Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1948, p. 1

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fl E63532? TEA Since the price of the two rooms was first quoted it has been found that due to material and labour gains the construction costs have risen ap- proximately 25% which means the $12,000.00 approved by the Municâ€" ipal Council and raised by means of Last Mnnday morning saw the preliminary. work started on the two room addition to S. S. 24, Richvale. The‘ contractor has assured the school board the completed structure will be ready for occupancy in five weeks which will mean greater free- \dom of teaching for the teachers in the fall term. While the additional two rooms are being erected as temporary fac- ilities; it has been learned that at several places this type of construc- tion is considered permanent. It has an advantage over the more con- ventional type of permanent schools in that the completed overall cost is so very much less and if it should be replaced it can be dismantled and would command a very fair price if sold. Richvale Two Room School Addition Will Cost $15,000 In Toronto it is now proposed to expend some thirty/ million dollars to construct five miles of subway. The purpose of this subway is to separate the public passenger car- rying street car from the privately owned automobile. More space for Yonge street traffic is required and the solution recommended by the experts is to separate these two‘ forms of traffic. In the case of the North Yonge Radial these two forms of traffic are now separate save at intersections. The radials travel on their own right of way. They do not compete with automobiles for. highway space, nor are they affect- ed bythe congestion of motor traf- fic that is found ‘on North Yonge‘ Street at holiday and summer week ends. Yet it is now suggested that this private right of way be aban- doned and that the radials be dis- carded in favor of a form of public transportation that will compete with the privately owned motor ve- hicle and that will occupy pavement space already at a premium at cer- tain periods. I notice from the report of the Commission that a fair proportion of the equipment of this radial line has an estimated life of usefulness remaining of about five years and In his letter Mr. Kemp says: “Since its inception I have been a patron of the radials. I was also a patron of the short-lived bus ser- vice that served the area between the abandonment of the former met- ropolitan Radials and the commence- ment of the present system. From that experience I formed a prefer- ence for travelling on the radial as against travelling on buses. With this background there are a few ob- servations’l should like to make. Fred W. Kemp, a member of the legal profession and for many years a member of North York Township municipal council in a letter to the Lansing Enterprise last week gives some good advice to the people of the North Yonge Street district on the current transportation contro- versy. NEW ACCOMMODATION WILL BE READY FOR FALL TERM VOL LXX Mark Time for Few Years Advice of Former Councillor to North Yonge Municipalities Directions: Make tea exactly as usual . . . While still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste . . . KING CITY STREET DANCE WED., JULY let FRED W. KEMP ARGUES AGAINST HASTE IN DECIDING BEST MODE OF TRANSPORTATION Delicious Cool Drink THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 A meeting of the ratepayers will be held in S. S: 24, Richvale, on Mon- day~ evening, July 1‘9th, at 8 p.m., when the school board will explain the situation fully to the ratepayâ€" ers and request their permission to petition the Vaughan Council for *the additional monies. The ratepayers in the Richvale area should give a hearty note of thanks to their school board for the care and time they have expended with the object of bringing higher educational standards to the pupils at a minimum of expense. ‘ Mr.