Cooper; Barbara Corner; Bonnie Cot‘ trill; Nancy Dean; Sandra Emberley; Grade II to III Allan Burgess, Susanne Butt; Da- vid Gallaway; Anne Keith. Room VI Grade II to III Michael Ball; Betty Bond; Mar- garet Bond; Donald Brillinger; Doug- las Brock; Maurice Carnevale (rec- ommended); Sharon Cillis; Ronnie Carol Evans; Larry Fitze; William Gibbard; William Gough; Howard Guest; Carol Hamilton; Judith Har- Promoted from Grade V to V1 Bernice Archibald; “Graeme Bales; Shirley Bond; Ross Bowes; Michael Butt; Marguerite Clublne; Donald Cole; Joan Cook; Watson Cottrill; Joan Dunn; James Gardner; Molly Hargrave; Ronald Hisey; James Hogg; Joan Hull; Lyn Jlaekman; Joyce Jeï¬â€™erson; Robbie Keith; Rob- ert Kent; Margaret Lynett; Helen Millen; Bryan Mills; Elsie Nicol; Joyce Perkins; Doreen Pullen; Patsy Ramer; Neil Risebrough; Allan Rob- ertson; Anita Soderberg; ‘Gwynneth Stapley; William Smith; Carl Teet- zel; Kenneth Tomlin; Janet Tomlinâ€" son; David Valance; William Watts; Laurie Weaver; Jack Wright. - Room IV Grade IV"to’ ’V " ' Promoted on year’s work Muriel Bo‘byk; Wellington B‘ourne; Doreen Brock; Isobel Devine; Melo- dye Harrison; John Hill; Jocelyn Lewis; Mary ‘MacKay; Alex McGillâ€" ivray; Alice Mihorean; Shirley Smith; David Tinker. Promoted on Final Examination Earl Arnold; Ernie Allen; Sylvia Allen; Audrey Archibald; Marilyn Baker (recommended); Ronny Baker; Paul Baker; Douglas Barrett; June Bettridge; Lucille Birchall; Heather Craigie; Bryan Devine (recommend- ed); Tommy Evans; Edith Joyce; Adeline McC'ollum; Billy Mitchell; Alverna Montgomery; Jimmy Neal; Billy Nicol (recommended); Helen O’Hara; David Pattenden; Jimmy Pollard; Paul Simken (recommend- ed); Shirley Thomas; Douglas Stew. art; .Paul Van Wierengen; Donald Vallance; Willa Stone. Room V Grade 111 to Grade IV Carol Baker; June Barber; Steph- en Beam; Barbara Bell; Tony Berry; Patsy Bond; Kathleen Bonner; Da- vid Brock; Lillian Butler; Janis But- lin; Danny Cillis; Ray Devins; Paul Du'bois; Gay Elliot; Mary George; Shirley Greenhead; Marguerite Gup- py; Gwen Hisey; Doris Jefferson; B‘ob-by'Joh-nson; Jessie Kemp; San- dra Koning; Carol Mansbridge; Roy Marinof’f; Duart McLean; Louise Munroe; Stanley Shepherd; Betl Smith; Sidney Smith; Doris Stone: Jimmy Stunden; Maureen Temple: Diane Tice; Kathy Todd; Jimmy Wallbridge; Roger Wilson; Gary Usherwood. Abbott, Edna; Hill, Edward; Horâ€" wood, Margaret; Leech, Beverley; MacKay, Walter; Millen, Ronald; Soderburg, Richard; Stevenson, Ann. Passed from Grade VI to VII Atkinson, Paul; Brillinger, Bruce; Brown», David; Bunee, Terrence; Burns, Nelson; ‘Craigie, Primrose; Devine, Michael; Evans, Catherine; Flechener, Richard; Gibbons, Joan; Greenhead, Joan; Harding, Dorothy; Harding, Ruth; Horwood, Orlin; Hudson, David; Latimer, Mary Lee; Lecuyer, vPaul; Leech, John; Layzell, Grace (recommended); Parisi, Phyl~ iss; Ried, Carol; Schmidt, Caroline; Smith, Douglas (recommended); Stapley, Denise; Titshall, John; Up- ton, Henry (recommended). Passed from Grade VI to VII Moore, Robert; S'imser, James. Passed {mm Grad‘e VII to VIII Bowen, Sh‘irley' (recommended); Cooper, Joyce; Ma-bley, Jacqueline; Malll‘ory, Rodney; Mayhew, Keith; O’Hara, William (recommended); O’Hara, Catherine; Pullen, Ronald; Reardon, Virginia; Risebrough, Myrâ€" na; .Stapley, Marion; Wilson, Bea- trice. VOL LXX Richmond Hill Public School PromOtion Examination Results Promotions from Grade VII to VIII Outstanding Quality - Delicious Flavour THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Deputy-Reeve John Hostrawsei presided at the meeting in the abâ€" sence due to illness of Reeve Weld- rick. Councillors Marshall McMur- chy, Carl Shaw and Bert Phelps were in attendance. ' It was reported that at a recent meeting of council with trustees of the school sections it was decided that any action on the formation of a township school area to replace present school section administraâ€" tion be postponed until a later date. This decision was arrived at follow- ing presentation of ï¬gures showing the operating cost of the individual sections and comparing them with the cost of a township school area. Vaughan Names Planning Board The municipality of Vaughan has purchased a power sprayer at a cost of $1265; and it is expected to be in action any day now spraying road- side weeds. Treasurer J. M. McDonald report- ed receipt of approximately $70,000. from ï¬rst instalment of taxes and Vaughan Township Plan ning