AUDITOR’S REPORT Of The TREASURER‘S ACCOUNTS Of The BOARD OF EDUCATION Of The VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL For The Year 1947 A BS'I‘R ACT RECEIPTS Balance on hand, January 1, 1947 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9049.45 Receipts as per Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4%.4i $23,308.92 EXPENDITURES Cost of Education: Teachers’ Salaries Supplids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,086.90 776.11 S 14,863.01 Cost of Operations : Wages . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,616.50 Heat, Light and Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ LRHUDZG Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788.00 ._â€"-â€" 4,323.76 Cost of Maintenance: , Supplies, Repairs, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2014.35 Administration . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 028.10 1,178.90 Cash in Bank December 31, 1047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 23,308.92 V HERE’S.I.;€,KIIGIIE_N iiiu'ii , Pilotiiis-iiiiiiii‘iiiiisiiiiiiziiiisi; Flo-glaze Interior GIOSS is easy to use, resists moisture, washes perfectly. It keeps its good looks because it’s a durable oil paint. Your choice of 7 light-reflecting colors and white. I ' ' .4 Paris Suppy I... PHONE 86 RICHMOND HILL _A_A B.W.MILLER Wholesale and Retail Florist Floral Designs Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York ‘ WE GROW OUR OWN l I t i l l Telephone 2 I I Maple, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS We are paying the highest prevailing prices for -dead or crippled farm animals HOGS HORSES CATTLE Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Toronto AD. 3636 Maple 37-r-22 King 24-r-4 GL'ERNSEY BREEDERS HOLD ANNI'AL PICNIC Choosing the spacious and enchant» ing acres of Fraserdale Farms, Conâ€" cord. the Ontario Guernsey Breeders Association held their second an- nual picnic last Saturday. June 12th, Not overlooking a detail, the host. Mr. Jack Fraser, and his charming wife, opened wide their lovely home for their over 450 Guernsey friends from right across (intario with an inspection of the Fraserdale Golden Guernsey's leading the program. The weather proved ideal for the picnic lunch held on the greens just north of the house. The York-Si‘mcoe Guernsey Club arranged the varied program and their president, Mr. C. A. Cathers of Newmarket acted as Master of Cere- monies. Following greetings from Mr. Carl Ellis of Galt, President of the Ontario Association and Mr. Bruce Hodgins, Secretary, Dr. A. R. Campbell, Secretary of the Guernsey Breeders’ Association delivered a most. captivating address on flood conditions and their apparent result on agriculture in British Columbia and based on personal observaions. His talk was very well received by all. and following this Mr. D. Mc- Quarrie of Gilford and Isaac King or ’l‘ottenham supervised a series of games and sports with fun for all. An interesting event was the lucky draw for the purebred heifer calf, Fraserdale Admiral’s Dolly and this valuable prize was won by a calf club boy from R. R. 3, Paris, Ont., George Aulsebrook, who of course was very pleased. Other calf club boys, Bob Stinson of Keswick and Brian Cain of Nashville won the Men’s Judging Competition and Boy’s Jiudging Competition respectively while Mrs. Eva Brooks of Paris cap- tured ladies’ honours in the twoâ€"class competition. The York-Simcoe Club is well recognized now for its suc- cessful efforts in organizing this big day for all Guernsey breeders. THAT FEELING OF FATIQUE A feeling of fatigue is one of the commonest complaints heard in the doctor’s office. It may be that one feels tired after the ï¬rst few hours of the day’s work. Frequently the patient complains that he feels as tired on rising in the morning as when he went to bed at night. Nat- ional health experts say this chronic tired feeling has to be taken serious- ly for it may be the early symptom of a number of serious diseases. Fa- tigue is probably the chief symptom for which patients request a tonic from their doctor. It is the doctor’s job to decide whether or not some disease process is responsible for the tired feeling. WWW LANGDON’S COACH LINES Daily Service to Aurora from King, Nobleton, Schomberg Saturday Night King to Aurora Coaches for all Occasions Telephone King 56 .0060.“ Wm : W/ has I. , ., I G T A NEW DOLL, T00, DADDY?" Dolls or davenports...all your household belongings, old and new, should be covered by enough insurance. Don’t for- get: the value of your home apd everything in it is higher today than ever! IIIvo you IIIOIIOII Inluronco‘I [00 Ill Idvllo you. in mm: mqu _._: .. you AND tom ANDREW E. SNIDER Phone 100 MAPLE Box 100 EDGELEY Mr. and 31139 Thos. Ferndale of Whitby and MI‘S- Barnes and her son of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg. Mr. and Mrs, Don Giï¬â€˜in and fain- ilv motored to Orillia on Sunday to visit with MI'. Giffin‘s father and sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith. Théy were accompanied as far as Barrie by Mrs. William Price and little SOUS. where they visâ€" ited Mrs. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price. Mr. and MI‘S. Sid Broadvelt and little daughters. Margaret and Dor- een spent a few days last week in a cottage in Midland and from there visited friends. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong were Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton of Birkendale and Mr. Frank Lehman of Hillside and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hill of Oakville visited with them Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson spent the wek end with Mrs. Thompson‘s mother near King. Miss Halbert. teacher at Edgely school for the past two years is leav- ing to take a position in a new school called Dublin near Toronto. Miss Halbert W111 be very much miss- ed, especially among the young peo« ple. At the Young People‘s meeting held last week she was presented with a photograph album. Miss Halbert is being succeeded by Mr. Thos. Carter 0f Toronto. Everyone enjoyed the reunion pic- nic consisting Of Elia, Concord and Edgely schools which was held at Fundale Park, Woodbridge, last. Thursday. There was lots to eat and plenty of games to keep things in- teresting to the very last minute. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong and Mrs. Mortson were Mr. Gordon Mor- tson and little sons; Mr. Murrell Johnson of Victoria Square: Mr. Harâ€" old Mortson. Richmond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bone and Mrs. 01- ive Williams of Carrville. Mr. Billy Elliott has gone to Wood- stock for the summer to work with his brother, Don. He accompanied Messrs. Alan Bagg and Orville Kefâ€" fer who motored to Woodstock to spend the week end With their friend, Don. Mr. and‘ Mrs. William Price have purchased a farm in Macville near I Bolton and will take possession on October lst. The farm on they are living has been sold. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hill of Oakville spent the week end at. the home of Mr. Hill's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman. Many more vears of happy life is extended to Mrs. Fockler. the wife of Rev. Fockler who celebrated a birthday on Thursday, June 17th. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg into our midst again after their spending a month’s vacation travel- linp: by motor through the States and into Canada on the other side as far as conditions permitted. They went through Oregon where Mr. Bagg judged at some fairs. The\~ then began their journey again and reached Vancouver, Canada, where they stayed one night. Because of th floods they could proceed no fur- ther in that direction. They passed the outskirts of the flooded areas. They came back into the States and travelled to Winnipeg, visiting in Brandon and Winnipeg. They could proceed no farther west on account of impassable roads. They hen pass- ed through plenty of snow, one road having just been plouughed Out on the previous day. The forest ï¬res kept them out of Northern Ontario. On this trip Mr. and Mrs. Bagg‘ were accompanied by Mrs. Bagg's sisters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Devins and Mr. and Mrs. Les Robb which made the trip es- pecialy enjoyable for them. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Keï¬â€˜er and Mrs. Harvey Jackson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grubb when] they motor- ed to Manitoulin Island for the week end to attend the Campbell Reunion. which i“The old friends are the best," said Pat. “Where will ye ï¬nd a new friend that’s stood by ye as long as the old ones have?†WOODWORKING Windows and Door Frames Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets, Cupboard Doors, Berry Crates, Rose and Garden Trellis. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired. AUB. NICHOLS Phone Richmond Hill 134r3l CONTAINERS 'leat resisting, ALLEY LANDLORDS 7 Fred Allen radio laughmaker, and his girl l‘l'l- day, Portland Hoï¬â€˜a (who's Mrs. Al- len off the air) try out a gag before broadcast time for the Fred Allen Show. Their famous easy humor, along with the antics of the eccentric Allen’s Alley residents, the singing de Marco Sisiters and Al Goodman's orchestra are heard Sundays at 8:30 p.m.. E.D.T., on the CBC Trans- Canada network. Save $l.IO a Gal. “ARMUR- Billll" _ Equal to any » firstline brand selling at $6.30 a gallon. You can pay moreâ€"but you can't buy a better paint than ARMOR~COAT Made only from the finest wear and weather-resisting oils and viizmeuts. High glossâ€"attractive colors. ale/Mimi o Modern, low cost UAR Plans 9 T 1.45 G"'-- 5.20 "EasiIIow" House Paint \ Standard! tqfuaiiIty, caretuliy mixed . . ouse pa n. or nslde or outside sail. - 0 For IndIVldUUIS 0" faction.A Second in quality only :0 ur " r -C i." Famlly Groups (timers mor 03 line. Popular QUART .99 GAL. 3.40 0 Special beneï¬ts to suit your particular needs "Armor-Coat†Auto Enamel Perfect for touching up or for a com~ plete paint job. Solidcovering, lus- trous and easy to apply . . . ‘20 beau- tiful colors. Uneuuaiied (or outdoor furniture. boats. bicycles, etc. Brush or spray QUART 1.75 0 Additional beneï¬ts 5/, PINT 59 for surgical opera- lions and dociors' calls Disability bonoliv policies, payable for a lifetime, also available. . . i . Auto Topping Material BIEACK ilor closed carsi. Fine qualitv a rikold cobra grain :7" Per yard ) wide. TAN SPORT TOPPINGâ€"For all con- vertible, models A pleasing shade For full particulars, ï¬ll in and mail coupon. No obliga- Iion. suitable for matching all body {in- Cily or Town lshrs. 