Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jun 1948, p. 8

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8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, June 21th, 101.“? *:-~-~~~~~~~~~_-~~~-~--w--15 t i. l t l t I i l t I I I t i a I t j RICHVALE PUBLIC SCHOOL 3 I t 3 Wednesday, June 30th : % 9:00 P. M. _ ADMISSION 50c Sponsored by East Vaughan Ratepayers Association l....._......-._._...._.,-._.__,.-...,.,..._..,-_.-,_...,..,..."-1 lP.L. LOWRIE, no. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, July 14th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON t Eyes Examined, ‘Glasses Fitted a . OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACI'U 'l Prescriptions for Glasses Fitted For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 0 >5 as Cl} "fi- 8. : r-e- a ma $153 3 Expert Body and Fender Repairs Guaranteed Workmanship â€"â€" Terms Cars Picked Up and Delivered Free . Richvale Auto Body STOP 20A YONGE ST. This Ad. will entitle bearer to 10?} Discount. 00 00 0 OM90 OOWOOOOOQM”WMW “00.900090060909006. Thornhill District News ‘inoninious lionor Contributes $20,000 Toward Modern Snimming l’ool l’ur Th-‘rnhill 'l‘lioi'nlrll is to have one of the most illillltjl‘ll swimmincr pools in (in. tar'o. .\ public spli‘iful l'('rlil(’llt «t the community ha~ donated Situitlii. to lg- spcni this year in tllt‘ (‘ivlls'it'lli'w tion of the pool. and before it is tin- ishel the mist may he Shroud, it will be built in Thornhill Park as l'a‘t ot' a commutiin centre. It will be a regulation length, built smtabli' tor races. and will include a wadiu': section for young children. There will be bathing houses, showers and liit'l((‘l‘.\‘. _ The donor. who wishes to remain anonymous, upprmrchcrl the Thorn- hill District Lions" ("lub through Rey. S. A. R. Wood. llc proposed that the (‘lub look after the administra- tion and supervision. undertaken by the (‘lub. and work on the pool, including a water supply, will start in a few Weeks. It is unlikely that the pool will be ready this season. A Toronto zirâ€" cliitect with considerable experience in the construction of pools. notably at. Ingersoll and Fergus, will be in charge. At a meeting of the Lions' Club on Monday night, the ('lub formally agred to look after the administra- tion of the pool, a problem the exec- utive has been looking into for weeks- Thornhill Lions (Dub The installation ceremony was in charge of George Besncll of the Dan- i'oi'th District Lions Club. The re- tiring president expressed his thanks for the co-operation he had received during the year. and tion of the job Willard Simpson had done. The incomini.r president said he looked forward to a year of accomâ€" plishment, and he sought. the compâ€" eration of all members in furthering the work the Club has mapped out to. the year. Next meeting of the Club will be in September. Thornhill Public Library With the closing of school, Thorn- hill Public Library will be open Tues- day evenings from 7 until 8:30 p.m. during the summer months. TIIFI'IIIII‘I Artist To Judge Teen-Age Models at (ENE. Fred I“. Ilaiiics, R.('.A.. (TS/k. Will be one of the panel of judges select- ed to consider most typical ('ananlmn teeii~aeer< at. a model show to he staged on Tuesday. June 22nd. in the \‘Vomcu's Building ONE. The twen- tyâ€"cigrht. girls chosen will be given professional training at the expense of tho t‘.N.E., and then paid for their services as models for the All-Camiw dian Teenâ€"Town fashion shows to be held daily while the fair is on. (“,1 Monday of Mrs. H. Banting. 