Boart‘l was officially named at the regular meeting of the council Mon- day of this week. The Board charg- ed with responsibility of giving leadership and direction in planned development of the municipality will be made up of Reeve Weldrick, Councillor Marshall McMurchy and A. O. Thorne, Thornhill, T. A. Kefâ€" fer, Concord, and Len Patterson, Nashville. A byâ€"law was read providing for the formation of the Richmond Hill High School area including in ad- dition to the village of Richmond Hill, the village of Woodbridge, all of the township of Vaughan and part of the township of Markham. It was agreed that pupils now attend- ing Weston or Earl Haig High Schools be allowed to continue their courses at those schools. it was agreed to pay at once the amount of the general school levy to the various school section. The Township already has paszed a by-law regulating all building within the municipality with res- trictions as to type of building and size of lot. The Planning Board will act as a committee of adjustâ€" ment in cases of appeals against the provision of the by-law and generally will guide and direct de- velopment. Room VIII Passed from Grade I to Grade II Marian Bales, Joan Bettridge; Barbara Bone; Gordon Bradshaw; David Bunce; Peter Cherry; Alis’tair Grant; Judith Hargrove; David Hauighton, Edward Haughton, Wayne Koning; Garry Kazok; Marian Mun- roe; Caro] Pearse; Gordon Pipher; Robert Sanders; John Sims; Barry Smith; David Smith; Susan Sweeny; Kelvin Tonner; Diane Turner; Brian Wainman; Bruce Wilson. Room VII Grade 1 to 2 'Bolton, Eleanor (1'ec.); Bradshaw, Torry; Brock, Diane; Brown, Barâ€" bara; Bunker, Billy; Cunningham, Ro'bert; Charity, Gordon; Dawson, Kenneth; Doherty, Beulah; Dubkow- ski, Betty; Erskine, Ralph; Gillard, Susan; Harding, Gail; Harnum, Bill; Hull, Marilyn; Kidd, Gary; Malone, Larry; Perry, John; Phipps, Gerry; Ramer, Douglas; Robertson, Joan; Thomson, John; W‘arnica, Gerald; Wilson, James; Wilton, Jo Ann; White, Anne. rison; Janet Hisey; Carol Hull; Eth- el Hudson; Betty Johnson; Metro Kozak; David Lewis; Barbara. Ley- land; Mary Lou Mason; William McInnis; Charlotte McKenzie; John Phipps; Barbara Pullen; Donald Sauve; Gloria Simmons; John Sealy; Joyce Smith; James Smith; Alfred Stong; Jeanalee Titshall; Joyce Wright. ’ On motion of councillor Taylor the matter of .police protection was ‘laid‘ over to be discussed further at a spe- cial meeting to be held July 14th. l SeWer Estimates Coming l At the same special meeting Enâ€"l gineer Redfern will attend and the; proposed sewer construction will .bel discussed. The engineer advised that he would be prepared by this date to give estimates on cost of cons- truction and installation. His letter‘ stated that costs have increased con-l siderably since the last estimate, but also observed that the village ass- essment had increased -by a substan- tial amount and the municipality thus would be better able to carry the necessary levy. Ask Better Phone Service .Following discusiion of telephone 'service in the village the clerk was instructed to write the head office of the Bell Telephone Co..asking im- proved service. Reeve Hill pointed out that a petition to this effect was being circulated in the village anr‘ he thought the municipality shoul< take the matter right to the head of- ï¬ce of the company. New Water Supply Council authorized the signing of a contract with the International Water Supply Co. for the develop ment of a new well at the easterly limits of the village. Approximater 83000. was spent drillian test holes until a satisfactory supply was ï¬n- ally located on the farm of Harold Mackie just east of the village. En- gineers have still tests to complete ‘but are most optimistic that a very Councillor Tom- Taylor said that whoever did the policing there was urgent need for checking the traffic on Yonge Street. “We’re going to pay with some loss of life one of these days if speeding through the village is unchecked,†he said. Councillor Wesley Middleton said he hesitated to support the sugges- tion for full lime police protection nevertheless be realized the time was fast approaching when it would be necessary. “‘It will be costly†he said “as we will need two men.†Councillor Tomlin contended the council was “showing its own ineffic- iency by not providing the police pro- tection to which the taxpayers are rightfully entitled. “What’s the use of us passing lay-laws?