Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1948, p. 4

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a: _ij LIBERAL Rfr; Hill. Thursdas Jul: 22. v o i. | l l KATESr-in‘ive lines or lb‘é, 5: five lines 5 cents per 1 Telephone Richmond Hil 4° __...' -_-" FOR SALE E'OR R;‘..\L ESTATE, phone Fenn. 'l‘iilil‘lihill lift“. tfc-lli LOAM. rich dark sandy loam. L. W, lleid. 'l'hornhill. phone 77M. tfc42 ISABY CARRIAGE, good repair. 320. Phone Richmond Hill JIHJ. "Iwi ~.___.._____________ SADDLE HORSE, saddle and bridle. Apply (‘rou'liuis‘ and Thibeit. Ray- yiew. *1w4 BE YUIIR OWN PAINTER. tent 21 Webster Spray Paint Machine, only S'LOU per day. Paris Auto Supply, Richmond Hill. ‘ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair band rails. fire (loge, fire screens. fire sets and acetylene Weldâ€" ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. tfc35 BENDIX AUTOMATIC home laun- dry, in new condition, available end of July, owner moving to California. Apply evening‘s, 47 Mill St. Phone Richmond Hill 415J. c1w3 TWOâ€"HORSE (‘ORN CULTIVATORT steel pole and doubleirees. $75 or best offer. ‘ Apply Leitchwood Farm 2V2 miles east of Yong-e Street, I mile south of No. 7 Highway. c2w4 SCOTCH (‘OLLIE, registered female, Classified Sale 85 ine extra each insertion. 11‘ l 9. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc4li CEMENT. any quantity. Ron Gib- son, Agincourt, phone 138R. ffchge 2 MALE PUPS. Phone Richmond 3441‘4. clw4 WOOD. summer prices. (IIIâ€"ivered. Phone Lichmond Hill 288M. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. Apply W. Wynn, phone Maple 28M. *lwi RASPBERRIES. Apply 101 1211-1: mond Hill, phone 317J. c1w4 "‘7w51 TIMBERS 10" x 10", 20 ft. long: and 10" x 10", 14 ft. long. Apply Mrs. E Bath. Phone King 915. c1w4 ONE ACRE LOT on Mill Rd., just off Yong-e St. Apply W. Poulton, Maple R. R. 1. c1w4 COAL AND WOOD RANGE. Beach, $25.00. Apply W. P‘oulton, R. R. 1. Maple. c1w4 GURNEY FURNACES, stoves and gas ranges for bottled gas. L. House, Maple, phone 102, residence 621'32. tfc42 19-15 MODEL Miss Simplicity, like ‘new $99.50. Terms available. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. BREAKFAST SUITE, 6 pieces, white‘ and black, black leather seats. Joe’s sable and white, gentle with child-[Auto Wrecking, Oak Ridges, Phone “in. Apply 47 Mill St. mond Hill 415J. Phone Rich- c1w4 King 431'12. cl W4 W 3250- LOT 55 feet by 150 feet, comer MODEL F1 20 FRIGIDAIRE Refl‘ig- Lawrence and Elmworid off Markham erator $575.00 20 cubic feet capac- ity for store, lunch room and for far- mers. See it at the Paris Auto Sup- ply Ltd., Richmond Hill. TRACTOR IO<20 lubber on front. new radiator, new style governors in A1 shape; 1 Massey-Harris binder. 6’ cut. good condition. I". Powell, R. R. 2, Woodbridg‘edot 32, con. (i, Vaugh- an. Phone Maple GTRBZ. BAY SUGGESTS you order SCept.- Oct. broilers well in advance to en- sure delivery. They have chicks for immediate delivery â€" some started. Candian consumer demand for eggs and' poultry still heavy. Agent, Fred Vi'ise, Richmond Hill. Bray Brooder Phone 3591121. ‘ W , NOTICE To Householders of Richmond Hill Re Garbage Collection Richmond Hill that garbage for Householders in are reminded collection must be placed on the street suitable containers which can be handled readily by one man. in Standard galvanized cans with lids are recommended. Cardboard ‘cartcns not acdeptable con- tainers, and will not be taken by are the collector. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk If you are look- ing for a quality. " high producing Quaker 'nash we recom- mend that vou try Quaker Ful- EGG O‘I’ep Egg Mash. S MAS“ _. i . “IIIDAHRO‘M I. D. Ramer & Son PHONEId « THE ELEVATOR *1 “'2 . l Richmond Hill 415J. Rd. Apply 0. Mallory. Lennox Ave. *3w4 NATIONAL Electric Stove 21" x 21", 3 ft. tall, white with black trim, aut- omatic oven. Never been used. Ap- ply Richmond Hill 2831'6. c1W4 POTATO SPRAYER, horse drawn, good as new. Apply Harvey Mash- inter. R. R. 3. King. Phone Kingr 31-13. «clw4 1941 CHEV. COACH. in good run- nig‘ order. Apply at Perkin's Farm and House Equipment, Richmond Hill. *1w4 2 BARBER CHAIRS, 1 framed mir- ror 3; ft. by 4‘; ft., small cupboard, wood heater. May be seen at 144 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. c1w4 -‘_. 'GENERAL ELECTRIC Hot Point Stove, 4-burner, tube elements. good condition. 82 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, phone 29'6w. *1w4 1929 CHEVROLET SEDA‘N, new moâ€" tcr, sealed beam lights.‘H. Jackson, Mill Rd. and Avenue Rd. Richvale. ‘i‘lwv-l _._._â€"_Aâ€"_â€".â€"â€"4â€"â€"-â€"â€"oâ€"â€"hâ€"Aâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'_- RECONDITIONED WASHING MA- CHINES, Miss Canada, rebuilt mo- tor, new gears and gear box. Paris Auto Supply $29.50. 6 BLACK PERCHERON HORSES, males and g‘eldings, 4 and 6 years old. We’ll exchange on cattle or sell reasonable. Edgar Phillips, King R. R. 1, phone King 39r13. *1w4 AUTOMOBILES, 1941 1G.M.C. half ton panel, fully reconditioned; 1940 International half ton panel, fully re- conditioned. Apply McMullen Mo- tors, Richmond Hill 74M. clw4 TEAM Percheron mares, 7 and 9 ‘years. and harness, real good team; also 10 ft. Massey-Harris rake, like Apply Cullen, Richview Side- c1w2 new. road. phone Weston 108w2. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc46 OELAVAL MILKERS, new and used ‘200 up. Electropail heaters, $16.75. Electric clippers, $32.50. Oil heatâ€" ers. coal and wood ranges, Century motors. washers. vacuum cleaners and radios. Trades accented. Tn- ronto Radio & Sports, 24'] Yonge St... 1‘oronl‘o. ttc32 MOFEAT electric Stove, old model, cxcellent oven. above four burners, one new, 32" across, $12; one Sim-- mons buown metal bed and springs. good condition $5; one Findlay w00d stove. reservoir, enamel, cheap: one cream Sunshine baby pram. good crui- dition 315. Phone Richmond Hill 304J. c1w4 G IIOUSE, Village of King. $6700.00 or best offer. 8 room square plan, solid brick house, hot air heated, in good repair. All good size rooms. Heavily wired. Lot 100 feet front- age on highway x 245 feet‘ deep. Garden and fruit trees. Town‘ water available by September. Immediate possessiOn. Good cash payment re- quired. Inspection can be nude at any time by seeing owner. 1st house north of B.A. Station in Kiner or King: 45M ring 4. c3w2 BLOND MAPLE CHAIR and otto- man; modern Boston rocker; roll- away bed; oak buffet; card table and folding chair spt. in brown leathfl- ette; 4 chests of drawers, different sizes: hook cases; small bedroom chair; folding screen; scales; two delaweave rugs; buck saw; wine has- rock; folding pram or go-cal‘t, extra large; lhigh chair; bottle warmer; tOys; cro- corrugated clothes cupboard; iuet set. Apply 47 Mill St.. or phone W -3I1 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".9‘. tAdsl 3 cents for first insertion and 23 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over cliargfll to di‘('HLllll nire cent) per line. â€"â€"_'._osâ€".â€"â€"_â€"-_____.__.._.____â€"â€" . H.