‘Jackson Taylor, chairman of theboard of school trustees has in- himated that this increase will make very little if any change in the tax question as future eventualities had not been overlooked when the new additions and their completed cost was first discussed with reference to the tax rate. debenture by the Vaughan Tovénship Council will have to be supplement- ed .by the sum of $3,000.00 or an in- crease of $1500.00 per room. ‘ Recently the. Toronto . and York Planning Board retained Mr. Nor- man D. WilsOn to study and report upon the transportation situation in the. Metropolitan area. Arising out of this report and studies given‘ to the problems of the larger area by the Toronto Transportation Com- mission, there‘ may be recommenda- tions made affecting the transit sys- tems of all municipalities in greatâ€" er Toronto., I suggest that with plans of this magnitude in the mak- ing it might be well for the four owners of this radial to mark time for a few years.” ’V I notice too that the new bus route is to follow Yonge Boulevard instead of travelling Yonge Street through the hollow. I understand that the Provincial Highway De- partment has plans for a new east and west distributor highway that will use Hogg’s H‘ollow Bridge. I believe this is to be a limited access highway with clover leafs at main intersections. I understand there is to be a clover leaf at Yonge Street but I do not know what provision there will be for access to this new highway from Yonge Boulevard. Perha‘ps within a five year period this highway will have become an actuality and the possibility of the proposed route as a permanent one will be. known. In the first place the new Barrie highway should then be completed, and the motor traffic on Yonge St. would be appreciably reduced. Ad- ded to the reduced Yonge Street motor traffic 3. heavy bus service would not ‘be so likely to encounter highwlay traffic difficulty as if it were instituted before the comple- tion of the new Barrie Highway. that signals and telephones are the two items in need of some immed- iate attention. I have the impress- ion that the estimated cost of re- habilitation as shown in the com- missio‘n’s report was made in con- templation of a fifteen year exten- sion of service. I should like to sug- gest that consideration be given to a five-year extension. Apsden, Garnet (Hon.); Baker, Eva; Brown, John; Cooper, Jack; Cooper, Mary; Dobson, Ken; Dow- dnlll Kren; Ewart, Tom; Ga‘imlsley, RObert; House, Jack (Hon.); Houtâ€" ing, Doreen; Laul'ett, Maryf Mar- tin, Jim; McDonald, John; O’Brien, Doreen; Prior, Joan; Robson, Ken- nes; Sanderson, Evelyn (Hon.); Sni- der, John (Hon.); Weir, Glenda (Hon.); Wilson, Bill; Winger, Ruth; Wynn, Bobby. Archibald, Howard (Hon.); Archi- bald, Kenneth (Hon.); Bagan, Elsie; Baker, Willliam (Hon.); Beaumont, Anita; Brown, Lorna (Hon.); Cober, Allen (Hon.); Flanagan, William; Gritten, Robert; Hamilton, .Verna (Hon.); Hanlon, Anne (Hon.); Jen- nings, Betty; Laskoski, Frank; Lip- sett, Reginald; Lister, Ruth (Hon.); McLean, Hugh; Reed, Irene (Hon.); Stonehouse, Gran-t; Walker, Douglas; Waslynchuck, Alice (Hon.) WOODBRIDGE Arlow, Eva; Baird, Grant; Banks, Barbara (Hon.); rBarry, Joan M.; Bernath, Donna (H0n.); Bourne, Jack (Hon.); Brown, Arnold;'Br0wn, Bruce; Cain, Bryan (Hon.); Donner- al. Earl; Emms, Lily; Fieldhouse, Bruce H.; Gil‘bert, Robert T.;_HiII- brant. Patsy (Hon); Johnston, Bet- ty; Johnstor Walter (Hon.); Ker- sey, Kenneth B.; Kiekebdlt, Rem~ mie; King, BrucegKing, Joyce; Maw, John; Maynard, Ken; Maynard, Ronald; McDonald, Duncan (Hon.); Cain, Douglas Alexander; Cham- berlain, Roger (Hon.); Cherry, Sar- ah Fern (Hon.); Cooper, Gordon (Hon.); D/obson, Thomas Howard (Hon.); Havrilla, Joe (Hon.); Heon, Leroy (Hon.); Hoiles, Phyllis Marina (Hon.); Irwin, Robert; Kelley, Allan (Hon.); Madill, Grant; Marsh Rob- ert (Hon.); North, Lois Ann (Hon.); Pringle, William (Hon.); Thompson, Doreen (Hon.); Wood, Jack (Hon.) ‘KING Adamson, Francis; Alexander, Mary Anderson, Shirley; Brown, William; Burns, Willian1;»Cadden, Alma; Cur: ran, Edward; Dent, Freda (Hon.); Guiler, William -(Hon.); ‘Langdon, Janet (Hon.); Lawlor, Barbara (Hon.); Magee, Clare; Noble, Tom; O’Reilly, Teresa (Hon.); Patton, James; Paxton, Paul; Peck, Gordon; Pickell, Valerie (Hon.); Rawlings, Shirley (Hon); Richards, John (Hon); Robb, Lenore; Self, Marjor- ie; Specht, Anne (Hon.); Thompson, Helen (Hem); Weedon, Mary. Armstrong, Ruth, (hon.); Baker, Ross (Hon.); Ball, Patricia (Hon.); Barraclough, Sidney (Hon.); Ben- nett, Howard; Bird, Barbara; Bobyk, Bernice (Hon.); Bowen, Joan; Brad- ley, Shirley; Brillinger, Eldon; Bro- die, Donald;-â€",:Brumwell, Jean; Can- ning, Lloyd John (Hon.); Carnrite, Helen (Hon.); Charles, Mary Idelle (Hon.); Cook, Mervin; Cottrill, Mary (Hon.);; .Dalton, Charles Douglas; Dixon, Jack; Dixon, Mary (Hon.); Easton, Sylvia; Empringham, Harry; Farquharson, Arden; Frazer, Mar- ion (Hon.); Galloway, James (Hon.); Glass, Mary (Hon.); Gribble, Harold; Harding, June (Hon.); Harrison, Ruth; Hayden, Bill; Hillier, David (Hon.); Holden, Fred; Hood, Isabel (Hon); Hooper, Ellen (Hon.); Hoo- ver’, David John (Hon.); Hudson, Dorothy; Kowalchuck, William; Lak, Harry Gordon; Malick, Helen; Mash- inter, Isabelle (Hon.); Mihorean, Lu- cy; Moryto, Helen; Nichols, Lillian; Nlcol, Betty; Onazuk, Ronald; Pat- ry, James (Hon.); Pattenden, Arlet- ta; Pritchard, Jill; Robb, William; Suave, Arlene (Hon.); Scott, Will- iam Dean (Hon.);. Selby, Ralph (Hon.); Selby, Rosemary; Sherman, Douglas (Hon.); Smith, Eleanor (Hon.); Smith, Mary Alice; Srigley, Raymond; Stapley, Dennis; Stephen- son, Joan (Hon.); Titshall, Daphne (Hon.); Tomlinson, Robert (Hon.); Topper, Julia (Hon.); Townend, Faith (Hon.); VanderBdnt, Blruce; Van Dyke, Harold; Woodward, Al- fred Edward; Woodward, Edna Mae (Hon.); Young, Gwen. High School Entrance Exam Results From District Schools The following pupils have been successful at the various centres in the recent Entrance Examinations: RICHMOND HILL fig “Inssentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials; Liberty: In All Things, Charity”. SCHOMBERG NOBLETON MAPLE _ "VFW RICHMOND HILL, ONT»; THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1948 ‘Jean Phillips was maid of honor, wearing nile green moire taffeta and Shirley Roe, Muriel Snider, Alele Wardlaw were the bridesmaids. All were dafiodil yellow, fashioned in the same syle as the bride’s dress. The bridesmaids carried colonial nosegays of harmonizing Sweet peas centred with