Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jul 1948, p. 4

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4. THE LIEEPAL Pi..hii.crnd C RATESAFive lines or five lines .71 cents per i 'l‘elephom Richmond Hil *2 \““' "N‘u‘ » o FOR SALE FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Penn. Thornhill 11:14. tt'clo' LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L. W. teid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tt'c42 2:3 ACRES nich and Timothy Hay. Apply phone Richmond Hill 2113. "2w1 HAY, standing in I'honc iiclil, reasonable. King" 51112:}. lcwl MAN'S I'. 1'. M. Bicycle, good con- dition. Apply 3211 row c o Wilfred Hotter, Maple, phone (HIE-l. ’lwl 111;.) CHEVROLET Coach. standard, price $371M 11. Phone {ichinond Hill 413123. ' lwl 11’21'1 FORD. Model T, touring, new- ly overhauled. good tircs. E. Had- wen, Phone Maple (3111‘11. clwl GREY Peitheron mare, with filly, medium hcavy. sound, 31710. Phone 451-3, Richmond Hill. clwl Apply J. ‘K. Sully, Elgin Mills Sideroad West. 12137 NASH Convertilcile. Phone Maple 4:111. *lwl 8 SMALL PIGS, ti weeks old; 1931 Nash sedan. Am 1- Albert Burns, phone King 11121. "*1w1 FRESH STRAWBERRIES, daily, picking. flJc per quart. Andy Gor- don, Lot 13}, Con. G, Vaughan. *lwl 10 ACRES choice red clover and al- falfa hay mixed. Apply Gordon Mc- Quairie, Maple, phone 60122. *1w1 GURNEY electric range, 4 burner with oven. Hall‘s Service Station. phone Richmond Hill 191. c1w1 1931 CHEV. COACH, in good run- ning condition, heater, spotlight, 4 good tires. Phone Maple (121122. after 6:30 p.111. c1w1 KITCHEN CABINET with flour Sifter and porcelain baking board, wh1te and green, good condition. Phone Thornhill 206132. STRAWBERY, also cabbage plants. Apply Mrs. Harry Woods, Oxford St., 01w] Elgin Mills. phone Richmond Hill 309J. clwl STOVI, modem white porcelain, elâ€" evated 1'eservoir, equipped with oil burners, practically new. complete $65.00. Apply Box 86, Thornhill. *le SPANIEL. male, blond, 8 months old. Apply Mrs. “ A. R. Phillips. Moore’s Lane. Richv‘ale. Stop 22A. Yonge St. *1w1 Trailer, nearly new, brand new tires, (300 x 16. side racks. size 4 x6; also 75 lbs. white enamel ice box: 1 fog light; (360x16, retread tire. Wm. Wil- son, R. R. 2, King. at Laskay. c1w1 A very good lot. 50 ft. on Morgan Avenue. Stop 14A Yonge St., five minutes walk from street car. well drained, low taxes. sell cheap. An- ply Fenn, Thornhill 16.8. *3va2 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails. fire doge, fire screens. fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Richvale.' tfc35 L..â€"_. 25 TONS No 1 baled timothy hay: 15 'tons loose hay, mixed; 6 loads 2nd cut alfalfa hay. Apply Geo. McNair. RR. 2, Maple, phone King 1114 tfc43 ‘Slli‘ltiirglo'fsozz. UNI-FEEDCOST :Yet Grow '»Husky§ Pallets It the _.fuI-0Â¥Pep .Way! , "REALLY PAYS TO RAISE LOTS OF (/5 8/6 HUSKY PULLETS AND THE VITAMIN 30037 _. ' IN FUL-Oâ€"PEP i HELPS US TURN OUT LIKE CHAMPS [rum-imp anowma MASH , I. D. Ramer & Son PH ON E 1 0. THE ELEVATOR Hill. Thursday. . 19 .1- lassfiigdSale (KCâ€"CW2]. I13 cents for first insertion did 25 cents for each sul tlni‘u'ml ire extra each his e11 on. I:' l‘UR {EAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tileâ€"Iii ll-lMENT, any quantity. Ron (illi- son, Agiucourt, phone 136R. Itchgc WOOD. su111111erpriccs. ilcliverEd. Phone Richmond Hill 288M. 