†he asked, “we have no machinery to enforce them.†COuncillor Ken Tomlin said that present conditions as far as police in Richmond Hill are concerned are a disgrace. “I don’t know of a munâ€" icipality anywhere of comparable size without the services of a police- man,†he said. He was amazed that Richmond Hill alone of municipal- ities in this district of York Couty was without such service. “Police protection is a service the ratepay- ers are entitled to†he said “ and it’s our duty to provide it.†Councillor Cecil Mabley questioned the need for full time local police when the village was now so well provided with police officers. “Where is there a town anywhere with more police†he asked and pointed on? that there are three county police officers residing in the municipality. He pointed out also that provincial police patrol Yonge Street and that the village has a record to be proud of as fair as freedom from crime is concerned. “We have less crime here than anywhere and I don’t see why the taxpayers should be burdened with another couple of thousand dol- lars a year†he said. “I don’t think we would need two men†said councillor Tomlin. “I think we could get by with a man working an eight hour day but on call for twenty-four hours.†’ Councillor Ma‘bley said Yonge Street was g1 provincial highway and ï¬nes for infractions of traffic laws went to the province. Why, he ask- ed, should our taxpayers pay for pol- icing it?. A full time police protection ser- vice for Richmond Hill village was suggested at the regular meeting of the municipal council this week. Reeve P. G. Hill brought up the mat- ter in commenting on the traffic ac- cident here last Saturday when there was great delay in securing the ser- vices of a police oï¬icer and ï¬nally a policeman had to be called from Markham village. Better Police Protection , Urged For Richmond Hill ?’fl ,é “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-g FULL TIME POLICE OF’FICER SUGGESTEDâ€"COUNCIL TD GET ESTIMATES ON SEWERS NEXT WEEKâ€" ZONING BY-LAW TO BE PRESENTED SOON - â€"PARK IMPROVEMENTS TO START EARLY NEXT MONTH RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY. JULY 8, 1948 “I know you have†said the Reeve, “but last nomination meeting you took last year’s council to task for the delay, and now you’ve ‘had seven 'months as chairman of electric light and we have no lights'yet.†Will Grade Park Councillor Middleton reported that the Agricultural Society had offered to make a grant of $1000 towards the cost of grading and improving the park. It is proposed to grade and level the area east of the curling rink as far east as Pugsley Ave. and that the whole area be drained. It is propOSed to start operations right after the Lions Field Day early in August. No Dance Hall Mr. F. Price of Toronto who owns some land in the northern section of the village asked for permission to erect a dance hall. “Not as far as I’m concerned†said councillor Wes Middleton. All members of council supported this view and no permit will be granted. ‘ ' Suggests Playgrounds Mrs. William C. Wilson wrote council suggesting the installation of swings, slides, sand-[piles and other playground equipment in the park for the use of young children during the summer. It was pointed out that quite extensive playground equip- ment was erected in the park and at the Municipal Hall some years ago, but had not proven very satisfactory without supervision. Equipment had been smashed and people, not necess- arily youngsters, banging the teeters, etc., until all hours of the night had created quite‘ a nuisance. ï¬ne supply of excellent quality wa- ter will be avaiiable from this well. Zoning Bil-Law Coming Councillor Torhlin corrected his reâ€" port of the zoning by-law drafted by the Planning-‘Committee which he gave at the 138:1: meeting. He said the proposed hy-law will zone the village designating residential, in- dustrial and dqmmercial areas, but the provisions would not prevent any- one building a residence anywhere in Yonge Street; "Yonge Street on both sides will be designated as com- mercial area, and this will apply to a depth of 165 met; A section in the east half of the village starting at a point 1000 feet east of the commer- cial va ‘ea limits Will be industrial, and all the rest of the village will be residential. Hevpointed out that the 'ay-law would prohibit the setablish- ment of any store or business in any other than the commercial area which includes on