Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jun 1948, p. 4

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GALVANIZED pipe, 1”, new Thoinhill 177. LOAM, rich dark sandy loam Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. CHILD’S commode chair, g dition. Apply 56 Centre Richmond Hill, phone 273W NINE pigs, 6 weeks 61d. Apply to Frank Schmidt, Steele’s Avenue East, R. R. No. 1, York Mills, Ont. *1w52 FURNACE and pipes with blower and 2 sets of grates. Phone Rich- mond Hill 396W. c1w52 1 BEATTY pump, never used small Quebec stove, wood or Apply Mrs. Hetinyi, Rumble A Richmond Hill, phone 331W. ' 5 ACRES Clover Hay or 5 acres AI- falfa, standing or baled. Apply Cruickshank, 3 con. Gol'mley, phone 3‘0J4, Unionville. "‘1w52 1935 MASTER Chevrolet Sedan. \body fair, motor good. Best Offer. W. Burn‘s, 160 Spruce Avenue, Stop 22A. Yonge St. "c1w5'2 TWO-W'HEELED TRAILER IS IT PAIN from corn or callous you have? Then get ‘fOOtâ€"happy’ with Lloyd’s 90m Salve. 50c at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. clw5‘2 16 tires, size of box 4 ft. x ‘7 gggd Vsrhape. Apply phone Rh ’36 PLYMOUTH sedan, special De Luxe model, small mileage since complete overhaul, paint and fenâ€" der job. ’J. E. Hadwin, phone Map- le 601'11. c1w52 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 Hm 391w A very good lot, 50 ft. on Morgan Avenue, Stop 14A Yonge St, five minutes walk from street car, well drained, low taxes, sell cheap. Ap- ply Fenn, Thornhill 168. =*3w52 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doze, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- 5 OAK kitchen chairs; 2 camp bed- steads and springs; 1 kitchen table; 1 wool mattress, suitable for sumâ€" mer cottage. Apply 70 Edgar Avo., Richvale. *lwl 25 TONS No 1 baled timothy hay; 15 tons loose hay, mixed; 6 loads 2nd cut alfalfa hay. Apply Geo. McNair. RR. 2, Maple, phone King. 1114 CORN cultivator for Oliver ’70 trac- tor, three furrow, like new with 01'- iginal paint intact, $160. Phone Mr. Banks, Uni'onville 59rw4, Flaska Farms, Unionville. *1w52 5 Oak kitchen Chan's; 2 camp bed- steads and springs; 1 kitchen table 28 x 36; 1 wool mattress, for single bed; suitable for summer cottage. Apply 70 Edgar Ave., Richvale. 1930 PLYMOUTH ‘four cylinder‘ sedan. In good condition. Four new tires. Motor just been overhauled. Price $225.00 or best offer. Apply to 57 Young St, next to Radial Sta.- tion, Richmond Hill. *1w52 BINDER, Massey-Harris 6 ft., ex- cellent condition â€" canvases used Very little; 8.19.0 Profit and W'aod Spring Tooth Cultivator, 13 teeth. Apply J. Y. Lepper, 299 Eastern Ave., Toronto. clw52 1 3-PIECE Khroelher Chesterfield Suite; Chesterfield and one chair old rose and one gren chair, 1 year old; 1 small cream separator, 1 cow can- acity. Apply 23 Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill. . *1w5‘2 ONE buck rake (Cadillac motor). Massey-Harris horse rake, Ideal mower, single M.-H. plow, set har- rows, M.-H., scufi‘ler M.â€"H., seed drill, cream separator (new), churn, some steel staunchiongs. Mr. George Brown, 398 McRoberts Ave., Toron- to, telephone Lo. 4261. c2w51 Classified Sale 81 Want Ads RATESâ€"Five lines or les 4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thurfiay Blocklaying Tenders Wanted Cities Service Garage GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Phone 12 Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories FOR SALE Five lines or less, 35 cents for first inge} tion and 25 cents for each sufisequ’ent insertion. Qver five lines 5 cents per line extra each ms ertion. If charged to account mne cents Per Ime- Telephone Richmond Hill 9. 