Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1948, p. 8

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PHON ES:â€"-â€"THORNH [LL 118W JUNCTION 2980 E H , IIIIIIIII'll-EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlflll IllllllIII-IIlIBEll-IIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIEII General Repairs Texaco Products Body and. Fender Work our Speciality TELEPHONE 74-M Ulla-annual Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, July 14th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACI U Prescripmms for Glasses Fined For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 8,1948 144 YONGE STREET STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. C. RIDDELL McMullen Motors Thornhill District Lions Club T HORN HILL GAMES $1000 in Draw Prizes Russ; Creighton’s Orchestra STREET BE & CAR VA i. INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating ‘ CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, We specialize in re-roofing, -ROOFING Admission 25c RICHMOND HILL PONY RIDES Belated congratulation: M Mr. and Mrs. George White of Colhorne St., whose daughter, Lorraine May, was born on the 22nd of April. Mr. and Mrs. S. Chambers and son. Alf, of Winnipeg, Man, are snending a two weeks vacation here with their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chambers and fi‘ months old grand-daughter, Patricia. ' The lst Thornhill Troop held its final meeting for the Spring Season on the grounds surrounding the home of Mrs. To‘m Jackson, and a feature of the evening was the Investiture of Geoff Jackson as a Boy Scout; and Mrs. T. King Jr., entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honour of her sister-inlaw, the former Mabel King, whose marriage to John Tutt took place last Saturdav., Mrs. Tutt received many practical and charm- ing gifts from the large number of friends who gathered to offer best wishes. Ralph Nutfall leaves by plane Sat- urday for Northern Quebec where he has accepted a secretarial pos-- ition with the Price Paper Company. A quiet wedding was solemni'zed in Trinitv Anglican Church last Friâ€" day evening, July 3rd, when Mabel King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. King. Secomoe St., Thornhill, became the bride of John Tutt, ‘son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tutt, Yonge St. Given in marriage by her father,‘the bride wore a pale [blue suit with white ac- cessories. After the reception for the immediate members of the fam- ily. the young couple left on a short wedding trip. Mrs. T. King is spending a two weeks’ vacation with her daughter. Alice, at Lake Nipissing. Thornhill Presbyterian Church is homing its annual combined Women’s Association, Church and Sunday School picnic in the Church grounds on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Ma/bel Echlin left here on Monday to be present at the funeral of an uncle in Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. S. Floyd able accompanist Young Pianists Presented In Recital Twenty-five young pupils of Mab- el W. Echlin, A.V.C.M.. were pre- wanted in a i‘erital of piano solos, and duets on Wednesday evening, June 93d, in the United Church at Thorn- hill. I! 307 Donald F. Saunders, boy soprano; Charles Smith, violinist; and the Willowdale Male Quartette, assisted. ‘Mrs. S. Floyd Davies was their Baskets of peonies were massed on the altar and choir stalls. and made an attractive background for the youthful performers, who gathered from Richmond Hill. Thornhill, Lang- stafi‘ and Willowdale. Great "vitr/asr shown by the pllayers, from the youngest to the more advanced. Thornhill District News THORNHILL SC'OU'I‘ NEWS TUTT'KING 2 Sets Dnuhle Harness Number Collars Quantity 1/2” and %” Pip‘ng, used (“hicken SheHer Elpetl‘ir‘ Few"x Jamesway Broader, 919015150, 4‘00 chick. now Electric Pail Onanfitv Scran Iron Forge WAR ON GROUNDHOGS An organized grou‘ndhog hunt in the Dundalk district last wok ac- counted for the killing of 2160. LOT 29, CON. 8, MARKHAM TWP 1% miles south of Ringwood the following property belonging to 1â€"â€"Lakeview Vogues Molly, No ‘ 210220; Sire, Don Alda Langwater Vogue; Dam Don Alda Princess Maud; Rop 3472 A, 8987 lbs. 413‘ lbs. fat, 305 days, freshenedi March 29, 1948 2*Doneddy May No. 27829; Sire Don Alda Eclipse; Dam, Don Alda Noble Maida; Ron 5141, 12083 lms., 588 lbs. fat, 321 days; bred May 30J 1948 3â€"Alan Be Harvesters Cecile. No. Harvester: Dam. Alan Be Sham- 26988; Sire, Foremost Faithful rocks Coronation; freshened Ap- ril 24, 1948 4-Hyharrow Daisy No. 38775; Sire, Lakeview King 2nd; Dam, Lake- view Vomws ‘Molly, freshened April 19, 1948 5â€"Hyharrow Junog'No. 36356; Sire, Glenoxchy Sun Briar; Dam. Lakeâ€" view Vogues Molly; bred July 1, 1948. 