both sides of Yonge St. to a 'depth of 165 feet. The by-law also will provide than any new cons- truction on Yonge Street be at least ‘ive feet from the street line. Reeve Hill and members'of coun- ril were inclined to favor the by-law and will consider it in detail when it is ï¬nally drafted and presented to council. Councillor Tomlin said he hoped the new lights would be erected soon. “They’re putting them up in Tor- onto and other places, I don’t see why we can’t get some action here†said the Reeve. Nomination Speech Recalled In discussing the proposed planning by-law Councillor Tomlin made it plain he wanted action. “I want this thing: to be dealt with one way or the other, I don‘t want it to drag on month after month†he said. “There are same. other things hangâ€" ing ï¬re" commented Reeve Hill and one of t-hem"‘i§“the erection'of our new lights on‘Yonge St.†“I’ve been doing everything pos- sible to get this work started†said councillor Tomlin. “‘I don’t think we can afford to go into those things just now†said :ouncillor Tomlin. “It’s a ï¬ne idea, but it doesn’t work ‘ut without some kind of supervis- on" said’councillor Middleton. The collector of garbage waited on :ouncil and complained that house- holders were using cardboard cartons for garbage. “If it rains the bot- tom comes out of the carton and the garbage is strewn on the street†he said. Councillors agreed metal con- tainers must be used and the reguâ€" lation garbage pails were strongly recommended. Accounts passed included $1618. for oiling the streets, and $2752 for a new Dodge 2-ton dump truck pur- Non-Essenlalï¬, Liberty; In All Things, Charity: ï¬lhmmlu Radials Continue 0n Monthly Basis Reeve Percy C. Hill reported to the Richmond Hill Council this week that at a meeting of the North. Yonge Ra- dial Commission it had been decided to continue operations of the present radial service on a month to month agreement with the T. T. C. The ï¬ve year agreement expired July lst. The Reeve said that there are pro- posals to dispose of the radials and substitute a gas or diesel bus‘ ser- vice, and that other propoals are to have the T. T. C. take over the line and operate it as part of the city system, and that present operation be continued with the line double- tracked to Steele’s Corners.[ 1During coming months complete details of all proposals with ï¬gures will be presented to the .people through the press and at public meetings, and when it is felt the people have a full knowledge of the situation, a vote will be taken in the transportation areas of North York, Markham and Vaughan townships and in Richmond Hill. Reeve Hill stated that ï¬gures to the end of 1947 showed that the line since the inception of its operation had earned $286,000. more than all charges against it. Passenger revenue on the North Yonge radials for the ï¬rst ï¬ve months of 1948 shows an increase of $3,091.93 or over three and a half per cent over‘the same period last year. This was revealed in a report from the T. T. C. released this week. The operating proï¬t for May was $3,541.87 compared with a proï¬t of $3,603.71 for May 1947. Passenger revenue for May was $19,876.23, which is an increase of almost 8 per cent over the same month last year. Operating expenses for May were approximately $1500. more than May 1947. A record crowd is expected at the annual King City Street Dance which will be held Wednesday, July let. There is keen interest in the lucky draw for the free trip to Bermuda and seven other valuable awards. Lions Carnival Aug. 2nd King Street Dance July 21 The evening’s program will be featured by dancing to music by Rus Creighton’s orchestra and there will be bingo and a midway of varied and exciting attractions. Continuous movies will be shown and there will not be a dull moment from start ‘to ï¬nish. All proceeds are for King Memorial Hall and the event is sponâ€" sored by Lake Marie and King Ath- letic Association. Richmond Hill Lions Carnival will be held this year Menday, August 2nd, Civic Holiday, and it will be staged in the park‘instead of on Yonge/Street. There will be an af- ternoon program featuring a Horse Show and in the evening the usual monster dance and midway. More than $1000. in prizes will be given to holders of lucky number tickets and many other feature attractions are in store for the patrons this year. Reserve the date now for Richmond Hill Lions big show, Mon- day, August 2nd. The large barn on the