12" and 8” Concrete Blocks, to be laid new Theatre, Richmond Hill. Apply at the job Yonge Street opposite school or phone Aur- ora 5]. CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS QED TRAILER, 600 x of box 4 ft. x 7 ft., in Apply phone Richmond x *3w50 MEL. MALTBY chair, good con Centre St. W. Phone c1w52 c1w51 L. W. tfc42 éoal. Ave., 1w52 tfc43 1w52 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 ELECTRIC washing machine, good conditiOn. Apply 12'? Yonge St., Richmond Hill. *1w52 PRAM, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. J. Evelyn, Elgin Mills. *1w52 2 BABEE-TENDAS, good condition. Apply S. Tomlinson, Markham Rd. Phone Richmond Hill 3591'4. ’“1w52 CEMENT, any quantity. Ron Gibâ€" son, Agincourt, phone 138R. ffchge WOOD, summer prices, delivered. Phone Richmond Hill 288M.. *7w51 CONSOLE RADIO, good condition, $10.00. Phone Richmond Hill 311W. tfc45 HOOVER vacuum cleaner, also Spic- Span, good. AppTy phone Thornhil] 17'9. c1w52 BOYS’ C.C.M. Bicycle. good condi- tion. Apply phone Richmond Hill 134r23. *1w52 GU‘RNEY FURNACES, stoves and gas ranges for bottled 5535. L. House, Maple, phone 102, residence 62r32. A FRONT screen door, in No. 1 con- dition, 3’ x 7’. Phone 85 Richmond Hill. c1w50 HOUND pups. Apply Stan Baker, Carrville Rd., Richvale. Phone Map- le 641'32. *1w50 EATING potatoes, Kathadin, approx. 20 bags; Apply Norman C. Payne, Maple, phone 51131. *1w52 HYGIENIC Supplies (Rubber goodS) \nailed postpaid in plain. sealed en- velope with price list. Six samples 25c., 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. M-55, Nov-Rubber C0., Box 91 Hamilton. Ont. c9w49 Orders taken, will deliver Cole, Oxford St., phone I SEWING machines, treadles; drop head and upright; Beach electric range; small metal ice box; oak and pine desk. David McLean, Thornhill, phone 12. clw52 1931 CHEV. coupe, fair condition; also 1 electric powered cement mix- er. B. Wal’k, Carrville Sideroad on Bathurst. Phone between hours of 8 and 5 Thornhill T41. c1w52 FRESH. STRAWBERRIES, daily HAY. Qantity of Red Clover or Tim- othy and Alfalfa mixed. Standing? 01' baled if desired. Apply to D. E. Hood, lot 14, con. four, Buttonville. Phone Agincourt 356J12. ""2w51 Hill 309w FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc4G LADIES, now they are. here, the new unbreakable Nylon Blue Treas- ure, 54 pc. set dinnerware, price $18.75, or you may get them for $1.75 down and $1 weekly. Just phone Richmond Hill 13416 and our agent will call on you. c3w51 DELAVAL MILKERS, new and used, $200 up. Electropail heaters. $16.75. Electric clippers, $32.50. Oil heat- ers. coal and wood ranges, Century motors. washers. vacuum cleaners and radios. Trades accepted. To- ronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge St.. Toronto. tfc32 YOUNG all black dog, large, hound or part. Local Humane Soc., phone Richmond Hill 45r13. c1w52 A STRAY DAG came in on my pro- erty on V215t June. Owner can have same by proving property and pay- ing charges. A Vanhorn, Centre St" Thornhill. c1w52 LOST â€" Black yearling heifer with white markings from Lot 11, Con. 8, King Towns-hip, on May 16. Any in- formation as to whereabouts will be received gratefully by George Court- ney, phone Bolton 562, R. R. 1 Schomberg. *3w51 Richmond Hill FOUND LOST 1 delivef. Mrrs. phone Richmond *JW51 tfc42 TO RENT 2 to 3 unfurnished rooms. Apply Box 43, The Liberal. *3w49 FEMALE HELP. Operator for drap- erles and slip covers. David Mc- Lean, Thornrhill, phone 12. clw52 write box 48 MAN with scythe, day or evenings. R. Mason, phone Richmond ,Hill 236. c1w52 MALE HELP, upholsterer, experien- ced with references. Appfl,’ David McLean, Thornhill phone 12. c1w52 KIND PERSON to take care of twa school children (girls) for summer vacation. Must be clean. Box No. 800 Liberal. c1w51 2-5 ACRES of land, V. L. A., in vic- inity of Thornhill or Richmond Hill. Phone Mr. Armstrong, Howard 5180. ’ ""1w52 MAN to drill well in vicinity; also man to footings. Apply W Merton St., Toronto, 7842. APARTMENT, house or rooms ur- gently needed by young couple in Richmond Hill. Please call 222 m- APARTMENT, flat or house by