Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1948, p. 8

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E PlrIONES:â€"â€"TIIORNHILL 118W. JUNCTION 2980 i nllllllflllfllllallIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIII III-IIllIIIIIIIEIIIIIll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender Work our Speciality 5 TELEPHONE 74-M' I I laflfllllrIIIIIIIIII“II-IIHIHIZNIIIIIIII' F .L. LOWRIE, R.0. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, July 28th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACI D Prescriptizms for Glassce Filled For Appointment Phone Blchmond Hill 32 TH‘E LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 15. 1948 144 YONGE STREET Bingo m Dancing STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we STREET DANCE ~ & CARNIVAL McMullen Motors THORN HILL Wed’y, July 28th $1000 in Draw Prizes Thornhill District Lions Club GAMES INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, E-ROOFING We specialize in re-roofing, . RIDDELL l we will Dick up your car and make delivery after service. Admission 25c RICHMOND HILL PONY RIDES The fun will commence right after supper and a record crowd is expec- ted. Tickets will be on sale shortly. Given in‘marriage by her father, the bride wore ivory slipper satin, fashioned with a yoke of net, deep frills over the shoulders, and falling to a small train 'at the back. A headdress of orange blossoms held her finger-tip veil, and she carried A huge Street Dance and Carnival has been planned by Thornhill Dis- trict Lions Club for that date, apd you won’t want to miss it, for in ad- dition to Bingo, Games and Pony Rides, there will be dancing to Russ Creighton’s orchesstra. A major at- traction will be the $1000. in draw prizes Are you planning to be in town on the 28th of July (Wednesday)? Mr. and Mrs. L. Jamieson were honored on their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary recently at a sur- prise party planned by their eldest daughter, Marjory. The four child- dren, Marjorie, Maxine, Keith and Glen, presented their parents with a handsome silver tea service, and the couple received many beautiful cards, gifts and congratulations from friends, neighbours and relatives. Percy Simpkins. became the bride of Norman Kenneth Hedges. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hedges. Tall standards of delphinium formed the back- ground for the ceremony ‘performed by Rev. S. A. R. Wood. Just this week, John Wesley, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Wseley, had his right hand caught in a mach- the and as a result, lost the end of his third finger. ' Last week, Larry, twoâ€"year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelson Centre St., had his left hand severe- iy injured in a freak accident. when a gust of wind caught the door. slamming it closed on his hand, just as he was entering the house. Sum? moned by Mrs. Harry Simpkins, Dr. Wilson rendered first aid and had the child removed to hOSpital, where a cast had to be put on the child’s- hand. The ends of two fingers were completely severed. Hiedges-Simpkins A charming summer wedding was solemnized in Trinity Anglican Church on Saturday, July 3rd. when Reta May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Two local lads have had their Hands injured in accidents within the past week. Thornhill District News ‘eived in Iceland ‘Tblué'k’g'oan with white accesories and corsage of pink rosebuds, assisted'ibr’the groom": mother in printed whim-silk jersigy with white accessorieé and'corsage of white gardenias: ' For lgoihg awa§,. the bride chése blue silk ‘jerSey with" sfightl'y deep.1 er blue coat and white accessories. ‘ B At the reception :helfldl late“ at th; home of the bridé,'hep mog‘ner re. Mrs. L. Jamiesoh ’sp'ent a two weekse’ vacatio'n in London, Sarnia and Detroit recentl'y. A very interesting meeting of the: Edger Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs._'PauI Snider last Thursday when they were honoured by a visit of the Richmond Hill In-i stitute, a company-.’6f‘7‘twenl:y-four ladies, making 41 presentvin all. _The‘ program was given by the Edgely: ladies, Mrs. Phillips giving a talk on'i the subject “Pioneer Ontario Ex-i pands.” This talk was very interesa" ting indeed and much enjoyed by thei ladies. This was followed by a soloi “I’ll Walk Beside You" by Mrs. Kerr: Taylor, sung in her usual sweet} voice. Miss Jean Phillips gave a short, interesting talk on the motto.