yellow snapdragon and pink carnations. I To travel by motor to New York the bride wore a navy blue sheer crepe suit, white hat and gloves with a corsage of white roses, pink car- nations and blue cornflowers. Given in marriage 'by her father, the bride wore a gown of white lace with satin bodice, a lace bertha fram- ing the nylon yoke. The skirt swept into a circular train and had side peplums edged with satin. A tiara of orange blossoms held her floor- lengt-h veil. White roses and maiden hair fern formed the bridal bouquet. carnations For the reception at “Maple Villa” the bride’s mother wore turquoise crepe with navy-blue accessories and corsage of coral gladioli petals, while the mother of~the groom chose pale In the United Church, Woodbridge, Rev. T. V. Hart solemnized the mar- riage of Helen Louise Castator, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Castator and Charles Allen Prowse, son of Mrs. Prowse, Lansing, and the late W. C. Prowse. Leslie Hart was best man with Ray Castator, Bill Wilton and Bruce Kef- "er as ushers. Mr. Lester Hartley of Oshawa sang “The Lord’s Pray- er” before the ceremony and during the signing of the register “Un-til.” iam; Johnston, Marilyn Lois; King- ston, Yvonne Margaret: Long, Lil- lian; MacArthur, Catherine; Martin, Shirley Anne (Hon.); Mason, Har- old; Mason, Margaret; Maynard, Bruce Edward (Hon.); Maynard, Ro- bert; McInnis, Beatrice Helen; Mill- er, Frank; Miller, Robert; Milroy, Arlene; Moorcroft, Donald (Hon); Moore, Eric; Munro, Wallace; Nor- ton, Ruby Gladys; Pilkey, Eric Carl; Ramer, Donald; Reesor, David; Ree- sor, John; Reesor, Lynn; Richens, Charles James; Ryan, Morley Edgar; Ship, Leone (Hon.); Small, Doreen (Hon); Smith, Robert; Sitalter, Dav- id; Thind, Bert; Thomson, Roma; Warne, William George; Walker, James Howard; Webster, Donald; Young, Marilyn. Alexander, Robert Gordon; Allen, Ronald Clark (Hon.); Baker, Clare; Broadway, Carman Walker; Borean, Mary; Boxal], Nora; Bratt'on, Bev- erley Irene (Hon.); Brroolds, Earl; Brown, Helen; Brown, Robin; Burk- holder, Helen Ruth; Burkholder, Muriel Doreen; Burrows, Margaret (Honl): Cole, Ethel (Hon.); Cole, William; Davis, Marion; Dudun, Ber- nard; Eatock, Margaret (Hon.); Fer- guson, Barbara Ann (Hon.); Found, Fay'e Aileen; Gower, Anthony (Hon.); Gower, John; "Hill, Anne Mary (Hon.); Hill, qugén (Hon.); Hop- kin, Garyf Hough Janette; Hough- ton, June; Housser, Laverne; James, Doreen Ellen (Hon.); Jennings, Will- Bakel', Mabel (Horn); Baker, Mel- ba; Beatty, Rdfiald; Brockhurst, Charles (Hon); tBroderick, Trevor; Byer, Evelyn; DGGllow, Clark; Doll- ery, Dorothy; FlSIflér, Carol; Forsyth, Donna; Forsyth,;Jack; Fray, Flor- ence; Fray, Kenngth; Garnett, Mary; Garnett, Sylvia;3Goodchild, Elaine; Hogan, Jim (Hon); Hrasce, Ann; Huntley, Joan; Jennings, Joan; Juhl, Gail; Juno, Marilyn; Karman, Rob- ert (Hon); Lenhpl'dt, Donald; Lord, Robert; Madelind, Louis; Marinofi', Marvin; Neil, Elizabeth; Reaman, Doreen; Russell. lEvelyn; Sanderson, J-ohn (Hon.); lemith, Marjorie (Hon.). McTaggart, Leonél‘d (Hon); Merritt, Marilyne (Homr; Mitchell, Jane (Hon); Palmlerfi-‘Doris; Pill‘sworth, Beverley; Plunkgtt, Erie Ellen (Hon.); Robinson.) Edith; Roe, Mar- jorie (Hon‘); Shaynon, June (Hon.); Vinrt, Walter (H0113); W‘hitmore, Ann (Hon); Wilcox, Ja'me (Hon); Wood, Wayne; Wray, Marie E. (Hon); Wylie, Harvey. .ue with gray and corsage of pink PROWSE-CASTATOR WEDDING [Mm ML THORNH‘ILL MARKHAM Wrestling Bouts At Local Arena 1 Richmond Hill Arena will be the