ouemowomewwmomoomwweumrwow 7 serous ill- .\t"er '. prolonged and or». Mr James liter. .l. I’.. has i't‘ llli’vi titillvs :is‘ iili illt‘ .\iit’ ';:.‘i-‘s i irt, ('«ii'nij: ii' Yolk. T .till ual Vaughan :.ni Ill-innoiid ll .l \l'lk‘Js-lt.‘v l'ii‘t lL' '.\:i ‘it‘ l‘t'lil :ti ll be \V l.o\\ s l‘.irl;, slip Ill Kill!- . ..,. lid. on \\'ednc:d..\. August 71. Mrs. W. R. leilly and Miss M. II. Street, lei-t \ae.itioii in Illiillviill. Richmond on Sunday for a few weeks' I'.S.A. Iii iivci, (Colorado. We extend sympathy to Mrs. H. P, the but caved in .\u.stin, who was 9 sudden passing of her mother, Mrs. : a 4 Annie Meliride, at her home in Tor- , 9 onto last week. ('onu'ratiiigtions to Miss Nancy .\ustin. llobeit llirtle and John llar- birson who were among the success- ful results arnouneed this week. The LIONS Club of Maple WELCOMES OLD and NEW rsidents of Maple to a Grand REUNION. candidates in l‘niversity Members of St. Mary's Evening Guild are requested to meet at the Post ()ti‘ice at 72-1?) p.m. on Tuesday. July (ith, for a strawberry Social to be held at Endean's Farm, R. R. l. If you can furnish the Names and Ad- dresses of any former residents of Maple would you forward them along with any others that you feel would be interested in receiving the “OLD HOME WEEK BUL- LETINâ€. This will keep them up-to-date on the latest Program developments and who will likely be at the REUNION. Cone'ratulations to Miss Marion Little who was successful in obtain- llt' ï¬rst honors in her ï¬rst year in English Language and Liter- aure at Trinity College and in being the John Henry Pettit class awarded scholarship. President Richard Edmunds, Mr. ‘ lud Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Norman (‘hatâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Al Rice BOX 139 Maple Richmond Hill Lions DQMOW“WOOW¢ Wâ€O“â€OOOWO“¢OO00000006066000906060¢0¢90000®¢0 the annual Ontarioâ€"Quebec at Timmins this week. ('lnb at i i i i 3 i conoouooooooooooooooooooococoon» o oodooocoooooooo convention Vernon (‘harles has returned to his home in Summerland, R. C. after at- ;‘uNW,‘.:,+.M,,.L:-,v.esw;c:.9.;ar...r§.f~1N3“ tending the funeral of his mother last Mr. (‘harles wishes his many to know that he regretted exceedingly that during his short stay he found it impossible to call on them but extends his sincere personal thanks for many acts of kindness exâ€" tended and many expressions of symâ€" week. fi iends Cities Service Garage GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Also Expert Repairing Done on All “ pa thy. _ tcrley, and represented General Motors Cars and Trucks. ANNOI'NC'EMENT Drs. Langstaff and Thompson an- see us for Tires’ Mufflers, Pipes, nounce that during the months of July and August they will discon- EXhaust Pipes and Accessories tinue afternoon office hours, but will continue as usual ti-ll a.m. and 6-8 CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS "'m' _E___ L. O. L- ('HI'RCII PARADE . The Local Orange Lodges intend ° holding the Annual Church Parade at Richmond Ilill Sunday July 11. . 1 . . . . RIChlnond 11111 Members meet; at; Masonic Hall at 10:30 a.m. Service at Presbyterian (‘hurch at 11 o‘clock. Other Lodges cordially invited. Phone 12 mar III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIEIIIEHIEIIEBllllllllllillllllllllllll Royal in... 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. Mon., Tues, Wed. Saturday Matinee 2.00 p.m. July 5, 6, 7 Saturday and Holidays Show starts at _(i..‘l0 p.m. Thur., Fri., Sat. Th .,F '.,s t. July 1,2,3 "r n a . July 8, 9, 10 M. "DANNY KAYI'S / ' ~ /. mum'flH-‘n SHE“ [NE . . . 53E“ MUSIC! -. .r,-» . I . ovary unqu I “mm,†PM , .Blg Inns: y.