« ’E@EI® TEA .Toronte Presbyterial W.M.S. - Sectional Meeting at Nebleten Mrs. S. R. Paterson, Presbyterial literature secretary, thought know- ledge of missions requires suppleâ€" menting .by reading. She advocate/d use of bookletsin the homes, use of program material supplied -by the department, and the appointment of local literature secretaries. Mrs. A. S. Curr, president of Tor- onto Presbyterial broughtgreetings from that body and congratulations to Besa and Eversley, whom she said presented a picture of a job well done. Mrs. Curr presented a new theme for the coming year, “One Thing, One Purpose, One Aim," which she said would signify choosâ€" ing the better part always. It is not enough to be content with going about; it is only when we go about doing good that service may be ter- med faithful. Opening the session, Mrs. Zuefelt said “We are not standing still as the large number of representatives here today point to the growing spirit of service." "Young women taking their part 'in the work, lends great encouragement to the enterâ€" prise.†Reports from auxiliaries showed increase in membership. From this society Mrs. J. M. Mil]- ei', Mrs. A. McClure and Mrs. T. L. Williams, have been associated with the Toronto Presbyterial executive, and the late RevsHem'y Ferguson, missionary in China, and son of the ï¬rst president was a strong inspir- ational force to this society. Other officers were vice president, Mrs. Jonathan Folliott; secretary, Mrs. Charlotte Wood and treasurer, 'Mis's Annie Wells. In Ju‘p, 1888, a map of the North West was pur- 'chased [to study the geograple of the Indian Missions. From thereon clothing and supplies were [forwardâ€" ed to western missions, increasing each year, and“ reaching out to more people in need. Membership had climbed to 45 and givings totalled as high as $209, with bales valued at $112. In 1948 the bales am-Ount- ed to $138.95. From a long list of charter members, many have been made life members. In earlier years Eversley ‘and Temperancevilll: sep- arated, and Eversley has carried .through the years, strong in spirit, prominent in its missionary effort. Eversley Society was organized on June 20th, 1888, at the‘church, and Mrs. Agnes Ferguson, mother of Miss Alice Ferguson who related the story of organization, was the pres- ident for several years. Two groups had formed the society in 1888, Ev- ersiey and Temperanceville. Mrs. George Chamberlain was the ï¬rst president; Mrs. Duncan Cairns, ï¬rst vice president; Mrs. Hugh Mc- Tag-gart, second vice president; Mrs. Annie Wilkie (Hambly) secretary; and Miss Hattie Davis, treasurer. By the end of the year, 16 had en- rolled, and the largest membership had reached 22. Or anized on June 2151:, the revenue had amounted to $46.74 by the end of the ï¬rst year. rural vice members, living. ' Delegates of Section IV, Tol‘Onto Presbyterial Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church held at Nvobleton Hall, June 2lst, were welcomed by Rev. J. F. Donald, Bolton, at the 33rd annual meeting chaired by vice-presidents, Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt, Richmnd Hill and Mrs. T. L. Williams, King. “ Auxiliaries were guests of Besa society, West King, assisted by Ev- ersley W.M.S. The occasion marked the 55th year organization of Besa and the 60th anniversary for Ever- sley, sister auxiliaries of the King charge. During noon luncheon Miss Anne Cairns, a member of Besa for ab-0ut 55 years and president for the most of 30 years, related how the society was organized on J‘une let, 1893, by a'Mrs. Gray, Brampton, rural vice president, with 13 charter members; three of whom are now VOL. LXIK. Direclions: Make lea exactly as usual . . . While still hot pour inlo glasses ï¬lled wilh cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon Io lasle . . . MISS LAURA PELTON OVERSEAS MISSIONS SECRETARY GUEST SPEAKER Delicious Cool Drink THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Don’t forget the mixed tl‘ebles on July lst at the local greens at 2 p. m. Bring a picnic lunch. A Richmond Hill Rink skipped by Gar Yerex won the Trophy Craft Cup at Agincourt on Wednesday, June 23rd. Other members of the rink were R. Elgie and A. A. Eden. Saturday afternoon, June 26th 3. Richmond Hill Rink took second prize at Globe Manor, Toronto. The rink was comprised of E. Charity, J. Grainger, Gar. Yerex, skip. The 1949 Sectional will be held at Willowdale. Mrs. A. Hill of Noble- ton contributed a piano solo to the program and Miss Jean Blodk of Nashville a vocal solo accompanied by Miss Verna McClure, whose