‘ omomcono out on-