“ " Maureen-"P! " of "III world!" _ b â€"TIME MAGAZINE uterus,» irritant ' ROBERI EAGLE-LION, ' FlLMS presents 5M0". GOLDWVN mum DANNV VIRGINIA KAYE - MAYO «urn: ootnwm cum 5.. “IRE SECRET LIFE '. OF WHLTEK MITIY" c'l YECHNICOLOE with BORIS KARLOFF FAY IAIN!!! - ANN RUTHERFORD _ GIOIIOUS (Olm- 0' II II!" .1. YOU 10V .. . El Mï¬oymmW-NmtwaL wuoo lotâ€"obit, lhl MMWDâ€"l l'llfll mum . I‘IMHMI num- Isa-HWJE onusxsc' wuflowmh III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllfllllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .. .. O .................... PARTY LINES enable us to serve thousands of families who would otherwise be without service. Considerote sharing of party lines is important .in ensuring 0 high level of service for all. iBroadcast Heard With Keen interest. “l‘ortruit «if n t,‘.li.( . Monday Tia- radio drama ,\‘,'o1nan" broadcast IDominion network hm 325') struck pride “\‘er the of \\ US ei int: tJune chords ct mmunity written and directed by Alan King. who ll\'l'.< near Thornhill. and stain red Alice Ilill of Richmi'nd Ilill in the title role. For Mrs. Owen Classey of Thom- hill the play held an additional in- llt‘ctlLiFe ll terest. As she sat listening to Miss- llill‘s charming portrayal of lClizas the iSth who later century con- becanie the beth Linley. t‘cl‘t soprano. wife of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, playwright and politician, she had but to stretch out her hand to touch :1 memento of the real heroine's fam- Standing in her bookcase is :1 blackâ€"bound volume by W. Link-‘33 brother of the talented Elizabeth. and the frontespieee with Published more than and twenty years 11:10. the time Sells owed pages contain music for songs from Shakespeare. beautifully prinâ€" ted from copper plates. Included in the collection are some compositions by Wm. Linley and his brother. Thomas, who were amateur music- Tho book is dedicated to ‘the Drury Club, a social circle ily. tall, piled slim, coin- signed on initials. hundred his one ians. old around the shrine of Slial<OSpOal‘(-". Mrs. Classey discovered it in an old London, England, hook stall some yeras ago. DANCE AND I’RESEN'I‘A'I‘ION A dance and presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McQuarrie (nee Mae McCluskey) will be held in the Laskay Hall, Tuesday, July tith. Laâ€" dies provide. Everyone welcome. ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN (‘HURCII RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. E. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D. Rector Services During July 11 a.m.-â€"l\Iorning ‘I'rayer. (‘aptain J. R. C. Ding, C. A., Dir- ector of The Church Army in (‘an- ada will preach during July. All are invited. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, July 4, 19-18 10 am. s Sunday School ll a..m. s Morning Worship and Baptismal Services Everyone is invited to attend the morningr service during the summer months. RICHMOND IIll.L PRESBY'I‘ERIAN (‘ll URC'H Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister 1] a.m. â€" Divine Worship NOTE: The Sabbath School clos- WEDDINGS ‘ M tirriN-n.\i.I.,\wr:1.ii lined thorax. Manic. tint†Ti e ‘-\‘i\ :zister'ti.l_v wet-orated with tall. mute stardards of tlow'ers or: Ttics- inj. afternoon. June ititb, at 4 o'clock tor Lhe marriage oI' Margaret Kath- .een liallawell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. llallaw'ell of "llrunikeen," Out, to Mr. John David of Mrs. W. Ii. Martin iii llL‘Hltl. Martin, a: d the late Mr, Martin of Lucknow, The bride. given in mur- Still ()ntario. ring-e by her father. wore an after- iu;on of blue crepe with J cascade of grey lace extending from shoulder to hemline. ller but made di ess ot' the liiuterial the dress was a draped model with a cluster same as «1' pink and purple violets falling to She carried an en- draped as the hat which were her flowers, a cascade of the shoulder. velope bag on pink and purple violets. Miss .loanne bride. was the only attendant. Valiant. niece of the Her material to the of bride's, the same was smocked waist in of pink and violet. Iler hat was a miniature of the bride's and she carried a cascade of flowers in pink and white tones. Mr. brother of the groom, best man. Rev. C. E. Fockler perfoimed a double ring ceremony and during the signing of the reg- Mr. W. O. Hallawell, l)1'0ill(l‘ of the bride, sang “The Lord's Pray di ess. made .is the tones (l. was Mir rt i n, ister er,†accompanied by Mrs. R. Clegg‘ at the organ. Mr. John Snow and Mr. Bruce Layer in Scout uniform ushered the guests to their seats. The (‘.