Legge farm corner Yonge St. and the Markham- thitchurch townline was struck by lightning and burned during the storm Monday night about 11 pin. Richmond Hill Fire Brigade answer- ed the alarm but the flames had gained such headway the structure was almost completely destroyed. The barn was owned by Mrs. P. G. Hill, Richmond Hill. chased from William Neal. The' new truck is now on the job and council members commended Mr. Neal for his good service in the tnansaction. Reeve Hill reported that the Lib- rary Board plan alterations to the room downstairs at the municipal hall. The Library now on the sec- ond floor will be moved to the ground floor just as soon as alterations are completed. A new direct entrance will be made at the south side. ‘The reeve reported that Fred Taylor had declined appointment as member of the Library Board and council auth- orized the appointment of James D. McLean. It was reported that Christie Clark of the village works staff had resign- ed the clerk was authorized to insert an advertisement for a man to ï¬ll the vacancy. Transportation Question Will Be Submitted To The People BARN BURNED Maple Plans Warm Welcome For Old Boys And Girls At Old Home Week Celebration Citizens of Maple under the ener- getic leadership of the Maple Lions Club are busy preparing for Old Home Week which will be celeb- rated with a big three-day program September 3rd, 4th and 5th. An invitation to native sons and daugh- ters and former residents has been sent out to all parts of Canada and as far"sout'h as California. Although the campaign has just nicely start- ed there already have been enthus- iastic responses from six of the Un- ited States and from over forty dif- ferent and widespread communities in Canada. Everywhere the idea is received with enthusiasm and former resi- dents are delighted with the pros- pect of a visit to the home com- munity and residents of Maple and district are determined to spare no effort in making their home-coming enjoyable and memorable. The pro- gram will start Friday, September 3rd, with a monster Street Dance and Village Fair. Saturday will be another big day with a sports pro- gram in.the afternoon, concert, mo- vies and other varied attractions at night. Sunday will be featured by a great open air community service of worship. Details of the program will be an- nounced from week to week but it is assured there Will be no lack of top notch attractions and entertain- ment. There will be parades, spec- ial contests and interesting attrac- tions featuring the “good old daysâ€. Weekly News Notes From The Richvale District Richvale CommUnity Hall News The building committee under the jurisdiction of Mr. Wilf Burns and Mr. Bryan Bailey had hoped to pour the floor of the community hall this week-end, however due to the uncer- tainty of the delivery of certain ma- terials and having a little more work to do with the ï¬ll used to strike the floor level it will not be until the following weekend, July 17th, that the floor will be poured. It is urged that the volunteers keep this week-end in mind as it is nec- essary that the job be completed in one day and to do this a majority of workers will be required. The big home-coming celebration is sponsored by the Lions Club but Thanks are extended to Mr. Al Baker for the use of his tractor durâ€" ing the past week when it was used to considerable advantage in packing ï¬ll between the foundation walls. As a result of this generosity a great numben of work-hours were saved It was with regret that the build- ing committee accepted the resigna- tion of one of its members. Mr. AI- bert Valcourt tendered his resigna- tion last week-end with the request that it be accepted. Due to the press of private matters Mr. Val- court has been unable to devote as much time as he would like to with regard to the building program of the community all and felt he should relinquish his place to some- one who could spare the time need- ed. However Mr. Valcourt stated that if and when he had time to par- ticipate he would be glad to serve in an unofficial capacity. The Vaughan Women Workers, that small but astute group of Rich- vale ladies are at it again, helping to make the community hall more of a reality than ever. This Saturday, July 10th, the la; dies are holding a bazaar in‘the Richvale Public School. There will be quantities of home cooking of all kinds as well as home knitting and other sundry articles for sale