NIH", EVEI'H ' - NU “3‘7â€: L53?!†3 Spider Shacklettm Bed Gamer "MMOOOOOOOWO“OMOOOOOOOOOOOQOQWO {5 01" 1'14“! 0 ’8 products are desired and purchased by people all over the World and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic welfare of every man, woman and child within her borders. Because the sale of every article produced in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are more assured of job security . . . and we and our children can have more of the better things in life. To produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled labour is vital. That is why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans are constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by industrv. iVeterans receive ON THE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario actories. This training, rovided through the co-operation of the Department of ’eterans'†Affairs, the ederal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Education, starts veterans off on the road to skilled craftsmanship. Taught to use their hands in general aero engine and airframe work, both on militarv and civilian aircraft, these veterans may qualify for a Department of Transport lii‘ense, authorizing them to declare aircraft airworthy. In aircraft manufacturing plants and on flying fields throughout Ontario, these newly-skilled veterans will have the op ortunity to ap ly their talents and training. Their efforts will help to make ntario a finer place in which to live and will contribute to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens. WMOoououonwoooooocoooooooooocoo0.090000%»ch HANDS AT WORK... 0N TAR10 ’S Farm Implements FOR SALE driven and direct drive) D‘raw Rope Sling Ropes Hay Cars and Tracking Baling Twine Binder Twine Milk Coolers, 4 and G can Rubberâ€"Tired Wagons Cultipacker Fertilizer Sowers Sprayer Rite-wav Milkers Cream Separators Pressure Systems (Bolt. Ernie Hughson Peier Pgmo TORONTO \K . GREEK FLASH PRELIMQINARY Carlo Trounce . Buddy Brouse TUE. 8.30 p.m. JULY‘ZO RICHMOND HILL ARENA Harold Mor‘tson New Implements SEMI FiNAl. - - 2 OUT 3 FALLS 45 MINUTES ITALIAN STRONGM AN SpOnsCred by East Vaughan Ratepayers Associatitm PROFESSHONAL W R E S T E, E 5% Q RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) THREE BOUTS MAIN EVENT we TIME Lam HAMILTON per combuâ€" takeâ€"off) Binders Fal‘ï¬lizer Sewer Rakes 'l'eddel' ‘J [H.C. Mowers Disc Plow 3â€"fu'rrow Tractor Plow Zâ€"Row Corn Cultivator Massey-Harris 6-foot Clipâ€" per Combine (power Used Implements ()RILLIA RICHVALI LEARNING Miss Mabel Harbi‘on of Richmond Hill was among the guests invited to the afternoon tea given last Fri- day at the Summer School of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Tor- onto. Music’ teachers from every part of Cra'ida, from Newfoundland, and from the United States, are at- tending the four-tweak sessions of this Summer -School which this year includes among; its distinguished faculty the world-famOus accompan- ist. Gerald, Moore, who is giving a Master Course “The Art of Accom- ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Marjorle Brown. daughter of Mrs. Bailey and the late Mr. George W. Bailey of Maple. Ontario, to Lorne Arthur Wells. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wells of Maple, Ontario, the marriage to take place on Aug- ust\‘3rd, in Maple United Church at 1 o’clock. / M'r. and Mrs. Douglas Boyd, Cen- treVSt‘reet hav'e 'I‘eturned after a vis- it to New York City. ‘ Mrs. Catherine Glenn, Mrs. N; J. Glass a'nd Mrs. O. L. Wright Were guests for a week at the summer home of Mrs. Ruby Rowe. Bl'bwn of Windsor, visited Miss Frances M. Brown on Sunday last at her home in Richmond Hill where she is still in very poor health. panying Misse daug‘hte Brown DIED ARCHIBALlj 4 At Newmarket on Tuseday, July 13, Sarah Jane Al'- éhibald: wife of William Archibald. mother of David, Ernest, Carl, Leonard, Clarence, George and Miriam. The funeral will be held Saturday, July 17th at 2:30 pm. from the Free MethodistVC'nurch. Interment King Cemetery. q I‘uesda T} AERO ENGINE AND AIRFRAME MECHANICS evi ryone welcome H. Parry, 25, of Os‘hawa, Ontario, a Canadién Army veteran, is shown making an adjustment to the engine of a Cub Trainer. Students work on various types of aircraft ranging from the Cub Trainer to multiple engine military aircraft. Many veterans, trained as ground crew specialists during the war, have chosen to take post-war training in this occupation for which they are particularly suited. For them the transition to peace-time employment has been easier. ‘nooo-o-Iooooc-nnuonn ’o-oonounIcon-Inn-olnooounltonuuloo-t. coo-no - 000 I... cool-cocoouuolno 00¢ i MI Mr. anc Ave. - nthly euc? the Ladie nthly euchre under the aus- the Ladies’ Veterans Aux- l"'be held at the home of Allison, 111 Yonge St., on July 20th, at 2:15 p.111. Jean and Elizabeth Brown, of the late Rev. Alfred f Windsor, visited Miss ave AERO ENGINE DIECHANIC§ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL been v1: and M1 1 Mrs. 