par- ents are on a mission ï¬eld over- The Richmond Hill Club has ac- cepted an invitation to attend the Glebe Manor Club on Thursday, July 8th. All members are urged to at- tend if at all possible. ‘ I; seas The ï¬rst district tournamenf for Richmgnd Hill will be held W 'dnes- day, July 14th. Play will brf r the Mulock Trophy (Men’s Tl‘CblEb). A Home Baking sale is to be held at Richvale Public School at 2 pm. on Saturday, July 10th, in aid of the Richvale Community H2111 Building Fund. Contributions to the sale and orders for cakes and pies will be most welcome. Phone Thornhill 220 r41. As chief speaker, Miss Laura Pel- ton, Overseas Missions Executive Secretary delivered a masterful at]- dress, provoking deep thought toward the future of missions, and the im- portance of a world-wide interest to- ‘w'ard missions by every Christian woman. Entitling‘ her address “The Miracle of. Missions," Miss Pelton vividly portrayed the reality of the thing; we are doing as something so inseparable from one’s very self, so much an integral part of every Christian woman’s being. The se- cure smugness of craving concrete evidence of what money, time and ability is put into the work; the innate desire to satisfy our ego, to feel virtuous in our small effort has given rise to overshadowing.r the fact that a task done on sight, though results may appear obscure has w'roug‘ht outstanding miracles to- ward redemption, that witness of Jesus Christ has been miraculously performed. , The Murgency 4 of the task ‘is so 'great‘fk'the glorious, dan- gerous and terriï¬c nature of the task so vital. We stand, said Miss Pelton, on the abyss of we know not what, and if you or I fail, we lose for ourselves and others, some- thing irreparable and magniï¬cent. There are only two ways to live on the frontiers of missions,‘ concluded the speaker, by prayer and givings. Mrs. Wood, supply secretary, com- mended contents -of bale supplies, and cautioned that socks be fastened together; freight or institutional money be marked; that bales be shipped “by the end of June. Miss Cheyne, presbyterial treas- urer asked for expense or supply ehequesuproperly marked and pay- able at Toronto; that supply secretâ€" ary give name of auxiliary and Miss Jennie Folliott, ï¬nance secretary felt the increased allocation of $34,000 would be .met,’ the more readily be- cause of the extra dollar per mem- ber for 1948. Prayer should accom- pany this special effort, she stated. Mrs. Hugh Ferguson, historian, spoke briefly pointing out that Besa and Eversley had made history and done much toward the extension of the Lord’s work. VAUGHAN WOMEN WORKERS BOWLIer NOTES The following is tth promotion list for the Lower School in Richmond Hill High School. The honour lists include those students who p‘a'SSed in all subjects and made an average mark not lower than 66%. The names are arranged in order of mer- it for the honour lists and alphabet- ically according to surname for the pass lists. Since both the Middil and Upper School wrote departmen- tal examinations, Middle and Upper School results will be ‘published in the Liberal when released by the Department of Education during August. Promoted From Grade 9 to Grade 10 Honours Robert Riseboroug‘h, Marilyn Sni- der, David Hogg, Joyce Wilde, Sheila Keight, Bernice Roberts, Moira Robâ€" inson, Marian Waters, Janice Ded- low, Edna Fraser, Bert Moorby, Mary Christensen, Rita Mihorean, Irene Gango, Anna Gurin, Gordon Burbidge, Joanne Johnson, Helen Boynton, Marjorie Patterson, Don- ald Hodge, Kathleen Reed, Douglas Fowler, Kenneth Crossley, susanne Noble an, Fred J‘ackman and Robert Green (equal), Jean Webb, Kenneth Archibald, Lilian Hirtz, ‘Charles Close, William Zuefclt, Ted Little, Billy Inglis and Marjorie Bayles (equal), Ken Jarrett and Elsie At- kinson (equal). Promoted Without Honours Gordon Brumwell, Stanley Butler, Lois Clark, June Doig,'Barry Dow- dall, Bruce Ewart, George Hooper, Mary Lou Jenkins, Betty Jones, Ann Lawrie, Terry O’Neill, Alben‘t Orr, B. Semkiw, Bob Slater, Noren Sloan, Ted Sullivan, Betty Svanefelt, Stella Tomlinson, Bruce Tuck, Madeline Tutt, Dorothy Wallen, Marjorie Weaver, Doris Wilson. Promoted From Grade 10 to Grade 11 Honours Vera Doust, Erma Heise, Joan Flood, David Graham, Donald Leno, Jane Reycraft, Pat Devins, Ruth Layzell, Clarence Kozak, Carol Hun- ter. Joyce Fowler. Kathleen Mar- wood, Bill Selby, Lois Dixon, Jane Tobias, Beverly Watson, Marilyn Panke, Barbara Jones, Richard Ed- munds, Betty thencry, Rita Dice- Richmond Hill High School Promotion Examination Results Pmshyil'yy otl TomatornwiM-‘Lle guest speaker at both services. Lord Beaverbrdok, whose father, Rev. Wm. Aitken, was a former min- ister in the charge, contributed gen- St. Andrew’s Maple, erected trons extensive ning re-openm July 4th, at 11 C. J. MacKay {e-Opening Services at St. Andrews Maple, Sunday, Julygi/lth extensive alterations and re- and the congregation is plan- e-opening services for Sunday In I SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS ANNOUNCED Presbyterian Church sentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty: In All CharitL’. in ‘1862 1.1)]. and 7,p.m moderator of RICHMOND HILL, ONTr.