ECCSEEDDTEA VOL LXX Estimate Sewers For Village . Will Cost Over Quarter Million Ratepayers of Richmond Hill next December will be given the opportun- ity of expressing their wishes on the proposed construction of a sewer system in the village, it was decided at a special meeting of council this week. Engineer Redfern sat in with the council in special session and es“- 'timated the cost of the completed system including sewage disposal plant and over ï¬ve miles of mains at $275,000. ' Bumper Crop At Holland Marsh Reeve Hill, and councillors Taylor and Tomlin came out strongly in fa- vor of the proposed censtruction. “If Councillor Middleton said he was opposed to sewers at the' present time at such a ï¬gure, “We’ve got our feet on the ground now, let’s keep them there. I’ve sat at this council table when taxes were high and a 10? ofemle; found it Vmigvht/y hard ~to meet‘ the payments. I can’t forget those days. I can see a return of the 55 mill ‘rate days again and may- be 60 if we keep on spending,†he The engineer was instructed to preâ€" pare detailed estimates and ï¬gures showing the annual cost to the vill- age and proposed methods of raising the required money. It is estimated the annual charges for payment of principal and interest and operating costs will be in the neighbourhood of $20,000. This amount likely will be raised partly by frontage tax with a suggested rate of 20c per foot, a special sewer tax based on a propor- tion of the ratepayers’ yearly water bill and a direct levy on all the tax; payer's. If the total amount were raised by direct tax levy it would mean an increase of about_18 mills. we can get sewers for '$275,000, ! £l1ink it will be a grand thing for the village" said councillor Taylor. He pointed out that by 1954 the majority of present debentures will be paid up. Clerk Lynett reported the present debenture debt of the village at about $187,000. and the village assessment as $1,200,0C0. Onions areâ€"the biggest crop ac- counting for some 1550 acres and let- tuce second with 1194 acres. Acre- age of other crops is as follows: Cabbage . . . . . . . . 55.25 Celery . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436.35 Cauliflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .25 Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083..50 Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1194 . 50 Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 .50 Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.50 Spinach . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . 6‘. Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 11.50 Farsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 French Endives . . . . . . . . . . 5_ Mixed Crop . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.25 All produce leaving the marsh is inspected, and every day more than ï¬fty truckloads pass inspection. Much of the produce is shipped by truck to the nearby markets, but in addition to the amount shipped by truck an average of 900 to 1000 cars are shipped each season by rail. Each carload averages roughly $1000. in value which gives some idea of the production of these fertile marsh acres. said. A recent survey of the Holland Marsh gardens reveals that the gar- den 'area this year is producing a splendid crop and bumper yields are anticipated. The Holland Marsh in- cludes some 7000 acres and this year there is under‘ crop 5,634 acres. Ccâ€"operation of advertisers_ and contributors is solicited in getting all copy in as early in the week as poss- ible. ,Thank you. Direclions: Make lea exuclly as usual . . . While slill hol~pour inlo glasses ï¬lled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon lo lasle . . . PARTICULARS OF COST AND METHOD OF PAYMENT '10 BE GIVEN RATEPAYERS THIS FALL WITH VOTE LIKELY IN DECEMBER GET COPY IN EARLY Delicious Cool Drink THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 55.25 436.35 56.25 1083..50 1194.50 871.50 110.50 Councillor Mabley felt the tax bur- den might bear pretty heavily on the people, but supported a motion that a pulplic meeting be called early this fall when the facts and ï¬gures can be presented to the people. “I think it’s only right we should present the facts to the ratepayers,†“I think it's only present the facts to he said. In answer to a question by Counâ€" cillor Tomlin as to how long he would postpone action councillor /Middleton said until 1.954. “By that time we will have paid some of our debts. We’ve done without sewers for ’75 years surely we can get along for two or‘ three more†he said. Councillor Tomlin said he knew that many rateï¬myel's in Richmond Hill favored sewers and he thought the only thing to do was to put the question to the people to decide. Hé pointed out that. often the best econ- omy was spending money, and he felt as the town grew we would have new people to share the tax burden. Engineer Redfern stated that con- struction of disposal plant was de- signed to service a municipality with a population of 2500 to 3000 people. That it' was felt was making reasonâ€" able provision for growth of Rich- mond