4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond H111, Thursday GARDEN TRACTOR. standard Mon- arch, 3% horse power, all implements in perfect l condition, will handle heavy land. Reason for selling ill- health. Also feltilizer distributor. Apply Jamesï¬ï¬Butcher, Langst'aï¬â€˜, ‘4 phone Thornhi 2071'21. clw3 MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER. 7 ft. cut, needs some repairs. We have the parts here ready. Hem-y Arnold Sr., Bradford R. R. 1, phone Bradford 4618. c1w3 ABOUT 200 FEET heavy obscure glass 14†by 3’ and over; one 4’ 6" steel bed. walnut ï¬ni§h, coil spring; 1 drop leaf kitchen table with draw- er; 1 compressor sprayer; 2 2†val- vgs; ‘2 cistern pumps with pipe. Ap- ply Geo. Ross, Stop 24 Yonge Street. ’3‘1w3 25 TONS No 1 baled timothy hay; 15 tons loose hay, mixed; 6 loads 2nd cut alfalfa hay. Apï¬ly Geo. McNair. RJ’, 2, Maple, phor'xe King 1114 dry, in new condition, available end of,July, owner moving to Califo’i'nia. Apply evenings, 47 Mill St. Phone Richmond Hill 415J. é1w3 body dition ORNAMENTAQ PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, firé screens, fire sets and acetylene wyeld- 3g: Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, RiEhvaIé BENDIX AUTOMATIC home laun- Hill pipes. A mond St 1934 PONTIAC COACH, 4 new tires, Ox’f LOVELY 9 x 15 ft English wool Wil ton rug, double pile, excellent condl tion. Phone Richmond Hill 278J. lwcl RASPBERRIES. Apply 0. Warwick LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L. W. Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 BUFET, walnut. Phone Maple 241' 21: C1W3 ELECTRIC 7 RANGETTE, Tudhope, thornhill 168 one man cartons are not acceptable conâ€" tainers, and will not be taken by the collector. lids are recommended I. D. Ramer & Son PHONE 10. THE ELEVATOR are reminded that garbage for collection mus’t‘ be placed on the street in suitable containers To Householders of Richmond Hill which (can be handled OR RLA Standard galvanized Householders in Richmond Hill A'l‘m‘Sâ€"Five 0d condition. also an'annex xylth . Apply Jack Chapman, Riel)- ‘. St., Maple or phone Maple 71J. * c1w3 Re Garbage Collection RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk St.,' Elgin Mill (1 Motor in very‘ godd conâ€" Apply phone 328J Richman c1w3 lassified Sale 8: Want Ads. FOR SALE Five lines 01‘ less, 35 cehts for firét in_ser tion a five lines 5 .cents per line extra each Insertion Telephone Rlchmond Hill 9. NOTICE ESTATE, phone Fenn, . tfc46 readily by cans with Cardboard tfc43 tfc35 clw STUDIO COUCH maroon, console Stewart Warner Radio, Blonde Maple chair and Ottoman, modern; double bed with Simmons box springs and mattress. single bed all new, unpaintâ€" ei', oak buffet, card table and foldingr chair set in brown leatherette, baby carriage. lmassinette. play pen, kinâ€" dergarten set, rocking chair, high chair. feiv toys, and m'any other misâ€" collaneous items. Owners leaving for California. Apply evenings, 47 Mill Street, phon‘e 415J RichmOnd Hill. c1w3 THOROUGHBRED CO’LLIE “Bonnie Coleen Bethina" sable and white, ac- customed to children an'd large groundï¬. Apply evenings '47 Mill St. Phorio Richmond Hill 415J. clwfl HOUSE, Viilag'e of King, $6700.00 or bes‘t offer. 8 room s‘q‘nm-e bian, solid brick house, hot air heated, in smod repair. All good size rooms. Heavily wired. Lot 100 feet front- ad'e on highway x 245 feet deep. Garden and fruit trees. Town wéter available by Sentemhel'. Immediate possession. Good cash payment reâ€" quired. Inspection can be made at any time by seeing owner. ist house north of B.A. Station in King- 01' 50 FEEDE‘R HOGS. Apply J. A. Baker. Phrine ,Maple 63141. lwcfl 75 LB. ICE BOX: one réversihle tweed spring coat, 1 black coat, hotk' size 14. Bestpffers. Apply phone Richmond Hill 395W. ( 1wc3 UELAVAL IWILKTCPS. 