~\l.l’ l"l‘{l(’l‘: 7 Solid \anutai lliri- lllg‘ Room Suite, in excellent condi- tion. Suite consists of buffet. table and six chairs, asbestos pads to Iii Lable and three extin leaves $151).I:o_ Telephone Thornhill ill. clwl obscure ABOUT "lel‘l FEET heavy class 14" by 3‘ and Over; one 4' 6" steel bed. walnut finish. coil sprinu‘: I drop leaf kitchen table with draw- er; I compressor sprayer; 2 2" val- ves; 2 cistern pumps with pipe. Apâ€" ply Gen. Ross, Stop :24 Yong‘e Stieet. ‘lwl _lâ€"n-n MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM PLOUGHING and harrow- ing, cultivating. Phone ~lichmond Hill 391W. *‘4w2 SAND AND GRAVE]. delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp- ened and repaired by an experienced workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621‘21. tfc4'3 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, cultivating, discing and tillinz. W. H. Gomierâ€" ham, 39 Elnxhurst, Lansing, phone Willowdale 2.508. c1w42' REPAIRING and installing furnaces and boilers. Expert workmanship. Phone Thornhill 207M. Nicholas and Son, Langstafl“. 5*w1 DECORATING. exterior painting, furniture spray painted, fiist class work, reasonable rates. A Rollinson, phone Thornhill 192121. *4w2 BULLDOZER. service, excavating, grading, prompt and courteous ser-l vice at reasonable prices. Apply H. A. Briggs, 296 Cumber Ave.. New. ton-brook, phone Willowdale 2512. *8w50 ARI. KINDS FURNITURE upholstering, cabinet work, repairs wood N. S. carving. Estimates g‘iven. VanDykc, 33 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971'23 tf chz. 5‘2 â€"_ WANTED MAINTENANCE live in or out. Oak Ridges. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, live Summit Golf Club, Oak and handy man, Sum‘mit Golf Club. Clw4 in or out. Ridges. __ WANTED TO RENT, single room for quiet gentleman. Room with board considered if' rates reasonable. Reply Box 61 The Liberal. *3w2 TRANSPORTATION to King and Spadina, arriving 9 a.m’., August 9 to August 21. Stop 22A. CONTRACTOR to dig cellar, put in footings and lay blocks. Size of house 24 x 36 ft. Apply Frank Elliott, Stop 231B. Pemberton Crescent, Mill Rd. and Bathurst St. *2w4 -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-Iâ€"-â€"-â€"~rw TO RENT a small house or apart- ment in Richmond Hill or immed- iate district by married couple. Best of references. Apply telephone 9. Richmond Hill. _____________I______... HELP WANTED: Sprayer, Wood Machine Hand, Sander, Assembly Op- erators, Drill Operator, Tire Hand and Welder. Apply in person 4 to 6 p.1n., North York Industries, 19 Cen- tre St. E.. Richmond Hill. 1W4 1â€"mâ€" LOST I)O’G., pure black female terrier, an- swers to name of Dusty, curly tail. Reward. Apply phone Gerrard 7707 Apply Helen Davis. clw-l INC}. looks like Pomeranian, answers to name of Nippy. Lost between Iichmond Hill and Elgin Mills. Ap- ply Aurora 90. Rewaid. *1w4 HOUND, female. black and tan, dis- appeared suddenly. Answers to the name of Jig'gs. Reward. Apply to Charlie Graham, 66 Church St., Rich- mond Hill,‘ or phone Richmond Hill 39. *1 W4 I2 ACRES of Alfalfa pasture, corner of Elgin Mills Road and Bathurst. Apply Maple Creek Lodge. Maple 101. c1w4 SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE Loam - Fill L. W. REID THORNHILL Centre St. Phone 77M SAND m GRAVEL CRITSHED STONE I;I:_\'1-:II..\I. ll.\I'l..\(;l-I ORI'AL JONES Langstaff Phone 'l‘hornliill 217r‘21 Reverse (barges Skinny men, women gain 5,_1:0;,_15 lbs. Get New Pep. Vim, Vigor llll om Iiglv hollows SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE 29 Elmhurst Ave. Lansing Willowdale. ZONE 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operator"â€"Message Charge) Imps .1v_.uo\ [iii-I. us', What a Ilu'lll lion- nil up Iii-I-l. no In THE KEY "[10 BUSINESS | SUCCESS -l.lrt'rii wily .