YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHON: WW9MM¢W i Distributors of Bottled Gas “90900999900â€.NOOOONOOOâ€â€â€OOOWOWOOO i Petrolane Bottled 'Gas 3 THE HELL TELEPHONE Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heating System? We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. The down payment is only 10% and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. Richmond Hill Plumbing 81 Heating The public can be assured that we will continue to provide the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost. NEW CABLES, telephones, switchboards and build- ings are all required to provide more telephone service for more people than ever before. The work is going ahead at the fastest possible pace. It takes skill; it takes time; it takes money. It will ultimately bring faster, clearer, more dependable telephone service to every applicant when and as he wants it. 2 Arnold St. Richmond Hill Taxi at the biggest construction job in our history FOR GOODS UNLESS o . 82 Yonge Street . . '. you have ï¬rst consulted your nearest Customs Office. The import of certain goods is now prohibited in order to conserve our U.S. funds. If the article you wish to buy is on this prohibited list, it will not be allowed to enter Canada, even though you have paid for it. Don't be disappointed . . . Before ordering goods from the U.S. or other countries, consult your nearest Customs Office or write TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. R. E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 Phone Richmond Hill 296W to enIer Canada, even though you have DON’T SEND TO Emergency Imle Central Dlvlslol. Department 0! Flnanca. Ottawa. COMPANY 01‘ CANADA Ex-Servicemen P.O. Box 1 19 EBI Everybody in Canada is greatly interested in the food situation in England and many conflicting stor- ies have been told. Here is what I found. One of the most remarkable chan- ges since I was here in 1942 is found in the shops. Where windows were absolutely bare in 1942, they are ï¬lled wih merchandise of all kinds today. Stores with large sections roped ofl‘, are groaning under the load of goods. - ‘ But here is the rub, these goods are most difl'icult to buy due to the mass of red tape and restrictions, for rationing in England is a fear- ful thing to experience. English people are tied down by restrictions and bureaucratic rules and regula- tions to an unbelievable extent. I confess that I cannot understand much of it, but I ï¬nd that many people who have been here ever since before the war are just as puzzled as I am. First thing on arrival at Black- pool my wife and I had to go to the central food control office to get our ration books, for one cannot get along without them. It took a whole morning to stand in line, get national registration cards, sign numbers of forms, most of which we knew nothing about, and ï¬nally receive books and coupons for meat, preserves, sugar, cheese, butter and fats, bacon, eggs, milk, clothing, bread, tea, soaps, points for cereals, canned goods, sweets, and several other things. The clerical work in ï¬lling our forms, cutting off experied portions, etc., is tremendous. There must be an enormous waste of npnpower ov- er this rationing for there are of- ï¬-ces with large staffs in all except the smallest places. A‘ Thus you have to take whatever your merchant cares to give you, or What he has on hand, and you can- not 'go to another store without a good reson 'and going through much red tape. Therefore if you think your butcher is not giving you fair treatment, about the only way you can improve matters is by trying to carry favour with him. Once the ration books are received ‘the newcomer may think he can start out to ï¬buy things. What a hope! You can only buy meat, milk, butter, eggs, vbacon, sugar, jam, cheese, etc., at a store where you have registered, and it is difficult to change registration from one store to another. There are some ‘few things that are neither rationed nor sold on points, such as ï¬sh, fresh Vegetables and‘ a few tinned articles such as ï¬sh and meat pastes, soups, etc., but in many cases the store has a sign over them reading “Reserved for our regular customers.†Although there is plenty of tin- ned foods in the stores, no one can buy much of it for each person only receives 28 points a month and 28 points will only buy a very little. Here is what is needed in points on some common items, salmon 32 points a tin; sardines 2 pts. 3 tin; fruit cocktail 20 points a tin; peas 5 points a can; beans 12 pts. a can; sda biscuits (or cream crackers as they are called) 4 pts. 9. 1b.; choco- late biscuits 16 pts. a 1b.; plain bis- cults, 4 pts. a 1b.; jelly powder, 4 pts a package and other things in proportion, so that the purchaser seriously studies just how he will use the slim allotment of ‘points that he is given. The Englishflhom-es have a real chill even in late spring and must, be prgtty grim in midwinter. Inr Addition‘ there is fuel gwasofline control, building rent control, efcc. It is with fuel that the people real- ly suffer. The ï¬rst two weeks after we arrived, it was quite,cold, with frost nearly every night. The Eng- lish houses have a real chill in them, and the people huddle around a tiny grate ï¬re. The fuel~allowance in the north is 5,600 pounds a year and injhe south 3,808 pounds. â€" Eléctficity and gas very shprt supply. lGasoline is supposed to be so se- verely rationed that only essential driving can be done. The gasoline rationing ‘has been the most difficult to enforce and there is a remark- ably large number of cars on the streets and roads which seem to prove that there is considerable dis- regal'd_of the regulations. Tourists are supposed to receive special consideration, [but we found there is a catch to that also. To get this tourist allowance, it is nec- essary to either bring your own car into Britain or else buy one to take home with you. Although my bro- ther-in-law had a car standing idle, and we were Ibona-ï¬de tourists, we could not get an allowance to drive in his car. Where chickens are kept, the egg rations for every member of the fam- ily must ’be surrendered and 2 lbs. of chicken meal is allowed for each person’s egg rations, so even the chickens have 1:0 go short. 