'Ifles‘r and M‘as‘te ied with relative 1‘ e MacKinnon in Exetel {an voice, Y That me'ant so much to me- No one knOWS the silént heartache Only those who have s'uch c'zhi tell Of the grief that is Home Tn silence For the one I love 'so w'e.ll_- . â€"Fond]y remembered by daughter, Winifred. son-inJaw and grandchil- dren. ' - Youl 1946. ~ QR. Sometimes it's hard to uhdei‘stand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom'Hé has planned Beyond our power to s’ee. â€"Ever remembefed . and sadly missed by wife and famiIY. COX â€" In loving memory of our dear friend, Mrs. Beh F. Cox, who passed away, July 17th, 1947. Since you went aWay a yéar ago, We'have missed your friendship that â€"â€"A1Ways and lovingly remembered be Florénce and John Varley and Tom Kemp. was so good and true; But in our hearts still lih'ger Sin‘cere and loving meméries of you VR'ALKER â€" In Vlovin'g‘ inï¬nory of a dear husband and father, Cecil Wal- ker, I who passed away July 14, 1946. ~ hail; KING (‘ITY STREET DANCE Wednesday. July let The stage is all set for the annual King City Street Dance next Wed- nesday evening, July 2lst, and a record crowd is expected to attend this popular event. 'l‘he lucky draw this year features a free all expense trip by air to Bermuda. Russ Creighâ€" ton will supply the music for dan- sing and there will be continuous n'iovies, bingo and a host of other midway attractions. Proceeds of the night are for the Memorial Hall and the event is sponsored by the Lake Marie and King: Athletic Associa- ROBB BIRTH MABLEY â€" Mr. and Mrs. N. Mah- ' éiey announce the birth of a soh. od'ney at the York Memorial H05- pital, Newmarket, on Wednesday, June 30,1948. WEST â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. RObert West (nee D-OI'is Pearsom Yorkshire, England) are delighted to announce the birth of a daughter, Diane El- izabeth, on July 8th, 1948, at Mrs. Stanfbrd’s nursing home, Richmond Hill, Ont. tioh Ybeth Ball away, July what woul hand ‘ul' dear ki ‘ur loving 3211 al'd Robb. 18th, 1946 M EM 0 RIAM :1 face to See, smile. your ive t0 Your welcome assed Eliz 111‘ ï¬nu Royal Theatre AURORA ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH glu-aIII-i-Ill-llnIII-InIII-IIIIiII-IilIll-i'iliiiiiï¬lilili! I'll-I'll Friday. Saturday July 16-17 Rector Services During July 11 a.m.â€"M»6rnirxg Prayer. Captain J. R. C. Ding, C. ector of The Church Army ada will preach during July All Me invited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. 3. w. Hirue, B.A., Minister Sunday. July 11 11 mm. â€" Local Orange Lodges An- nual Church Service. Sabbath School closed during July and Augwt. RICHMOND HILL UNITED ; CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship ‘ Everyone is invited» to attend the morning service during the summer months. RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.'I‘h., R.D Cooking Unions 2 23c Oranges Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 p.m. Sunday School Classes 7.00 p.m. Speaker: Jnhn Radford Certo CALIFORNIA Parawax Bologna Corn Syrup . . Tomato Ketchup N0. 1 GRADE Christie’s Ritz . FOR JELLIES KELLOGL BEE-HIVE (‘H‘RISTIE'R IMPERIAL Produced by STEPflEN AMES - Danced by RICHARD WALlACE - SCPOQI'I Play by Gordon Chow and John Twin IIEINZ YORK Langstafl’ and ’. a that during 1;} and August they afternoon office 11 GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Evangélistic Service ANNOUNCEMENT ONTA R [O No.1 GRADE TOP 01" TH E MORNING Cornflakes Z 1141:.25c md Thompsor} an- lg the months of they will discon- Carefully Air Conditioned For Your Comfort hours 1m Size 2885: in if 1t IDir- Can- W NEW POTATOES Doz. 2 lb. Tin Pkg. -n-u-n- -0-Iv-U-u-U-h-ir-0-l.fl.{n-(l- -n-n-0.< -0.o.a.o.1 c‘ - c. -u-u- I-U-n-i -uâ€" \-..- -n-U- - .«»-u- .- >- >- -y-« -u 13 02 ml. 1 lb. 12 oz Mansbridge Jewellers 8 oz BIL 8’02 Pkg COFFEE Before you lose a stone from your diamond ring, let us check the claws. New claws in gold cost only 750 each, in platinum $1.00. We will be glad to give y’Ou an estimate on jewelry repairing, silver plating, ring set- ting, etc. Phone Hyland 0061 Monday, Tuesday July 19-20 THE. LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, ‘Thursdm T0 RICHMOND HILL WATER USERS 33c 180 250 25c 14c Owing to a temporary shortage of water, householders are requested to refrain from using garden hose from 9 a-m- to 5 pm. aain until further notice. Your co-op’eration will be appreciated NOTICE Celery Stalks 2 for 25c Head Lettuce 2 NO. 1 GREEN EXTRA LARGE 3% blocks south of City Limits Dog Food Sockeye Vinegar Shredded Wheat 2 Blended Juice 2 Spaghetti NA BISC‘O (‘LOVER LEAF SOCIETY CANADA VAN, CA MP8 FAN-CY 3359 Yonge St., North Toronto RUSSELL LYNETT. Clerk GROUND FRESH Salmon 210 Malt or Cider RichthOnd Hill 203W 24 oz. Btl. Heads 10 lbs: 20 02. Tina uly 1.5,,1948 . 180 49c 51c 15c 27c 250 25c