Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jun 1948, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, PHONE 212 a n0...”0000009900099...»00.000000. o§gooooo¢ooooon Phone 369r22 Rlchmond Hi1] WWO” Sand Gravel “OOOOWOMOOMOOOO”N¢ G Royal Theatre AURORA FOR EXAMPLE: Why not come in and get signed up for your Essotane gas stove. Prices range from $97.95 up. Time payments on these stoves are very easy. GEO. FISHER Featuring Iii DONALD DUCK- CHARLIE MCCARTHY MORTIMER SNERD - MICKEY MOUSE DIS‘I’RIBU‘IED BY RKO RADIO PICTURES Entertainment will be pmvided by 'l‘histletown Ladies Who will present a Comedy-Drama entitled “WHO PUT THE OVERALLS IN MRS. MURPHY’S CHOWDER.” Victoria Square United Church W. Will Sponsor A YereX Electric FRIDAY-SATURDAY TRY OUR. FAMOUS TURKEY BURGER Southern Fried Chickenâ€"French Fries to take out Soft Drinks PARTIES CATERED TO SHOWERS AND WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY Finance charges, 24 months MOFFATT STOVE, costing Down Payment . . . . . . . . . . Loam Sodding, Fill COlOR 1! 'ayment per month $7.52 Pony Crest Lodge ADMISSION: Adults 75c; June 25-26 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL TUESDAY, JUNE 29TH SUPPER TO START 5 PM. EDGAR BERGEN DINA“ SHORE Open 10 am. - 3 am. Phone Richmond Hill 178-J ON THE CHURCH LAWN Special Chicken Dinners Light Lunches A La Carte Meals All Home-made Pies THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY or CANADA ,(i The 11 Thur RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, June 27, 1948 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship The Evening Service is withdrawn during the summer months. Everyâ€" one is invited to the Morning Ser- v1ce. Satur Marg'are’c Loc KWOOD ~. " PATRICIA ROC ‘ DENNIS PRICE DERMOT WALSH MONDAY-TUES.-WED. June 28-29-30 Picnic us leaves the Church at sday, July 1 â€" Young jay, June 26 Children 250 Group! Picnic $165 15 $180 $186 Sunday Adult School ':':':':-. .‘ _-:!.'¢'. ' '.i=':'¢':':-,ic" "DANNY KAYI'S FUNNIISI’. . . In every some out 0! this world!" Inn-'51th “GINO-II lanai-"brill" mum- oh-dw-‘plll Mkfic HH“°I‘C'~,_ Camp Ipperwash on the shores of Lake Huron was the scene of a size- able invasion last Sunday when the first of almost 2500 army cadets ar- rived for their summer training per- iod and the group included a number of Richmond Hill High School cadets. A varied and interesting program has been drawn up and will include wireless instruction, weapon train- ing, map using, fiield craft and first aid. Sports will be a major feature of the camp with_nearby Lake. Huron Misses Milberge Gibbons and Bet- ty Mansbridge entertained at a tea cup shower last Saturday afternoon at the Diana Tea Gardens in honor of Miss Shirley Burt; whose mar- riage to Mr. Evan Michael St. George Caufeild takes place at Trin- ity College Chapel June 25. Mrs. Jack Campbell, the former Bonnie Burton, whose marriage took place recently at Richmond Hill Un- ited Church was honored at a mis- cellaneous shower held in Woodville United Church school room previous to her marriage. An address was read by Miss Edna Thornbury in ma- king presentation of many beauti- ful gifts And the bride to be received the congratulations and best wishes of a large group of friends. available for swimming under the supervision of expert instructors. All told about forty per cent of the training will be of a sporting or re- creational nature. Mrs. Robert Johnston entertained Saturday at a trousseau tea for her daughter, Mary Elizabeth, whose marriage will take place, June 26th, in Newtonbrook United Church. With her mother and assisted at the door by her sister, Miss Roberta Johnston, the brdie-toâ€"‘be received her many friends looking very lovely in a pale blue swiss embroidered frock with corsage of pink rosebuds. Pre- siding at the tea table, which was decorated with pink and white sweetâ€" peas and candles, were Mrs. John McKenzie and Mrs. John Johnston, both aunts of the bride, and Mrs. Lynne Mitchek‘. The assistants in the tea room were Misses Jean Mc- Corvie, Lorraine Elliott and Ellen MacPherson. Those attending from Richmond Hill High School Cadet Corps will include: Don Thibert, George Hoop- er; John Parisi; Howard Avison; Bob Slater; Ken Archibald; Mervyn Alexander. In the trousseau rooms were Miss June Harkness of Vienna, Miss Ail- een Weldon of Stoufiville and Miss Isobel Carstairs of Priceville. The ~b1-ide~e1ect has been much entertain- ed at miscellaneous showers by Miss Elice Wells and the bride’s aunt, Mrs. John McKenzie. A preSentation by teacher associates of C. P. Parson’s school and also entertained by her class of students. A silver tea service has been don- ated by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. to the Women’s Institute to be used in rais- ing funds for Richmond Hill‘s “Hall for AW.” Announcement will be made later as to the method to be made later used. Dr. Taylor’s Sunday Morning Bib- le Class of the United Church held their final social in the form of a picnic in the garden of Dr. and Mrs. Doan, Yonge St., on June ’12. The class will be renewed in September. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Ramer were guests at the Rynard-Huntley wed- ding at Sutton last week. 1 firms SECRET LIFE 1 i or wanna thr'q SMU‘L GOLDW'N pun-n ‘ DANNY V'RG!!I£ k IECHNICOLOI with BORIS KARLOFF FAY BAIN‘I’ER - ANN RUTHERFORD 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 pm. Saturday Matinee 2.00 pm. Saturday and Holidays Show starts at 6.30 pm "ME MAGAZINE and'lHE OOLDWYN GIRLS in THUR.-FRI.â€"SAT. TWO SHOWS DAILY R'th - MAYO July 1-2-3 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Frank McCOnaghy, son of Mr. Stanley McConaghy and grandson ofi Mrs. M. L. McConag‘hy was succeSS- ful in obtaining his B. A. at the re- cent examinations held in Toronto. The Sunday 8911001 of the Presby- terian Church W111 hold its Annual Picnic at Woodland Park on Satur- day, June 26th. Cars will leave the church at 2 p.m. Mrs. Kirkland, Parry Sound has been visiting fnends in the village and Toronto this Past week. Several members of Empire Lodge No. 894, L.O.B.A., are attending the M. W. Grand Lodge of British Am- erica in session at Hamilton today (Thursday). A garden tea will be held at the home of Mrs. B. L. Anders-on, 5': Centre St. W., on Tuesday afterâ€" noon, June 29th. from 3 to 6 p.m.. in aid of the floral fund of Richmond Hill United Church W. A. Every- one cordially invited. Mrs. G. Yerex, Mrs. Hirtle, Mrs. N. Malloy, Mrs. K. Svanefelt, Mrs. L. J. Gilles, Mrs. K. Svanefelt, Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Wilkie attended the Sectional Meet- ing of Toronto Presbyterial W.M.S. in Nobleton on Monday, June let. Mrs. W. Wilkie is a charter memâ€" ber of King-Besa Woman’s Mission- a'ry S'Ociety which celebrated its fifty-fifth anniversary at the meet- ing. Richard and MEIy‘in Kane are spending their vacatlon with their father, R. H. Kane. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Little and Miss Marion Little, Vaughan Rd., exper- ienced recently a delightful trip through the New England States. Leaving Richmond Hill on June 9, they travelled by motor (the new Monarch) by way of Syracuse and Buffalo and the Mohawk Trail in the Berkshire Hills and returned. a week later via the Adirondacks. Mr. Lit- tle who is known as one of Rich- mond Hill’s ardent iris enthusiasts took the trip rather reluctantly as his own garden is a colorful picture of iris in bloom, but he was delight- ed beyond words with the beautiful iris gardens which he and the fam- ily visited. A number of gardens in Lowell, Mass, and vicinity were open to the public during this par- ticular week and the visitors saw the very latest in new iris develop- ment. Other gardens of profession-. a1 growers were in Concord, New Hampshire. Mrs. Little and Mar- ion afforded themselves of the op- portunity given to some of the vis- itors to wander through some of the old Colonial styled homes furnished throughout with beautiful antique furniture while Mr. Little was feastâ€" ing‘ on the subtle Colors of some of the new iris specimens. Places of historic interest added to the pleas- ure of the trip. The Grotton Inn about ten miles out of Lowell was one of their stopping places. The late President Roosevelt attended school here as a boy. While there they had the pleasure of being en- tertained by the parents of Dr. Hel- en Hogg, Lowell being- her home town. The Wlayside Inn, Sudbury, Mass, was another place surround- ed with a great deal of interest and where the travellers stayed over night along! their journey. It was the home of: Longfellow and was built in 1683. It was restored and kept up by the Ford FOundation Fund and is furnished with authentic early Colonial furnishings. Another place of interest visited was Ralph Waldo Emerson’s house in Concord, Mas. These together with the breath- taking mountain scenery on the homeward drive through the Adir- ondacks concluded a memorable vac- ation trip. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Forest Oliver and family wish to thank all the relatives and friends for the many kindnesses shown to their Aunt and for the love- ly floral tributes and the kind acts of sympathy during their recent be- reavement. GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 pm. Sunday School Classes “Jesus said, ‘Suffer little child- ren, and forid them not to come unto me: for of such is the King- dom of Heaven.” Math. 19:14. 7.00 pm. Evangelistic Service Speaker Mr. John Radford A Toronto Christian Business Man ‘Where will you spend Eternity?’ BOWLING NOTES The A. J. H. Eckhardt T11 will be played for at the local b ing green on Friday, June 25, : p.m. sharp. Mixed trebles will held Thursday, July lst, at 2 Picnic lunch. Please pick your rinks and make all entries early Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Castator, W‘oodbridame, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Helen Louise. to Mr. Charles Allen Prowse, son of Mrs. C. Prowse and the late Mr. Prowse, Lansing. Marriage to take place in Woodbridge United Church on Saturday, July 10th. BIRTHS SMITH â€" Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith Elgin Mills, are happy to announce the arrival of their son, on Jum 19, 1948, a baby brother for Carol ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D. Rector Sunday, June 27th, Trinity 5 10 a.m.~â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayelj. The engagement is afinounced of Helen Isobel Whitten, daughter of Mrs. W. J. Whitten and the late Mr. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIA‘N CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtl'e, B.A.. Minister Sunday, June 27, 1948 10 a.m.â€"The Sabbath School; 11 a.m.â€"â€"Public Worship. All are welcome. W. J. Whitten, “The Helendel,” El- zin Mills, Ont., to Mr. Charles Colin Henderson Crawford, son of Mrs. C. S. Crawford and the late Mr. C. S. Crawford, Toronto, the wedding to take place Saturday, July 24, at 7 p. m. in the Church of St. John’s, Oak Ridges. ' During.paintifi'g of'Church, ser vice-s will be held in Parish Hall. All invited. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbours for beautiful floral trib- utes and many kindnesses shown to us in the sudden passing of our dearly beloved son, Gordon, giving special thanks to the Rev. Woods, Officers and Cadets R.C.S.C.C. 0n- 1a1‘i0, Officers and Men Headquarters Squad. Third Armoured Regt. G. G. H. G. The sulfa drugs are so widely known, so remarkable in their effect, and so easily administered that cau- tion is necessary in their use. Since these drugs have simply to be swal- lowed in pill form, there is a ten- dency for them to be used as a means of home treatment without medical advice. Like many effective drugs they are dangerous if not adâ€" ministered wisely and with the nec- essary precautions. Fortunately the doctor can provide his patient with the necessary “do’s and dont’s" when he prescribes a sufa drug for an ill- ness. He can also make certain tests which will guide him as to whether it is necessary to discontinue treatment with sulfa.’ easiei' on the nerves IRegardless of policy, honesty is QUALITY LOW FOODS at PRICES Peas . . '. SUNRISE Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP Apple Sauce .2 Kralt Dinner . 2 Waxed Paper FOOD SAVER CHOICE QUALITY A MEAL FOR FOUR Celery Stalks AYLMER FRESH, TENDER NO. 1 Cabbage . . . THE SIMPLE SULEAS Mr. and Mrs. G. Banks, FRESH GREEN ENG AGEM ENTS ENGAGEMENT PRESERVE NOW Z56 Shortenin N FANCY 'essing 246 V Tuna Fish . { uce .2 25C Tomato Catsu mer . 2 35c Tide . 'aper $31” 310 .Ritz . . . . Pork and Beans ' . . . . 8c ’ New Potataes 5%25c I STRAWBERRIES La'ngstafl" ..190 des'firin l ( Brown’s Home Baking i 33 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Pies, Cakes, Home Made Bread Tarts, Etc. able FUNERAL DIRECTORS â€" AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone Richmond Hill 15 or Maple 29 LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursc mam BOY SCOUT “'e \V Be A Good Scout, HeIp A Boy Scout The land has been donated “Free”. We need $7,500.00 to complete this work "before summer. Full particulars will be mailed to you later, we urge you to support this appeal. Erect a permanent building, to build swimming pool, and do all necessary to ensure a perfect year round camp site for your boy and your neighbors Be a Good Scout, Help A Boy Scout YORK CENTRAL BOY SCOUT‘ ASSOC. R. T. WILLIAMS, Chairman 86 Parkhome, Willowdale ntmue Wright (8}, Taylor 1uner ANNOUNCEMENT vears DV the home Phone Richmond Hill 380W APPEAL FOR FUNDS TO BTV 1n DOMESTIC Shortening Tuna Fish . . . Tide . . . . . New Carrots. . 10c N0. 1 CRISP IMPORTED UT 11 M 1K L\r \l‘tl‘ 11 tu 1 “'1' CI] 1t M apl will 1th. 1 ucte th will 1i]

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