W»..«m»«««6 (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helm; Sinmson Lynett J. F.\Lynett QNNWONOOOOOOOOOOMOO ORDER ‘ HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. ' ‘ District 2518’ YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL qumers Supply Official and Accredited Veterinarian ‘ Dr. J. Sheppard With DIP. S. W. Armitage. Mapltl Small and Large Animals Richvale P.0. Phone Maple 64:4 A150 hog and StOClC minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eventually! Why not now? For delivery call A full ï¬ne of well known house, hold necessities in stock Full Line of Blatchford Ask us for information Calf-Mix The new Burplrnn'nl fmf uronler \ilnnlln Ind mine": conlcuIâ€"grrutor uulrilioul 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 NOW â€"- Slrengt/mnml will: Vila-Dino Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. And they’ll stay healthy too- Blatchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays me bigger dividends! ‘- Yonge St. Richmona Hill Phone 139 Watkins Products ERNIE DURIE THE LIBERAI Announcing a New Dealer for Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. VETERINARY 16 Centre SLY West Phone 55 Richmond Hill Roy V, Bick INSURANCE A portfolio of 56 Rustic Log Cabin plan§ available for $1,110 AIR-LOCK LOG CABINS RICHMOND HILL, ONT., PHONE 2‘7 {,K hmond Hill, Thursday July 8, 1948 Feeds about Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Officeâ€"~13 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 ' DEIQ‘TIST FORMERLY OF THORNHILL \nmuncea that his office is no.1 acated at the City Linnts, North "oronto, directly opposite the Term- inal, over Liggett’s Drug Store. Phone Office: HLland 9300 Barrister. Solicitor,’ Notary Public Rusidenm -.- 18 Poy'ntz Ave. Lansing, (nt. Willowdale 308 Room 66., 18 Foronto¢St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8â€"9‘ XUU Main St‘ Phone 126 Willowdale, Zon'e 8-288 ' (Toronto Subscribers Dial "0peratorâ€â€"Message Charge) ALEXANDER MécGREGOR K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, MA. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building ELgin 5029 Toronto Jos. Rabinowitch, B.A. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Mncnaughton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario Dr.~ P. R. M acFarlane DENTIST Successor to B. B. Jordan Office Hoursâ€"Daily 10 to 5 p.m. Eveningsâ€"«Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, 8 to 10 And ‘by Appointment 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED GAS EXTRACTION » â€" ICRAY SEPTIC TANK YSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 710 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Gook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson ‘ortmto Officer 912 Federal Bldg 85 Rir‘hmond St. West Richmond Hill. Thursday forenuon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate BARRISTER SOLIC ITOR, NOTA RY PUBLIC M tic-Gregor & Wilson 29__l§lï¬xfnhu;s_.t Aje†Lansing Barrigters, Solicitors, Notaries [)r. M. J. Quiglcy Waltér S. Jenkins [)r. W. J. Mason Closed Wedqgsday all day Ma‘cNaughton & M acN aughtcn Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale 'N: ’11 ’MATHEWi K. M. R. SerVER. KC. B.A. B. E. LYONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Phone Woodbridge 172 Cook & Gibson ’3". I}. Newman DENTAL (0317 Active Service) 6 Botsford St. Phone 120 With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thvi. insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- )ut protection. The cost is a minor amonpt to what it will cost if an accident happens. Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario. Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate Sales a specialty. At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O.. phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small Richmond Hill Ken & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9â€"11 a.m.; 2â€"4 pm. Evenings and Sundays: Emergencies and appointments only. Telephone 24 Richmond Hill Erom the Toronto Conservatory _of Music will accept .a number 0: puprls m PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY For information phom, Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.1 “ 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Pi ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture 88 a Specialty Telephone Stcuffvilie 7812 Address: Gormley P.O. HAPLE Dr. A. J. MacKinnon VETERINARY SURGEON Zentre St. W. / Richmond Hill Office phone 360W Res. 360J Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘13 22 Yonge_§t_ree_t Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff â€" AND -â€" Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: Miss; Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy 9â€"11 INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Thistietown A, G. SAVAGE Wright &. Taylor Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. P. Wilson Sundai's and Holidays bi appointment gnly. FUNERAL DIRECTORS A MBU LANCE SERVICE Adelmo Melecci R. H. KANE Office Hours -10 3.111., 12â€"2 .