Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1948, p. 6

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W000...” A Big Afterncm and Evening Program, From 1 pm. to 1 am. A Horse Show With a fine Program of saddle and Hu'rcile Events Featuring Some oi Ontario's Finest Horses and Riders. Aunt Jemima, in person, with I1er" most tempting pancakes _ Monster Dance in the Arena at Night RUSS CREIGHION'S ORCHESTRA. $1.000 IN LUCK)I DRAW PRIZES ADMISSION: To Grounds 95c - To Dance 25c ‘ RICHMOND HILL Farmers Supply With Dr. S. W. Armitége, Mapll‘ Small and Large Animals Marking the 75th. Anniversary of the Village Of Richmond Hill. Civic Holiday \ Mon. Aug. 2 LIONS CLUB HORSE SHOW CARNIVAL & DANCE Full Line of Blatchford Feeds Ask us for information about Calf-Mix The new surplemont for greater vilamln Ind miner: contentâ€"greater nulriflonl 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 ‘ 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill Life, Fire, Autumobile, etc. 3VOWâ€" Strengthened with Proceeds For Lions CIub Welfare Activities RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB R. Edmunds, Pres. RusseII Lynett, Committee Chmn. Norm. Chatteriey, Committee Sec And they’ll stay healthy too- Blatchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays mo bigger Blatc {0 d5 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone 139 Dr. J. Sheppard Official and Accredited Veterinarian THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday July 15, 1948 VETERINARY Richmond Hill Park Roy V. Bick INSURANCE MIDWAY - GAMES - RIDES â€" SOFTBALL GAME 93 Vonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"- Richmond Hill Tmonto Officeâ€"13 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 100 Main St. Phone 126 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Residenm -.- 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Willowdalc 308 Room 66, 18 'I‘oronthtq Toronto Phone AD. 5877.8-9 Barristers, Solicitors, Etr. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Macnaughton ‘ McKinnon Buildlng [9 Melinda Street, Toronto. Ontario ALEXANDER MacGREGOR K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, MA. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building ELgin 5029 ' Toronto Jos. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan Office Hoursâ€"Daily 10 to 5 pm. Eveningsâ€"Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, 8 to 10 And ‘by Appointment 40 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED DENTIST YONGE AND: ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO BARRISTER SOLICjTQR, NOTARY PUBLIC Wm. Gook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson ‘oronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. . 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill. Thursday forenuon Maple. Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate M acGregor & Wilson quristersLSoliciitiors, Notaries THURSDAY AFTERNOON Dr. W. J. Mason Walter S. Jenkins M acN aughton & M acN aughton Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale N. L. MATHEWS, K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. (0n Active Service) B. E. LYONS, 3.1L JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES Ba'rrirsters, iSoIicitgrjs, etc. Cook & Gibson T. (.7. Newman Richmbnd Hill Every IN THE DENTAL 6 Bomfor’d St. Phone 120 Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario. Farm Stoek, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate Sales 3 specialty. ‘ At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.0.. phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0.. phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small Ken & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Mm the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept 'a number o.‘ pupds m PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.1 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9â€"11 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. Evenings and Sqndays: Emergencies and appointments only. Telephone 24 Richmond Hill 26 Years Ex erience York County, Uxbri ge and Picket ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty ,. Telephone Stouffville 7312 ‘ Address: Gormley P.O. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon VETERINARY SURGEON Ientre St. W. Richmond H'ill Office phone 360W Res. 360.1 '22 Yonge_ StAreej; HAPLE Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 Rea) Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff â€" AND -â€" Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: Miss Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy 9-]1 Thistietown Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. P. Wilson Sunday Ade-lmo M elecci Office Hours -10 a.m., 12â€"â€"2 ._& 6â€"8 p.m. #nnd by appomtment__ Woodbridge 64r23 Phone Weston 703r12 A. S. Farmer Ken Love AUCTIONEER m.; 1-3 p.m.; 6-8 1: days and Holidays by appointment gnly. MUSICAL PIANO MEDICAL '§£¥éé'£' ' W fiicfimond Hill Telephone 100 ' Richmond Hill Ontario Phone 3 is being held this week. The Mose- ley family are moving before long to British Cialumbia. Their departure from the vicinity is regretted and they leave with best wishes of many. Mr. Moseley has been active for a number of years as trustee for S. S. No. 4, Strange. Spray