00000000000000000000009 sâ€: 00000000000000000000 0000000 00000000000000000000000303000000 000000000000000000 STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender Worii our Speciality TELEPHONE 74-M "unlurnmluuIll-nIII-nuanpwmzsllnlllw-s IIIIIIIIHHBEIHIHIEEEEESIEEH o. ’f' Painted {3339 Expert Body and Fender Repairs Guaranteed Workmanship â€"â€" Terms Cars Picked Up and Delivered Bree Richvale Auto Body STOP 20A YONGE ST. _ This Ad. will entitle bearer to 105'; Discount. a _ $1000 in Draw - Thornhill District Lions Club 9 l . 00000000090000000006000 00000000000000000 wins, a flower show is held around the ï¬rst of September, with exhibits equalling those of our C.N.E. Ile concluded with a suggestion that, a trip to the north country, with its up-toâ€"datc arenas and modern biiildipgs. might amaze the visitor. Mr. P. Bone. in closing, urged all members to enter in the various flow- ei clarses of the C.N.E., prize money for which has been increased this ycrr. Zesults of the Peony Show were as follows: ‘ ‘ l. Peony, l bloom, any color: lst. K. Mackintosh; 2nd, Mrs. Harris; 3rd Mrs. J. Hamilton. 2. Pennies, fl blooms, white: Mrs. G. Campbell; 2nd, Mrs. Harris: 53rd. Mrs. R, Simpson. Isl, 3‘. Pconies, :3 Mackintosh; 2nd, Mrs. Teasdale; .‘lrd Mrs. Holmes. ‘ blooms. oink: lst K. 4. I’conies, i! blooms, red: 1st, K. Niackintcsli: 3nd. Mrs. G. Campbell; .‘Ii‘d. Miss IC. \Vclsh. “ blooms. S. l‘eoiiics, a Mrs. Teasdale; bell; 53rd. Mrs. lx‘. Simpson. mixed: 1st ‘2nd. Mis. G. Camp- 6. I‘t‘oiiios, G blooms, mixed; 1st Mrs. Teasdale: 2nd, Mrs. G. Camp- bell: .‘Trd. Mrs. Harris. 7.] Spray Clinibin': Roses: 1st, Mrs. R. (i‘udniore; 2nd, Mrs. R. Siniâ€" psoii; 33rd. Mrs. A. Dolan. R. l Snecimen Rose, non-cliiiiliinfli lst. l\'. Illackintosh; 2nd Mrs. Healâ€" cy; 3rd. Mrs. Johns. 9. Collection of Pyi'ethruni: Mrs. Banks; 2nd, Mrs. Johns; rizes 9 its} creams; Admission 25C 3 Orchestra Mr. P. Bone was judge at Unionâ€" ville Horticultural Society's annual peony show last Wednesday evening, June 23rd. Doncaster Ladies’ Club will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Goodchild, Hender- son Ave., on Tuesday evening, July 6th. Yyonnc Mackintosh was the winner last week of a $25. prize for an en- try submitted in a weekly contest sponsored by a Torontornt‘wspaper. For Summer Reading Thirty books have been borrowed from the Richmond Hill Library, and are now on the shelves of the Thorn- hill Public Library. First. Thornhill closed their season’s Thursday with a weiner roast in the garden. of Brown Owl, Mrs. J. F. Sanderson. The Brownies have had a very suc cessfiil year in that nine of the girls have won their golden bar: Marilyn Wesley, Joan Wade, Denny Drew, Audrey lliltz. Margaret McArthur. Clarolyn Jane Lovcrock. A n n e Li ppett1, Gretchen L‘Aventure, ban. and .Ioan Sanderson their golden bar previously. following ï¬ve their golden hand: Irene Bresnahan, Denny Drew, Jean Sanderson, Joan \Vade and Gretchen L‘Aventui'e. There will be a few vacancies in Pack last Brownie activities Jennings. Sylvia Sommervillc. Irene Bresna- had won The \V O n their child's name put on the wait- ing list. please contact Mrs. J. F. Sanderson at Thornhill 94R. Street Dance and Carnival July 28th is the date to rememâ€" ber for the Street Dance and Carn- ival being sponsored by Thornhill District Lions Club. Recital Held at Homewood Hall In Aid of B. C. Flood Victims Miss Marguerite