(}.I.T., the Scout Troop and the Cub Pack, of which the bride and groom are leaders formed a gnarli of ionour as title bridal party left the church. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents at Concord. Mrs. Ilallawell received the guests in a grey mesh dress with purple accessories. Mrs. Martin. mother of the groom, also received wearing navy sheer. Both were eersae‘cs of gardenias tinted in tones to match. Afterward the couple left for an extended holiday in Mus- koka and Ottawa. On their they will reside in Maple. return C.\I'LFEILD-BURT l‘ink peonies and white snapdrag- ons decorated Trinity College Chap- el on Friday, June 25th, for the mar- riage of Shirley Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scutt Burt and Evan Michael St. George Caulfeild. son of Mrs. Caulfeild Dr. A. II. W. Cault'eild of Toronto. Provost Seeley conducted the mony and A. E. ('larke played wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father. were a portrait gown of and the late cere- the \Illlil'Ltlilt’lL‘tl tulle fell from a tiara of seed pearls and size carried a cas- cade of pink roses. white cLiin-itions. The for get, inc-riots. lie ty and Miss sw‘aiisoira bl'idcsiiiaids, Muiisiii‘iilu’c Miss Gibbons. were with and Millbeigc gowns of blue frosted organza matching accessories and carried cascades of sweetpeas. swansonia and fern. Miss t‘arol Mansbridge. junâ€" icr bridesmaid. was gowned in pink frosted organza and carried an old fashioned noscgay. The was attended by Turner. Jack Bailey. and Don Land The reception was held where the groom Sid were ushers. at Prince Arthur lIousc tride's mother received in a gown of French blue matching hat trimmed with ostrich tips and cor- of Briarclitf carnations crepe. sage roses, and forget-ine-nots. The mother of the a gown of doveâ€"grey mauve wore patterned in groom, l'oulard, and gold, with corsage of mauve and yel- low pansies. For going away. the lride changed suit of white benâ€" and Upon to a dressmaker galine with black accessories eorsage of white car-nations. their return from honeymooning at Tomogami. Mr. and Mrs. Caulfeild will reside in Toronto. GALLAGHER-BOWYER On Saurday, June 26th, Richmond Hill United Church amidst a setting f peonies and delphiniums, the wedding took place of Charlotte Florence Marion. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Bowyer, Rich- mond Hill, Kenneth Roy Gal- lagher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy in the and en officiated. Mr. Adelmo Melecci played the wedding music and Miss Lola Jones was soloist. The bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of French brocaded satin with full length cm- broidered veil caught to a headdress of orange blossoms and carried a cascade of red roses, white carna- tions and baby's breath. She wore a pendant worn by her mother on her wedding day. The bride’s attendants were her three sisters, Miss Grace as maid of honour, Miss Doris as hridemaid and little Miss Crystal as flower-girl. They were gowned in nile gren, sul- ton gold and summer blue affeta with matching hats and carried cascades of Talisman roses and blue dolphin- iums and the little flower girl’s bou- que’t’. was of pink roses and blue del- phinium. The best man was Bert Olsen, cousin of the groom and the ushers were Bob Olsen and Archie Bowyer. At the reception