Hill within its present boun- daries. ‘ Ratepayers of the North Yonge Street district have been disturbed during the week by stories in the Toronto press regarding the future of the North Yonge Radials. Tues- day evening’s Telegram quoted the Minister of Highways for Ontario and the Deputy Minister to the effect that the province was negotiating for the purchase of the radial right-ofâ€" way,lfor Yonge Street widening. These press reports ‘have given rise to scores of rumors which official sources refuse to conï¬rm. It is ru- mored that the Department of High- ways plans to force the issue by ex- propriating the right-ofâ€"way for highway widening, but legal authorâ€" ities doubt the power of the province to take this action. Even if possible it is considered highly unlikely'that the province would. take such high- handed action in opposition to the will of. the people. Estimates on sewer installation‘ in the early forties ranged in the neigh- bourhood of $125,000 to $150,000., but work was not proceeded with at that time .due to the fact that it was im- possible to obtain the required mat- erial. “Council for many years has given thought and study to the ques- tion of 'sewers†said'the Reeve: “and in fact some of the installation in al- ready in where some years ago it was necessary to install a storm sew- erâ€. Assured \by the» engineer that all! materials were available in fair sup- ply now Councillor Taylor said “Well let’s get some action now, let's get the ficts and put them before the people. ' Many Rumours About Radials Reeves and members of council 1? ,the Townships of North York, Mark- ham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill met iii-conference on the whole transpor- tation question Wednesday night, and it is hoped some deï¬nite «and reâ€"as- suring statement will be forthcoming to put at rest the many rumors cir- culating throughout the district. A poll of public opinion from the city‘limits northwards reveals a de- ï¬nite majority of public opinion in favor of a continuance of the radial service. It is very unlikely that mun- icipal authorities in the distl'ict'will take any action'contrary to this very evident public opinion without sub- the form of a referendum. mitting ‘the question to the people in Special Board Will Administer Community Hall At a special meeting Monday night Richmond Hill council decided to ap- point a special board to administer the affairs of the proposed new com- munity hall. This action was taken at the request of a deputation rep- resenting the Lions Club, sponsors of the campaign to build the hall. P. E. Angle, Andrew Armstrong, D. M. Chamney and T. B. Lamb were mem- bers of the deputation and they urged that the Board be appointed to con- form to prï¬incial government re- quirements to qualify for a provin- cial grant. .- :- P. E. Angle speaking on behalf of the deputation said the Lions now had about $20,000 in cash and were assured of a government grant of $5,000. To qualify for the grant he said a representative board must be appointed by council to build and manage the afl‘airs of the hall. The clerk Was instructed to have the necessary by-law prepared, pro- viding for the appointment of a Board of seven members. The coun- cil will name two of its members to sit on the Board, there Will be three representatives of the Lions Club, one representative of the WOmen’s Institute, and one representing Vau- ghan and Richmond Hill ,Iveterans. Lions Club representatives were suggested by the club executive as P. E. Angle, T. B. Lamb and R. D. Little. The council has not yet named its two representatives and the W.I. and Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans will be asked to nom- inate one member. The Board when constituted will have complete authority for the building of the proposed hall and for its conduct and management. Fine Prizes For Maple Uld Home ‘ Week Lucky Draw Members of Maple Lions Club are determined to make the coming Old Home Week celebration announced for September 3rd, 4th, and 5th, one of the'greatest events in the history of Maple. Every possible prepara- tion is being made to welcome and entertain the large number of guests expected at the home-coming cele- bration. A feature of the celebration will be lucky draws for prizes totalling; nearly $10-00. The grand prize Friâ€" day evening, September 3rd, will he an electric washing machine valued at $1129. and on Saturday night an automatic combination radio valued at $269. There are many other val- uable prizes for lucky ticket holders. The committee has sent out hun- dreds of invitations to old boys and girls and is most anxious that no names be missed. They ask the co- operation ‘of the peeple of the dis- trict in this regard and suggest that names and addresses of former resi- dents be handed in at once to the club VILLAGE PEA FACTORY REPORTS GOOD CROP Officials at the Pea Factory, Richâ€" mond Hill, reported this week that this year’s pea crop compares favor- ably with that of other years. With an estimated two hundred acres un- der contract from various farmers in the