‘ THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1948 under- Rev‘ the Prize â€"- Audrey turtle. This prize consists of ï¬ve dollars worth of books and is awarded to the student i‘l grade 12, with the highest aver- age/academic mark. 3. High School Board Lower School Prize â€"â€" Vera Doust. Award- ed to the student with the highest average academic mark in grade 10 and consists of ï¬ve dollars worth of books. 4. Women’s Institute Prize â€"â€" Janâ€" et Abram. Awarded to the grade 11 girl with highest average aca- demic mark and consists of three dollars worth of books. 5. R. H. H. S. Literary Society Prize â€" Robert Riseborough. Aw- arded to the grade 9 student with highest average academic mark and consists of two dollars worth of books. 6. High School Board Upper School Prize â€"â€" since this prize is based on the Upper School depart- At the morning service various ar- ticles of furnishings, presented in memory of formex-‘members. will be de‘dliua-tedr' .f “W†~ All visitors are ixivited to remain for lunch and a socal hour on the church lawn after the morning ser- vice. erously tp the‘co the greater part has already been bers of the 'é'on'g estcd friendï¬.. IC‘COSt‘ of the work and part of; the remainder been provided by mem- ‘éon‘gregation and inter- The newly elected officers of Rich- mond Lodge A.F. and A.M. were duly installed and invested with tradition- al ceremony last Thursday evening at the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, and other features of the evening in- cluded presentation of Long Service and Veterans’ Jubilee Medals to three members of the Lodge. Lodge Honours Veteran Masons Worshipful Brother J. G. Murphy, acting as Master, assisted by Past Masters of the Lodge installed Wor- shipr] Brother Lambert E. Atkin- son as Master. Other officers in- stalled were: Wor. Bro. Robert J. Craigie, Immediate Past Master; Brother Walter Scott, Senior W'ar- dcn; Brother A. Rand Phipps, Jun- ior Warden; Bro. James Hamilton Chaplain; Wor. Bro. Duncan M. Chamney Treasurer; R. Wor. Bro. J. Roy Herrington, Secretary; Bro. Har- old H. Jones, Senior Deacon; Bro. Joseph Wilton, Junior Deacon: Wor. qu. Cecil C. M'abdey, Director of NEW PRINCIPAL FOR RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL Richmond Hill High School Board has announced the appointment of Mr. H. E. Elson of Smithville as principal of the High School, his du- ties to commence in September. Mr. Elson is married and has three childâ€" rcn and is now busy seeking living quarters in the village. Another new appointment to the stafl“ is Miss Winâ€" nifred Mcntyre of Toronto who will have charge of Physical Training. The new teachers will replace Mr. Wiggett and Miss Gearing who re- signed. Mr. Robbins who was act- lng principal will continue as math- ematics teacher. Cere-monies; Bro. Alan 0. White, Senior Steward; Bro. Robert Johns- ton, Junior Steward; Bro. Harold Ince, Organist; Bro. NOrman W. Boore, Inner Guard; Bro. R. Wilson Beresford, Tyler. Following the ceremony Most Wor- shipful Brother Charles S. Hamilton, Past Grand Master and a life member of Richmond Lodge presented Very VVorshipful Bro. Thomas H. Trench with a Long Service Medal, he hav- ing been Master of the Lodge in‘ 1897 and again in 1900. Many~kindly references were made to the won- derful contribution made by Brother Trench not only as to Masonry in general and to Richmond Lodge but to his native village which he served many years as school trustee, a member of the village council for many years and Reeve on several occasions. He is also an active church member and a member of the Ses- Worshipful Brother George New- bury was also the recipient of a Vet- eran Jubilee Medal at the hands of Very Worshipful Brother Thomas Lamon. Worshipful Brother New- bery is a past master of Richmond Lodge No. 23 and a member since 1897. Richmond Lodge No. 23 has the distinction of being one of the oldest in the Dominion. It origin- ated in 1824 and carried on for some years under the Grand Lodge of England. 