- look In .' 11s mom-II, me - mold path before. ire now proud ol ll lill‘.*lIHiR.lll.,' bodies. 1mm. 11%... minim m; fleshâ€"building IS - ‘ llslriw 11s s stunniInIs lll\ll(«n‘.l[ur3, '1 \II:IIII ll l’.- \llll Him-ll blood .mproie .11, 1.1:» and do: Ion so 11ml LZIH‘s \Iull mori- TR s1 Igili KlHll HUUIHIIIIH‘IH pm limb on part- bonus ‘ ‘ I it ‘I lcnr xenon: ‘m 1:11 Slop “in-u you \c tuned _ I m ’. III 11.3 or :0 lbs. \‘ou |lI'I'(l for normal weight \ I. ' l iv-i-' 1111 e Ne“ "In-t mu Iiuinlcd‘ siu‘ uni; Doc Thls (an Obtalned lFl Immin- listi'cr limit-l l'ublrls for (walnut/r I I moods this verx (in) At all Ilrugglst: In A FEW MONTHS FOR INFORMATION \VR l'I‘E The Business Institute \NHOS m BLOOR ST. \V-- TORONTO M or FUEL SHORTAGES? Not the man who burns hard cool and orders his fill-up now .1 Village of Richmond Hill. Ap- plications to be in by July fllst. l I WANTED Man for works department, RUSSELL LYNETT, (Ilcrk TRADEMARKED WITH TINY RED SPOTS JONES COAL CO. Phone 188. Richmond Hill “WMOM‘ 9W mmnwo COLONIAL SERVICE STATION IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Day and Night Towing Service Cabin Trailers Moved Anywhere Cabin accommodation and Tea Room Service Stop 22 Yonge St., Phone Thornhill 203 APPLE SAUCE Fancy Quality - ?F?I,OZ' OLIVES, Broken 16 Oz. Ideal for salads Jar MARMALADE, 3 Flavour 94 Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit Ear-01' c COFFEE, Maxwell House g3. RICE KRISPIES, Kellogg’s l’kgsz For PINEAPPLE JUICE 20 oz- Unsweetened 'l‘in 23c IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK‘IIIIII-IIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIII GO OOOOOOOWQOOOOOOO 09” O”... .00..” SEALERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pints, doz. $1.19; Quarts, doz. $1.29 LETTUCE ORANGES CUCUMBERS LEMONS IIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIISEIIIIIIIIIII'll-III-Ilia-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll-IIIIIIIIII SI'MMER POLIt'Y I'ontinuous Nightly from 7:30 11.111. Saturday ('ontinquIs from Tzllll p.111. .\lilllllt’t‘ Sulul‘duys .‘ll 3200 p.111. 'l‘llI'RSu FRI" SAT. .ll‘l.\' L22. . 21 9., _.) Thunderbcad Son of Flick: And now the Screen rings with Mary O'Hara's Greatest Adventure of the New West! Slowing PEGGY CHARLES ROBERT [IIIMMINS ' Illlllllflll - llllllllll Direzled by LOUIS KING ' mama by ROBERT BASSLER SPECIAL EXTRA! ON OUR STAGE! SATURDAY NIGHT AT 9:00 THE GREEN GRASS SWEEPSTAKE DRAW 10 Valuable Prizes! Guest Theatre Tickets Mon.. Tues. â€" July 26. 27 Wed. Thurs. â€"- July 28, 29 " fill. ‘3 "1' i,’ I THE 211’s MAGIC“MUSICALI ' "“l W “W “"1" “his WARNER BROS. MICHAEL CURTIZ PRODUCTION m... 050». LEVANT- s. z. SAltALl £31353 «mm by MICHAEL CURTIZ - Semen Play by luliuu lvPhilip G Ensmn - Addillonll Dillon: by I. A L. Dllmona Orthoaml Ananumonls by Rly Nemdon Added Comedy Featurette I and Color Cartoon Nylons L1 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 lb.s CUBE SUGAR . . . . . . . . . . . A. . . . 2 lbs. 25c. LIME FRUIT JUICE 16 02- Montserrat A Bl" NEW PACK PEAS 20 02. 17c Aylmer Choice Quality Size3-4 7Tin , JERGEN’S SOAP PUMICE, for hands . . . . . . . '. . . 3 cakes 25c CARBOLIC, it floats . . . . . . . . . 3 cakes 20c ODEX, for perspiration . . . . . . 3 cakes 25c TOMATOES GRAPEFRUIT

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