district, the factory is sending its produce 0 wholesale grocers, ho- els and large chain stores. The fac- tory employs approximately ï¬fty workers, half of them women and girls, who wash and grade the peas. preparing them for the boxing and freezing process. Work is at its peak right now and will continue to the end of the usual ï¬ve week period. START WORK SOON Inrternational water Supply Co. plan to start work on development of new well on the Mackie property, Richmond Hill, early in August. The test hole indicated a very ample flow of excellent quality water. The Company developing the well guar- antees a supply of 150 gallons a min- ute and the cost of the completed well will be $8,865 0'0. If the sup- ply reches higher production the cost increases in proportion, and if it reaches 300 gallons per minute the cost will be $11,865. Mr. Mackie, on whose property the well is located, will be paid $25. per year rental as long as the well is used for a water supply. €15 Jé “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Ess ON NEW WELL RTCHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY. JULY 22. 1948 Safe Driving Tests At Richmond Hill Lions Club Carnival Non-Essentials: Do you know that three in every four accidents are caused directly by the person behind the wheel? Do vou know the shqrï¬bomings of your driving skill? I When the bright red streamlined trailer pictured 'above noses into Richmond Hill on Monday, August 2nd every driver in the district will have a chance toilearn how he per- sonally may be ‘able to counteract weaknesses which could lead to acâ€" cidents. a The trailer is a John Labatt Ltd. van equipped with Scientiï¬c apparâ€" atus which indicates One’s physical and mental ï¬tness as a driVer. It is being brought here†by the Lions Club as an educational feature in connection with thé annual Carni- val and Street Dance on August 2nd. The tests indicate a driver’s vis- ion, his a‘bility to distinguish vehic- les approaching on either side, and his ability to see in- the glare of wet pavement or approaching lights. They show how accurate is a driv- er’s distance judgment in meeting and overtaking oï¬he; vehicles. They register strengthlflï¬fgï¬p in both_lefl; hand and‘right, an‘d-a person’s abil- ity to distinguish colours. They test steadiness, nervous reaction and speed of reaction in emergency. A fraction of a second in braking fre- Wesley United Church was the scene of a pretty double ring cere- mony Saturday; July 3rd, when Elva Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevenson, Aurora, became the bride of Mr. Bert Hunt, son of Mrs. Josephine Hunt, Richmond Hill and the 1ate_Sidney Hunt. Rev. E. Mo‘ddle officiated. Mrs. Dolores MC- Queen, Toronto, sang- “The Lord’s Prayer†and “Because†with Mr. Geo. E. Richardson at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white sat- in with a hoop skirt and short train. Her floor length veil with a ‘head- dress of orange blossoms came from Scotland and she carried a cascade of red roses and white star flowers. Miss Audrey Stevenson, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, wore a gown of pale blue nylon marquisette and carried a bouquet of deep pink roses; Miss Thelma Meyers as bridesmaid wore a gown of pink ny- lon marquisette and carried a bou- quet of pink roses. Miss Marion Stevenson as junior bridesmaid wore a brocaded yellow gown and carried a bouquet of Talisman rosesi The [best man was Mr. Sidney J. Hunt, brother 01‘ the groom, and the ushers were Chesley Curl and Car- man Stevenson. The reception was held at the Ma- sonic 'Hall, Richmond Hill. The bride’s. mother received in blue fas‘ cinette with white accessories and the groom’s mother in blue crepe with white accessories. ‘ For travelling the bride chose a blue crepe dress with a grey shortie coat with navy accessories. After spending their honeymoon at Clear Lake and other points north, they will reside in Toronto. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, June 26th, at four o’clock, at Thornhill United Church, when. Norma Jean McKay, daughter of Mrs. McKay and the late Mr. Nor- man McKay, became the bride of James Burton Hislop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton A. Hislop, Thornhill. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. E. Kent in a setting of pink peo- nies and blue delphinium. Given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. John Troyer of Detroit, the H UNT-STEVENSON mm HISLOP-MCKAY WEDDINGS Liberty; .In All Things, Charity: quently means avoidance of accident -â€" or life instead ofy‘death. The series of eight tests â€" known as psychological tests â€"â€"- is part of the driver training course which or- iginated in the United States and is now in use in Canada. Public opin- ion is growing in favour of a spec- iï¬c driver training programme as a means of reducing accidents. In spite of mechanical improvements and better highways, accidents have been increasing steadily as the num- ber of motorists increases. Driver training was designed to ’keep the human element in step with mech- anical improvements. Driver training has been tried as a course in several American high schools. Young drivers between the ages of 16 and 21 cause nine times as »many accidents as drivers be- tween 45 and 50, the safest driving age group. The high schoolvcourse has cut the accident rate among young drivers by 42 per cent. The tests to be given here are a part of the high school course and of the course for commercial drivers. The Richmond Hill Lions Club in- $395.. evermns. ,Whoi .