7â€"Hyharrow Priscilla; Sire. Glenov- chy Sun Briar; Dam Lakeview Vogues Molly 8â€"Hyha-rrow Isabel; Sire, Glenavchy Sun Biar; Dam, Alan Be Harves- - tors Cecile. . 9â€"Hyharrow Poppy; Sire, Glenovâ€" chy Sun Briar: Dam Alan Be Harvesters Cecile IOâ€"Glenovchy Sun Briar, No. 35035; Sire Glenovchy Foremixter: Dam 'Glenovchy, Rop 1811'A, 6801 lbs.. 35? lbs. fat, 2 vears old 11â€"Hyharrow Mays Tommy. _No. 41Q05; Sire Glenovchy Sun Brlar; Dam. Donedrlv May: Rep 5141, 19083 lbs., 588 lbs. fat. V 12-Hyharrow Pandemonium; Sire ‘Glenovchy Sun Briar: Dam Don- eddy Pandona; Rop 3401A. 7051 lbs., 315 lbs. fat, 2 years old 3G1jade Guernseys, firsbcalf heifers A11 young stock blood tested before THURSDAY, JULY 15 2 Grade Guernseys Heifer Calves Blue Cow, 7 yrs., bred Jersey Cow, 5 yrs., due Dec. 1 .Tersev f‘ow, 3 yrs., bred Black Cow, 3 yrs., due Dec. 5. 194“ Black Heifer, 2 vrs., due Dec. 6, 1948 Blue Heifer Calf ‘ Sale Starts at 1 pm. TermS. Cash Lloyd Turner, Clerk Registered & Grade GUERNSEY CATTLE I.H.C. Tractor 1-200, Implements Milking Machine, Sterling; Horses Household Furniture The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Gray Mare, 7 years Gray Mare1 8 years Vm‘kshire Sow. due .in August 2 Geese and One Gander for motor 2-uniJ, Milking Machine, Del‘ava‘ Sterling, in first class condition 3-sec. Spring Harrows, I.H.C. Cuffing Box ' Fanning Mil' Trailer, in good condition 2 Sets Bench Zfiiqhsr Coleman Gas Water Heater‘ Number Berry Boxes and Crates Goat Skin Sheep Skin ‘ On June 25th, the lst Thornhil‘ Scouts accepted an invitation of Tor onto District to attend a Basebal game at Maple Leaf Stadium. The boys were the guests of the Maplt' Leaf Ball Club and with the Torontc District Scouts paraded from the Exâ€" hibition Grounds to the Stadium. Af. ter the game the Thornhill boys re paired to the National Yacht Club where they listened ‘to the Louis- Walcott Fight on the Radio. Messrs Tom Jackson and John Sandersor provided the Transportation. 2 Hay Racks Trailer Racks, '7 Sections of Harrows Truck Box Walking scuffler M.H. walking plow Cabbage Planter 3-d1‘um Steel Roller M-D- Separator, No. 3, with pulley IMPLEMENTS I.H.lC. Tractor 'on steel, 10-30, in good condition Râ€"fnrrow I.H.C. Tractor Plow, new M. H. Disc Drill M. H. Hay Rake M. H. Mower, 5 ft. cut M. H. Binder. 8 ft., cut one crow. new Rubber Tired Wagon Wagon MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY the presenta1£on to Geofl’ Jackson and Nelson Brod )rick, by “Akela” of the Leaping Wolf, Badges they had earned with the cub Pack. A short athletic contrst was then held in the Thornhill Park, after which the boys consumd large quantities of dough- nuts and pop. Although regular‘meetings have been suspended for the Summew. Months, it is hoped that Hikes and Radge Testing will still be carriefi CLOSED FOR VACATION JULY 10TH T0 17TH G. O. T. GAMBLE AUCTION SALE REGISTERED CATTLE Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 SW‘NE‘RL POULTRY L. HOUSE A. S. Farmer. Auctioneer HARNESS HORSES vaccinated. Al‘ sale. mam No Reserve Norm Alexander and Cleve Burton also played 'prominent parts in this game“ Alexander gave a great de- fensive display particularly in the third and both players scored goals. in the first two periods. Fading slightly in the third, they rallied just before the end of the period and continued to hold the edge until the final bell. Outstanding in M‘aple’s win was Stan Foster. The “Speed Boy” scored seven goals and checked relentlessly. Allen Orr was also to the fore in this game. The “Maple Giant" relieved the pressure in the hardpressed third period with his zoalward drives. His goal late in the third period seemed to revive the Maple attack. In a fiction book setting, Maple (Blue and White) against the somber Indian sweaters with a snow white rink as a background, the home team defeated Six Nations Indians in a fast, clean. lacrosse game, 16-11. Maple although short-handed, manT aged to build up a commanding lead Beginning this coming: Sunday and for the rest of July 'and August. services in the United Church, Map- le will be as follows: Sunday School 10.30; Church 11.39 am. MAPLE WIN;-~ THRILLING GAME FROM SIX NATIONS INDIANS Maple ’v'v-unen’s Institute will hold their picnic at “Springwater Park" at Mid‘hurst on Saturday. July 17th. The bus will leave the village at 10 a.m. Those wishing a seat on the bus will please get in touch with Mrs. Norman McCullough, Mrs. D. Allen or Mrs. M. Palmer. Bring picnic baskets for two meals. There are a number of pie plates from the street dance left with Mrs. McCullough. Will the owners' please call for them. The W. I. made a: ionation of $55.00 to the M.R.A., the‘ omeeeds of their refreshment booth at the street dance. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knox of Torâ€" onto were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Isa-ac Watson's Maple had seven‘ players in the line-up not over eighteen years of age. Maple pla‘yed host to the Wood- bridge team on Wednesday. Tuesday Wight they visited Orangeville when the game was called due to rain at the end of the second period. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vardon haVE‘ returned to their apartment in the village. The -Caled0nia team» played very Fast and clean and made the game {standâ€"out. The fans are to be commended on the sporting way in which they greeted Pete Rumble when he returned to the éame. Foster scored seven goals follow- ed by Alexander with two. Gord Orr scored 2 (his usual steady game), Harry Cooper 1 (on a clever bass from Cleve Burton), Allen Orr (on a solo effort late in the third), Cleve Burton, Tom Armitage, Bruce Jones (combination plays). Maple played well as a team, every man checking well and showing a very smooth attack. Pete Rumble was his usual self and gamely continued after being knocked out in the third period. It would be unfair not to pay cnecia? tribute to Stan Foster, a fine, clean athlete, for his wonderful dis- Dlay. He gave the best single per- formance ever put on by a player wearing the blue and white uniform. Immediately following prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of this week there will be a short bus- iness meeting to discuss the Dossi- bility of raising a fund for a church uparsonage as well as the calling of a minister. Don Marritt of Richmond Hill was soloist at the evening Service in Langstafl“ Baptist church last Sun- day. Next week the Langstafi‘ La- dies Trio will provide the music. Mr. Herb Foster is taking the services during the summer; months. Two geese, two gandel‘s and 17 «roslings sold at an auction sale near Stouf’fville recently for $60. News items and social items for oublication are welcomed in this ‘Olumn. Your co-operation is solic- ‘ted in phoning in news and socia‘ 'tems. V Approximately one hundred and fifty members and friends attended the annual picnic of Langsiafi‘ Banâ€" tist “Church, held last Saturdav. July 3rd. at Woodland Park. A full pro- gram of sports, softball and swim- ming_was climaxed by a delicious supper served {by the ladies, and busses returned a tired but happy group to the Church just as dusk e1 . MAPLE NEWS GOOSE HANGS HIGH LANGSTAFF I; D. RAMER & SON, Phone 10 The Eievator 990W WWO WNWOW SWOWOMOMOMMWOOOQONOOONM 3-Burner Oil Stoves . . . Electric Rangette, good oven Propane Gas Ranges 2-Burner Hotplates, ‘high speed elements, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 each Farm Implements FOR SALE driven and direct drive) Draw Rope Sling Ropes Hay Cars and Tracking Baling Twine Binder Twine Milk Coolers, 4 and 6 can Summer Baking and Cooking SEE BELOW Rubber-Tired Wagons Cultipacker ‘ Fertilizer Sowers Sprayer Rite-way Milkers Cream Separators Pressure Systems (Belf- Stop 22 Yonge St, Phone Thornhill 203 COLONIAL SERVICE STATION Harold Mor‘tson New Implements F. Y. W. BrathWaite POWER SPRAYING Cabin Trailers Moved Anywhere FOR FAST IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Day and Night Towing Service RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W Phone 18 Richmond Hill We deliver WW4 WOW â€"-We spray with Purina Insect Oil for germs and mites. % 70% â€"We spray Purina Weed Killer E on pastures, fence rows. grain fields. ‘ ‘ 7&4 â€"We kill flies in barns or on ’ ‘ livestock with Purina D.D.T Spray. and Tea Room Service Cabin accommodation Rakes 'l'edder 2 I.H.C. Mowers Disc Plow 3â€"furrow 'Tractor Plow Z-Row Corn Cultivator Massey-Harris 6-foot Clip- per Combine (power take-off) Binders l' vrIâ€"llizer Sewer Used Implements $1701! WW .,$105.00 up $15.95 each . . . . $62.50

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