scene of wild excitement on Tues- day, July 20th, when the East Vau- ghan Ratepayers Absociation will again present the mayhem boys in a thrilling exhibition of Wrestling. Proceeds will be used to benefit the Richvale Community Hall building fund. This show was under the chair- manship of Mr, Albert Rice and prizes were donated by American Delphinium Society, Tidy & Son Ltd., Florists, Mrs. Wm. Banks, Mr. Per- cy Bone and A. Rice. Mr. Thos. McKend‘, Willowdale, judged the ex- hibits. Richvale’s own “Red” Garner will top the card when he carries on the second local instalment of his feud with “Spider” S’hai’cfikleton ‘of Hamil- ton. .'Ilhi(s is a return match and there appears tobe a bit of animos- ity involved. ‘The match will be to a finish with no time limit. In the preliminary Carlo Trounce, Italian muse”) boy meets Orillia’s Buddy Brouse for one fall, thirty minute limit. Basket of Delphinium spikes, at least 15: C. E. Little, Mrs. A. Rice, G. Reynolds. The semi-final has Ernie Hughson of Toronto in a 45 minute, two out of three, match with Peter Perno, the grappling Greek better known as ‘,‘the Greek flash in‘ the flesh". Specimen spike, any» color: F. Small, Mrs. A: Rice, Mrs. B. L. Anâ€" derson. Shadow Box: Miss Jane Little, Mrs. A. Rice. Open 01855 Open to all members whether amâ€" ateur or commercial growers. Collection Delphiniums, 5 spikes, any color: F. Small, C. E. Little, G. Reynolds. Arrangement of Roses f0r~dinner table: G. Reynolds, Mrs. B. L. An- derson. - Bouquet featuring Shasta Daisies: Mrs. R. D. Little, Miss Janet Ab- ram, Mrs. H. Bawden. Arangement of Sweet Peas: Mrs J. Dedlow, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, G Reynolds. ‘Living Room bouquet featuring early autumn flowers: Miss Marian Little, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs. E. G. Perring. Madonna Lily, 1 stalk: Mrs. B. L. Anderson, G. Reynolds, J. S. Thomp- son. Sweet William, '10 clusters, any color: Mrs. B. L. Anderson, E. G. Perring, G. Reynolds. Canterbury Bell(:, 1 specimen stock: Mrs. J. Dedlow, E. G. Per- rlng, J. S. Thompson. F‘oi'Glove: M13. Jr'Dedlow. Basket of Delphinium, spikes, at least 12: R. D. Little, G. Raynolds. Tea roses, 1 specimen, any color Mrs. B. L. Anderson, G. Reynold-s. ‘Polyanthus, 1 cluster any color J. S. Thompson. ~ Hemerocallis, 3 spikes: R. D Little, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, J. 3 Thompson. " Any other variety Lily, 1 stalk: G. Reynolds, Mrs. J. Dediow. Sweet William, '10 clusters, any color: Mrs. B. L. Andersen, E. G. _ Prize winners in the Delphinium Show, of the Richmond Hill‘Horti- cultufal Society, held at Endean’s Nursleries, Yonge St, on Wednes- day, July 7th, were as follows: Specimen spike, white, black or brown bee: R. D. Little, G. Raynolds, Mrs. G. Hollowell. Collection, 3 spikes, any color: Mrs. G. Hollowell, Miss Janet Ab- ram, G. Reynolds. Climbing roses, 1 cluster, any c01- or: G. Reynolds. Climbing roses, 3 clusters; any color: G. Reynolds. Prize Winners At Delphinium Show Specimen Spike, light 'blue or lavender: R. D. Little, Miss Janet Abram, G. Reynolds. Specimen spike, white, white bee Mrs. B. L. Anderson, G. Reynolds. Collection, 6 spikes, any color: G Reynolds, Mrs! B. L. Anderson. ’Polyanthus, collection 3 clusters, any color: Mrs. B. L. Anderson, G. Reynolds. Specimen spike, dark blue or pur- ple: Mrs. J. D-edlow, G. Reynolds, Mrs. G. Hollowell. Boys 14 and under: 1. Jimmie Pat- ton; 2. Ernie Lane; 3. Bruce Wray. Men’s 200 yards: 