'Twél 1 LAWN M(,)\VER. Apply H Mill St., {it-hmond Hill. clwl GIIRNEY FURNACES, stoves and gas ranges for bottled gas. 1.. House, Maple, phone 102, residence 621282. tfc42 SIX PIGS, 7 weeks old. \‘xen, Maple, phone 7212. Bruce Had- 1 MAN‘S BICYCLE. Richmond Hill 1215113. good, phone c1w1 8 ACRES standing hay, will sell or Phone 3’1571‘33. Rich- *‘Clwl rcnt as pasture. mond Hill. QUANTITY of feed oats with bar- ley mixed. Apply phone 30H Union- ville, Cruickshank. ' c1w1 MODEL C Case Tractor on new rubber, phone Claremont 700, after (3 11.111. 2820. clwl ELECTRIC refrigerator, good conâ€" dition, medium price $175. Apply 1o Ahitibi Ave., Newtonbrook, phone Willowdale 8477. clwl AUTOTRACT, 13 tooth Cultivator and 2 furrow Oliver Plow. Apply Geo. L. Gren. Mill Rd. near Bathurst. ilwll 1931 CHEV. Coupe. fair condition; also 1 electric powered cement mixâ€" er B. Wark, Carrville Sideroad on Bathurst. Phone between hours of 8 and 5. Thornhill 141. SADDLE HORSE. broken to saddle and harness, ’1' years old, reasonable. Apply Norman Bowen. 113 Garden Ave. Lang-staff. phone Thornhill 2133 1'22. c1w1 BRAY started pullets. Started non- stxed. Or dayolds. There are ready markets for what they'll produce later. Get summer price list from agent Fred Wise, Richmond Hill, Bray Brooder, Phone 359121. clwl l 11. MASSEY-HARRIS 2‘furrow tractor plow; 1 six-foot binder and carrier. ll'lassey-Harris: 10 ft. dump rake. Massey-Harris. Apply Mrs. A. W. Hart, 5th concession. Naughan. phone Maple 781'4. *lwl 1 FRESH Jersey Cow and calf; 1 cream separator; 1 5-ft. McCormick Deering mower: 1 set of barrows; 1 harrow tooth scuffler; 1 wagon. Ap- ply F. Worth, 3057 Dufferin St., Tor. onto. >ilwl FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. . tfc46 __â€"__,__._â€"__â€"-â€"â€"â€" LADIES, now they are here. the new unbreakable Nylon Blue Treas- ure, 54 pc. set dinnerware, price $18.75, or you may get them for 81.75 down and S1 weekly. Just phone Richmond Hill 13416 and our agent will call on you. c3w51 DELAVAL MILKERS. new and used, $200 up. Electropail heaters. $16.75. Electric clippers. $32.50. Oil heat- ers. coal and wood ranges, Century motors. washers. vacuum cleaners and radios. Trades accepted. T0- ronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. tfc32 4 (honours); nt Ads Over 1111c. isequent insertion. to account hire cents. per MISCELLANEOUS (‘t'STUM pick-up Snider. Phone Maple 75115. buy paling. (it‘tl. clwl CUSTOM tractor mowing 111 vicinity of Maple. David Askew. phone Mu- ple Ii‘JJ. cilwz'fl PICK-LP BAILING. in custom work. M. Gilmore. Phone Maple Iltlri. c1w51 STABLES white-washed, disinfected, D.I).T. Apply C. L. lx'nappett, phone Richmond Hill 45125. '1w1 LAWN MOWERS sharpened by ex- perienced hand. Apply C. R. Stou- tenburg. 11 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. phone .‘lSth. 54w51 SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street, and lrookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 3721'5. tic25 CUSTOM ploughing, cultivating. harrowing and mowing with team. Murray Bowen, 10 May Ave., Rirlr mond Hill, phone 2137114. c1w1 TRANSPORTATION provided daily from Richmond Hill to Yonge and Eglinton, noon and return 5:510 p.111. Phone Richmond Hill 421w. c1w1 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp- ened and repaired by an experienced workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621‘21. ticJZ CUSTOM PLOUGHING, cultivating, discing and tilling. W. H. Goiiuer- ham, :29 Eloihurst, Lansing, phone \Yillowdale 2508. c1w4‘2 REPAIRING and installing furnaces and boilers. Expert workmanship. Phone Thornhill 210714. Nicholas and Son, Langstafi'. 