Boyle entertain- ed over 125 guests at a recital and tea. held at her home “Homewood Hall," Thornhill. last Saturday af- ternon. A highly versatile pro- gramme of humorous. serious. dram- atic and classical readings Were of’fâ€" ered by Harold Gribble, McGee, Barbara Bell and Harvey Evans, all medallists and scholar- shill winners from the recent Wood- bridge Music Festival. So well was the programme prepared and presâ€" ented that it would have been impds- the Mary Sue sible to choose from very ï¬ne . lineup of talent, which in addition to the \Voodbridge ï¬nalists mentioned included Laura Harrison. Kimber, Edna Lane, Carol Maiisbridge, Joan McLellan, Lois Nattress, Jean Scriver, Margaret Rankin, Billy Rankin, Shirley Ship- ‘on, Gwynneth Sowden, Carol Ann Stephenson, Noren Tancock and Lois Weir. Mistress of Ceremonies was Miss Ruth Spriiigford who, by request, also gave a Scotch number. Guest soloist was Winnifred Heath L.R.A.M‘., A.R.G.M.. contralto, who sang several delightful solos includ- ing “The Rosary." Tea was poured by Mrs. R. Simp- son and Mrs. C. Harper, while re- werc served Miss The boys acted as above, John freshmeiits by Reylc’s pupils. ushers. The Recital netted over and Miss l’ioyle was presented with sev- eral baskets and bouquets of flow- er in appreciation of her very com- mendable gesture in aid of the Britâ€" Celiinibia flood victims, as well provided 5‘65 ish as the excellent program 'i_\' her talented pupils. Mr. and Mrs. G. Nuttall attended the Club Convention at Tim- ‘nins. Ontario, this week. Lions sMOTHEK THAT SNEEZE Good personal hygiene is a most 'mportant measure for the control of 'lroplct infections, the root of mam†respiratory diseases. If people could avoid the expulsion into the air of organisms from the nose and throat, 1 major source of infection would be eliminated. Paper handkel‘Cliiefs for the verse in the Bible “And He tOOk conipasion on them." The ladies on- joyed the very interesting and en- lightening thoughts brought. out by Mrs. Ecklamd. Mrs. Kerr-Taylor, a member of the Institute and who has recently come from Ireland with her family, sang a solo very sweetly. After the business had been dis- pensed with a dainty lunch was ser- ved by the social committee.The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eldon Fierheller. The Bagg Clan will meet once more at Fundale Park, Woodbridge, on July 1st. We wish them ï¬ne weather and a full attendance. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Snider attended a family gathering last week end 'in Goderich. On Satâ€" urday evening there was a family party and on Sunday morning the Snider family consisting of six boys and one girl, with their families at- tended church in a body making 27 in all. A niece and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Whately of Montreal (Agnes Snider) was un- able to be present. Mrs. Joe Sni- der was the organist and the flow- ers in the church were a gift of the Snider family in memory parents. On Sunday afternoon met together when a family picture in the evening they The fam- Joe was taken and enjoyed a picnic supper. ily consists of: Mr. and Mrs. Snider, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider, Maple R. R. 1; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snider, Lambton Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snider, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. John Coats (Kate), New Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snider. Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Snider, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Song, and Mrs. Mortson spent the end at. the home of Mrs. Mortson’s son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson, Victoria Square. Mrs. Mortson en- joyed meeting the old friends who called to see her and welcome her back to her old home. She also enâ€" joyed the family gathering which Gordon and his wife arranged for her. To tea were Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Mortson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong (Ethel) and the host and hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and little sons. Terry week with Mrs. Frank Locke attended a shower in Toronto last Week for Miss Jean Downey, who soon is to be married to Mr. Ross Cameron of Woodbridge. The Edgeley Women' Institute will hold their meeting this month at the home of Mrs. Clelland (Bill) Thom- pson~ on Thursday afternoon, July 8th, when they will be entertained by the Richmond Hill Institute. A full attendance is urged to welcome our visitors from the “Hill.†Miss Barbara Rose is the unfor- tunate victim of the measles. Here‘s wishing Barbara 3 quick recovery. NEW RESEARCH LABORATORY Prudence Island , Rhode Island, is to be the site of the ï¬rst United States laboratory for research on foot and mouth disease. Air will be ï¬ltered going into the laboratory and ï¬ltered and sterilized going out. and sewage will be sterilized and disposed of by the most scientiï¬c methods. Taylor 74 RICHMOND ST. I Richmond Hill Phone 315W Wood, Lumber, Posts, Poles PROMPT DELIVERY REASONABLE PRICES CUSTOM WORK Wood cutting, tree felling, logging, post hole digging, snow plowing, towing. of their all ' ’riiE LiBFHAL. nit-immii IIill.'I'liursi1-.iy. July 1, ms 1 T on Do - EDGELEY “-"""""""“Hflm‘i‘mm'un“'3 m... ,,,,, ,. h [1!] t lct 8W5 L- (‘Oiieij'i‘i'i‘ii'ic l‘th ias .\.\'I) riciisoxii. siciii'n'i; K I' 1 l r Tili. and Mrs, Alfred Burrs \\'(‘IL' . u . . the \ii-Liins of a terriï¬c storm Mon» I 'i'lioi‘nl‘ill ll. rticultural Society _\ll>. llai'iis. _ , . , > O o , e o , ' . , do}: when ban and wind took pmâ€" 7 Holds Annual lieu“)- show in, i \:xs« ]: .(ig, lli'ii.:‘l:llliillll_"i WkuW 1.â€. ‘1 Tim) The†1‘“) no. I L M“ F' (l' Slimm" “Y Swim I'M,â€" l’xt‘ MID Hi." 3W1' '1‘“, nunsâ€); till-I’|liit'llt iiis' twii VO'll'" 'lt"i\ wort: 1, _‘ (lllillit‘, lelL't‘ of Thoiiiliiil lli.itii'iil- :liil, Mrs. l.†in. blown U low ii iii vll Hf l‘ f 'i W BI‘A i ll l shun-4v. allllti-il l'(‘l\l]l' :siiiw. ll. lilv 7‘ phqmq- Isl. Mrs. I ( “if. r “11L 05 11 hi :1 m N M - r . ‘ ‘ ‘ 9 ' " ’ ‘ " one »ain ion, a urge izii'ii <oor H1 . I ,,.,.; .,.,,i..,., , ‘i»-, ill v); - ii; . > ' - i “'1'†‘ “i .l I. 1“] “I l, n (“It 11;: I) Illâ€: [.1 H \ Hf“ 1 t liited otI its hinges and thing quite = «'1 nmiz-ien ul ire :s imv iv]! a l'. - i - It I‘iiy o 1(‘1' 4 ‘l’ C1 ‘ . :.. . , ., . , ... . . . . ' l. . ' i- . .- i - I _ r I, a tl..\l(llltC mum and a laige tico \l‘l<( ].\l ' inl‘txltl-H “W l\' M :i'ici‘ ‘ ltii‘ I i ». -.i,.~ . - m: ‘ >~< ‘ , 3; -k is ; ‘ _ 's. l’; is; ad. ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ “ .