Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1948, p. 7

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:0. O”OOOOO”WOO”OOOOOW”W “’OOW” IThe re-opening of historicSt. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church at Map- le was marked by special services held on Sunday, July 4th. The church had been closed for more. than a year while undergoing extensive renovation. Im'provements included a new basement under the Sunday School, the installation of an il burning furnace, new pews in the church and choir, a new choir rail- ing and hymn books, and a new car- pet. The church had been redecor- ated both inside and out and the roof reshingled'. Among large con- tributions towards this worthy work was one for $3,600 from LOrd Beav- erbrook whose father was one of the early ministers. With! the gift from Lord Beaverbrook the congregation raised $4,000 to meet the cast of re- pairs. Rev. Clifton J. MacKay, moderator of Toronto Presbytery and minister of Victoria Presbyterian Church, Toronto was special preacher at these services. With a seating cap- acity of 200 more than 400 persons attended and ovdrflqw gatherings had to be held in the Sunday School and on the lawn outside. The con- gregation has. been in existence for niore than a century, but Sunday’s services brought the largest attend- ance on record. The ladies of the church provided luncheon for the many visitors who attended and more than 400 people were fed during the day. Gifts dedicated at the services in- cluded a beautiful Communion Table and chairs by John Constable arid lie-Opening Service At St. Andrew’s Church, Maple ””OWM”OOWWW The LIONS Club of Maple WELCOMES OLD and NEW rsidents of Maple to a Grand REUNION. Street Dance Sports Day Feature Events Phone 12 LORD BEAVERBROOK GENEROUS DONORâ€"SPECIAL GIFTS DEDICATED - Old Home Weekli GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS 2 Arnold St. Two Lucky Draws on one Ticket September 3, 4, 5th Richmond Hill Taxi ities Service Garage TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. R. E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 111 I" IIII' MEL. MALTBY MAPLE LIONS CLUB Box 13, Maple The July meeting of the Wvomenfs‘ Institute will 'be held on Wednesday,‘ July 14, at the home of Mrs. Mc-i1 Keig. The topic will be Home Ec-l enemies and will feature a demon-; stration on the various uses of the‘ pressure cooker. The Roll Call is to‘ be answered by Uses for Leftovers‘ which should prove most helpful. The lunch committee will include- Mrs. N. Thompson, Mrs. C. Hen- shaw, Mrs. A. Kerr and Mrs. W. Jen- nings. A, cordial invitation is ex- tended to all ladies of the commun- ity. People who live in glass houses make interesting neighbours. family in memory of the former’s wife; a pupilt Bible and hymn book were presented by Mrs. Colin Beaton and Mrs. Wm. Lawrie in memory of their parents, Mr. G. Stewart Bell, a former elder of the church, and his wife, Marion Duncan. It is interesting to note that on display in the church on Sunday was a beautiful silver urn which had been presented to Mrs. Aitken, wife pf Rev. Wm. Aitken, a former m-inistgr of the church, .by the ladies of the Vaughan Congregation in the year 1880. This urn had been in the pos- session of Lord Beaverbrook and was presented by him to the church .n his mest recent visit to the village. On display along with the urn was the old communion set used earlier TEMPERANCEV llJLE ‘ old cbmmunion set used earliér the Church’s history. Ex-Servicemen Richmond Hill At the middle of May the flowers in England are just at their best. The tulips are almost over but there are now masses of Brom-pton stocks, mostly white and blue narcissps, daf- fodils, wall flowers. auriculas, aub- i'etia, cowslips,’ lilies of the valley, cnndytuft, columb'me, lupins and many others. In the larger shrubs there are rhodadendrums, hawthorn, or May, azaleas, broom, roses, etc., while the trees in flower include Judas tree, Cabru-nu-m, lilac, and chestnuts. The chestnuts are par~ ticularly fine. I visited Blenheim castle at Wood- stocl}, one of the largest and finesf in .ngland. Before the war 60 gardeners were emml‘oved all the time. The wall around the grounds is twenty miles a‘sound. The only drawbaek to these tha'r- ched roofs is that they harbour rats and mice who find the straw to their liking: While some of the more preten- tious gardens are not yet back to their: pre-war elegance. ,they are reallv wondnrful to see. 