IIII-IIIIIIIll-IiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB? H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jul) THERE’S FUN FOR EVERYONE 0N driven and direct drive) Draw Rope Sling Ropes Hay Cars and Tracking Baling Twine / Binder Twine Milk Coolers, 4 and 6 can Farm Implements FOR SALE Rubber-Tired Wagon’s Cultipacker Fertilizer Sowers Sprayer Rite-way Milkers Cream Separators Pressure Systems (Be‘Ir- "We’re adding more long Distance lines all the time†THE BEll TELEPHONE Harold Mortson New Implements Funeral Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Spring Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and USA. Phone Richmond Hill 3441‘2 RICH VALE FLORIST LONG DISTANCE lines are busier than ever and the number of calls is still increasing. Though some calls are delayed, most are put through “while you hold the lineâ€. We are adding more cables and switchboards just as fast as possible to make Long Distance service even speedier. These additions, plus unseen technical im- provements, are part of our continuing program to provide the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost. RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W (Subject to Change) H0 63 Rakes Tedder " 1.H.C. Mowers ‘ Disc Plow 3-furrow Tractor Plow 2-Row Corn Cultfvator R'Iassey-Harris 6-foot Clipâ€" per Combine (power take-off) Binders ’ Ferï¬lizer Sower COMPANY OF CANADA Used Implements $8.95 $4.90 $4.45 $6.15 GEORGLAN BAY 1948 MAPLE DEFEATS NORTH PEEL Blue Shirts Regain Winning Form After Ten Minutes of Overtime After piling up an early lead, Mapâ€" le faded badly in the third and fourth periods. At the end of full time the score was tied at six all. I In the overtime, Roy Thompson scored on a picture play to give Map- le. a much needed win. The game started off fairly fast. Maple carried the play and soon built up a commanding lead. At the end of. the ï¬rst quarter, the locals had scored four goals, while the visitors were scoreless. In the fourth period, Maple allow- ed their checks too much leeway and the score was tied at six all at the end of full time. Maple, in fact, Were hanging on the ropes at the ï¬nal whistle. In the third period, Maple still car- ried the play, but brilliant goalkeep- ing by the Redmen’s net minder lim- ited them to one goal. The North Peel team scored three goals and were showing signs of their true form. In the overtime play was about even. Roy Thompson, at the three minute mark, carried the ball past three of the “Redmen†and settled the issue. The “blue shirts†com- manded the play until the ï¬nal whis- tle. In the second period, Maple added one goal and held the “Redmen†scoreless. Maple were displaying a steady slow attack and holding the visitors in check. . Stars For Maple Maple showed good team play and for three quarters of the game check- ed very well. Roy Thompson’s goal was a beau- tiful efl‘ort. He also came very clyse on a number of occasions. Ken White was also a standout He played a strong game on the de- fense and scored two goals. Gord 01'1‘, A1 McNair (on a brill- iant dash), Jim Jones and Stan Foster completed the scoring. . Stars For North Peel North Peel are a. young: fast team. They are not as powerful as the Ing- lewood team of a year ago. They are a very pleasing team to watch and are very clean. Harry Burton appeared in a blue uniform for the ï¬rst time and gave a good display. He will give Maple much needed strength down the cen- tre lane. Berney, Wilson on the attack for their goalkeeper game. Maple at Hespeler A combination of 'an aggresive Hespeler team and the heat we‘re too much for Maple on Monday night. The Hespeler team de’served their eight to three win. ing Ora‘ngeville play Maple on Monday night of this week. Orangeville is one of the best teams in the circuit and the last team to appear before the Maple fans this year. This game shoyld be outstanding.‘ “Ken White was again the star for Maple, while Stan Foster and Pete Rumble also gave a creditable show~ Clara McGee and Sunday School class were entertained at the home of their former teacher, Mrs. W. Fisher, Thornhill Tuesday- evening and report a very enjoyable evening. Yvonne McGee, Jessie Boynton and Norma Barker returned home after spending two weeks at camp. 4. nun... “Yesf’ answered the second “and did we have a great time! For $40 a day we stayed at the Roney Plas- ma.†is blood.