7111 her 53th year. the late Mrs. Bantinfl‘ had been a resident of the, community $1000 in Draw Prizes Thornhill District Lions Club Mrs. H. Banting l‘assr‘s at Lantstall’ The community was deeply shocked and saddened by the sudden passing he Admission 25c PONY RIDES GAMES This has been \e with whom she came in contact, Lion Shirley . ‘ H ‘ Wood expressed the Club’s R' S'mpsonv MN" Wells and MIS- A- ‘ _tain the organization so succesfully. W DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK t'or SCYQl‘al "1.15. A member of the May Thornhill timid Church. she was Births , , . . _ , _ ~ , _ _ . _ . . . , . , 86 president of the Woman's Association Deaths , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 16 and a mem tor of the Women‘s Misâ€" Communicable Diseases 91 siuuai‘y Society, She “'83 al~<0 21 V'alâ€" Dental Procedures . . . . . . . 934 nod member of Thornhill Women's School Milk Drinkers 620 Ill>tlllll(‘. (‘hild Health Conferences . 1'3 Apparentl‘i' n-oll all day. she was Attendance at. Conferences 184 preparing supper when th‘ i'ollaiiâ€" Grade \'II Pupils examined 386 soil. Suminrvnml by Mrs. Robert Toxoid treatments comp. 1786 ’l'hmnnsnn and Mr. 11. Banting. Dr. Home visits by P. H. Nur- ll. W. Wesley and Mrs. I’. 80110 scs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 rushed to the aid of the stricken wo~ Sanitary complaints adjust. 61 man but she never retrained ("on-<- Inspection visits made 08 ciousncss, and died early in the (‘Vâ€" Quarantine home visits 98 (-ning. Restaurant Inspections 21 Funeral service was conducted by Rev. E. E. Kent from the home. and interment took place in Beeton Cem~ ctery. The premature death of the late Mrs. Banting will be felt. by every- Can you estimate the value of the. above work from a public health standpoint and from your own personal health standpoint? CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. O”M“.”O“”OO”OOOOOOO - 12TH ANNUAL BOUI‘ON J-AMBOREE WED., JUNE 30TH Commencing at 7 pm. With Calithumpian Business Men's Parade Music by 4 Bands Old 'I‘yme Fiddlers Contest 1 Hour Stage Entertainment Street Fair â€" Bingo Refreshments Dancing in the Bolton Casino to Ossie Williams Band Lucky Number Draw (Prizes for admission ticket numbers “Fun for everyone” Admission 25c Dance $1.00 WWW” DEATHS McGIBBON, Nina M. â€" Suddenly, at her home, Richmond Hill, Thurs- day, June 17, 1948, Nina M. Botâ€" tomley, beloved wife of Norman C. McGibbon, dear mother of Da- vid, Mrs. McClelland (Helen) and Margaret. Service was held Sat- urday evening at 8 o’clock. Further service in St. James' Church On- T-he-Lines, Penetanguishene, Sun- day. Interment adjoining cemetery. WARNER, Frederick Earl â€" Sud- denly, as result of accident, Wed- nesday. June 16. 1948, Frederick Earl Warner, in his 32nd year, be- loved husband of Audrey Hill of Markham Rd., Richmond Hill, Ont., and dear father of Patricia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warner of Hamilton, and brother of Mrs. El- eanor Ferris of Toronto. Service was held from the Trull Funeral Home Saturday afternoon, June 17. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. and her unfailing kindness and thuoghtfulncss for others will be re- menn'iered. To those who survive. her husband and two (knighters, Helâ€" en of Toronto and .,orot,hy (Mrs Bradley) Stayncr, as well as her mother. Msr. Johnson, and one sisv tcr, heartfelt sympathy is extended. W. I. Picnic Thornhill Women's Institute held its annual picnic last. Thursday af- ternon at the home of Mrs. C. J. Sinâ€" clair, Yonge St. Over forty mem- bers enjoyed the lovely summer day and cool tree-shaded grounds of Mrs. Sinclair‘s home, including life memâ€" bers Mrs. R. Thompson. Miss Bertha Chapman and Mrs. W. Pearson. Dur- ing the afternoon, life membership lccrtificatcs were presented to Mrs. Brillinger. At the short meeting preceding the picnic. it was decided that for this season meetings would he held in private homes again, with executive meetings to he held about ten days before each general meeting. Further discussion regarding the annual sale took place, and programs for the coming year were discussed. Mrs. H. Swabey with a smart leather handbagr by Mrs. McKean and Mrs. Becstin. on behalf of the Institute. Mr. and Mrs- Swabcy and their two daughters have moved from their home on Steel’s Ave. to Orangeville. In presenting the gift. Mrs. McKean remarked on the fine work and executive ability displayed by Mrs. Swaboy dill‘inrr her years of membership in the Insti- tute. Mrs. Swabey held ofl'ice as president and secretary. Mrs. H. Mizen and Mrs. F. Frater are to be congratulated on the fine program of games and quizzes planâ€" ned. particularly the hatâ€"trimming was presented contest. which caused a great deal of irerrimcnt. A photographer arrived at teatime to take photos of the group and several were taken and will be for sale. Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Jamieson were in charge of the refreshments and tea tables spread under the trees provided a charming and appe- tizing picture. Responding to the vote of thanks extended her, Mrs. Sinclair eminhasizeo the fact that Without the help of her neighbours, she would have been unable to enter- BANTING â€" At her late residence, Langstat’r‘, on Monday, June 21. 1948, Pearl Banting, beloved wife of Herbert Banting, in her 58th year. Dear mother of Helen, Tor- onto and Dorothy (Mrs. Bradley), Stayner. Resting at the ab0ve ad- dress. Service on Thursday, June 24th at 2 pm. Interment Beeton Cemetery. Fat Collect ion Many thanks to Mr. B. Edwards and the friends in the community who helped put over the fat collection reâ€" cently. $20 was realized. and cub- master Mrs. T. Jackson and her tr00p feel that this service to the commun- ity could be repeated at more fre- oucnt intervals, so will you please continue to save waste fat? A fall date will be announced ‘ CHARLES â€" Alice Pointon, sudden- ly at her home, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, June 22, 1948, Alice Poin~ tan, widow of John Charles, in her 81st year. Resting at Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, service on Friday, June 25th, at 2:30. In- terment Richmond Hill Cemetery. POULTRY IN PAKISTAN A poultry association sponsored by the Pakistan Government has sought the assistance of Australian farmers in starting- a poultry industry in Pakâ€" istan and is developing all standard utility breeds popular in Australia. The Australian Poultry Association has sent, a wide range of stock to Pakistan. collection later. The Cubs completed their season with a treasure hunt in the Park and a weiner roast. They will reopen in September. Scout. Troop lst Thornhill Scout Troop closed the season with a party in the gar- den at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson last week, and are now through until September. Invested were tenderfoots lGeofi'reiy Jackson and Trevor Broderick. Mrs. A. H. Ayer and Miss M. Snowball of Thornhill Golf & Coun- try Club posted a 72; net in the one- day Toronto and District women’s two-ball foursome championships held at the Thornhill course on Monâ€" day. Forty net went to Mrs. T. Walton of Thornhill and Mrs. C. A. Robins, Rosedale. Miss Marguerite Boyle is holding a recital and tea on Saturday after- icon, June 26th at 2:30 pm. at “Homewood LIall” Thornhill. and the collection taken will be given to the I5. C. Flood Victims. Ruth Spl'ingford will act as Mis- tress ot‘ ceremonies. Winnifred Heah, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., Contralto, will be. the assisting artist and twenty of MlSS' Boyle’s elocution pupils will provtde an outstanding program. There are two occasions when the mouth should be kept shut â€" when swimming and when angry. Fred Taylor 74 RICHMOND ST. Richmond Hill Phone 315W Wood, Lumber, Posts, Poles PROMPT DELIVERY REASONABLE PRICES CUSTOM WORK Wood cutting, tree felling, logging, post hole digging, snow plowing, towing. U. K. FERTILIZER PRODUCTION The British fertilized industry set a record, when 104 thousand tons of superphosphate was produced during March, 19-18 â€" eight thousand more than the previous peak in February. During the nine months, July to March, 1'047-48, production was 87 thousand