Andrew E. Snider INSURANCE Representing Confederation Life State Farm Automobile Queensland and Insurance of North America Fire Box 100 MAPLE Phone 100 W,â€" c7~c_ a... A" r .7 r (iswâ€"IWVâ€"vâ€"vâ€"«r We are paying the highest. prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animals HORSES CATTLE HOGS ) Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Toronto AD, 3636 Maple 37-r-22 PROCLAMATION _â€"_â€"â€" King 24-r-4 Civic Holiday In accordance with a resolution of the Municipal Council, I declare MON. AUG. 2nd. ‘1948 To Be CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL PERCY C. HILL, Iteeye a‘ ‘ ELECTRIC Â¥ . , and TRACTORS See the 'WaterIOO Garden Tractor Our sales prove they are the best. We will demonstrate on your property. 6024 YONGE .ST., NEW’I‘ONBROOK Phone 'Ihornhill 24-2r2 or Willowdale 568 monummmmm min 1mm General News 11' you have something to sell, a classiï¬ed “ad†in The Liberal will do the selling“ job for you. Week end traffic on Yonge Street was heavy. ('rossing‘ the street was a hazardous undertaking; and many citizens gave thanks for the stop light. A good motto for motorists: “Those who take their time will have more time to take." From what ccntenai‘ians say it would appear that the best way to live to be one hundred is to avoid dying. An .area of approximately 1,000 acres in the vicinity of Vandorf may shortly become a Crown game re- serve. if the. request of the twp. council of Whitchurch is acted on by the department of game and ï¬sher- ies. At a recent meeting,r of the sporting element in the municipality the matter of preserving the game in the twp. was under discussion and Fred van Nostrand submitted a res- olution which carried the meeting and which was sent on to the twp. council to act on. A building boom is hitting- its peak in carboro Township this year, ac- cording: to ï¬gures released by the township building inspector‘s office. In comparison with 1947, building permit ï¬gures for the corresponding“ period of 1048 from January to the end of May this year have more than doubled the previous year’s housing expansion in the township. At this season with the lessons we have recently learned from the great forest ï¬res in our own Province, a recent bulletin issued by the Indus- trial Accident Prevention Associa- tions is especially apt. The advice “Chaperon yoLir cigarettes â€"â€"- don’t let them go out alone!" is good whether one is at home, at work or at play. Peel County sportsmen, some 500 of them have gone into business â€" an unusual enterprise from which they expect not to get one cent. All members of the Peel Game and Fish Protective Association, they have in- vested money. time and labor in a plant that will provide 4,000 pheas- ants for the fall huntingr seson. Us- ing converted airport buildings from Dunnville, they have established a comfortable hatéhery in which 120 hen pheasants are each laying eggs at the rate of one a day. The incu- bator chicks have thrived and they will be ready for release in time fur the open season. A bulletin issued this month to over 6,000 industries throughout On- tario by the Industrial Accident Pre- vention Associations mentions the fact that “Good manners and good driving go together". The bulletin points out that it isn’t manners to bog the centre of the road and force somebody to pass on your right which is the wrong side for passing nor \is it good manners to jump the amber light. “Did you know all my family were great swimmers?†"Yes, I heard your brother was killed in a dive on the west side." and Views Thornhill Lions Club Street Dance next Wednesday Night. July 28th. What‘s in a name? There are times when one might well wonder. For instance: A home chestnut is not a chestnut; grapefruit is not related to grapes; peppel'm‘ass is not a grass; calla lillies are not lillies; the pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple; a “good Complexion" is often only a good paint job; “the master of" the house†is quite often the miss- us: a pleasure excursion is too often only a pleasure Exertion; a hot-do: has nothing to do with a dog -â€" we hope; and then there is the case of “Toronto the good." Shelburne Economist. The Township 0f Whitchurch will share in the monies received for fines imposed in that municipality under the Ontario Liquor Act, it was learn- ed at the regular meeting;r of the municipal council this week. Here- tofore the ï¬nes Went to the province, and the council under Reeve L. P. Evans took steps to enact the nec- essary bylaw that would enable the township to collect a share sinCe their officers undertake to carry out the provisions of the Liquor Control Act. Past history and statistics are con- trary to an opinion expressed in