Roadside' Weeds . . . . . Approximately $1,000 will be exâ€" pended on roadside weed spraying by King Township council. Reeve L. B. Goodfellow states a spraying machine will be rented for this pur- pose to be Operated by township em- ployees, the project under the sup- ervision of road superintendent Chalâ€" mer Black of Kettleby. Officials say selection of sections of roads will be chosen for the experiment, and later examined'jor results. Councillor Elton Armstrong has been appointed to represent King township council on Aurora Planning Board. A vigiting member of the board to council proposed a specified area in King township adjacent to the municipality of Aurora' be defined for planning purposes. Mr. Arm~ strong will sit in on meetings and report back to King township coun- cil. It is understOd, W'hitchurch municipality has been approached \by‘ the Aurora board, to define a similar area in that township. Peter Rawlings of the same family was host to friends last week on his sixth birthday. In The Realm of Pies Members of King Women's Insti- tute are reminded by the executive to dwell on pie making for King City Street Dance, July let. They are duly requested to bring a pie or piesfl preferably the latter, for the Insti- tute refreshment booth at the dance, which is ibeingheld in Memorial Park this year. ngths will be arranged in four adjoining sections, as used by King Legion last August. This fac- ilitates management and operation to the advantage of workers and the public. There will be hot dogs, soft drinks, ice cream, chocolate bars, smokes, and other refershments; pie and hot coffee to no end. Folks get awfully hungry. The dance and car- ‘nival features and prevailing good times and pleasant enviro'nment are enough to produce an appetite of goodly size. There is a large Instiâ€" tute membership and the shift work- ers will be used to give the visiting unublic the best p0ssible service. Miss Louise Kelley, nurse in train- ing at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto, is home on vacation. Piano Results Congratulations are extended to Shirley Rawlings on success in passâ€" ing; grade 2 theory examinations with honors set by the Royal Conservaâ€" tory of Music. To her brothers, Ro- get, honors in grade 5 piano, and Donald, grade 8 piano with honors. They are pupils of their mother, Mrs. Donald Rawlings of King. a building contractor in Toronto. The extensive sale of farm stock, imple- ments, grain and household effects, Proceeds from the sale of household efl‘ects of the late A. B. Wells estate brought in good results recently. Nevertheless a note of sadness was felt as it is realized both Mr. and Mrs. Wells have passed- on and their home is no longer a part of the com- munity. ' e The farm of William Moseley at Strange has been purchased by Mrs. Frank Marshall. It was originally owned by the late Mr. Ab Marshall and was taken over by Mr. Moseley 21 years ago, who was at that time Piano Recital At a piano recital held late in June at the home of Mrs.‘ Fi'ank Arms- trong, King, pupils of "Miss Dorothy Armstrong presented studies which \lre very favorably received by a large number of parents and friends. Afterward refreshments were ser- ved by the hostess to complete an in- teresting evening. Those taking part were: Stephen Jarvis, Beth Hobson, Ruth. Beynon, Phyllis Barker; Berâ€" nice Cairns, Joyce Hately,‘Mary Ann Moore, Pat Simpson, Joan Burns, Janet BurnS, Janet Langdon, John and Jimmy Langdon, Barbara and Ann Specht, Suzanne Grew, Freda Dent, Norma Wells, John Richards, Marlyn Pierson, Joan Andrews, John Dew, Joan Reid, Donna Wilson, Mar-. lene Llyod, May Jones, Shirley Jones, Gerry Campbell, Cal-01 l'Busby. John- nie Walker, Betty Beynon, Douglas Hollinshead, Ceinwen Calder, Carol Black, Frances McDonald, Joan Pat- ton, Donald Ash. Julia Bell'was un- able to be present. Successful Musicians Pupils of Miss Reta Regan were successful in passing piano examin- ations: grade 8, John Lawlor; grade 7. Barbara Lawlor; grade 4, Frances Greenwood; grade 2, Mary Catherine Lawlor. Miss Regan has success- fully passed the tenth grade piano examination with honors. She‘is a pupil of Miss Carme Archambault of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. _ Visitor from England Mrs. Lavina Walsh of Blackpool. England, arrived at M'alton airpoz't on Tuesday, July. 6th, to visit her sister. Mrs. Edgar Bullock of Strange She will remain unil September when Mrs. Bullock plans to return to Eng- land with hep for a visit to the old King City District News Mrs. Stanley Smith of Kinghorn was entertained by a group of neigh- bors at the home of Mrs. E. Kyle one evening last week, as she and her two children, Janet and Douglas make departure to join Mr. Smith in their new home at Burlington. A number of household gifts were given Mrs. Smith and the children were also re- membered. The Smith family lived in the home of Mr. Aubrey Campbell for some time, and since Mr. Smith found employment at Burlington the family remained at Kinghorn. The evening was a great surprise and thrill for Mrs. Smith, as such things are unheard of in the old land, which the family left last year, flying from England to Canada. She leaves the neighbourhood with _ best wishes. Janet, 8, had been a pupil at King- horn school. Mrs. Ed Kyle and