‘ “Life can be beautiful." Mrs. Kerr- Taylor favoured the ladies with anâ€" other solo “Rose of Tl'alee.” Mrs. Gordon Anderson contributed two beautiful piano solos. This was fol- lowed by lunch served by the com- mittee in charge and a very pleas- ant meeting was brought to a close. a cascade bCliunt‘VO‘f white garden- ias, white carnations and stocks, vith white satin streamers. Matron of hoheui', Mrs. Alex Humphries, sister of the bride, wore blue net over blue' satin, and her natchin-g headdress was a wrPnth wit-h shOulder length Veil. She car- 'ied a bouquet of yellow roses and blue cornfioweps, A niece «af- the groom, MiSS Hedges rdf-Peiierbogo was» jgniqr bridesmaidrin pale green with; matching headdress and her aosegay. was of mixed flowers _to cor- respond with her ngr}, Best man was, Chafleé Hedgés of Peterboro, a brothel" of the gropm, and ushers weré Jggk Simpkins; brother of the bere, and Sydney Hedges, another ' brother of Â¥he groom. .‘ v > ‘ Master Jimmy Agnew has return- ed home from Georgetown Where he had been vacationing and now is try- ing hard to get.over the measles. Here‘s to a quick yecovery, Jimmy! Mr. and Mrs. Boli Montgomery and little son Bobby had tea with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stung and family on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price and famâ€" ily and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Broadbelt and family spent Sunday in Macvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Don Forbesspent Sun- day with Mrs. Stong’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Stong. ' . Church services in Edgeley church will be discontinued for the next month owing to the minister being away on vacation. Mr. Gordon Mortfion and 1ittle,,sOns and Mr. and Mrs.-.Herman Mortson and daughters of Victoria Square. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong and Mrs. Mortson. eye ceremony.” “But I thought that_w:is Ehé .cus‘ tom.” ‘ ‘ . “Not three years after.’_’ - u---k-----.o-v.o-OC Phone 2521 13.0. Box 268 MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY Gurney Gas Ranges for‘ Essotane Furnaces â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems “Where did ybu get \that black For kissing the ’bridq aftei‘l the 9n E. I. HINSON Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 EDGELEY L. HOUSE Richmond Hill Decorator Thirty members of Richmond Hill Club were guests of Glebe Manor bowlérs last Thursday evening and all report a very enjoyable time. AnotherK of the" popular me’n’s doubles tournaments will get under way at the local greens' next Tues- day evening. Shirts will ‘be given as prizes. The local greens are in fine shape and enthusiastic games are played, ’every Monday and Thursday evenâ€" ings. New members always we]â€" come. \quies Doubles, Wednesday night at 7:30 sharp: Club competition. All ladies please be present. There Was a full draw for the an- nual tournament for the Mulock trophy at the local greens Wednes« day afternoon. The trophy and first prize went to skip King Of the Fair- mount Club, Toronto; 2nd to skip R. Jelly of Newmarket and 3rd to skip George 'Fuller of RiehmOnd' Hill. Bowmanville vrinks accounted 'for ‘thel prizes for one and two wins. The ladies of the club received many compliments on a fine supper served on the clubhouse veranda. ‘ The July meeting. of Vellore‘ Sl‘.‘1 W. I. was held at the home of Mrs.‘, Roy Peelar with a splendid attend-i ance. Mrs. D. Jarrett presided and- the assistant secretary, Mrs. J.‘Sni- der, read the minutes. Plans are ‘in the making for the~bazaar to he. held later in the year and a dona- tion was made to the Federation of Agriculture, - Memibers replied“ t6 'the Roll Call by answering the ques- tion, ‘fWhy I'like the Institute,” [using- their own initials. Mr. Kear- ney-was the guest speaker and “Cit- izenshiprwas the topic. In a very interesting way, he gave a talk on f‘CanadianCivics,” broadening out to take in the beginning of the Police Force, I M Curfew, ‘ Fire, Brigade, I‘Schools, Mail Service and Health. The ‘origin of names and double inames was also very educational. Mrs. Archie Cameron gave a paper on the motto, “Conduct is but char- ‘acter »in the- making.” Perserverâ€" ence, punctuality, faithfulness and honesty were some of the requisites. Mrs. L. McNeil