0n sweets, the ration is 12 oz. a month with an occasional increase to 16 oz. One lady told me that she had saved up her sweets coupons in order 'to buy a couple of pounds of candies for her daugher who was re- turning to boarding school, only to ï¬nd that the coupons had expired the previous Saturday. She told me “Iiwas ready to sit down and c1‘y._†It; looks to an outsider, as if ra- ioning has been retained over long and when we arrived we noticed, a tremendous agitation to relax res- trictions on certain articles, notably shoes, dry goods, and clothes. It was reliably reported that ware- houses were bulging with merchan- dise that people have no coupons to .buy. _ There is more fresh fruit avail- able, but bananas are only sold on allotment and are only sold for children. Bread and cake are sold on “bread uni-t†points, and 36 a month is al- lowed each person. A loaf of bread requires 4 “B‘U’s†and the loaves lookgpretty small to a Canadian. However, gasoline rationing is to be relaxed In June. frictions on clothing are being re- duggd onrMay 11th. The days when eggs were obtain- able at about one egg 3 month seem it has been announced that res- ARTICLE 3 Food and Rationing ENGLISH JOURNEY are also in control Control to be over, and‘ while still not plenâ€" tiful, are obtainable in small quan- tities. This, We were told, is a sea- sonable condithn- 'The meat ratlon is pitifully small. Our hosts last Week bought their week’s allowance of meat, for the whole family and ourselves, and we ate it all at one meal. It was a small roast of about 2 pounds. We are told that most people do the same thing, as It is foolish to toy and spread it Over .several meals. Bacon allowance is two ounces per person per week Which is only about two small slices. A Wlhile t-he abqve w3uld tend to show that there Is not much to eat in England today, the fact is that everybody gets plenty to eat. The English still eat at least four times {gaiï¬fér no pne seems to be able to dispense w1th afternoon tea at about 4:30 p.m._ But the real trouble is there is too much monotony about the meals, which are too starchy. There is too much bread, plaln cake and veget- ables and not enough variety. I have been staying at the home of relatives all the t1-me I have been in England,~but have eaten some lun- ches, dinners _or teas gt hotels. In all the homes, the nousewlves complain that it is extremely difl‘ia cult to make appetising dishes out of the same ingredients, day after day In the hotels and restaurants the average meal consists of a thick soup, which seems to be made with some starcry powder; a woefully small piece of mutton, beef or ï¬sh, or a meat pie made of ground-up meat, and an overly large helping of po- tatoes, and some kind of vegetable, usually cabbage, cauliflower, 01' greens; and a dessert usually made of some kind of cake or steamed pudding, with a_custard sauce. Tea or coï¬ee is not included with the meal, but may be purchased separ- or a meal ately Chicken is not ratio tremely scarce and v so it is seldom seen. Therefore the bes Canadians to include friends and relatives i canned chicken, pork mon, or other ï¬sh, raisins or curl‘ants ( solutely unobtainable) lies if in tins. Butter cellent condition if ‘ tight tins. .oéecdrl-(lleand clothes in good‘ con- dition also are welcomed and very few people are too proud or fastid- ious not to be happy to wear discard- ed clothes received from friends in Canada, provided' of course that they are in fairly good_ condltion.†According to the latest decennial census taken in 1941, there were 732,715 farms in Canada of which 75.1 per cent were owner operated and a further 11.6 per cent were op- erated by owners who rented addit- ional parcels of land. Only 12.7 per cent of farms in Canada are operated by tenants. Seep is" ills; welcomed as the soap allowance is only 3 oz. 3 week of all kinds, and the quality is poor. The land policy,' including the granting of free homesteads to set- tlers in Western Canada has encourâ€" aged farm ownership. In the past few years there has been a decided trend towards tenant farming in Western Canada. The proportion of owner operated farms is lower in the Prairie Provinces than in the other provinces. ’ 33$“ Every child should make the ac- quaintance of the dentist at the age of about three years and visit him twice a year from that time, accord» ing to national health experts. In this way dental treatment can be kept to a minimum and each visit made brief and comfortable by ï¬lling the cavities when they are very small. Valuable advice can also be obtained to assist in preventing new cavities, crooked teeth and gum dis- eases. It’s the height of tactlessness to never make a mistake. MANY EARM OWNERS MEET THE DENTIST n is not scarce ! seldom s You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or .truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled†or “re-built†en ines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are di erent. They are precision-built to rigid speciï¬cations laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured t rationed but and very exp seen. est things for a in parcels to in England are : products, sal- sugar, cheese, (which are ab- ) jams aqd jel- 1r al‘l‘lVeS 1n ex- packed in air- but is e» expensxve BOND LAKE GARAGE OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 CARS CALLED F0} REPLACE THAT “WORN-OUT†ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD REMAHIIFAO'I'IIREB ENGINE Rexrsfore Les? ng! Don’t Repair . . . REPLACE! CANADIAN: Day in, day out, for more than twenty years, The0Inter-City Limited has been providing regular, dependable service on its ‘through’ main line route . . . between the great industrial cities of Montreal, Toronto*, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Detroit, Chicago. Over the years, the flow of travel between these busy and important centres . . . travel for business . . . vacation and pleasure travel . . . has moved in growing volume on this popular International train. It’s the pleasant way to ‘go places’, because a wide range of sleeping accommodations, comfortable modern coaches, lounge cars and dining car service provide all the facilitiesto make your journey enjoyable. And it’s the smooth, fast way to go . . . a perfect roadbed . . . easy curves, long travel on the famous Inter-City Limited. You’ll ride well, sleep well, arrive refreshed. RAILWAYS O AIRLINES 0 STEAMSHIPS I HOTELS 0 EXPRESS 0 TELEGRAPHS T8â€"29 “straight-aways†. . . double track all the way between MontréaI and Chicago. Next time Engine ,gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering speciï¬cations are replace with Genuine Chrysler- engineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a dynarnometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in to-day and let us show you what is different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufacturing engines. CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 1,. 1948 COURTESY AND SERVICE W'belber at home â€"â€" or "going plucex†â€" in all your ran/arts will) Canadian National, you will experience courtesy and service. Pool service Monfreal â€" Toronfa only.