1. Donald Bu'sby. Ladies‘ 100 yd.: Mrs. Nelson Lund. Largest Family on grounds: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott and 8 children, awarded a ham, donated by Ross Walker. Three-Legged Race: 1. Lloyd and Jewivtt; 2. Jewitt and Reid. Obstacle Race: 1. Donald Busby; 2. Ernie Lane; 3. Gordon Orr; Dange Lucky Draw: 1. Kathleen Marwood, lawn chair donated by P. M. Thompson; 2. Nelson Lund, $5.00 cash; 3. Jim Cornell, Lloydtown, flash light by Jack Walkington; 4. George Burnfield, Nobleton, flash light by Jack Walkinglton. Arrangements for pick-up of any of the above can be made by calling K. Svanefelt, Scoutmaster, at 5R. Crop Improvement Association Meetiog At Leitchcrolt Farm Boys 14 and under: 1. Jimmie Pat- ton; 2. Ernie Thomas; 3. Albert Carr. Girls 14 and under: 1. Carol Bus- by;_2. Joanr‘Pattonv; 3. May Sullivan. Men’s 100 yards: 1. Gordon Orr; 2. Mickey Sutton; 3. Earl McDonald. Ladies’ 75 yards: 1'. Joyce Jewitt; 2. Joan Reid; 3. W. Panky. Swims 10 years and under: 1. Douglas Hollinshead; 2. Ernie Thomas; 3. Ed- die Etheridge. ' PAPER COLLECTION The local Boy Scout Troop are still making collections of papers, card- board, magazines and usable rags. Proceeds from sale of this type of material is used for purchase of equipment for the Troop. Fat Ladies’ Race, 200 lbs.: 1. Mrs. George Forrester; 2. Mrs. Hugh O‘- Brien; 3. Mrs. Fred O’Brien. Boxing: 1. Bill Ham; 2. Bud Ham; 3. Bill Hoover and Smith. Boys’ Boxing: Gillha-m Bros. Bicycle Race, 14 years and under: 1. Ken Ham; '2. Ralph Beal; 3. Bob Gillies. Oldest couple on grounds: Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lawson, silver butter dish donated by HaldwinA’s of Aurora. Horse Shoes: 1. Rreston Bros.; 2. Bowen and Connors; 3. Neil Malloy and Jack Malloy. Wheel Barrow Race: Sutton and Doolittle. Married Men’s Race: 1. McDonald; 2. Sutton; 3. Whatley Finch. Race. 65 and] over: 1. Elmer Orr; 2. L. Jewitt. In keeping with their loose smnl eradication campaign the York Coun- ty Crop Association last Friday, July 9, held their second twilight Field Meeting at Lei-tchcroft Farm on No. Officials of “Laskay Old Boys' As- sociation estimated 1000 persons at- tended the annual field day and dance held July 3rd in Tafi'y Hollow Park, Laskay, with entries in all events ex- ceeding last year, while the open- air evening dance drew a large crowd, with music supplied by Sally Lloyd and Her Musical Mates. Grounds music was provided by loud speaker service. Girls 10 "years and under: 1‘. Aud- rey Chapman; 2. Nancy Patton; 3. Marlene Lloyd. Informative comparisons were made with a number of varieties of winter wheat by 'wheat specialist, W. H. W-addell of the O.A;C., when the tour extended to the variety test plots. While Dawson’s and Cornell were favourably recalled the demer- its and impurities of the 50-called Prize Winners at Laskay Field Day Sports EVents " Races Boys 10 years and und'er: 1. Doug- las Hollinshead; 2. Bill Wray; 3. Ed- die Etheridge. 