'ClimBinié ghrubs in b%00m include roses, clematis, and Wis griau The la-burnum and wistaria are not seem in Eastern Canada. The lauburnum trees vary in size from small ones of 6 or 8 feet in height up to good sized trees. At this season they are covered with yellow flowers that hang down from the branches in great clusters from 6 to 10 or more inches in length. With such a widespread mass of flower gardens it is no wonder that there are numerous song-birds add- ing to the glories of the countryside. Their song‘s fill the air and there is one that I had never heard before â€"â€" the cuckoo. I heard my first one in Stoke Poges churchyard, but since then have heard them in many. places. and there is one that tries to wake me up each morning at Am- ersham-. The ibuses do not travel fast and every little ha let is interesting and beautiful. an has some ancient landmark wort_:_h seejng and visiting. In the smaller places there are many thatched roofs on the old houses and barns. They are most Dicture‘sque. I am told that a good thatched roof is about 18 inches thick, is perfectly waternroof. lasts from 15 to 20 years, and'makes a building cool in summer' and warm in winter. It is not such a difficult job to do as many people think, and a cough of mine, at Shifi'ord, has recently rehlaced a thatched roof himself,‘ In the woods and fields blue bells grow wild and in such profusion that a bouquet can be picked in a few minutes. Then there are evergreen shrubs, many of them cut and trained into fantastic shapes and designs. Most of these evergreens are of a darker hue and bushier than those in Can- ada. Many of them are yews, the English variety being an evergreen of very slow growth, but living to a great age, 300 or 4-00 year old trees being common. They can be CliDDed into all kinds of designs. They are frequently seen in church yards where they impart a graceful so-iemnity. Some of the church vards I have seen in which they form an impressive part are at Stokes Pages, Beaconsfield, Charles- bury, Dorchester, Bunford. Waddes- don. C'halfont, St. Giles, etc. The most enjoyable way to see the English countryside is to stay in some centre, such as Oxford, Aylesâ€" bury, or some smaller place and make daily excursions into the coun- tryside to interesting and historic spgts. The wistaria v‘i'nes are trained over the walls of houses and have similar pendant branches of flowers only mauve in colour. â€" of the roads the high hedges of hawthorne or May are covered with white flowers. Most houses have a flower gar- den in front, but in cities and other places where the houses have been built on the edge of the sidewalks the flower gardens are _at the rem; ‘ Early builders seemed to have had a passion for driveways through a building to a courtyard in the rear, in the manner of the early inns. Us- ually these openings reveal a glor- ious vista of flowers in the com-'1- yard. The broom is a wild shrub which has yellow. blossoms. The only part of Canada htat I have seen it in, is on the Pacific coast. ‘IsgA 01 3mg; qsaq; om s; Bullds England and the best way to see it is from the top of a double-deck bus. There are few places left in Eng- land that are not reached by some bus line and ‘most of them are two deckers.’ - While most homes have a vege- table garden, the flower plots are not forgotten. I do not believe that they are kept up in a spirit of “keep- ing up with the Jones,” but on ac- count of the English love of beauti- ful things. The motion on the upper deck of one of these buses is something like that experienced in riding on a cam- el, but it is worth it. There are a surprising number of high hedges, stone or brick walls lining the sides of the roads, but the passenger on the upper deck of a bus can look over most of the hedges and walls and see the beautiful gardens back of them. It is a pity that so many beautiful spots are hidden behind these walls. With such a profusion of flowers it is only natural that there are bunches of fresh cut flowers in near- ly every home but the strange part is that there are so mam flower sellers. England at this time is like one vast flower garden for be it ever so humble, there is no place without its flower garden, and just now they are a glorious sight. There are in some places, espec- ially the larger centres, not Only florists in stores, but push carts loakd with cut flowers. and also corner flower sellers. One would think there would be no market for flowers with so many at every home. By Walter R. Legge ARTICLE 4 The Flowering Countryside ,In a previous article I referred to our first breath taking view of the English countryside in spring. ENGLISH JOURNEY were guests Hampton Court. was built in the reign of Henry VIII by- Cardinal Wolsey who ha}! a household stafl“ of 500 and 280 1‘10th furnished moms Cardinal Wolsley turned Hampton Court over to Henry VIII who brought there as his Queens Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Cath- erine Parr. Other kings and queens who lived or :held court here were Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, James 1, Anne, Charles F, Charles II and George II. The only reason that it escaped des- truction during Oliver Cromwell’s time is.that he had it retained for his own use. In Queen Victoria’s time nearly 1,000 robins' were made into 45 spearate apartments granted by the sovereign to widOWS or childâ€" ren of distinguished servants of the Crown. One of the most famous features of Hampton Court is the Maze, but one does not need to go there to get lost. ‘ It is quite easy to do that in the gardens ahd_grounds. ‘On another day I visited Hampton