†“Well,†pountered flue ï¬rst, “is $40 TIYou mean Roney Plaza. Plasma day BUTTONVILLE b'arley water ? †LACROSSE McC‘onnel starred the “Redmen†and played a great Some relatives and friends of Miss Betty Kerswill, R. N.; Toronto, gath- ered on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong last Thursday evening to give her a miscellaneous shower in honour of her approaching marriage honour of her approaching marriage to Mr. Stan Wescott of Toronto. The gifts were lovely and useful and the' good wishes of the .givei‘s went with the gifts. After Miss K'erswill had exprcysed‘ her appreciation of\ the kindness of her friends, the guests “retired to the living‘room where lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood‘Groswith 0f Listowel had dinner on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Grosmiith’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and menu? Bagg. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darling'ton and little sons spent Sunday with Darlington‘s parents at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bagg, Mr. Frank Bagg, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bag-g, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg, Norman and Donald, were guests at the B’ag‘g- Watson wedding at Unionville last Saturday. The marriage took place in Broadview Ave. United Church and the reception in the Prince Ar- thur, Toronto. ' * «I A meeting of the Medical Assoc- iation was held at Mr. aners'.» Paul Snider’s on July 14th. The next meeting will be held on the evening of August 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Glass. Then applica- tions will be received._ fplrï¬member- ship. " Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stung find Mrs. Mortson had dinner on Sunday at *he home of Mr. and .eranm‘olcl Mortson, Richmond Hill. and during the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Stung accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price and little sons, motored to Macville. Mr. Cornelius Newton of Cailifor- brother, Mr. Frank Newton. A quilting took place at the home' of Mrs. Homer Whi‘tmoi‘e last Thursâ€" day afternoon under the auspices of the Woman’s Association. Mrs. John Stanley is in at the home of her sister in Weston. We wish her a speedy rgcovery. Mrs. John Jackson of Toronto is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. R J. Keï¬er, Concord. As we surnam our fathéré’ skill: Our sons shall shame our own. Ten thousand things are hidden still And not a thousand known. ' Ontario’s spring and summer uptrend in traffic fatalities received an encouraging setback last month with 43 fatal accidents reported, 26 Iewer than during the same period last year and 14 fewer than in May 1948. Despite more motor traffic than ever before, this winds up Ontario’s traffic record for the ï¬rst half of the year with fewer fatal trafl’ic casualties than in any half-year period since the end of the war. However it must be remembered that the worst time of the year for traffic accidents is still ahead. For the next: two months ‘heavy summer traffic and fast driving will endanger many otherwise happy holidays. A little less rush and a little more common courtesy will go a long way toward maintaining Ontario’s recent improve- ment in traffic safety. Based on the-last 10 years’ experience, the average num- ber of traffic fatalities in June is 55, in July 59, in August 69, and in September 75- Ontario now has more people goâ€" ing on paid holidays than ever before. and with more people driving more‘miles in" newer, faster cars. these averages may well be exceeded unless everyone uses more care, cour- tesy and common sense. Anyone who travelled Yonge Street last week end could get a pretty fair estimate of how successful a bus service could operate to serve the people of this district. We hope that advocates of a bus service made the trip by motor from Richmond Hill to Toronto a few times last Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Attractive pictures already have appeared in the Toron- to press of basses which are ready to take the place of the radial cars. No matter how modem or attractive the bus- ses may be in design and construction the sixtyâ€"four dol- lar question still ‘is how can a bus service give adequate service on a highway jammed for miles with motor cars? Until this question can be answered satisfactorily we think the people of the North Yonge Street district will prefer to retain. the _Radial service. ,m: ,-__ r. --v- - -V-.." Not only would a bus service under existing traffic con- ditions fall far short of giving the required service, but the operation of basses Would add to the difficulties of mo- torists who use‘ an already overcrowded highway. so be a separate course. Each of the special courses will be given an opportunity to work out in the way in which their activities integrate with each of the others, and how this type 01 organization may apply to " home communities. Giving leadership throughout the course of the Institute will be Recreation Directors from several Ontario communities and specialist members of the