54" wide. Per yard .. ... BLACK TOP DRESSING. V2 pini .44 r---"' - ' ' ' ' "'"' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' I CONVERTO DYE. the only satisfac- I M_e_9 I tory product for sport tops. Renews I I and Waterproofs. One quart I I size : Name ' TOP SEAL runes. ior repairing I : tops and sealing drip mouldings. etc. bounce tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Shot» ... . I '27 I I One-pint can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 I | . I I I l I I I I Age 2,000 MILE PURE PENNSYLVANIA Onli lhc umlrl's lines! ,. oil is good though (or ' ' _\ our l ~r. MILD ONLY “'A I", IN REFINTR“ SEALED tree {loving and long lasting. (“ART '3? GALLON . '|. ' nl‘" 'in toRanAIIO?‘ " nu... u-u- \IUIU»)I.'\.\II.R “ill giie yrilii iiiciiie mole "(lilting pout: ', licuiuse it 15 o. toiixh flilll, l‘lilt’ I’r'iiiSVanliln (ill. F‘.~)it‘t‘litll\' rf’lllli‘t‘l i.) lr'\|.'l sludge and other iepomts I‘ioieii; mininsi hottest Cm;le teniperaturesâ€"Mt)’l‘0»MASTER is it's better for your car. 5~GAL. DRL'III 7 I FAN BELTS for all (an and Truck! GENI‘INF. POLAROID DAY DRIV- ING VISORâ€"Polaroid Visors scienti- fically blocks eye fatiguing glare. al- lowinR you to see clearly and enjoy new driving comfort on lng trips. Laminated plastic construction; Clips on to your present visor. New low Price 2.89 VISORâ€"Simllar to new car equipment. A necessary protec- tion against sun. bright lights and glare. Folds out of way when not in use. Fits right or left side'1I49 Here’s a Bargainl BUMPER JACK Sold elsewhere ior $1.50. Posi- tive action screw-type. with sturdy base. Easy to use â€" raises to a greater height than most other jacks. Stow: in car tiunk neatly in small space. Complete with set at \VllE‘f‘l Saiety Blocks that pre- vent rar rolling when jacked up. A Complete Range of Jack! for All (‘ars and Trucks '/4" Portable Lighlweightâ€"Powerlul ELECTRIC DRILL A precision-built mechanic's tool that Will eiiicicniiy handle wood, metal and plastic. with ball thrust bearing. Jacobs chuck builtâ€"in cooiuz inn. Operates on 2.3 or 60‘ a cycle. 1,700 rpm. ‘/4" PORTABLE ELECTRIC DRILLâ€"â€" with key type Jacobs 60 . chuck 2.2m r n m Tenders For School Addition Phone I4 97 YONGE ST. Richmond Hill, Ont. Township of Vaughan SEALED tenders addresed to the architects will be received until 12 o'clock noon, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1948 For a general contract for all trades for the erection of a two- roomed school addition for S. S. No. 24, Vaughan Township, Richvale, Ont. Building to be completed within 6 weeks of award of contract. Drawings, speciï¬cations, instruc- tions\ to bidders, forms of tender may be at the office of the architects on a deposit of €410 for each set of documents, to be refunded on return of same in good condition. The successful bidder will be re- quired to provide a bond in the am- ount of 50% of the contract. The lowest or any tender not necesarily accepted. MOLLARD & WHALEY, Architects, 38 Bloor St. E., Toronto. MR. J. J. TAYLOR. Chairman V MRS. G. BAKER, Secretary ‘ Insulating PHON ES :â€"-â€"THORNH [LL 1 18W llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlh-IIIII THERE’S FUN We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. C. RIDDELL RE-ROOFING v.Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JUNCTION 2980 Through his skill and knowledge Ihe OnIario breeder of pure-bred : If} .. 0F 6M4 N stone BAY livestock has earned a high inter- national repuiaiion. In winning his TRANSFEROF OWNERsHIp I5 share of grand championships he MADE m ammo roe ABOUT 90,000 PURE-BRED CATTLE, HOR5ES AND HOGS emu YEAR has become a moulder of Canada Unlimiied. -_ czo swru 9mm HOLSTEUIS ammo mounts mosr or NE MEMBERSHIP FORTHE LARGEST AND wsAu'uiesr BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE « HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION or CANADA "W iN 1946 CANADIAN REGISTRATION ONTARIO W BREEQERS 256/5752 430w awn/41F a; 7795 7.98000 Paleé’vaem mng #03555 41/0 #065 ROUND TRIP TAX INCLUDED GEORGIAN BAY Parry Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE NUMBERED ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ 256/57ERED //V 634N494 4NNUAZKV 52,907 0; WW 4/5 WERE Penetang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 .90 . ONTAmo OWNED Wasaga Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.45 on Meaford . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.15 (Subject to Change) GRAY COACH LINES BREWING COMPANY LIMITED