Court Palace. The gardens her'e may not be v as fine as beforethe war, but are beautiful today and must cover thqgsands of acres. There were immense beds of tulips, and many other flowers. Hampton Court Palace is now pre- served as an ‘ancient monument and historic building’ by the Ministry of Wolrks and it is visited by thousands dai y. Most of these large homes gave up part of the buildings for war work and at Blenheim there are still a number of shaCks built by the Min- istry of works that spoil the view of the castle. » The avenues and trees are said to have been set out to represent a plan of the Battle of BIenheim with a tree for each soldier thét fell. One avenue stretches for two miles from the palace. There are Italian gardens, flower gardens, rocld gardens, and others making a gorgeous show place. Fiom Hampton Court boat trips may be taken on the River Thames in one direction to Windsor and in the other to Kingston, Richmond and London. This castle which is the home of the Duke of Marlborough, covers three acres, and is set in grounds which cover 2,500 acres. mAfirthrher delightful day was spent at Windsor Castle but that will be dealt with in another article. Congratulations to Miss Dorothy Hood who passed her Grade III Han- mony in music with honours. Miss Marion Hood has gene to Miner's Bay for the summer holiday season. ' Miss Ellen denton accompanied two cousins from Western Canada on a trip through the Eastern Town- ships and Quebec, Montreal, Mont- morency Falls and St. Anne de Beaupre. Joe Easton Jr. who has been ser- iously ill in Toronto East General following- an appendicitis operation, is making fine progress toward re- covery. Mr. Ernest Walton -is at present time enjoying a. trip which takes in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec cities. We are sorry to report that while visiting with her daughter, Mrs. D. Hood, Mrs. Brown became ill and is confined to bed at Mrs. Hood’s. ‘ The Institute meets this month at the home of Mrs. A. Robin‘son. Our deep sympathy is extended to Mr. Fred Elliot anduson, Ross, also to Mrs. Robt. Elliot, in their recent bereavement. The funeral of the late Fred Elliot took place to But- tonville cemetery on Monday, July 5th. Miss Florence Craig is a member of the Toogood trip which left Una ionville on July first.‘ The group reached Calgary in time for a day or two at the Calgary Stampede before. they proceed to Vancouver, Victoria, San Francisco and Los An- geles. BUTTONVILLE always prépared to reéeive You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled” or "re-built” en ines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are diierent. They are precision-built {o rigid specifications laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured BOND LAKE GARAGE OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 CARS CALLED F01 REPLACE THAT “WORN-OUT” ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD REMAHEIFABTIIRED EHGIHE Congratulations to the following pupils of Miss Ila C. W'eighill, A.T. C.M., who were succesful in exam- inations held recently at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto. Piano Jea'n Demiak, grade 8] Helen Rus- sell, grade 8; Mildred Thomson, grade 7 (first class honours), Rena Miller, grade 7 (honours), Bill Hiltz, grade 7, Beverley Bratton, grade 4 (first class honours), Delphine Lo- gan, grade 3. Theory - Anne Hill, grade 2 (first class honours); Mildred, Thomsoh, , grade 2 (first class honours); Rena Miller, grade 2 (first class honours); Helen Grant, grade 2 (honours); -Joan Chapin, grade: 1 "(firstplass honours); Wilma McWhirter, grade 1- (first class honours).. ' Restore Last Pep! What is a student council?” A body of students,’ surrounded faculty advisers.” KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE Rubber Tired Wagon gears withQO‘r without tires 1 New Holland Baler, pick-up loader 1 New 2-furr0w adjustable Tractor plow with straitener Don’t Repair . . . REPLACE! UNIONVILLE I739 ME .. Implements For Sale Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering specifications are replace with Genuine Chrysler- cngineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufacmred Engine is tested on a dynamometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in to-day and let us show you what is different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufncturing engines. CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heaiing System? The down payment is only 10% and the terms are easy, spi‘ead over a period up to two years. We can instal complete units with guaranteed work under a time pa ment plan. Richmond Hill Pll'Imbing 81 Heating THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill 82 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 296W 1 M-H New 7 ft. Grain Binder Also expected to arrive shortly car load of New Holland Aut- omatic Hay or Straw Pick-up Balers. Order now as supply is very limited. PHONE 206 MARKHAM Thursday, July 8, 1948 PO. Box 119

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