and judging from the success of last fall’s bazaar_ it will be a gala aï¬â€™air. Speaking as one who has tasted the culinary efforts of these ladies, let me be quoted as saying their cook- ing. is out of this world. Brothel-3 Pass that pie. Grunts and Groans Coming Up . With the success of their ï¬rst‘ Wrestling Venture fresh in theiv: minds, the East Vaughan Ratepay- ers Association are again going to bring the boys of mayhem and bruises back to Richmond Hill Ar- ena That children’s idol, Richvale’s own “Red†Garner will again be promoter. and chief participant in ADVERTISING IN CETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL President Art W’ells who 'is a busy man these days says that the coopâ€" eration of all the people of the en- tire community and district is need- ed to put the event over. The mail- ing and billeting committee is espec- ially anxious to obtain as quickly as possible the names and addresses of all former residents so that, invita- tions ma‘ go out to them at once. Send names and addresses n0w to Maple Lions Club. Box 13, Maple. Working hard these days prepar- ing for Old Home Week are the fol- lowing committees under the leader- ship of club president, Art Wells. Mailing and Billeting Howard Knight, Dr. Fred Routley, Wilbert Cousins, Harry Chapman, Jihq Witherspoon, Bill Bailey, Don Allen. Programme and Publicity Ivan Musselman, Ernie Brock, Lorne Wells, Andy Snider, R. Knight. Sports Activities ‘ Cal Miller, Wes Dew, Bob Julian, Les Laver. “Old Home†Entertainment Bill Noble, Dr. Ray\ Bigford, Rev. Chas. Fockler, Rev. Archer Wallace. Finance Committee Hilliard Bryan,w Ivan Musselman, Bob Ramsay. i Grounds and Decorations Ross Knight, Wilf Hodge, Ernie Hemphili, Eric Brice, John Shq ‘pard. Catering, etc. John Neufeldt, Johrf McGinnis, Clem Reeds. the coming evening’s festivities or should I say hostilities. Once again the proceeds will be used 'in tire Richvale Community Hall building“ fund. Mr. Garner is using his every connection to present a well balanced card,for the pleasure of the fans. A surprise feature will be added to the regular bouts and it will be in the form of two mystery men who are local boys; “Red†would en- lighten us as yet as to who they are â€" well, well, what has the Gar- dens got on us. The night of the affair will be ‘July 20th, the place Richmond Hill Arena. PROMOTION RESULTS RICHVALE PUBLIC‘ SCHOOL From Grade I to Grade II Robert Beavens, Joan Burke, Hel- en Burns. Ronnie Durham. Robert Fisher, George Good, Gervace Hues- tis, Carole Jarman, William John- son, Barbara Lowry. Herbert Mac- Leod, Nanette Millard, Patricia Stone, Lawrence Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, Nancy Underhill, Robert Walters, ‘Leo Wilks, Robin Hood, Carol Ann Zryd. From Grade II to Grade 111 Lois lBakrer, Willï¬am Baskerville, Patricia Davenport, Sharon Driscoll, John Fisher, Donna Guthrie, Jack Hartford, Judy Horton, Bruce Ince, David Ince, George Lowry,.Robert Martin, David Meredith, Dennis Mill- ard, Lawson Mitchell, Eileen SankoI Gary Stamrp, Joan Stone, Brian Tay- lor, Patricia Wood. Erom Grade III to Grade IV Muriel Ann Alexander, Eugene Bardeau, Fred Barker, William Bar- ton, Robert Baskerville, John Burke, Gkn Gately, Michael Lambert, Peter MiHlardu, Richard Valcourt, Paul Wells, Anna Wilks. From Grade IV to Grade V Larry Fryer, Douglas Horton, Gor- don Legge, Linda Matthews, Don- ald Ro‘bson, John SankO, Norma Turnbull, Louvaine Wood, Ross Wood- From Grade V to Grade VI Joan Baker, William Beatty, Allen Bastard. Clara Burns, Tom Cunning- ham, Eleanor Garner, Phyllis Gar- ner, Robert Guppy, Carol Hirtz, Mar- ilyn Lawry, George Meredith, Frank Martin, Joseph Martin. Frances Par- ker, Philip Rodgers, Norman Smith, Albert Townsend, John Underhill. From Grade VI to Grade VII Marilyn Beaven, David'Boyles, Bet- ty Broom, Betty Garner, Ann Jack- man, Audrey Lord, Lorna Matthews (honours), William Robson, Roy Rodgers, Yvonne Stone, Mary Un- derhill. Junior Girls. July 12-20; ages 10 and 11 years; Intermediate Girls, Juiy 21-31, 12-14 years. If you wish to attend camp, send your applica- tion at once to registrar, Mrs. N. Caulï¬eld, Aurora, Ontario. ‘Skip G. Yerex and ‘A. A. Eden, Richmond Hill, won ï¬rst prize at the Markham tournament Wednes- day. Sixteen rinks competed. From Grade VII to Grade VIII Barbara Hudson, Glenn Turnbull, Pauline Watson. Information Bureau Mel White, Wilbert Cousins CAMP ASHUNYOONG BOWLERS WIN