& 6â€"8 _and by appointment INSURANCE AGENT Woodbridge 64123 Phone Weston 7031‘12 A. S. Farmer REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Ken Love AUCTIONEER MUSICAL MEDICAL PIANO Street Rachmond Teiephone 100 Consult p.171 Telephone 118 Ontario Phone 5 Sales Picker- Hill An unexpected pleasure was found in the presence of Mrs. J. F. Frank- lin, a visitor from Windsor, Eng- land,‘ who accompanied Miss Hamil- ton. She extended‘ greeting from Her W. I. branch of Old Windsor and proudly displayed the pins she ivore, that of the British W. I. and the Canadian W. I. She was agreeabiy surpcrised to learn Women’s Insti- tutes had originated in Ontario, and from the Laskay president she was asked to carry home to England sincere greetings and fellowship from the, Laskay Branch. Mrs. Find- lay, a delightful, friendly person, brought a suggestion of British Roy. alty with her ‘as she passed around a sample cake, the silver wedding cake of the King and Queen. Mrs. W. Boys, Mrs.» Alex MacMur- chy, Mrs. James McCallum, Mrs. John Gillies and Mrs. Ernest Glass, all charter members. Others were Mrs. R.'H. Corner, district president, Miss Hamilton and Mrs. Findlay. Proposal of the toast to'\the\King' was followed later by a toast to the W'. I. at large proposed byvthe presâ€" 'ident. replied by Mrs. Boys. From the district Mrs, Corner brought greetings of the branches. ‘Mrs. Atkinson offered her continued best wishes and Mrs. MacMurChy who cut The birthday cake adorned wiht 40 candles and the gold and blue colors of the branch, expressed the hope that years of Success lie ahead for Laskay' W. I. “We, the older gen- eration, throw to you the torch, be it yours to hold it high,†said Mrs. MacM'urchy. During this section of the program vocal numbers were rendered by Miss Helen Hunter, and a vocal duet by Mrs. Fred Boys and Mrs. Bath, with piano accompaniments by Miss Marjorie McMurchy. The strawberry supper was servegi on the spacious lawn of Mrs. Mar- vin Hunter, adjacent to the Hall. Among those seated at the head ta- ble were'Mrs. Finch, Mrs. Atkinson, Besides other charter membei‘s mentioned who were present for the event was Miss Winnifred Boys. Laskay \V. 1. 40th Anniversary A program of rare excellence was carried out on June 25th, by Laskay Women's Institute Branch in celeb- ration of forty years’ organization, held in Laskay Hall. PreSent and former members of the Branch, and guests numbered nearly 70, includ- ing several young children who reg- ularly attend meetings. As chairman, Mrs. Whatley Finch received the gathering warmly point- ing out the common interest of all women interested in W. I. work and the larger ï¬eld of world interest the organization embodies. The branch w Mrs. Miller and William B‘oys, who later in the Officers of the original Organizaâ€" tion were: president, Mrs. Joseph O’Brien; Mrs. W. Boys, viceâ€"pres; Mrs. G. Atkinson, secretary-treasur- er; directors, Mrs. Norman McClure. Mary Ross, Mrs. Joseph Egan, Miss Lizzie Tawse. Mrs. Charles Eagle, Miss Della Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Abrahams and daughter, all of Weston, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Del Paton. Results Successful in recent Tgonto Con- King City District News i am) and Theory Examination Grade 2 piano, Marlene Lloyd 110m; Gerry Campbell, hon. Crade3 piano: Beth Hobson, pass: Mary Ann Mcore, hon.; Julia Bell h‘on. Grade :1 piano: Ruth Beynon, hon. Janet Langdon, pass; Freda Dent hon. Miss Armstrong left last Week for Banff to attend the Dominion Con- vention of the Music Teacher’s As- sociation. extending to ï¬ve days. She will visitrin Vanéouver and Vic- toria and will be the guest of a for- mer pupil, Mrs. Belle Knapp at Se- attle. Jasper Park will be part of the return trip, and at 'Edmonton she will stay with her mother’s sis- ter, Mrs. Ernest Bishop 'and a cou- sin, Mrs. Ernest Chabot. After a vacation of two months Miss Armâ€" strong will resume her teaching at K'I’Jg and Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. / servatory of Music were the following i" thy Armstrong studio Grade 2 piano, M Grade 8: Freda Dent, hon. Grade 10: Donna Wilson, pass. Theory Results Grade 1: Janet Langdon, hon. . Grade 2: F‘red‘a Dent, lst class hon.; Joan Somerville, hon. Grade 4, history: Christine Beggs, hon.; Margaret Bulmer, hon. â€" pas.s Grade Grade Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Folliott and daughter, Chery}, of