4 Following the formation of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1855 Richmond Lodge in 1858 came under that Grand Body whose mem- bership in Ontario now exceeds 100,000. .A. E. Buckle, B. A. of Markham will begin his duties as principal of Elmvale High School, September 7, succeeding H. M. McCullough, B. A., who tendered his resignation in March, after 4 years as principal. CAPTAIN J. R. C. DING, C. A. DIRECTOR OF CHURCH ARMY IN CANADA TO SUPPLY FOR LOCAL RECTOR The Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rector of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richâ€" mond Hill, has announced that Cap- tain J. R. c. Ding, C.A., Director of The Church Army in Canada, will be his holiday supply during July. Cap- tain Ding is a pleasing reader and an outstanding preacher. He will conduct the 11 o’clock service on Sunday mornings during July. All are invited. These scholarships and prizes will be presented to the winners at the Annual School Commencement Ex- ercises next Fall. Very Worshipful Brother Trench then presented his brother Wycliffe W. Trench with a Veteran Jubilee Medal, he having been a member of Richmond Lodge since January 1898. mental results, the winner cannot be determined utnil August. éinn of the Unitéd Church Richmond Lodge Officers Installed Mrs. Webb Retires After Long Record of Splendid Service. Richvale School Principal Friday, June 25th, proved to be a very eventful day for Mrs. Webb, principal of Richvale Public School. Richvale School Teacher Fetcd On that day Mrs. Webb termin- ated eighteen years of pioneering education in that area and the pupils and parents of the community show- ed their appreciation for the patience and understanding that has marked her years of teaching. In the afternoon Mrs. Webb was presented with a lovely quilt which had been made by the 'pupils under the supervision of Mrs. Underhill. In the centre of the quilt was em- broidered a picture of the school building and the rest of the quilt was covered with hundresd of names, in fact the names of all the pupils taught ‘by Mrs. Webb in her years at Richvale. It was a very unique gift and one that Mrs. Webb intim- ated would be deeply cherished. Mrs. Charles, the widow of the late John Charles, was in her eighty-ï¬rst year and had lived her entire life in this district. Born in Whitchurch Township, her father, James Pointin, was a farmer in that community and a local preacher connected with the Methodist church. Both he and his father before him witnessed with ef- fect from pulpits in the surrounding counl'tyside when ordained ministers were too few in number. Mrs. Charles was reared therefore under strong Christian influences and the effect of this early religious environ- ment remained manifest throughout her life. In the evening the parents of the community gathered to pay their respects and to present Mrs. Webb with a beautiful silver tea Service. After the presentation during which Dr. A. W. R. Dean and Mr. Basker- ville spoke of the appreciation the neighborhood felt for Mrs. Webb's unselï¬sh service a sing-song was led by Mr. Harold Ince followed by tea which was served by the Richvale Women Workers. [Toronto Teachers Pay Homage t0 Richvale Resident The beautiful garden of Dr. A. W. R. Doan, Richvale was the setting last Wednesday afternoon when some three hundred and seventy-ï¬ve school teachers from the northern Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Charles removed to Patterson, near Richmond Hill, where they lived for nearly 50 years. A family of six children, four boys and two girls, was reared in that home and the family circle was broken only by the father’s death a few years ago. When Mrs. Charles suffered the loss of her husband, she moved to Richmond Hill where she had resided over ten years. Here, as in former years, her church has been central in her life. She was a devoted member, a regular at- tendant and a constant supporter of all the W‘omen‘s Organizations of the church, especially of the Women’s Missionary Society. Wlhatever her work, whether in Church or Red Cross, her companions found her ever cheerful and generous in the ser- vice that she rendered. It made her very happy, only a few weeks before her death to be able to procure the silver trowel used by Mrs. Patter- son when the corner stone of the Richmond Hill United Church was laid in 1880. This beauiful QOen- to was placed on display during the Anniversary Services of May 23, 1948. This