- - .. l ‘ I‘lllll'; I" ('I‘n‘ thinlll‘i] PHmhlilli'i lhl Hill; 1:11;)“; ‘11]"1‘ “1 “M H torn out and thrown over the tence MILK (Hi All Ih-s \\ t‘L'i\ : , .ll', \i i<'i'. r l\ 11 > >‘ A l' '. >'“. , .,. v, - \x,‘ w >_ , , . v y . _ and the Recon“ and Fourth \VedneSday t 'l -‘ i' r tl‘e lll'i\'ll(\vv,, ii‘ lili]"'lIl†l" 'li'ible t'cn‘re other ili'lii i'(is‘(‘s~ Iii “Mdlrv '1 i' “Mil†1h†H“ mi MALNIQ‘I" “{mi -h'ini e 01' line I , tw- o . i ‘ .~ ~- â€"- ' ~. ‘ .,.,,,. ,,,...A,, H, .m, n, . .‘t. g. .2‘ C‘ eaCh month ‘ Ms, Eli no: r ('Hllilinlitoil on the tine lst. Mrs. Mizen; 2nd, Mrs. Ranks: :II’MlS ff 012,131,212] £33111 0 “\(YH 11:1: Rtigw'lml‘l 'Mt' I a = ,. ,, , , ,, . . . “ 1' 4r s ' ‘z ‘s. e i c '_ i, i ' ' '7.‘ .‘ .‘ ‘ .‘ ' FROl‘i‘I 9.30 A.i\I. 10 1.3.00 NOON ‘ type ol flowers shown. .\.\l\'(’(l to aid. Miss tlubi'ie. their "win Whirl, “Uh. “T11 “1110]†_.___.H___.__~._.k I'Unk “31H E “‘l‘l‘ 1“! Tl! I E E l. d (1 Diwali m]. “I‘lliflyFliS m tihv .xmjtlh rylvii.§o.l)10:tlo\n,“f 11.15:. 1011‘ (‘tl li)‘ the rain. was not seriously SPECIAL} \VULMI‘S Frigllll _ , . . . . Lille“, :Llli" 33c : ’ I a (“unity Mi-_ .\l\'lill‘.vl‘ said that .i â€" .Hlx-ï¬, ..n( , ' . ll, Hansen. .iir. . is. damaged ]w the hm]. “()RAA [( Innwh I) “‘1‘â€. ml “I. INC 391‘ I Q T though lt‘lil;i('|';lltll't‘. range from to Harris: special. Peter \\ ai‘d. \[F I;i]1i\\vvltg(\n am] “111‘ (1:11. ~11 ACâ€) V “ W ‘ s ‘ . i . . _ . , in - OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACE D to Fit degrees below ZE‘l‘O, yet he has it. Vase of Flowers: lst. Mrs. E. to]: ï¬vilvn 1,1,1 (ï¬lmm. gm: :1; 1 ll). I‘Cir- 35c \ “Him “Uh by“ l ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' bi C I Prescrip‘wns for Glasses Fined iudgcd 7;â€) varieties at a single show. I.ucsb.\‘: ‘lnd, Mrs. Harris: 3rd. Miss .md ill; Auf pa .\ m] gm†‘md. 10r- lllltllii’i "(it‘iiiev‘ (Wiliie'iie \‘Citli zilliliiâ€" = . . - 4 - , . i . ) e: . i;~2 ' . ‘ -...- [tor Appomth Phone Richmond HIII 33 l] Wimp it 1.. iinp<ssilil0 to grow WHO.“ I“. ('lubine. a 1“ â€"â€"â€"â€"»â€"â€"â€"-â€"- izor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.3,) _ 7 _ , _ x , , . v H t V afterward attended the church scr- gplpplyl i V , . . ,_ I ___ . W6 “I, ,hm,‘ 31mm: everythlng m my 1,,_ (0110mm, of From.“ mm“? vim) at MUM“ United Church 1:] AAVqAFII‘h (idmlio-No ( roam oi. l.l'.ltll(l .. :‘itirg (we : . . '\‘ «l- t ' ~.- ' ' n. ' ‘.'< : < t '3; ‘2 . C ‘ . . ’ i A A k ‘1“ ' . r . V . l.lli of annual. .(lphniuiis, Llidndi. ( in Raslet 1.t. MM ’anbn “(1 Mr. and MIR Jack Glflpm of T0,._ “7h IX 1 , \mrlley ltygioruiiep or Lotus. tologin‘ etc. do well. Pei'rcnials are often Mrs. Harris: iii-(l, Mrs. 1. Jackson. . tlt i). “I r m) r ) IllHEIDII!!!IIllfll'lIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIH ‘1311 l . u H m _llhw»‘,;]lpd m Mmlmni‘tic Flower Alvmnwfl mito had tea With Mr. and Mrs. BaEE. 1.9g. 196 . - - - . - . . - . . . . . . - . . . b all). bâ€"u)‘ Mn Hf†'1 I“ i i}, ,7,“ i l '. . , ,. i; i. The Woman's ASSOClall‘m “'35 hold 1.1- Mum Deodorant t‘i‘eiini . . . . . 390. 633 l:.- mu], liiey seem to mimic the meat. 1st. Miss A. Boyk. -nd, Mis. wt th hm] fM“ H qt ' ‘0 t . V winter but the continual freczinor Ranks- 3rd, P. llm-ton. ( 0 ‘0 0 A H' aâ€) ‘ 'mmh n . V . , lllt’x‘li-Tt‘ll ( 'I‘t‘ilm . . . . . . . . . . . . 30V, 60C C u 0 i i' . . l . h - '. . i .. last. Thursday afternoon when Mrs. SPM lAli. ‘_ ~ , . , . , and tbmrmrr ill the sin‘mL“ gradually -t. (ollection or Pansics and \m- Remand (Mel. of Mrs qtcvcmnn BEER IRON Inclyn ll()\\£|.l(l t old ( i‘cani. theatrical. «11>- H s 1. Almost all vvu-c- ias: 1st. P. HOI'tCn: 2nd. Joan szm- . . . ‘ “ . ‘ - ' . . . ilb. reg. osii- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. 