Montreal. were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Welles- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fol- Iiott, their parents, for the week end. Mrs. ,Folliott and daughter will re- main here on vacation, and her hus- band who returned to Montreal will join them later for vacation time. Mrs. Bob Benson who has been acutely ill in the Women’s College hospital, Toronto, is now .convales- cing with her sister in the city. She is making good progress following a surgical operation. Mrs. Ernest Cummins, Margaret and Arthur are spending two weeks’ holiday at a cottage at Waubau- shene. Mrs. M. Rice has moved to Water- ford, Ontario, where she has taken a home for residence. During her stay at King she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Specht. Her friends here regret her removal from the community, and the King Baptist congregation' will miss her indeed. King United Church Mission Band hdld their June meeting at the church entertaining Temperanceville Willing Workers. Miss Janet Lang‘â€" don presided and Miss Joan Bic-e was the efï¬cient secretary. In the course of the program, Mrs. Donald Rag- clif'f of Stouï¬â€˜ville gave an interest- ing talk illustrated by Flannelgraph pictures proving very instructive. At the close of the meeting tea was served on the church lawn. A reception and charivari was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gillham on June 26th for the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Leo- nard Blaney. Many out of town anests attended numbering about 60. Music was rendered by Miss Reta Regan which was much enjoyed. The happy evening ended after a delic- ious lunch was served. Rev. John Galloway and wife of Port Hope were week end holiday guests off Miss Eliza Fisher. Their son, Robert, has achieved his sceond year honor science course, with sec- ond class honors, University of Tor- onto. : Wedding†and Birthday Celebrations G. Meades, Toronto, and other fam- ily members were present for the ocâ€" casion. Mrs. Meade’s parents are Mr. and' Mrs. Oliver Littleton of London, Ont. On Monday, June 28th, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Meades of King observed their eighth wedding- annivch'sary and on the same day their daughter, Carol Anne was two years old, and their son, Neil, one year old. Mr. Meade’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘Miss Eleanor Cummings, Tpxpnto spent last Thursday with Mrs. G. H Folliott. Woodbridge E. P. defeated King softball aggregation '9 to 5, and King team won 15 to 10 against the Nobleton squad at games held last Week. . WOOL PRODUCTION The output of sham. and pulled wool in Canada in 1947 amoqnted to 14.1 million pounds. This is the low- est production in the past 18 years, and represents only 16 per cent. of total domestic disappearance. Jlohn Langdon has holiday em- ployment with Cutting“ Paper, Ltd., on Duï¬â€˜erin Street, Toronto. J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire. Azfzzmobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 ‘a‘de piano : Janet Langdon : exam-inatior from the Don ouoouoooowmmeW i ' RICHMOND HILL. PHONE 2-12 i 0.0â€.†m0.9999999».cvooooumoonoooooM moonouooooowoooouoou OOOOMWNWM†g PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT MOOOWWONOOOOOONOâ€WOOQNWNO “600909000600 OOO“MOO.â€O§OOOOOOQOO«“W _OO“W“09â€â€â€œWOOOMOMOOOWGOOMOOOOOOO ‘ Why not come in and get signed up for your Essotane gas stove. Prices range from $97.95 up. Time payments on these stoves are very easy. FOR EXAMPLE J. Carl Saigeon Agency Frame Home Possible to Remodel 5 TO 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY UP TO $8,000.â€"- $3500 CASH 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS; SHADE TREES A MUST. UP TO $10,000. 20 ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ON YONGE STREET. SIZE OF‘ HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE' IN FAIR CONDITION. 1A}; ACRES AND HOUSE, CO NVENIENCES NOT NECESS- UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE OR MASONRY HOUSE. Liberal Classified Ads. Get Results Real Estate Thornhi11168J Insurance International Harvester Tractors. Farni Machines ’ and Twine. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals. Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors. Beatty & Fairbanks-Morse Pumps & Home Appliances Phone 21-W YereX Electric URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS Payment per month $7.52 MOFFATT STOVE, costing Down Payment . . . . . . . . Finance Chm “If it’s for the F See F ENN Real Estate All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and‘ service. with confidence 1. Built for results. MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R 0 C K Telephone Maple 11 24 months ’arm â€" We sell it†Richmond Hill, Ont. $165.00 15.47 $180.47 $186.50