Departmental staff. Among the addition- al outstanding instructors are Mr. Gordon Yearsley, On- tario Collegede Art; Dr. Roby Kidd, Canadian Association for Adult E' iication; Miss Kay Stevenson of the CEO; Mr. James E. Dean of the Central Ontario Drama League; Prof. Alan Klein, School of Social Work, Toronto. Full informatin regarding this summer course may be obtained from the District Supervisor of Community Pro- grammes, 206 Huron St., Toronto 5, Ont. Camp Sunï¬sh on Lake Simc‘Be will be the focal point dur- mg the last two weeks before Labour Day of a Provincial training plan for community leaders. Organizations in- terested in improving their programmes in Social Recreat- ion, Drama, Music, Physical Recreation or Arts and Small Crafts, may send representatives /for special courses in these ï¬elds. Human Relations (group discussion) will al- An Subscription INSTITUTE WILL TRAIN COMMUNITY LEADERS NEED CARE, COURTESY AND COMMON SENSE An Independent Weekly â€"- Es‘ ription Rate, $2.00 per year; To t' Member Canadian Weekly Newsp: - .J. PLSMITH, M.P., Pu EDGELEY YONGE STREET TRANSPORTATION “THE LlBERAL†Bagg, Tennyson â€"‘ Established 1878 ‘; To the United States 52-50 Newspapers Association Mr. and Mrs. C. Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell and Wallace of Port lC‘redit, Mrs. W. Andrews of Streetsville visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering, Kenneth, Neil and Carolyn on Sunday. a Mr, and Mrs. H. McIntosh and Lynda of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. K‘linck. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bennett and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton, Donnie and David are holidaying at Midland this week. ‘ Miss Connie Rumney, nurse-in- training: at the Toronto General H05- pital has been holidaying at her home. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller of Unionville on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson 9f Ball- entrae visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Forster and Bertie on Sunday. Miss Coral Perkins had dinner Sun- day evening-- with Misses Gra‘ce, Ma- rion and Helen Boynton. \ Mi‘ss Grace Boynton, graduate of the Grace Hospital, Toronto, is va- cationiné' at her home. Miss Vera Nichols is vacationing in Alaska. Dr. Evelyn Gee of Vancouver has been visiting- with her parents and friends in the community. Miss 1’11y11is Westbrook of Toron- to spent the week e/nd with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook. VICTORIA SQUARE Miss Minnie Pickering of Trafal- gar is visiting with M1‘. and Mrs. D. Pickering- and family. Thornhill. Ont. 0.0â€.“ OQWMâ€OOâ€O Elocution. Public Speaking Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL†Marguerite Boyle er Phone 89w OWNOOOWWWWWOOt ; Distributors of Bottled Gas : YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHONE 170-1 60.“.“WWMOOQO'. : Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J i :ooooooooomwoooouoooowouooommmmm = YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHONE THORNHILL 12 : SIREIIBEIIIIlull!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Why not have that shabby chair or ches- terï¬eld re-upholstered during the less- busy summer months? O 9 TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. .. We have a splendid selection of cover- ings and guarantee good workmanship. DAVID McLEAN 3 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R @ ENSU Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heating System? ‘ The down payment is only 10?}, and the terms areeasy, spread over a period up to two years. We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. Petrolane Bottied Gas Maple, Ont. The ideal fuel beyond the gas mains Enjoy more kitchen freedom Make your cooking hours happy hours See our display of gas ranges ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 12 Wellington St. 5., Toronto DISTRICT 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 148 Floral Designs Richmond Hiil Plumbing & Heating Potrolane Corporation Ltd. ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS r LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS FLOWERS Service and Repairs EAVESTROUGHING,» ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES by FERGUSON TIN SMITH UPHOLSTERING Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED 82 Yong‘e Street Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER smmcg HERBERT R: BUTT esigns Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York PAUL DUBOIS Phone Richmond Hill 296W WE GROW OUR OWN DEEEM ERANCE, INCLUDING »â€oommo««mmo«¢> Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS TOAS’I‘ERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES P.O. Box 119 Telephone 2 REPRESENTATIVE