some quarters that imminration tends to lower wages, according to the Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, Minister of Laâ€" bour. During the thirteen-year per- iod from 1900 to 1913, he said yesterâ€" day, Canada experienced the greatest influx of immigrants in her history. immigration rose from a normal inâ€" flow of 50,000 a year at the begin- ning of the century to over 400,000 in the ï¬scal year 1912-1913. Statis- tics show that a general increase in wages of between forty and fortyâ€" ï¬ve per cent took place during this period. This shows the fallacy of the belief that immigration depresses wages, Mr. Mitchell pointed out. Although the Ontario potato crop in general is now progressing favâ€" ourably, those ï¬ne, healthy, luxurious green plants which n0w show much promise of good yields may be a dis- appointment, unless they are given protection against injury from flea beetles and leaf hoppers, says R. E. Goodin, ï¬eldman for the Ontario Dc- parment of Agriculture. Potato growers are therefore warned to he on guard against these twu destruc- tive insects. Women’s Institutes of Ontario are this summer being visited by promâ€" inent ofl’icials of the Federated Wo- men’s Institutes of England and Wales. One of the outstanding vis- itors has been Lady Howarth, of the Chester Federation of Women’s In- stitutes, England, who after an exâ€" tensive tour of Ontario Institutes, has gone to the United States to visâ€" it similar organizations there. Another important visitor, now in Ontario, is Mrs..Ida Braine, Hert- fordshire W. 1., England, executive member and a volunteer organizer of Women’s Institutes in England. Mrs. Braine has already visited Women’s Institutes in Simo’oe and York Coun- ties, and after completing her tour, she will sail for England on Septem~ ber 25. ' CHOOL BUS f†’48 built as a complete unit to meet highest safety standards 1 TEMPERANCE V ILLE The monthly inciting i.“ the “mnâ€" en's Institute was hill on ilu» ‘wulii' tit'ul grounds of the Tit-Ker: l: rim \Vcd. afternoon. .luly ll. The pr--â€" grram (lm‘otcil to lliiine l'l~«i."' was most llllt‘llsillv‘g' and lzt-lp‘u‘ The roll call lil'i'tlL’lll With many sits tractive uses for hit over fowl and dress materials. The motto Saw ll)“ Surface and We Save the lint, was presented by Mrs. Hudson. t'i-riai‘E'ji this is true in considering the «wu- servaiion of the soil. the presci'ra- tion of floors. furniture, vita. and iii course not t'i rc'ettinu' ourselves. .Tli‘x Kerr gave a most. appropriate lt':lil- iniz entitled “The lloiisewil'v's l..'i» ment" and Mrs. (K lieyliiin, the con- venor, spoke hiictly on the topic. Using as an introduction the boreâ€" with new discoveries made in nutriâ€" tion with improved methods and new The study of food is intenseâ€" reinuncratire. ideas. ly interestingr and The pressure cooker was demon- strated by Mrs. M. Chalk. Mrs. Reynon the advantages of cooking- meat and re}:- etahles by this method. Mrs. ("balk explained canning by the pressure method and displayed of fruit, vegetables and chicken which she had done. Though the shutmtf in the hydro power caused much deâ€" t-he demon- in a most Reynon and Mrs. explained samples lay and inconvenience. stration was conducted commendabel manner. It was decided that our Branch would send regular gift parcels to a worthy veteran in Christie St. hospital. Mrs. Davis kindly consented to make the necess- ary inquiry and to deliver the first parcel. Worthy of mention is the fact that four members .had perfect attendance records for the past year. They were Mrs'. F. Hare, Mrs. E. Paxton, Mrs. McKeig and Mrs. Chalk. A de- licious lunch was served by the hos- tess and lunch committee. The July meeting of the W. A. and W. M. was held at the home of Mrs. Wilkins on Thursday cveninc‘. July 15. A former resident and member, Mrs. D. Carr of llamilton, was present and enjoyed renewingr old acquaintances once more. Temperanceville Sunday School and Mission Band are planningr to hold a joint picnic on Wednesday, July Zb', at Woodland Park, Markham. Tran- sportation will leave the church at 10:30 am. Ladies provide. Every- body welcome. word in Mrs. Aitkin's Cook Book. \lH‘ stressed the necessity of keeping pace l One of the shortest letters on record was written by a N. Y. ren- ter in response to his landlord's no- tice to vacate the house at ()llL'C. Aware of his rights under state reg- ulations, the renter replied: “Sir: “I remain, “Yours truly.†______________-.__â€"_.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"- l 'l'lllfl l.llil‘.l‘..\l , itirliiuenil lllll. 'l'liulxiia). r‘ on ' q , (I, It“ 5-. Hubbub) \u' ,lulj. “SYMJD’ii!Il"â€"Frrmlir< With lmo storage FAST 8, EASY f0 {ence off Part, balttirv hark “on 7nd oil" snilrh. 