éHiYeS , 9r .intewis t'é driyg, toftake ‘advanfagé of this Opportuinity "to record. his -' potential ability as a driver. Don’t miss this educational attraction on the Lions big day, Monday, August 2nd. bride wore a gown of white nylon marquisette pattern-ed with lily-of- the-valley nbouquets and fashioned with ruffled bertha, short puffed sleeves, off the shoulder neckline and full skirt gathered in tiers. Her veil of illusion was caught to a bonnet headdress, a cascade of white car- nations ‘and bouvardia. / Mrs. Andrew Murdison was matron of honour and Miss Phyllis Cary Was bridesmnid. The attendants were gowned in dresses of white organdy with royal blue and emerald green coin dots, and fashioned with off the shoulder neckflines and boufl’ant skirts. They carried fans of pink larks’pur and had floral headbands to match. Andrew Murdison acted as best man, while ushers were Howard Stewart and Michael Humphries. The wedding music was played by Miss Ruth Hicks and solos were rendered by Mrs. Wm. Burke. For the wedding reception at Map- le Villa, Mrs. McKay, who chose a Queen’s Blue dress with white ac- cessories and corsage of Pink Delight roses, received the guests. She was assisted by the groom’s mother! who wore a rose mesh frock with white accessories and a corsage of sweet peas For the wedding trip to Halibur- ton the bride wore a dusty pink crepe dress and matching jacket, with b1a<'\k straw hat and black calf bag and shoes. Mr. and Mrs. Hislop will reside at Thornhill. Condensed fr0m the Broadcast of A Richmond Hill rink was among the prize winners in the Veterans’ Tournament at West Toronto this week. All ‘the players must be over 70 years of age. The local rink wa§z William Scrivener, George Ball, A. G. Savage, George Fuller. The ï¬nals in the shirt tournament will be played to-night at the local greens. In the men’s division John A. Greene and Morley Hall will meet Floyd Perkins and Jim Grainger for top honors. Archie Murray and Wil- son Beresford will ï¬ght it out with Ernie Hall and Dr. Young for the consolation prize. A mixed doubles tournament will be held here Saturday afternoon starting at 2 p.m. BOWLING NOTES Village Will Seek Services 0f Full Time Police Officer The Village of Richmond Hill will[ seek the services of a full time police officer. This was decided at a spec- ial meeting of ,council this week when a motion by Councillor Tom Taylor was carried, instructing the village clerk to write to the Ontario Provincial Police Commiss- ioner asking particulars and cost of having a provincial police assigned to the municipality. J. A. Mabley, part time police offi- cer \for a number of years, submitted 'his resignation to council and asked that it be effective at once. A motion by councillor Middleton that he be asked to reconsider and carry on until the end of the year was carried. Councillor Middleton said that in fairness to Mr. Mabley it should be explained that he was working only on a part time basis and not getting too much for it. “Mr. Mabley has done a lot of work for a little money and if everything hasn’t been entirely satisfactory per- hapsWe as a council are partly to blame for not giving the proper in- structions,†said Mr. Middleton. “Moreover†he said we haven’t made any provision in our estimates for a full time constable. Over a period of years Mr. Mabley has given a lot of help to the municipality and for some time looked after_ relief with- out any remuneration.†en instruction to enforce the by-laws regulating dogs, parking, and bicy- cle riding. Mr. Tomlin insisted how- ever that the village needs full time police protection. “We owe such_a Weekly News Notes Councillor Tomlin agreed to sup- port the motion if the officer be givâ€" service Ratepayers Sanction Additional Monies for School Addition At a meeting held last Monday night in the Ric‘hvale public School the ratepayers of the school district gave authori/cy for the'school board to approach the Vaughan Cguncil for additional monies to the total of three thousand dollars. This money is to be used for the completion of the new additional two class rooms on the Richvale school. It was explained by Mr. Jackson Taylor, chairman of the school board. that the original debenture issue had teen ï¬gured on buildings erected last year and in the interim the cost had risen to necessitate the additiona‘ monies as indicated by the tenders proferred to the architects. The low- est tender has been accepted and work has already been started on the addition in order to have it in readi- ness for the £511 term. This increase is not anticipated to increase the taxes appreciably