5*w1 GRADUATE nurse has accommoda- tion in her home for elderly lady or bed patient. personal care. Phone Thornhill 5J. c2w52 ENJOY your week ends and vaca- tions. leave your pets here. Luff's Boarding Kennels. Stop 24A. Yonge St.. phone Richmond Hill 35713. ’7’4w5f) BU‘LLDOZER service, excavating, grading, prompt and courteous ser- vice at reasonable prices. Applv H. A. Briggs, 206 Cumber Ave., New- toubrook, phone Willowdale 2512. ‘1‘8w50 ATL KINDS FURNITURE reps... upholstering, cabinet work. wow carving. Estimates given. N. I. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., RiChmuni Hill. in WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed. cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 97123 tf chg. 52 WE CUT YOUR HAY With “Quick-Haymaker" new power mower in custom work. F. D. Hu- bert. Downsvie'r, Ont., phone Wes- ton 1286w5. ‘ BUTTONVILLE We extend congratulations to the following pupils of Mrs. Sidney English, who were succesful at the examinations held recently at The Royal Conservatory of Music, 'Tor- onto: Joan Stephenson, grade 6 (honours); Heather Burns, grade 5 (honours); Barbara Radford, grade 4 (honours); Yvonne Magee, grade Carole Radford, grade Judy Harman, grade 3 (honours); m ' 3; Jeanette Houlihan, grade 1 (first WANTED APARTMENT, house or rooms 111‘- gently needed by young couple in Richmond Hill. Please call 222 or write box 48. tfc51 NEW CROP No. 1 Hay, well cured, containing not more than 25"} clovâ€" er. Will accept baled or loose del- ivered to Manle Cattle Breeders, Ma- ple, phone 95 Or evenings 63124. c2w52 EXPERIENCED operators. on blous- es, highest wages paid, 42 hour week, a few vacancies for appren- tices. Apply Mayfair Mfg. Co” Yonge St., Richmond Hill. clwl‘ CIVIL SERVANT, wife and two small but well behaved daughters, nch 3 or 4 unfurnished or furnished rooms or other accomodation. Please call MAfair 3555. *le HOUSE. 6-8 rooms, brick, by former resident desiring to return to vil‘l- ae'c â€"â€" urgent â€"â€" good cash payment. Harrv Sayers, 11 Knight St., Toron- to. Phone (collect) HOward 51610. *1w1 , _ LOST LIGHT tan and white female collie. answers to name “Tootsie.” Had license tag for 1947. Reward. Mrs. F. Patterson, (34 Edgar A\'e., Rich- vale. *le TO RENT (‘C-TTAGE at Four-Mile Lake. Burnt River, for last three weeks of Aug« ust. Phone Mrs. R. D. Little, Rich- mond Hill 28. clwl "Will you love me when I'm old and feeble 2’" “Of course I do." class honours); Dorothy Hooper, grade 1 (honours); Blanche McKin- ney, grade 1 (honours); and Bever- ley Burr. grade 1 (honours). Keep Monday, July 5th for the Brown’s Corners Congregational Picnic. Cars will leave the church at 12:45 for Lynnbrook Park. Come and bring the family. It was with real regret that the pupils of Buttonville School said goodbye to their popular teacher, I MiSs Norma Bar-key last Friday af- ternoon. The farewell address was read by Ross Baker, expressing their appreciation and friendship. Miss Barkcy thanked the pupils for their gift, a handsome coffee table. Miss FrancespBaker has gone to :0 Inct't 1_ Lti .7 tili‘lmiL. Philips. A ogtioueel'. . Sale Register l SATI'RIIAY. JULY 1:211 W V HHUseiililyl 1.1 I itils. My, ' .1. 17:. w . , v. >111L' o. \lt‘ll Auction Sale garden tools, l-‘RIDA Y. .ll'lA' 3 1d «11’ imilril‘. j'-,1-nit1111*. Hillt‘l' iiwls, 11111,“.11'1115 vill‘n'l :11111'lr‘s. Ell ".c Are-11:1~ {lt‘illllhlld Hill I‘aii (Hounds. Richmond Hill. 11111. Prop- t‘liy lir‘lullu‘lng to tilt‘ t'.