2-1 In- _ . , $113101. ua 2's. around clamp and of a field to gIVB FULL US: instructions. in» mm .. "MAsiEG SFEClAL"â€"â€"G-m~rnl utility model. of all pasture. Saves time 6711 Heavy nation sti-rl case llOu‘l‘S nit‘t‘ll?nl‘l'll nnd , , - llflllt , \vuh \witl 21 liiuu‘nl r‘ ash work -- ro’e o s. r i‘ W , ‘i- M- “l "5- ‘ P ‘ as c‘ P d 'Y n'vund mwn. etc. (in: battery) 8 95 burlt for all»weafher eflICIency 1‘“! Kill; .. . . .. . .. ‘ 'sEHIDR â€"- Wrathvrureol :nhinil houses and economical operation. mechanism and 6-21.†balliry, Flaslnr signals when tune I; should. Willi 5r. Insulators. 50 i. K -~. . See MASTER FENCERS. Bat- fill'éll.'.,'il'f.". Enlistmm‘ "“'“°1“1"°9'g feries and a~cessories at your mm ' s DE LUXEâ€â€"Cahlnrt houm mechanism and “Gare†CTC Associate s‘iore_ G-vnll battery. Built-in text mrler and 7- llDHllOfl control switch. With nnte handle, 60 0,- ("def dire†from Toyonfol irsulalors;1 15o runners, lance clips. around tam n nsruc' <. transportation prepaid. (letsnhgllcrv). Naimltnu . . . , . . . . SOCKET WRENCH SETS AND PARTS Super Forged, Genuine Alloy Steel Here, at Canadian Tire. we have prob- ably thr- moxt complete llnesup of high-made socket sets and parts avail- able anywhere. Whether you wish to buy a complete set or are desirous of adding to your present equipmentâ€"â€" choose your requirements from these qualitv products of world-famous manufacturers. SETS IN METAL BOXES 20 Pleees. 15;†square drive .. 1.? Pieces, 11>" square drive .. 11 Pieces, 1!," midget set .... 174 Pleces. 1’," square drive .. 12 Pieces, “g†square drive .. 1 27 Pieces. 1’3" and 1/,"drlve .. 1 '30 Pieces, 1,1". it" Mid ‘14:" drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45_95 SEPARATE PARTS 9-PIECE A complete range of sockets in all SOCKET SET drives from 7/16 upwards. Handles H, and parts Include long: and short Square drive. extensions. slldiniz “T†handles, swing meal for workmg bond hinge handles. ratchet wrenches, universal joints, drag link sockets and In close Quarters. a host of others. Tools for Automotive, Farm and Industries A PORTABLE LAMP SET Mul'll' For h o m elo‘o/r shop use, 1 . Purpose fully approved. Tool 25' weatherproof . . cable. reflector For four , ,_ with gu a rd, K" ' ' ~ . wlth convenient. “SE (1 RIP WRENCH. Gives your book for attach- hand a (on grip. Jaws lock to work. ing. Ru bbe 1' illolds anything round or square, also han dle with ielamps parts together for drillan etc. built-1n switch. ’ 2.39 i10" heavy duty type . . . . . . . . . t 7" Standard type 2.19 2.98 97 YONGE .ST. Richmond Hill, Ont. 7 > w; 3L7 P. C. “itâ€? Greater Prosperity in Town and Country Man and give the Farmers Greater Buying Power The REO Safety School Bus is a complete vehicle, engineered crowded with form automobiles and form people. Side by side, with the town dwellers, form people buy all kinds of consumer goods, from breakfast goods to broadloom rugs, from canned goods to cosmetics, from raisins to refrigerators. Time was when form buying was more limited, when farmhouse furnishings Were more meagre. The change is due directly to the increase in the buying power of form families. The reduction in operating costs and increased output per man effected by modern farm machinery gives form families today more income from their operotions in supplying agricul- lurol products for home and export markets and more money for both the necessities and luxuries of life. Greater prosperity for all. School authorities agree: REO and only REO, builds the school bus that Throughom f°r safer Transpona' gives maximum safety. And the reason is simple! REO manufactures, assembles, services and guarantees a complete busâ€"no extras to buy. ' That makes REO alone responsible for the high qua!in and complete safety of REO school buses from tires to top. Come in or call for a full demonstration anytime. Delivery guaranteed. tion of studentsâ€"It's safer than anyâ€"yes, any school bus on the road. Massey-Harris, builders of form implements for over one hundred years, has contributed in no small measure to this progress through the development of modern laborâ€"saving farm machinery. DISTRIBUTOR BRISTOL MOTORS LIMITED 2700 Yonge Street- ’I‘oronto. Phone llyland 1166 DEALER Kerr's Garage, 11800 Yonge St. Lansing". Phone Hy. 0155 MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, llMlTED Established l847 Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorkton, Calgary, ' Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Monclon \ i , Modern Massey-Harris Machines Increase Output per On Saturday nights all across Canada, the shopping centres of towns and smaller cities are REO . ; 3 BUILT, SOLD AND SER VICED IN CANADA ,mm;isrvno'o‘ijius "