110w im'f‘ [NHL $200 up. Electropail heaters, $16.75. Electric clippers, $32.50. Oil heat- ers, coal and wood ramres, Century mnrm-s. washvrs. vachu'm’cleaners and radios. Trades acoonféd. To- ronto Radio & Sports, 241 Toronto. King 45M ring 4 100 acres, 6 room house, lots 'of hard and soft water. hydn throughâ€" out. ' Reason' for selling, ill health. William Burns, R. R. 2, Maple. Phone Maple 54-1‘22. c2w2 TRUCK, 1938i Fargo, 2 ton stake body, 4 new tires, new battery, tar- paulin, excellent condition. Private. Mrs. Smith, 8 Lucas St, Richmr‘nfl Hill phone 331M. clw-‘S NINE PIGS, 6 weeks old; 1 black gelding 7 years old, 1700 lbs. Harry Burns, King R. R. 3, phone Kim! “21'14. _ "‘1w3 REFRIGERATOR, Commerci‘al, E1- ectric, Gilson, 17 and a half cu. ft. Like new. Apply 29 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. ’~ *1w3 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thnrnhill 168. tfc46 hurnel'. $50 Ma ple 641'21 8 WELL GROWN young Yorkshire SOWS in pig. Robt. Stonehouse, lot 8, can. 5, Markham. *1w3 6 TON BALED HAY. No. 1 Red RECONDITIONED WASHING MA- CHINES, Miss Canada, rebuilt moâ€" tor, new gears and gear box. Paris Auto Supply $7,950. ONE BARN 36 x 60 ft, in good shape. Lawl‘eï¬'ce Hilliard, Noble- ton. *‘1w3 8 ACRES standing hay, will sell or rent as pasture. Phone 3571‘3. Rich- mdnd Hi1]. ' *3w1 COOK STOVE ï¬tted BICYCLES, man's $25., boy’s 335., both in excellent condition. Apply .SSAMorgaï¬ Ave., phone Thbrnhill 242 1-12. 3 v ; c1w3 1945 MODEL Miss Simplicity, like new $99.50. Terms availab’le. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. . ' 1931- (fHEVL, in ply A. Gaudier, mohd Hill, after RASPBE'RRIES, fr‘esh picked daily. Mrs. W. Cole, Oxford St, phone Richmond Hill 309W. clw3 ICE BOX, 100 1b. all metal in good conditibn $30.00. Apply evenings, Markham 74R1-3. *lw3 Clover. J. Cruickshank, R. R. 2. Gormley, phone 3*0J4 Unionville. clw BOY’S BICYCLE, C.C.M‘>, 201;? con- dition. Phohé 234J Richmond ill. l4 PIGS, 12 wéeks 61d. Phone Will- owdale 913. clw3 GUvRNEY FURNACES, s‘toVes and gas ranges for bottled gas. L. House, M‘a‘ple, phdne 102, residence 62r32. NINE FIGS, 3 months o'ld. Apply phone'Richmond Hill 1021'2. *1w3 BABY Phone mond Hill 1951'6 1926 CHRYSLER sedan. Phone Rich Thornhill 168 WOOD, summer prices, delivered. Phone Richmond Hill 288M. ’1‘Tw51 CEMENT, ahy uantity. Ron Gib- son, Agincourt, 1) one 138R. ffchge FOR REAL ESTATE, phohe ann_ He: Do your eyes bother you? She: No, Why? He: Well they‘ bother me. firét inééi' {and 25 gents for each subsequ_ent insertion. 0nver CARRIAGE, good' repair 820. Richmond Hill 318J. 1wc3 61" best g’ood co'ndition. Ap- 'Ru;mble Ava, Rich- 7 p.m. *1w3 with double oil ofl'el'. Phone c] W3 Yonge St. tfc32 If charged to account nine cents per tfc42 c3w2 c1w2 tfc46 1W3 FRIDAY, 16 JULY, 1948 â€" Auction Sale of Household Goods, Garden Tools, etc, on Yonge Street, Stop 18A, near Langstaff, property of Herb Banting. Sale at 2:30 pm. D.S.T. Terms: Cash. No reeerve. Ken & Clarke Prentice Auctioneers TO RENT a small house or amu'tâ€" vwnt in Richmond Hill or immed- iate district by married couple. Best of ieferences. Apply telephone 9, Richmond Hill. RELIABLE PARTY, 3 adults, wants to rent house or apt. in Richmond Hi,“ 01' district. Best of references. Phone Toronto Wavelley 0015. *1w3 Mite mi 48. ‘tfc51 WANTED TO RENT, sing-1e room for quiet gentleman. Room with hnar'd considered if rates reasonable. Reply Box 61 The Liberal. *3w2 PTASSENGERS: Leaving Richmond Hill 7:15 a.m. to College. and Yonge distrivt. Hours R to 5:30. Returning to Richmond Hill around 6.15 p.m. Phone 165 or Ki 6125. *1w3 SATURDAY, JUNE 17TH - Auc- tion Sale Household Furniture, Garâ€" den Tools etc., property of the es- tate of the late Wm. Michael, Mair’f St., Markham Village. Sale at 2 p. m. D.S.T. Terms Cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentcie, Auctioneers. REPAIRING and installing furnaces and boilers. Expert workmanship. Phone Thornhill 2’071'4. Nicholas and Son, Lahgstafl‘. 5’i'w1 ’lRANSPORTATION from Richmond Hill, arriving in city by 8 3.111., re- turnihg at 5 p.m. Apply phone Bob Svaneielt, Ricnmo‘nd r1111 Em. c1w3 IN RICHMOND HILL, house or ap- artment with 2Ibedrooms by respon- sible middle-aged couple. Apply Lib- ei'al oï¬â€˜ice. c1w3 ONE ACRE OF LAND in Richmond Hill area', convenient to the radial. Apply evenings, Hyland 3786 01- Stouffville 38120. I clw3' TRANSPORTATION Richmond Hill to Leaside 01' Eglinton bus, leave Richmbnd Hill about 7:45 a.m. Apply phone Richmond Hill 39. c2w3 TWO WAITRESSES,,man for ser; vice station, 2 boys foi' curb service. Apply L. Folliott, Summit View Lunch, Yonge St. clw3 EMPLOYMENT ON FARM by ex- perienced farmer and 18 year old son, arriving in a week from Europe. Ap- ply. John Muth, Temperanceville. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repm... upholstering, cabinet work. Wow carving. Estimates given. N. I. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmom Hill. no. WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work :done, ro'ckery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch,‘phone Thornhill 97123 APARTMENT. house or rooms ur- gently needed by young couple in Richmond Hi“. Please call 22201“ CUSTOM PLOUGHING, cultivating. discjngand tilling. W. H. GOQ(1e1‘- ham, 39 Elmhgrst, Lansing, phat}: DECORATING. exterior painting, fui-hiture spray painted, ï¬lst class wo'rk, reasonable rates. A Roll'inson, phone Thornhill 192r31. *"4w2 BULLUO'Z‘ER ‘service, ‘excav'ating, grading, prompt and courteous ser- vice‘at reasdnhble prices. Apply H. A. Briggs, 296 Cumber Ave.Y New- ton-brook, phone Willowdale 2512. 2 U‘NFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, in quiet home. Apply Box 21, Liberal Office. *1w3 GOOD HOME fer young black dog (if Unclaimed by owner). See advt. in FOUND section. c1w3 BUNGALOW 01' small house. Apply Geo. Snelgl‘ove. 329 Nairn Ave., Tor- onto, phone L1. 6723. *1w3 WIANTED 15 ACRES of pasture to rent. Reply Box 17, The Liberal Of- ï¬ce. clw3 LICENSED MECHANIC, good wor- king conditions, good pay. Apply 29 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. “‘1‘1w3 LAWN MOWERIS CLEANED, sharpâ€" ened and repaired by an experienced Workman“ Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621‘21. tfc42 Will'owdale 2508 GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS, alter- ations and installations. Phone Richâ€" mond Hi‘ll 2481‘22. *1w3 CUSTOM PLOUGHING and harrow- ing, cultivating. Phone Richmond Hill 391w. *4w2 SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Streï¬ï¬hd Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 3721‘5. tfc25 MISCELLANEOUS Sale Register WANTED tf chz. 52 ine é1w42 8w5‘0' DANCE Dancing every Saturday night 9 till 11.30 Standard Time, to Merry- makers 9-piece Orchestra, at Bol- ton Casino. "‘4w52 gllllIlllIlllIlylrflfflllrlllIIElII-lIllI'll!-III-{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ YOUNG BLACK DOG, w and chest, resembles Iris Local Humane Societv Ric} DO( 3 OWOOOWOâ€OWWO MNOOOMOOWW. FOR IN FORM ATION WRITE The Business Institute 144 BLOOR ST. W.. TORONTO Man .for works department, Village of Richmond Hill. Ap- plications to he in by Jilly 3lst. STENOGRAPHERS SECRETARIES BOOKKEEI’ERS CANNOT BE FILLED THE DEMAND 'FOR TRAINED I} JONES COAL (‘0. Phone 188, Richmond Hill >¢$mmmowwumomoomooow CAN BE TRAINED IN A FEW MONTHS Cabin accommodation and Tea‘Room Service Stop 22, Yonge St., Phone Thornhill 203 COLONIAL ‘ § 6 O SERVICE STATION : RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk JI‘E nam FOUND IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Day and Night Towing Service Cabin Trailers Moved Anywhere WANTED LOST YOU ‘emale mne ( Jrly SJ village at 10 21.111. Picnic baskets should contain enough for two meals. Mr. Frank Line has sold his farm to Mr. Gi‘ierson of Toronto who will take possession immediately. Maple United Church services neiéli Sunday will be at 11:30 a.m. when the special speaker will be Rev. R. R. McMath. Sunday School will be at 10:30 a.m. / I Villa M1 rent Cull TRADEMARKED WITH TINY RED SPOTS No? for these who use him! coal and buy early. Why no! place your order now 3“ W Allen at 10 MAPLE ‘ FUEL SHORTAGE WELL THERE BE A if arl 7t} NEXT WINTER ? 1'1 M i} aVCS IT) am 6 DAYS ondvintroducing 0 Produced by SOL lESSER v v I: Direcied by RO§ER? FLOREY Original Story and Screenplay by Carroll Young Based Upon the Characters CreaIed by Edgar Rice Burroughs MARKHAM starring « 3 .,'. iï¬ï¬NNY WEISSMULLER BRENDA mm ° :-..-....-=_-HNM EHRISTIAN . ..A...A.-.. 33X Ema nick. FRIDAY-SATURDAY â€" JULY 16th & 17 MONDAY t0 SATURDAY JULY 19th to 24th SUMMER POLICY 7th