\i.1?«~ iii~ tile Late \Ym. ll. Lever. Sale at 3 p.111. sharp. Tclnis l‘asb. No reserve as house is sold, Ken and Clarke Pren< tire. Auctioneers. [SATI'RDAY‘ JULY 2". Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle. Ford tractor. farm stock. implements, grain and hay. piano, furniture, etc., on Lot 21), Con. El, Markham 'l‘oyy'iiship, at Head. ford. property of ARCHIE WATTS. Sale at 1:210 pm, D.S.T. Terms cash, No reserve. farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, AUL‘thnCOI'S. SATURDAY. JULY 10TH is Auc- tion Sale Household Furniture, Gar- Tools, Antiques. Walnut Furâ€" niture, etc.. in the village of Clare-- mont. property of George McConnell, den Sale at 2 p.m, D.S.T. Terms Cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prenâ€" tice. Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14TH â€" Aucâ€" tion Sale of Dual Purpose Shortâ€" horn Cattle, Farm Stock. Impleâ€" ments. Grain, Complete House of Furniture, Many Antiques, Walnut Furniture. etc.. on lot 11, con. (3, King Twp., property of Wm. Moseâ€" ley. Terms Cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Proprietor going to B. C. Sale at 12 noon D.S.T. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. THURSDAY. JULY 15TH â€" Auc- tion Sale registered and grade Guer- nsey cattle; I H C Tractor 110-20, Milking Machine, Implements, Fur- niture, etc, the property of G. O. T. Gamble, lot 29, con. 8 Markham. Sale at 1 p.111. L. Turner. Clerk. No reserve. Farm sold. A. S. Farin- er, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE 17TH â€" Auc- tion Sale Household Furniture, Gar- den Tools etc., property of the es- tate of the late Wm. Michael, Main 1 p. Dancing every Saturday night 9 St.. Markham Village. Sale at 2 m. D.S.T. Terms Cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentcie, Auctioneers. _____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DANCE till 11.310 Standard Time, to Merry- --.!-!-IIIIIIII at 1301- makers 9-piece Orchestra, I ‘7’4w5‘2 ton Casino. ___‘_______.______â€"â€"â€"â€" a-.‘ f 123 Yonge Willow Beach. Lake Simcoe, where I she will be working for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hood accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Vern Griffin t0 Kirkland Lake where Mr. Griffin at- tended an Ontario Municipal Confer- ence. They report that they were royally entertained by the towns- people of that thriving northern town and that at a banquet tendered the conference that Mr. Ken Grey was one of the speakers. The June Meeting of the Davidson Mission Band was in the form of a picnic held on the lovely grounds a; the home of Miss Mary Rodick. A short inside programme was held when Heather Burns and Grace Rod- ick were in charge. Yvonne McGee gave a fine piano solo and Mrs. Craig told the story of Ming Ong. a Chin- ese who wanted a pair of boots. Af- ter this the party adjourned to the lawn for games and marvellous picnic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Lockport, Y., are Mrs. A. Glendinning' Mrs. W. Craig. (1 of w ith and Howard Stark visitors and Mr. PEACHES SARDINES Fairhaven, in oil PEANUT BUTTER Royal York Loin pfi,BUICHERsy Lord Fairfax, standard VICTORIA SQUARE Mi 1». M“. H. Mowsoi, Mar- 2113cV 11d Joy. Mr. and Mrs. ll. .'\loi'so'1 it llhldiiw.‘ ll1ll. MJ. and .\lr~ 1. F: or: 111.11 Torry, .111d Mrs. ll”: ~11. 