7 highway where over 125 ihterested farmers gathered to learn the latest information -on this disease. Keen interest was shown in the large barn hay drier where green bales of excellent quality hay were being dried in apparently compara- tive safety. This Was fully explain- ed by the farm manager, Mr. Joe Lanthier and followed by an inspec- tion of the hay silage drying silo. MORE THAN 125 FARMERSisTUDY SMUT CONTROL ADVERTISING IN CETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL The “Lake” is a 20-foot steel drum, eight feet in diameter and by a special arrangement of pipes can be layered off in respect to .water temperature, pressure and other conditions. It is the only lake of its kind in North America and acâ€" cording to Dr. F. E. J. Fry, assist- ant professor of zoology at the Un- iversity of Toronto and closely as- sociated with fisheries research, a season’s entire cycle of fish conditions can be reproduced. Experts are able to look through windows of 'the tank and observe speckled trout, bass, muskefllunge, lake trout, pike and other fish and the underlying purpose of the ob- servations is to “improve and in- crease game and commercial fish in Ontario”. The project is being un- dertaken jointly by the Lands and Forests Department and the fisher- ies research laboratory of the'U, of T. The lake was designed by DrfFry and is refrigerated on ton. Asheet of ice can be formed in a short time. It is illuminated and the action of the fish is watched through port- holes built to withstand a lake pres- sure of ‘120 feet. Egyptian Imperial Amber were_well illustrated. Completing 'the plot tour the specialists were loud in their praise of the Cornell variety. Prob- lems were later cleared when Dr. A. G. O. W'hiteside of the Experimental Farm, Ottawa, discussed the wheat situation. President Murray Macki- ‘in of the Crop Improvement Assoc- iation introduced guests including A. H. Martin, newly appointed Director of the Crops, Seeds and‘W‘eeds Branch and W. Brecken, Pm'sidetit'Of the Ontario CrOp Improvement As- sociation. The evening concluded in a reminder by Secretary 7 Cockburn for all members of the 50 Bushel Wheat Club to give ample warning to his ofiice so that'yield cuttings for the competitions ~\irould be completed,at the most opportune time. ~ . Lots of Fish But No Fishing Pity the poor fish! He just hasn’t any privacy any more. That is the conclusion reached lby experts'of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests who are watching, recording and classifying the reactionofv var- ious species of fish undexf controiied conditigns near here.‘ The sigdiés take place ' in one‘ 101?, the’ wo‘rl‘d’s strangest artificial lakesat the ex; perimental station of the depsrf- ment in Honeypot, Concessiom 3, Vaughan, near RichmondHiIl, ‘ The lucky draw and Winner of the 2 bushels of Cornell seed Was Clarke Johnson of R. R. 2, 'Gormley. The scientists are trying to deiv termine what temperatures certain species of fish like best; what reac- tion there is to certain controlled pressures and the presence of oxy- gen in varying amounts. Answers to their questions will play an im- portant part in restocking pro- grammes. Also receiving intensive study is the lamprey eel, long known as an enemy of Whitefish and trout. Reac; tion of the predator fish to ‘temper- aures is expected to give the scien- tists information as to the best time at which to attack the lamprey. Congratulations to Richmond Hill Lions Club on winning first place among all Lions Club in attendance this year. The Richmond Hill Club led all Canada with an attendance record for the year just closed. of 99.8 per cent. This is a fine record for the local club and congratula- tions are due all the members and especially Mel Maltby, chairman of the attendance committee. WORLD’S STRAN‘GEST ARTIFICIAL LAKE. LOCATED NEAR RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL LIONS LEAD ALL CANADA IN ATTENDANCE RECORD No. 3

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