57C 144 YONGE STREET RICHIVIOND IIILL DH“ limb?“ t1 0.“ 'md in Tim downy. 2rd Mm Hman iddicsed the meeting using as her (K \V INI‘. ‘ H,l )x 1 H M _( 1.. t (s giow .ii ie n l .l r â€" » i. I . A .. -~ Subject upmmmwionn takd] from reg-l 69C Alllf I Hit Lilaiit . . . . . . . . . . . .idt‘, OJC I 53c; 2 for 81.00 Revlon Aquamarine lotion $1.00 VISIT YOUR NEARFST I.D.A. DRUG STORE AND OBTAIN YOUR SUMMER NEEDS CHECK LIST ‘â€"- THEN SHOP goat-“layer? was FILMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. 35c. etc. In I II . BATHING CAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390, 50C, 69c. 01c. VELVETTA SUNTAN CREAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c : SUN GLASSES . . . . . . . . . . . . 390, 59C, $1.. $1.50 and up CAMERAS . . . . . . 33.75 to $16.00 up SPECIAL! : SOAP BOXES. special . . . . . . . . . . llc "ABISAL II THERMOS BOTTLES . . . . . $1.50 up 10? Tabkjts = PICNIC JUGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.75 up 10271,?“ I POISON IVY LOTION . . . . _ . 29c. 59c â€"â€"â€"â€":-â€"â€" = Wax Paper, 100 ft. roll. boxed . . . . 31c SENSA l Gren Cross Pyradec Insect Powder 50c 11;,EQ‘4Eiz E dTei‘ Repellent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 8,†19C ' ll Velvetta 622 Repellent . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c flâ€"Tâ€"ï¬ = Unguentiiie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60c, $1.20 Biflglkgrt‘ / ll Calamine Lotion . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. ‘15c J, 9,73,": :1 : Olive Oil I.D.A. Brand . . . . . . . . . . . 39c 8c, 12c, 18c " “' Noxzcma Suntan Cream or Oil 300, 60c â€"â€". . ““' BroniO-Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . 25c, 40c. 05c Fowler’s Wild Strawberry . . . . . . 55c mg; 25C. 790 Alka Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. 57c 19c, 63c HARLEY’S Drug Store Telephone ZOO-J Thornhill lfllllfllllllflflllflIIHEENEIIIHEEEHIIEI .EIIIEIIII'Z‘Til-IIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIII-EIEIIIIIIIIIIIHSIEIIIIIIIIIIIIHIEIIIIHIIIIIIEIIIEHEIIHI IIIIIIIIIIIBIBIIEIIIIIIEEEIIEEIIIHIE REE-ROOFING lENEEI‘ll-EHIEIIHHIHIIHEH We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating C. RIDDELL PHONES:â€"THORNHILL 118W JUNCTION 2980 III-III!IIIIHIIIIIIIHHIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIHIE.Illlllflllllllllfllfllllll K2 00000000000.000000000 90 00000000 00000000000 0000006 0000 . WhatYouHave Been Waiting For v Combination Coal and Essatone gag. stove, engineered by Guerney and on display in our showroom. 75 Delivery at once. We give free delivery within a mile radius of Toronto. Your foremost dealer â€" Sales 5; Service GAMES PONY RIDES use when sneezing or coughing 01" < blowing the nose are valuable as they mav be (‘ARTAGE Log and lumber hauling a specialty, logs bought for cash. R. C. BLEWITT l‘linno Agincoui't 233tlwâ€"(lrover (3003 buine-rl after use. Dust con- i If iml measures in the home and indusâ€" good methods of pl'0~‘ venting the spread of these diseases,‘ '" national health experts say. ‘ iiy are also “ti the pack. and anyone wishing to have 33rd, I Agincourt. (int. § § § 3 3 t t t i i i i E t i 2 000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mr. W. D. Dalziel and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Chas. Agnew in company