thoughtful act was only one of many issuing from a lovely. Winsome personality, beloved by all who knew her in church and village. Though not entirely unexpected, the sudden passing of Mrs. Alice Charles at her Richmond Hill home last Tuesday, June 22nd came as a great shock to her relatives and many friends. The funeral service was held at Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Home and conducted by Rev. C. B. Breth- en of Richmond Hill United Church. She leaves to mourn her loss, an affectionate family of sons and daughters together with their child- ren, who with many lifelong friends, pay tribute to a wonderful mother and a true member of the Flock of God. I The members of the family are LATE MRS. ANNIE CHARLES TORONTO TEACHERS HONOR DR. A. W. DOAN, FORTY-TWO YEARS WITH TORONTO BOARD OF EiDCUATIONâ€"COMMUNITY HALL PROGRESSING OB ITUA RY ADVERTISING IN CETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL section of the City of Toronto gath- ered to pay homage to him upon his retirement. At the close of this year’s school term, Dr. Doan had completed forty- two years in the service of the Tor- onto Board of Education, the latter sixteen of which were served in the capacity of Inspector of Schools. It is a glowing tribute to D1‘. Doan that such a large number of those whom he has guided and given the beneï¬t of his years of experience should wish to show their apprecia- tion in such a personal manner. Dur- ing the party the presentation of a very handsome walnut desk and a book of remembrance was made to Dr. Dean. Dr. Doan in retiring will be ccâ€" cupied with his garden and his flowâ€" ers or as he so aptly puts it, “re- tiring from one occupation which I enjoyed fully to another from which I derive equal enjoyment." Richvale Community Hall It is planned to complete the work on the floor this coming week end and all the volunteers in Richvale, who possibly can, are entreated to hold Sunday open so the job can be completed in the one day. The entertainment committee are again planning a gala wrestling show in the near futufe under the sponsorship of that children’s idol, “Red†Garner. Watch for the anâ€" nouncement of the exact date which is expected to be July 20th. A large gathering showed deep in- terest in the colorful drumhead ser- vice sponsored by King Legion, No. 438, held Sunday afternoon on the lawn of All Saints Anglican Church. The local post was under the com- mand of J. A. McGinnis, president of the legion. Representatives from other legions of the Zone were pres-I ent from Sutton, Newmarket, Mount Albert, Aurora, Wood'brid-ge, Rich- mond Hill, North York, Squadron “C†of Queen’s York Rangers, Aur- ora; four branches from Toronto, and the Earlscourt post, Toronto. The Earlscourt legion pipe band, in full highland regalia was present, and the North Toronto Salvation Army Band rendered hy‘mns and accom- paniments for the service. The en- tire ceremony was spoctacular and the music afforded great pleasure for everyone. The salute was taken Thanks are profel‘red to Mr. Dowe of the Geo. P. Dowe Co., for the use of his hydro, power and cement mix- er when the footings were poured. by Mafor Norman F. Johnson, Aur- ora and Zone Commander ‘H. A. Phelps, Richmond Hill. Trum-peters were Donald Watson, Gordon Lee and Douglas Wells of' Aurora. Padre E. G. Worrall gave his last address to the Zone, and was assist- ed by Major H. Chapman, Toronto, and Rev. M. R. Jenkinsn of King. Rev. Worrall spoke of the Divin- ity of a drumhcad service, and the place as Holy ground. Like Moses, who commissioned his people to put off their shoes, lest the ground on which they stood become contamin- ated from their unclean contact, so the Padre commissioned comrades to cast from mind and heart all un< clean motives or schemes, and go forth clean and sanctiï¬ed, With a mind ï¬rm in fwrpose, to give service and to minister to others. Leaving for a new parish in New York State, the message bore a special challenge to the branch of his choice, King leâ€" gion, whose integrity and standard the Padre holds dear. Huge army tanks from the Queen’s York Rangers Regiment were on dis- play. The Libel-23.1 Classiï¬ed Ads. bring results. ' J. Vernon Vof Summerland. B. C.; J. Stuart of Fleet, A]ta., Mary (Mrs. Gordon Bennett) of Toronto; Jean (Mrs. Fred Ormerod) of Toronto; William of Woodstock and Harry of Richmond Hill. Interment was in Richmond Hill cemetery. The pall bearers were: Roy Smith, James Smith, nephews; Charles Read, Toronto; Frank Schis- ler, Frank Burnett, David Rumble. King Drumhead Service N0. 1