res- ponsible party by June 30th. Willing to decorate and wil} take very good care of property. (Urgent). Liberal Box No. 41. TO RENT or buy, by a reliable par- ty, 3 modern six room house in Rich- mond Hill. Reply stating terms to Box 56, Liberal office, Richmond Hill. c1w52 NEW CROP No. 1 Hay, well cured, containing not more than 259'; clov- er. Will accept baled or loose del- ivered to Manle Cattle Breeders, Ma- ple, phone 95 or evenings 631‘24. C2w52 lDAILY transportation from Lang- staff to downtown or east end city. Required to reach Kingston road- Queen area bv eight a.m. Phone Thornhill 124113, or write Richmond Hill P. 0., J. C. Glenn. *1w52 TO PURCHASE or lease for five years, approximately 2 acres on or close to Yonge St, vicinity Rich- mond Hill. Land need not be suit- able for cultivation. W. S. Hamill. 115 Sumach St., Toronto. *1w52 W'ANTED â€"â€" Fast growing Com- pany has opening in your district for energetc and ambitious person. Splendid opportunity' for aggressive individual. Excellent earnings as- sured with future, security and indeâ€" pendence. Apply Blue Brand Prod- ucts, 7227 Alexandra, Montreal; RADIO REPAIRS, prompt pick-up and delivery, ,electrical contracting. J. Read, phone Richmond Hill 1021‘21. tfc47 CUSTOM tractor mowing- in vicinity of Maple. David Askew, phone Ma- ple 39J. I c3w52 PICKâ€"UP BAILING, in custom work M. Gilmore. Phone Maple 301'4. LAWN MOWERS sharpened by perienced hand. Apply C. B. S tenburg, 11 Richmond St., Righn Hill, phone 392W. *4 BABY SITTE-R available evemng‘s, experienced girl of 14. Apply Stella Tomlinson, Markham Rd., phone Richmond Hill 3591'4. *1w52 REPAIRING and installing furnaces and boilers. Expert workmanship. Phone Thornhill 207M. Nicholas and Son, Langstafi. 5’5‘w1 ened and repaired by an experiench workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621'21. tfc42 CUSTOM PLOU‘GHING, cultivating, discing and tillinz. W. H. Gomier- ham, 30 Elmhurst, Lansing, phone Willowdale 2508. c1w42 GRADUATE nurse has acwmmoda- tion in her home for elderly la‘dy or bed patient, personal care. Phone Thornhill 5J. €2w52 SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp: BABY SITTER available Have your furniture re-upholster- ed and polished. First claSS work- manship guaranteed. Estimates. 70 Edgar Ave., Richvale, phone Rich‘ mond Hill 2191'13. ' *lwl ENJOY your week ends and vaca~ tions. leave your pets here. Luff’s Boarding Kennels, Stop 24A, Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 3571'3‘. BU‘LLDOZ’ER service, excavating, grading, prompt and courteous serâ€" vice at reasonable prices. Apply H. A. Briggs, 296 Cumber Ave., New- tonbrook, phone Wi'llowdale 2512. *8w_5-0 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repaua. upholstering, cabinet work, wuw carving. Estimates given. N. h yngyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmonu WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971-23 Hill. With “Quick-Haymaker” new power mower in custom work. F. D. Hu- tbert, Downsvie'v, Ont, phone Wes- ton 1286w5. MISCELLANEOUS WE CUT YOUR HAY WANTED Richmond Hill put ix} cement Strugnel, 412 phone Hyland B. 'Stou- Riphmond *4w51 tf chg'. 52 tfc51 c5w48 1w52 c1w51 Sale of den tc Late A. at 2 0 Phillips of household furniture, garden tools. other tools, numerous other articles, in the Arena, Richmond Hill Fair Grounds, Richmond Hill, Ont. Prop- erty belonging to the estate of the Late Wm. H. Lever. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms CaSh. No reserve as house is sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, Auctioneers. - SATURDAY, JULY 3rd â€" Auctior tools, etc. The propé John Cairns, Williams bridge. Sale starts at reserve. Terms cash auctioneer. SATURDAY, JULY 3 â€" Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Ford tractma farm stock, implements. grain and hay, piano, furniture, etc., on Lot 20, Con. 3. Markham Township, at Headâ€" ford, property of ARCHIE WATTS. Sale at 1:30 pm. D.S.’I‘. Terms cash, No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Dancing every Saturday night 9 till 11.30 Standard Time, to Merry- makers 9-piece Orchestra, at Bol- ton Casino. *4w52 Headford United Church Sunday School Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday, June 27th. at the 11 am. service, Rev. I. G. Bowles, Toronto, will be guest speaker and the Melodic Quartette will bring messages in song. The evening ser- vice at 7:30 o’clock, Rev. E. Kent, Thorn-hill, will speak and special muâ€" sic will be provided. Don’t forget The Orange Parade at Kitchener. July 10th. Bus leaves Masonic Hall at Richmond Hill at 1‘0 a.m. Saturday. Price of tickets $2.30 return. > III-IIflIIIIIIIIIIIII.III-IIIIIIII-IIIIIIII-l. III-III-Ill-llllllllllllIlIllflfllfl-i FRIDAY, JULY Apply MAPLE CREEK LODGE Sale Register B: Wells, Viilflge lock. Térfis Auctioneer. House' NOTICE Phone MAple 101 NOTICE ous WANTED Cook General DANCE 101d furniture ie property ( Williams St., Furniture, Gar rnnnrfv nf' H1 AuctiOn Sale Ken Auction garden ‘ove Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E Marilyn spent the week en itoulin Island where they the Campbell Clan Reunion. On Wednesday afternoon the pupilS of Maple Public School entertained their mothers to a social gathering at the school. Thev presented both teachers with a gift in honour of their approaching marriaye. Miss Beatty was given a refreshment set of colored glasses in a rack and Mr. Martin who is leaving to teach m Oak Ridges in September was given a table lamp. . The regular combined meeting of the W. A. and W. M. S. of the Maple United Church met at the home of Mrs. Norman on Wednesday, June Mrs. Ernest Hemphill and Miss Marion Watson were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower in Maple Villa/ (m Tueédav, June 15, in honOur of Miss Faith Beattv, junioxf teacher and bride-to-be. Miss Beatty received a great many beautiful and useful gifts and the best wishes of the whflle community are extended to her. She will live in Maple and continue to he junior teacher} On Sunday evening. June 20, St. Stephen‘s congregation presented their pastor. Rev. E. W. G. Worrall wifh a farewell gift of one hunched, dollars. The presentation address was read by Mr. Reg. Bice. Rev. Mr. Worrall leaves shortly for his new parish in Cargden,_ New York. " Dr. and Mrs. B!g'ford enjOyed a few days holidays last week end at Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund cele- brated their twentieth wedding an- niversary on Saturday, June 12. etc. Apply Handy man, gardens, lawns, MAPLE CREEK Lodge Phone Maple 101 MAPLE WANTED en a refreshment sét ;es in a rack and Mr. leaving to teach in September was given lan Reunion. afternoon the pupils School entertained » a social gathering Thev presented both gift in honour of ‘2 marriage. Miss drew Snider at' Man. attended MON., TUE., WED.. 'I‘HURS. â€" JUNE 28. 29, 30 8; JULY I Told in the tradition of “Home in Indiana” ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES INCLUDING 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill. phone 148 COMING â€"~â€" FRI. & SAT., JULY 2 & 3 ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS Service and Repairs STAN LAUREL â€" OLIVER HAR SWISS MISS RED SKELTON In “MERTON OF THE MOVIES” Roy Rogers and His Horse Trigger SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED LAST TIME â€" THURSDAY. JUNE 2-1 “FOR THE LOVE OF RUSTY” With Ted Donaldson _1N_ HOME IN OKLAHOMA by FERGUSON FRI. & SAT- â€"- JUNE 25 & Autry’s Back Better Than Ever MARKHAM -â€" On Same Program â€" Gene Autry in SIOUX CITY SUE 4 GREAT DAYS â€"â€" Added Run â€" RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS TOAST’ERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES ‘4

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