The bride wore a white eyelet dress fashioned with high neckline, full sleeves and skirt, with picture hat to match. She wore white lace mitts and handkerchief of imported rose point lace and carried a prayer book and white orchid, showered with stephanotis. McCONAGHY-HARVEY Saturday, June 19, at 4 o’chck, Miss Virginia Frances Harvey, daughter of Thomas Bland Harvey and the‘ late Mrs. Marion Bowles Harvey, Rose- Jahd, became the bride of John Mur- ray McC‘onaghy, of Richmond'and Roseland, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McConaghy, Richmond, Virginia: The groom is a grandson of Mrs. M. L! McConaghy of Richmond Hill. The Rev. A. T. Francis, Roseland, performed the ceremony. After congratulations a dainty buï¬â€˜et was served in the garden to 50 guests. The happy couple left for a trip to Niagara Falls and Bufâ€" falo, the bride travelling in a printed jersey dress with large black pic- ture hat and matching accessories. On their return they will reside -t Cal‘rville Rd., Richvale, Ont. Mrs. Robert Waters of Toronto was matron of honour gowned in a long periwinkle blue taffeta dreSS with gloves of matching m‘atedial. She carried fusbhia .peonies and pink Canterbury bells with hair band of the same flowers. Muriel-Ann Alexander made a pretty flower girl in lilac organza, earrying yellow ro- ses in a lace basket and in her hair. Mr. Robert Waters of Toronto as- sisted the groom. Give'n in marriage by her son, the 'bride was dressed in a long gown of mist grey nylon net and lace and wore bud green nylon net gloves. She carried a cascade of Talisman roses and white larkspur and wore a pretty coronet of the same roses in her hair. I On Saturday, June 26, at 4:30 p. m., a pretty garden wedding tack place at the home of E. Perrihg, Carrville Rd., Richvale, when Mil- dred B'eI'le Gillies, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Evering- ham of.R‘ichvale was unitEd in mar- riage to Edwin George Perring Of London, England; Rev. E. E. Kent of Carrville and Thornhill officiated. The bridal procession crossed the lawns on which an aisle was marked with white ribbons to an arbour of evergreens entwined with peonies and Canterbury bells and banked with masses of flowers. The bride donned a light blue wool gulf, navy hat and matching accessories and corsage of red roses, for the honeymoon motor trip to Montreal, and upon their return will reside in Toronto. Congratulations are extended to the happy couple for a long and prosperous life. Po? the reception of“ sixty guests, "Mrs. Douglas received in dark blue crepe, navy hat and corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Frank Sandisoh assist- ed in dark blue, matching hat and pink rose corsage. Given in marriage by her brother. Murray Douglas, the bride ware a gOWn of white satin, styled with ï¬t- ted bodice. sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. Her full length veil of illusion was caught to a ne‘. halo and she carried a white prayer book and wore a corsage of red roses†The bride’s sister, Elizabeth Dougâ€" las was gowned in‘floor length blue tafl’eto, matching halo headdress and cor-sage of pink roses. Five- year old Sheena Sandison, niece of the groom, wore a full length gowh of peach mesh trimmed with blue and she carried a nosegay of blue flowers. The groom’s brother, Frank Sandison, Acted as best man. Th3 wedding music was played hy June Hollinshead, niece of the bride. A prety wedding was solemnized on Saturday evening at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Harold Hol- linsheah of King. when Mary Jane Douglas, daughter of Mrs. Douglas and the late Frederick Douglas, Schomberg, became the bride of Alexander Sandison of Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Sandi- son, Hamilton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. V. Abbott, Schomiberg, in a setting of gladioii. Mrs. E. Floyd Yates, gowned in Before you lose a stone from your diamond ring, let us check the claws. New claws in gold cost only 75c each, in platinum $1.00. ‘, We will be glad to give you an estimate on 1‘ jewelry repairing, silver plating, ring set- ting, etc. ’1 Phone Hyland 0061 Mansbridge Jewellers SANDISON-DOUGLAS PERRING'GILLIES 3359 Yonge St., North Toronto 3% blocks south of City iimits WEDDINGS The bride wore a gown of ivory satin with a ï¬ngertip veil gathered to a beaded coronet headdress. She carried a cascade of