daughter, Iso- bel! were guests at Perth, during Old Home Week therefrom June '27 to July 4th. Born at Smith’s Falls, near Perth, Mrs. Kyle was one Miss Janet Bangdon and brother, Jimmy are holidaying ,with their aunts at their summer homes in Hal- iburton district. Langdon coac’) Iine§ are exceeding- ly busy this summer at charter work. A pilgrimage to Mary Lake Shrine on Sunday, drew a large number of people to the scene. Several buses were in service from Toronto to King. The beautiful estate of the Augustinian Fathers provide a rest- ful occasion for many. The summer beauty of the noted Mary Lake is one of Ontario's most favored spots for worshippers. Mr. Leonard Shropshire has re- turned home to convalesce after an emergency operation for appendiciâ€" tis last week at York County hos- pital, Newmarket. He is progress- ing very well, and hopes to he at the harvest before too long. Mrs. G. Allan, Lefroy, vigited her daughter, Mrs. Matt Bell last week- end. Her grand-children, Julia and Rodney returned home with hex" for a couple of weeksV holiday. New Type Homes Are Seen In The District The first pre-fabricated house in King Village has been built by Mr. Frank Curts. A 24 ’x 24 foot house of four rooms, vyas put up in two days by workmen, the roof shingled and floors laid. ' Hydro and water and interior finishing will be com- pleted by Mr. ‘Curts. Mr. Bob Benson is constructing an air lock log house, on the Schom‘berg- Aurora sidenoad. This type of home is fast becoming popular and may run into big'figures according to type. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson, on Saturday, July 3rd, at York County hospital. Mary Jane, 16 months old now, has a brother. Vacation visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson were the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R0}!- ertspn of Guelph. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey of Wood- stock spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Gillham.‘ land. Fond of travel, Mrs. Walsh, 72, said she enjoyed the flight ex- ceedingly. It is her first visit to Canada. of the thousands to return to the place where she attended school. Moving events of the week gave hap- piness to the great home gathering, with 15,000 on one day alone. Mrs. Kyle visited with friends and every- thing possible was carried out to make the full week a source of never forgettable memories. All Saints W. A. held a successful afternon tea and home baking sale on the church lawn on July 7th. of Mrs. Alfred Gillham at Strange or the evening of July 20th. The date has been set forward one day due to. King Street Dance on Jnlv 2151:. Mrs. D. M. Ross and Mrs. Arthur Bovair will 'arrange the program. Eversley W. A. was entertained at Mrs. Arthur Bovair’s last week. Ev- ersley W.M.S. will meet at the home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells. Toronto, on Sunday, wiho motore‘d them to Oshawa Beach Park where they enjoyed a picnic lunch prepared By Mrs. Wells. This was a surprise treat for Mr. and Mrs. Curtis who en- joyed the outing. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curts of De- troit visited the former’s sister, Mrs. M. J. Winter. Anticipating the rail- way strike they hurried home early this week. W “WM Thornhill. Ont. Marguerite Boyle Elocution, Public Speaking, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD AHALL" Phone 89W ‘ Yerex Eleétric RICHMOND HILL, PHONE 212 _ A AAAAA.LAAAA AA“ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A - i Why not come in and get sighed up for your Essotane gas stove. Prices range from i $97.95 up. Time payments on these stoves § are very easy. WWW.” OOOMWWWW“ 09' WW NOOW 3.9999990900099099 ; Phone 21-W Richmond Hill, Ont. § mmmwmmmmmmm» WOOOOO“”“ oummmuuomoo FOR EXAMPLE: J. Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO : E R N I E B R O C K PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT Frame Home Possible to Remodel 5 TO 6 ROOMS WITH. ‘3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY UP TO $58,000:» $3500 CASH ‘ 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS, SHADE TREES A MUST. UPTO $10,000. 26‘ ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ON YONGE STREET. SIZE OF HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE IN FAIR CONDITION. [1Xâ€" 5 ACRES AND HOUSE, CO NVENIENGES NOT NECESS« RY. UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE OR MASONRY HOUSE. Liberal Classified Ads. Get Results Real Estate Thornhi11168J Insurance International Harvester Tractors. Farm Machines and Twine. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals. Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors Beatty & Fairbanks-Morse Pumps & Home Appliances URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS Payment pér month $7.52 MOFFATT STOVE, costing Down Payment . . . . . . . . . . Finance Charges, 24‘, months “If it’s for the Farm â€"â€" We sell it” See F ENN Real Estate All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. MASTER BRO‘OD SOW RATION Is complete feed, specially prepared and designed to provide the sow with a nourish- ing, well-balanced ration, rich in minerals and vitamins. ' ‘ MASTER PIG STARTER is built es- Telephone Maple 11 ‘ $165.00 15.47 $180.47 $186.50 21.50

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