5! li‘ l‘HiQ'dK‘) ilitkl Illillll‘i iilu Mi. 11d Mrs. ll. Moiisod ,\\'.1jvne .111d lltiii-e on Sunday cyeu- .l1:.. Mr. .11d Mis. \\'111. Wilson ot‘ Lemâ€" llc had tlil'llli‘l Sunday evening: ' lili‘ .Mr. :1111 Mrs. l‘iuylL‘lHll. ('onu'izitulniions to Miss Jcni‘ 51;11nwvll and Miss Lillian Nichol.s w ho were stlw‘t‘S‘lilll in passing their entrance examinations. Mr. and Mrs. C. McKinney and Patsy of Garden City, Mich., have ben visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A number from this community at- tended the Anniversary at 1). Pickering and i'umily. Services Hcdford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. iota. Reatty spent last week at Birclhlale Lodge at ()sasnc Ilcach. Georgian Bay. LANGSTAFF Langstaf‘f Baptist Church will hold its annual picnic on Saturday. July tbd. to Woodland Park. Busses will leave the Church at 10 a.m. and 11 21.111. ‘Wfllcomed to Lang‘s‘tafl' Baptist Church last Sunday morning were Rev. Norman C. Rutter of Westport who took the adult Bible Class in the morning and the service in the evening; Mrs. G. Banks. and Mrs. H. Law, who has returned from her visâ€" it with a son in Portland, Oregon. _____’__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- NOTICE Don’t forget The Orange Parade at Kitchener, July 10th. Bue leaves Masonic Hall at Richmond Hill at 9 am. Saturday. Price of tickets $22.30 return. BI'TTONVILLE We extend best wishes for all the good things of life to Mr. and Mrs. Dedman (Miss Ruth Gohn) who were married at a very pretty wedding in Brown’s Corners Church on Saturday afternon. _____.______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Boy: “Look out. you’re rubbing your face powder ofl“ on my coat.” Girl: “That's all right. I've more in my purse." got “What do you think of anonymous letters?" “I read them, but I never answer them." Mother: after 0 7" Child: “Yeah.” “Now, dear what comes i A little flattery now andthen Makes husbands out of single men. III-II IU‘III-IIIII I III-IIIIIIIII 3","..‘VSRiChI1‘ion‘d"Hi" -._ PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT During July, August and September Store Hours will‘be as follows : Mon. Tues, Thurs, 8 am to 6 11m. Friday 8 am to 9 pm. ' TO ENABLE US TO GET OUR DELIVER IES OUT, PLEASE PHONE EARLY HOLIDAY WEEK-END SPECIALS l'oui iuuous Nightly ironi T::;o p.111. Saturday Continuous from Tzoo p.111. " i .\l:;1 *I\'-‘ M A R It H A M E“? ‘Hf‘l‘l‘ld-‘s a; _':1 11.111. Friday. Saturday â€" July 2 and :2 ROY And his horse TRIGGER TOGETHER 0.\' THE sum PROGRAMME A IN _ “Home In Oklahoma” AND FOR YOUR ADDED ENJOYMENT Stan Laurel - Oliver Hardy SWISS MISS Monday and Tuesday â€" July 5 and (i A PICTURE YOU WILL REMEMBER FOREVER Irene Dunne in :1 REMEMBER MAMA ” Wednesday and Thursday, â€" July 7 and 8 LADD’S â€" dynamite LAMOUR’S â€" the fuse TOGETHER â€"â€" they’re terrific “ WILD HARVEST ” ,. Adult Entertainment EXTRA â€" Wed., Thurs, July 7 and 8 Scoop! World Heavyweight Fight Pictures JOE LOUIS vs. JERSEY JOE WALCOTT ROUND BY ROUND. BLOW BY BLOWVPICTURES OF AN UNDEFEATED CHAMPION‘S LAST FIGHT! wn’s Home Bakin 33 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Pies, Cakes, Home Made Bread Tarts, Etc. ‘ Bro } 1 . Phone Richmond Hill_3§0w c-ETERI asBAKERs,3 As 7 Phone ' 77 Wed. 8 am to 1p.m. Saturday 8 to 6 pm '20 91 Jar PICKLES Hillcrest, sweet mixed KRAFT DINNERS 2 Pkts. 35c 21c 39c 32 07.. Btl. 16 oz. GRAPE JUICE 1m. Lb. KRAFT CHEESE Pk, Velveeta and Canadian (A real buy) Colgate’s New Suds Introduction Sale FAB

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