presented a musical program given February‘ 17th, 1865, tat-Woodbridge, believed made up of ‘alent from Claireville district. Miss A. Kerr had a contest on places of interest in the district iana also 'an exhibit of needle point and crochet lwork. Mrs. Kearney very ably con- ducted community singing’and. gave unstintedly of her musical talent at the lunch hour. > ‘ TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK DEPARTMENT OF! HEALTH Here's How T9? Enjoy A Healthy, Happy Holiday If you are- a nonâ€"swimmer avoid deep water and stay out of a canoe! -Don't go in the Water immediately after éating! ‘Learn about artificial respira- tion . . . . you may'save some- body’s life! Little Girl: “Most everywhere.” “Isn’t it dangerous to drive a car with one hand?” with one hand?” “Yes, many a man has run into a church that way.” g0 Take the sun in ("easy doses 'â€" sunburh is a real burn! Learn what poisonkivy looks like â€" then avoid it! Avoid over-exertion, pax‘icularly if you are unaccustomed to stren- uous exercise! , In hot weather use more salt in your diet! Music is the topic for the August meeting to ,be held at the home of Mrs. ‘D. Jarrett. Let everyone be wesent and make it a bigger and better meeting than the last one. Be sure *your water supply is pure! Make certain your vacation milk supply is pasteurized â€",- if not, pasteurize it yourself! PHONEY MONEY Counterfeit American ten dollar bills are reported in, variOUS parts of Ontario. One tu'rned up in Rich- mond‘Hill this week and readers are warned to look carefully at any Am- erican ten spots which may come their way. The serial number on all phoney bills is reported to be the same and the number is B02762437E. BOWLING NOTES Mother: “Where do bad little girls 9n CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H VELLORE l. D. RAMER & SON, Phone 10 The'Eievator III-IIIII-IIIIII-III-III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII I Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service {II liberal Classified Ads. Get Results EJTelephone 200J Thornhill = I HIIIIIIIIIll-IIIIlllllllllllfilllllllIlI Specials‘ and Reminders for Thurs. Frid. Sat. KEEP A GOOD SUPPLY CF KLEENEX PYRADEE Insect Powder with DDT .. 25c, 75c HOUSEHOLD SPRAY with 5% DDT 25c, 45c, 75c 16 oz. wifh hydraulic sprayer . . . . . . . . . . $1.85 WEEDâ€"NO-MORE special spray and sprayer 96c 3-Burner Oil Stoves . . HARLEY’S Drug Store Electric Rahéétte, good oven . . . . . . $62.50 Propane Gas Ranges [1111mm Klll voun rugs: Summer Baking and Cooking SEE BELOW jBurner Hotplates, high speed elements, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 each F. Y. W. Brathwaite FOR FAST Our power spraying rig sprays Purina D.D.T. on all born interiors. Kills flies all summer. Ask us about this new low-cost service. POWER SPRAYING Phone 18 Richmond Hill We deliver ‘ - : Dfiuc‘iasIOREs 12c 25c I DA. Brand Specials ACID SALICYLIC, 1 oz. . BLANDOIL, 4 oz- BORAX. 16 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMP. LICORICE PDR., 4 oz. GLYCERIN. 2 oz. . . . . . LAXATIVE VEG. TABS. OINTMENTS, 2 oz. jars . POWDER PUMICE, 2 oz. SULPHUR, 1 lb. . . . . . . . Revlon Aquamarine Lotion . $1.00 Arrid ............;......39c,59c Health Salts, 1 1b. . . . . . . . . 59c Thermos Bottles . . . . . . . . $1.50 up dTer Repellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Picnic Jugs . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.75 up Fly-Tex 5% DDT Spray 24c, 43c, 73c Fresh Deodorant .‘ . . . . . . . 39c, 59c Kkovah Salts . . . . . . . . 29c, 49c, 79c Kruschen Salts . . . . . . . . . . 25c, 59c Mum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390, 63c Oil of Citronella . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Reid‘s DDT Household Insect 'Pdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Paper Serviettes 70s . . . . . . . . . . 18c Duchess Paper Plates . . . . . . . . 25E Drinking Straws 1005 . . . . . . . . 10c Velvetta Suntan Creme . . . . . . 39c Sketofax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Paper Serviettes 703 . . Duchess Paper Plates . Drinking Straws 1005 . Velvetta Suntan Creme Sketofax . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c . . . . . . . . . . $105.00 up Mead’s 1 and 2-} lb. .. 79c, $1.79 PABLUM 0r PABENA Baby Powder . . . . $15.95 each LA CTOGEN JOHNSON’S

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