held in Richmond the bride’s L( dge, mother received ed for July and August will l‘C-Open ivory brocade, her fingerâ€"tip veil of wearing a dress of turquoise crepe V September 5th. IN MEMORIAM SHIELDS â€" In loving memory of our darling little son '(Jackie) John Robert, who passed away on June 28, 1929, aged 8 years. ‘ He was a flower too sweet for earth, Sent here but for a while. God marked him when he gave him birth, And took him with a smile. Time takes away‘the edge of grief, But; memory turns back every leaf. Often my darling, our tears will flow Just because we loved you so. -â€" Sadly missed by Mum, Dad. Thelma and ‘Kenneth. GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 pm. Sunday School Classes “Jesus said, ‘Suï¬'er little child- ren, and forid them not to come unto me: for of such is the King- dom of Heaven." Math. 19:14. 7.00 pm. Evangelistic Service Speaker Mr. John Radford and Mr. Alfred Steele ‘Where will you spend Eternity?’ SHERIFF’S I‘USHUS QI' AK ER PUFFED SUNRISE Peas . MAPLE LEAF Puré Lard . 2 WASHING McCORMIC‘K’S Sodas . . TOP OF THE MORNin Collee . . . CHATEAU OR KRAFT 2 (‘LARK’S FRESH GREEN FULL OF JUICE Florida Oranges NOW AVAILABLE LOCAL ASSORTED Wheat Sparkles 2 216 COLGATE'S SENSATION Local Cabbage . JELLI Gallagher, Ottawa. Rev. C. B. I THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill Thursday. July 1. 1948 and a corsage of Talisman roses. The groom‘s mother assisted wearing a dress of blue crepe and a corsag‘e of pink roses. The bride‘s going away outfit was an English wool grey pin stripe suit with white accessories. Following a honeymoon in Musko- ka the couple will live on Mclrose St. in Ottawa. Outâ€"of-town guests were from Ot- llaniilton, Detroit. London, Owen Sound and Algonquin l2\\\'tl, Barrie, l’ark. WALSH-DICEMAN A quiet wedding solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Diceman, on Saturday, .Iune 26th, when their daughter, Mary. Kathleen was un- ited in marriage to Ivor Herbert; \V'alsh of Surrey. England. The house was beautifully decor- ated with peonies and delphiniums. Rev. Douglas Davies of Stout?- villc officiated under an arch with silver wedding bells. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white satin and lace with ï¬nger-tip veil falling from a tiara and carried a bouquet of red roses and baby‘s breath and wore the groom’s gift, a wrist watch. She was attended by her sister, Miss Catharine Diceman, who wore a blue sheer gown and carried a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath. The groom was attended by Mr. Herbert Logan, and the wedding march was played by the bride’s sis- ter, Edith Diceman. The bride’s mother received in a gown of blue crepe and wore a corsage of red ros- es. ' After the reception the happy cou- ple left for Toronto and other points On their return they will reside at Concord. “115‘ BIRTH PATRY â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Patry, Oxford St., Elgin Mills, a son, on Tuesday, June 29th, at York County Hospital, Newmar- ket. Mother and baby ï¬ne. BROCK â€" Mr. and Mrs. George Brock wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Diane, at York County Hospital, June 24th, 1948. Mother and baby doing well. “What would you do if I tried to kiss you?†he asked. “Yell for father,†she quickly re- He gulped nervously: “But said he was out of town.†“He is,†she sweetly replied. you Bartender: A ï¬zzical culturist. 2 210 Pkgs. SCOURING PADS FONTEN AC 250 256 MONO 1 SPECIAL F A OFFER INSTANT 250 Nescale ' HELLMAN‘S Fresh Lb 3510 FAIR HAVEN Cheese . . . 28c , Sardines . . PORK & BEANS 2 FRESH, CRISP ' Celery Stalks 2' “353' .o' 0 F: be S. 0. S. Serviettes. . Paper Cups . Mayonnaise . is: . . 14c - ., .E .EIIH' iiiilt‘ii 17c 2 .190 2 32c Coflee 49c 30c Pkg- 4 pad 705 Pkg. 20 oz. 29C 3’ "‘ '1'! ICE? ' 29c FRESH DAILY ,, 49¢ Strawberries NEW POTATOES 'l