if at all, providing nothing additional in the way of school wages or maintenance proves effective. The vote in favor of the additional monies indicated a vote of conï¬dence in the work the board of trustees has been doing for the community. May we add our thanks and say that their good work will be rewarded in the advance in educational privileges that the future youth of the community will enjoy. the future youth of the community will enjoy. Richvale Community Hall News Last Week-end marked another step toward the completion of the Richvale Community Hall. Volunteer workers under the dir- ection of Mr. Bryan Bailey laid the concrete floor and everything is now in readiness for the walls to be er- ected. ‘Once again the voll'nteers Were served meals and refreshments by the Vaughan Women Workers under Mrs. Patterson. A table was laid on the lawn of Mr. Zryd, Spruce Avenue. and the pauses for meals in the shade of the trees proved to be an incentive for the men to double their efforts on the job. A hearty vote of thanks is extended 'to the men who volunteered. the ladies who served and to Mr. and Mrs. Zryd for the inany services they perforined to make the day a success. Thanks also go to M1‘.lM. Einboden of Lansing for the use of his cement without which the job Could not have been attempted. CONSTABLE MABLEY TENDERS RESIGNATION COUNCIL ASKS HIM T0 RECO‘NSIDER AND CONTINUE UNTIL END OF YEAR (.TOMMUNI'I‘Y HALL CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSING VAUGHAN WOMEN WORKERS PLAN BINGO CHESS EXPERT WINS HONOURS‘ to the people who pay taxes, 9! From"'RiChV‘ale Distric‘t ADVERTISING IN GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAI he said. There was considerable discussion regarding the policing of Yonge St. “I don’t see why the peOple of Rich- mond Hill should be taxed to pay a policeman to police Yonge St. which is a provincial highway.†said coun- cillor Mabley. “Wthy don’t the provincial. police look after\Yonge St?" asked coun- cillor Taylor. “Because they were told to stay out†said councillor ‘Mabley. “Our own officer was manually operating the stop lights during heavy traffic and a provincial policeman came on the scene and started handling traf- ï¬c paying no heed to our officer. Former Reeve Neal objected and the Department admitted the provincial.- officer was wrong. The same police ofl‘icer is reported to have said 'he would have the stop light taken off Yonge Street.†' Reeve Hill and all members of the council expressed opinions favorable to the stop light. They pointed out it served a very useful purpose in giving people an opportunity to cross Yonge Street. “It should. be changed to give peo- ple more time to get across†said councillor Mabley. “Twenty seconds isn‘t: long enough and I know some of our elderly people have trouble making the crossing in time.†“This village has a heavy traffic problem, we have ~p‘51‘king regula- tions to enforce and other by-laws .which are ignored. We need a full time constable to enforce these by- laws and give our people the protec- tion to which they are entitled,†said councillor Tomlin. Vaughan Women Workers‘ Once again the .ladjes club of Rich- valc known as the Vaughan Women Workers have made the newsTJ-il do- ing their bit fpr the community. a bazaar to the neighborhood the pro- ceds of which were presented to the building committee of the East Vau. ghan Ratepayers Association to be used to buy necessary materials 2or the community centre. A week ago last Saturday they rallied forces to organize and present The bazaar was uvery much of \a success with every one backing the ladies’ enterprise to the limit. Last; week end the ladies turned a sum of one hundred and two dollars over to the building fund. The ladies -‘have announced that with the various activities they have participated in recently such as ser- ving; refreshments for the volunteer workers that their working ï¬nances have become somewhat depleted and in order to reimburse their purse a bingo night is to be -held Tuesday, July 27th, at the home of Mrs. Stan Wood, Carrville Road, Richvale. Ev- eryone who can is invited to attend and aid the ladies in their work â€" .ve’ll be looking for you. -Richval-e Resident Honoured Mr. Knud Rasmussen of Oak Av- enue, \Richvale, who is very well known‘ loeally for his prowess at Chess recently received correspon- ‘ience informing him that a chess problem he had submitted to an in- fernational competition had been aw- arded ï¬rst prize. The competition knownâ€"Kthe “Task Composing Tourney†had chess authorities the continent over vying for honours. It was under the sup- ervision of the United States Chess Federation and it is indeed a feather in Mr. Rasmussen’s cap that his en‘- try was selected. Mr. Rasmussen has had discussions and chess problems printed in Tor- onto papers and is among the top authorities in this very intellectual 3f hobbies. Orchids to y0u, Mr. Ras- mussen. In last week’s issue Mrs. Nelson Lund to of ladies 100 yd. 'sw This should have re Lund.†CORRECTION sue, we reported to be the ’winner swim at Laskay. read “Mrs. Roy