tons- greater than the cor- responding period in 194647. The March, 1948 production of mixed fer- tilizers was also a record. CARTAGE Log and lumber hauling a specialty, logs bought for cash. .r‘ FNwwAwmâ€"Kâ€"w Teston General Store l , Under New Management ‘1 ll R. HAMM, Proprietress i il l l Groceries Fruits Cooked Meats Miscellaneous Lines We'll try and get it." Phone Maple 65r2 l I l l “Tell us \\ hat you want â€"â€" If we haven't got it â€" [» l WE DELIVER i__ 1 fl M__--w-_v_,_ -nwfiu WWW l III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHIIII'll-IIIIB ‘SCUDDA-HggtitlDDA-HAYII’ There was once a picture called Blank llcauty. another called Lassie Come Home and a thlrtl 'l‘luinrlvrhead. Now comes “Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Iâ€"Iayl” :iirl outiloes them all with a pair of mules. Mules. as any tarmcr ot‘ long- Stand- ing will tell you, is the handsomcsl. toughest crimp” God ever made. Filmed in technicolor. in the rich tradition ot‘ Hum... in Indiana and My Friend Flicka, “Scudda-llool Scudda-ltay 1" stars lovely June Havel“, Lon Mc(‘allistcr. Veteran \Vultcr Brennan and the sensational mulc team of Moonbcam and Crowdcr. Incidentally one of the mOst extensive talent searches ever conducted was necessary to find the two mules that figure in the film. The studio sent two live- stock experts on a cross country junket, winding up in Fort Worth. Texas. where they paid $3,600 for the team 01' Moonbeam and Crowder. The mules weigh 1.750 pounds apiece, stand 17 hands high, will kick at the slightest prov- ocation and took to acting with all the ease and aplomb of Marjorie Main â€" and they’re just as handsome, begadl From where we sit a few more pictures like“Scudda- H00! Scuddaâ€"Hayl" and city fathers may soon have to be- gin worrying how they're gonna keep 'cm off of the farm and away from farmer's daughters like June Haver. The picture will qualify you as an honorary member of the 4-H clubs and as an expert on every kind of farm chore from milking a cow to hitching up the old fashioned hand plow and furrowing a ridge or two. As for ourselves we‘ve nevâ€" er been closer to a barn than the one in “Scuddaâ€"Hool Scudda-Hay!" but before it was through we could bridle and unhitch a team of mules like a veteran, milk a cow with maximum proficiency and drown an ear of corn ten paces away with an efficiently aimed stream of tobacco juice! Yes, we like farm pictures because of their down-to- earth atmosphere and the cool. clean taste they leave in your mouth, and in the case of “Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hayl”. beâ€" cause of the young, true love story it tells and the thrilling adventure it portrays. Come. Monday night, Ma, just leave the dishes in the sink; tell Pa to get the car out and let the chores wait; call young Joe and Etfie out of the henâ€"house and head for the Roxy. Markham, and ‘Scudda-Hool Scudda-Hayl‘ All the neighbors will be there and the picture will do your heart good! Come as you are. Land sakes. the theatre folks ain’t that particular! They'll probably be wearing overalls for the occasion. And if you can't make it Monday night you’ve got ftil Thursday. “Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hayl" is at the Roxy for a right nice spell. It’s that good! I IIIIII-III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII -IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIII WNWOOOMOM WONOWW WhatYouHave Been Waiting For Delivery at once. We give free delivery within a 75 mile radius of Toronto. ' Your foremost dealer â€"â€" Sales & Service R. C. .BLEWITT ilAgincourt, Ont. Phone Agincourt 320wvâ€"Grover 6993 Dance- -Bingo RICHMOND HlLl. ARENA Friday, June 25th MAX BOAG’S ORCHESTRA tilde Tyme and Modern Music. t x 'Admission 500 per person. : 2 Combination Coal and Essatone gas stove, engineered ' by Guerney and on display in our showroom. ,.

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