red roses. At- tending the bride was the maid of honour, Miss Jean Mor‘by of Stay- ne'r, in blue sheed and the brides- maids, Miss Marie Donnelly wearing mauve sheer and Miss Doreen Southâ€" ern wearing yellow. They carried bouquets of roses. Cecil Tuppenney of Toronto was gi'oomsman and the ushers were Stewart Donnelly and Alex Saunter. ~ Mrs. Frank Beatty, , assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Kerswill received the guests on the lawn of Cedarvale Farm. For a short motor trip/to Lake Huron, the bride wore a rose ga‘bardine suit with white accessor- ies. The couple will reside in Mapâ€" le. Given in marriage by her father, Frank H. Beatty of Lefroy, Frances Faith became the bride of Arthur Warden of Toronto in a. double-ring ceremony at Lefroy United Church on Wednesday, June 30th, 1948. Rev. L. S. Paisley of Stroud condlicted the ceremony and Miss Margaret Fockler was at the organ. The so- loists were Joanne Johnson and Ann Lawrie. After the reception which was held at the home of Mr. and Mus. F. Judge, the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Northern Ontario. On their return they will reside at 222 Oak Ave., Richvale. The bride wore a suit of battleship Ablue wool and navy straw hat with heaven blue flower trimming, a rose corsa'ge and squirrel furs, the gift \f the groom. Mrs. Frederick Judge attended her sister in a chocolate brown ensemble, with baby pink corsage and brown accessories. Mr. Fred Judge was best man. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the parsonage of Re'v. W. A. Welcott, Kleinberg, on Saturday, June 26g}, of Mrs. Blanche Legge and Charles H. Fagon. For the Wedding trip to Southern Ontario and United States centres, the bride wore a baby 'blue gabardine suit with white accessories and a white straw hat trimmed with navy blue tafl‘eta ribbon. Mr. and Mrs. I(:Il:11:;.1‘lton will reside at Richmond 1 . Bob Endean of Richmond Hill was groomsman, while ushers were Irv- ing Davis and Aneas Mellis. Kent Davis was page boy in a navy blazer and white flannels. . The wedding reception was held at the Marine Room, where Mrs. Harris, who chose a powder blue crepe dress, a navy blue taffeta and white straw hat and a corsage of pink roses, received the guests. She was assisted bv the gmom’s mother, 1who wore a dusky rose crepe frock with navy .blue acceslzories and a corsa‘gepf paleuyellow roses; Gail Mellis was ï¬oWer girl in a pink taffeta gown with a braided headdress and mittens of pink taf- feta. She carried a nosegay of ros- es. Mrs. A. Mellis and Mrs. E. Mc- Girr were bridesmaids in pale green lace and yellow lac-e, reSpectiveiy. They wore‘mittens and braided head- dresses to match their gowns. Their bouquets were of pink and yellow roses with baby’s breath. Mrs. I. K. Davis was matron of honor in a goWn of pink lace, matchâ€" ing lace mittens ahd a braided lace headdress. Her flowers were pink roses and baby’s breath._ The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, chose a .tl'adit- ional wedding gown of white satin fashioned with a full skirt inset with lace and love sleeves. Her floorâ€" length veil was crested with a head- dress embroidered with seed pearls. She carried a ‘bouquet of deep red roses and wore the gift of the groom, a gold wris‘g watch. 1- me crepe with matching access- ories served as her niece’s matron of honor. She wore a purple orchid. Mr. McConaghy served as his son’s best man. George E. Hale presided at the 0r- gan and played the accompaniment for Gordon Burnette, who sang ‘Be- cause' during the signing of the reg- ister. CHARLTON-HARRIS St. Andlew’s United Church, North Bay, was decorated with spring flowers, Monday, June 2151;, when Dr. M. N. Ormond solemnized the marriage of Miss Ruth Irene Harris and Mervin William; Charlton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Harris, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Charl- ton of Richmond Hill. Immediately following mony a reception was 'held VARDON-BEATTY Richmond Hill 203W FAGON-LEGGE. the cere- PRESBYTERIAN CHURC‘H Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A.. Minister Sunday. July 11 11 am. â€" Local Orange Lodges An- nual Church Service. Sabbath School closed during July and August. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen. B.A., Minister 10 am. â€" Sunday School 1] 21.111. â€"â€" Morning Worship Everyone is invited to attend the morning service during the summer months. Captain J. R. C. Ding, C. A., Dirâ€" ector of The Church Armv in Can- ada will preach during July. All are invited. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL A dance and presentation for Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon McQuarrie (nee Mae McCluskey) will be held ln the Laskay Hall, Tuesday, July 6th. La- dies provide. Everyone welcome. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., Rector Services During July 11 awryâ€"Morning Player. EXPRESSES THANKS I wish to thank my many friends in Richvale, who contributed gener- ously toward the splendid silver tea service, given me at my retirement from the school. The gift and the kind Ithou-ghts which prompted its giving has made me extremely hapâ€" py. Thank you very, very much. E. Webb â€" Ever remembered by sister-in- law, Ella, ahd her family. IN MEMORIAM CASELEY â€">In loving memory of a dear brother-in-law and uncle, Stanley Caseley, who paSSed away July 4th, 1947. His weary hours and days of ‘pain, His troubled nights are past; And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. Mrs. Peter Hoover announces the engagement of Patricia Ellen John- ‘son, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson of London; Ont, to Arthur H. Peel of Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place Satur- dxay, July 24th, at 7 pm. at Rich- mond Hill United Church. We extend congratulations to Mr. Richard Edmunds, Richmond Hill, who has bean advised by His Excel- lency, Viscount Alexander of Tunis, Chief Scout of Canada, that because of his unselï¬sh and active service to the Scout movement he has been awarded Scouting’s award for good services, the Medal of Merit. NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill and District C. C.F. Club will be held Friday even- ing, July 9th, 1948, at the residence of T. A. Weaver, Hunt Ave, phone 3031. 8:15 please. The following girls from Richmond Hill left Tuesday morning for the Girl Guide Camp at Hawkestone near Orillia; Ruth Ann Armstrong, Patsy Ball, Joan BdWen, Mary Cot- trill, Primrose Craigie, Mary Ellen Glass, Gail Juhl. Sheila Keight. Mary Lee L‘atimer, Arlene Sauve, El- e‘anor Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Casement spent Sunday at Lindsay, vï¬siting with friends and attending Old Home Week celebration. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sanders haye returned after a three month visit to England. They enjoyed a de- lightful voyage ahd a pleasant visit with friermds and relatives in the old land. They repoi‘t the folks over there in ï¬ne spirits and undaunted despite austerity and shortages. Miss Pearl Hickson the past two years in bia as an exchange Ontario, is holidaying ther, Mi‘s. Hickson, West; Mrs. G. W. Rivers of Essex, Ont. spent a few days last week with Rev and Mrs. Wellwood. Mr. L. H. Clement and 5011, Mack, spent last week end with Mrs. S. R. McKnight, Thornbury, and attended the White Family Re-union at Ow- en Sound. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Florence Irwin, Wright Street, Rich- mond Hill who sustained injuries when struck by a car while crossing Yonge St. last Saturday is progress- ing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fenwick, ac- companied by Misses Flora and Mar- lene Fisher of Aurora, spent the holiday with relatives at Port Elgin. Mr. visited Miss Marion M‘actavish of New York City is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. George Ball, Arnold Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morrison of Seattle, Washington, were visitors Of his sister, Mrs. W. R. Casement. Richmond Hill. DANCE AND PRESENTATION Clifford Casement and wife last week with Mr. and Mrs. Casement, Wright St. ENGAGEMENT SOCIAL AND PERSONAL who has Spent British Colum- 'teacher fI'Om with hei‘ mo- Centre Street L. O. L- CHURCH PARADE The Local Orange Lodges intend holding the Annual Church Parade at Richmond Hill, Sunday July 11. Members meet at Masonic Hall at 10:30 am. SerVice at Presbyterian Church at 11 o’clock. Other Lodges cordially invited. Grover Hornet apd his mother re- turned home to Chlcago after Spend- ing a couple of weeks with W. Tur- ner, May Ave. High for 2 wihs. A1 White, Rich- mond Hill, as'sis’ted by Mrs. White and Morley Hall. High Single Win, D. Barclay, Glé‘be Manor. The Mulock Trophy Will he played for on Wlédh'esdéy, June 14th, at 2 p.m. sharp. All local bnwlers desir- ing to bowl. place names on Ithf hull- etin board now. No bowiing at local greens to- night (Thursday) as members have accepted an invitation to bowl at Glébe Manor. Drs. Langsï¬ai’f and Thompson ah- nounce that during the months of July and August they will discon- tinue afternoon office hours, but will continue as usual 9â€"11 am. and 6-8 W'RAY ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Wray, Richmond Hill, are happy to an- nounpe a daughter, born Friday, July 2nd, a sister for Carol and Shirley, at Mrs. Healey’s Nursing Home, Elgin Mills. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sanders re- turned last week from Great Britain, where they have been visiting rela- tives. Mrs. John Evelyn, Elgin Mills, sails next Tuesday for a trip home to England. We Wish her “hon voyage" and a safe return. The marriage of Dr. Helen Marie Wasman, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Wasï¬ian and Dr. Robert Murray CL’mnin‘gham. son of Rev. J. D. Cunningham of New Toronto, for- merly of Richmond Hill, was solem- nized at Knox College Chapel, Tor- onto. The ceremohy was performed by Rev. J. D. Cunningham, amisted by REV. M. R. Sanderson. Rev. Gor- d‘on Cunningham was best man for his brother. BIRTHS McCLELLAND â€"â€"'To Helen, wife of Robert Bruce McLelland, a daugh- ter, Mary Louise, at Women‘s Col- lege Hospital. Toronto, on July 3, 1948. First grandchild for Nor- man C. McGibbon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riley of Shefâ€" ï¬eld, England, were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edmunds, Centre Street. ‘Mr._ Riley is president of the Electrical Wholeâ€" salers of Great 'Bl’ltain and is in Canada on a basmess trip. Eighteen rinks Competed in the‘ July lst tounra‘men t at the local greens. V Winners ware as follows: Geo. Fuller, Rlchmond Hill, assisted by J. A. Greene and Ma. Thompson, North TOI'OntO. 2nd: S. anther LQWréhce Park. MUTUAL BENEFIT HOSPITAl or Nursing Benefit Policy BOWLING NOTES GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 pm. Sunday School Classes No specified daily limit HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION lISTEN TO JIM HUNTER~CFRB 8 am. 5. 6.30 pm. Excepv Sundays A heapitullzaï¬on plan that pays the en'irs daily charge for room and board. Yoo choose {he hospi'al accom- modation you wamâ€"public, semi-private, private, anywhere in the world. 0 Full beneï¬ts for graduam nursing care at home. 7.00 p.m.r, Evangelistic Service in this all-expense For full parflculurs fill in the attached coupon. ANNOUNCEMENT Pays up to JIM GRAINGER, popular and wideé 15' known member of the Richmond Hill community, has been appointed district representative of The Imperâ€" ial Life Assurance Company of Can- ada. Racently he undertook a course in life insurance study and is fully qualiï¬ed to discuss Life Insurance in all its aspects. A member of the recently-opened York Branch of the Company, he has already established :himself among the leaders of this rapidly-growing agency. V CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Herb Banting ando daughter wish to th’ank all the relatives and friends for the many kindnesses and beautiful floral tributes during»; the recent passing of a loving wife and mother, giving special thanks to Rev. Kent, members of the Thornhill Uni ited Church and the ontzmo ‘H‘oSpital staff. Royal Theatre AURORA New Potatoes . Sunkist Oianges Bread . . ; 106 CALIFORNIA SNOW WHITE Irish Stew . . Bologna . . . MAPLE LEAF Diced Beets . . BROWN. 0R WHITE Ginger Ale . . ONTARIO AYLMER WILSON’S LIBBY'S YORK Thur., Fri., Sat. July 8, 9, 10 SPECIAL Pork and Beans . 19c FOR CAKES. ‘ O PASTRY, FRYING CAULIF LOWER 10 Hrs 15 oz. Tin 30 oz. Bottle Sliced 20 oz Tin :13?“ 35c TO RICHMOND HILL WATER USERS Mon., and Tues. July 12, 13 ‘ 29c: 590 216 15¢ 10c; THE LIBERAL, Richr Owing to a temporary shortage of water, householders are requested to refrain from using gal-den hose from 9 am. to 5 p.m. daily until further notice. ,,â€"*â€" REDQâ€"m You): co-operation will be appreciated. RUSSELL LYNETT. Clerk NOTICE Tomato Juice 2335-12270 Tide . . Super Suds Spaghetti . . THE WASH DAY WONDER LIBBY‘S Pufled Wheat . Lemons . QUAKER Cabbage . . . NO. 1 GRADE FRESH GREEN T‘ONCENTRATED NCY QUALITY nd Hill, Thursd 300's Size 33c . 2 290 ATTR AC‘TIV ELY PRICED Lge. Pkg. Lge. Pkg. ll 310 310 230 10c