wmwmoomom goomowoooouoooooooo With Dr. S. W. Armltége. Maplm Small and Large Animals RICHMOND HILL Farmers Supply Richvale P.0. Also hog and stocx minerals deâ€" livexed to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Eyentually! Why not now? ‘ ‘ For delivery call Ask us for information Calfâ€"Mix Full Line of Blatchford J. Rny Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, zacmobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 Roy V. Rick ‘. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill NOWâ€" Strengthened will: Vita-Dine The new Burplomv‘nl’ for nrrnler vitamin Ind minern contentâ€"greater nutrition! Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. Watkins Products full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock Yonge St., Richmona Hm Phone 139 And they’ll stay healthy tooâ€" Blatchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays ma bigger dividends! ‘- ERNIE DURIE Dr. J. Sheppard Official and Accredited Veterinarian VETERINARY THE F 125 MOI/(DER? 0F tAf/ADA (M’l/MITED" amaze Away 1/44; a; me ammo/4V 727m #3300 IBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday July Phone Maple 64M Feeds about '(At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynott J. F. Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS \nmuncea th‘atlhis office is now located at the City Umits, North 'oronto, directly oppOSite the Term- ‘inal, over Liggett’s Drug Store. Phone Offlce= HLland 9300 THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately Norm of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Officeâ€"13 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Dr. P. R. MacFarlane For All Occasions Phone o‘rders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET Closed \Vednesday all day GAS EXTRACTION - X-RAY 100 Main St. Phone 126 Barristers, Solicitors, Etr. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. 'Macnaughton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street; Toronto. Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notiary Public Rus‘idenw -'â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 808 Room 66,. 18 l‘orontm St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8â€"9 ALEXANDER MacGREGOR K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, MA. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building ELgin 5029 Toronto Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST TONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO J08. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan- Office Hoursâ€"Daily 10 to 5 pm. Eveningsâ€"Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, 8 to 10 And by Appointment 40 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED BARRISTER SOLICjTQR, NOTARY PUBLIC DEI‘ITIST FORMERLY 0F THORNHILL Barristers, Solicitors, .etc. Wm. Eook, KC. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson ownto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill. Thursday forenvon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate M chre’gor & Wilson qurisfersLSolicitosj Ngtgriel Dr. M. J. Quigley Wright &. Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Walter S. Jenkins MacNaughton & MacNaughth Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale N. L. MATHEWS, Kc. K. M. R. Sfl‘IVER, B.A. B. E. LYONS, BA. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES Phone Woodbridge 172 T. (,7. Newman Cook & Gibson Richm’QQg Hill Every DENTAL DENTIST (011 Active Service) 6 Botsford St. Phone 120 couasss TAKEN 8v ommo's Poet mum smocms comma fuu. WGE 0F 50319215 IN MODERN EDUGATION 19404 toas-miii‘ IN AN EIGHT-YEAR PERIOD. ONTAR'O POST GRADUATE STUDENTS HAVE INCREASED MORE THAN SIX TIMES 1948 With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thei. insuraHCe policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- out protection. The cost is a minor amouInt to what it will cost if an accident happens. Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario. Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate. Sales 3. specialty. At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service ‘for the price of one. Milliken P.0., phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0., phone Markham 206 No sale too big or ‘too small Richmond Hill Ken & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty - Telephone Stouffville 7312 Item the Toronto Conservatory pf lusic will accept .a number 0: pupfls 1n APIANO, ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58J Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9-11 a.m.; 2-4 pm. Evenings and Sundays: Emergencies and appointments only. Telephone 24 Richmond Hill Dr.. A. J. MacKinnon _ VETERLNARY SURGEON jentre St. Richmond Hill Office phone 360W Res. 360J Ken Love AUCTIONEER Real Estate In: Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 HAPLE 2 Accountants W.'Ernest Lansdown & Co. Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Miss Sylvia Mécreiiy P I A N 0 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff â€" AND â€" Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: Suite 404 â€"â€"- 229 Yonge St. TORONTO â€" ELGIN 3810 Telephone 411 Richmond Hill \A, G. SAVAGE Miss Alice Mecredy 9â€"]1 a.m.; 1-3 p.m.; 6â€"8 Sundays and Holidays 1 appointment. only. 2 Yonge Styth Rlchmo Thistieto wn Accountants â€" Auditors Dr. R. A. Bigford R. H. KANE Adelmo M elecci INSURANCE AGENT Address: Gormley P.0. Woodbridge 641'23 Phone Weston 703r12 v10 A. S. Farmer R EAL ESTATE INSURANCE and By appointment MUSICAL MEDICAL Street Rlcfxmond Hi1] Telephone 100 J. P. Wilson E. Richmond Hill Office Hours n, 12â€"2 .& E Consult Education has always been the birthright of the free. In Canada, ever-increasing numbers of this nation's youth ; 2 : and matured men and women : z '. are striving to satisfy a growing hunger for know- ledge. In the search for the food for this expanding appetite for under- standing, Post Graduate Students are earning the title Moulders of Canada Unlimited. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED Telephone 118 Insurance Ontaï¬o Phone 3 Miss Shirley Camp-bell, training as a nurse at the Women’s College Hos- pital, Toronto, has returned for du- ties after vacation at her ‘home. Huge Earm Sale Crowds attending the William Moseley auction farm sale, July 14th, resembled a country fair in size, pro- bably over 15001oming from Toronto and other parts of the County. Auc- tioneers Ken and Clarke Prentice of Agincourt held forth for over ï¬ve hours in two separate rings, and bid- ding was reported brisk and high. Ev- erything from livestock, implements, furniture, grain, lumber and other equipment was sold out. Clerks Ed Kyle and Keith Thomas worked late in the evening totalling proceeds, and receiving money. The occasion was the 43rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Moseley, married in- Eng- land. On the previous Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Moseley were recipients of '21 leather wallet and purse, res- pectively, the gifts of their neigh- bors who met at the home to bid them farewell as they are about to leave for residence in British Colum- bia. Mrs. Alfred Gillham read the presentation address expressing good wishes while the gifts were given by Mrs. Percy Leatherdale and Gordon McCallum. A short program follow- ed, including remarks by neighbors who have known the family during their 21 years’ sojourn in the com- munity. L. Hart, Holland Marsh, won the pure-bred Holstein heifer from Eaton Hall Farm; Mr. Hilliard, Lloydtown, the washing machine; Mrs. eray of Nobletom the girl's bicycle; and Frank Hanley, Schomberg, the boy‘s bicycle. An estimated 3500 attended Schom- berg Lions Street Dance 'and Carni- val on July 14. Opening the event, Totteniham softball team defeated the Schomberg lads 4 to 3 in an exhibitâ€" ion game., With haying season in full progress, district people were later this year in gathering to the scene, but came in great crowds well unto late evening. Bingo lasted away past midnight with tables crowded. The refreshment booths were cleaned out before the affair concluded, and nothing was to be found of the 900 sandwiches which had been prepared. ‘Ofl’icials were well satisï¬ed with the second annual event, proceeds toward community welfare work. Hydro service was slightly disrup- ted in the King district last week when new lines were being strung on Yonge street, where a new sub sta- tion at Oak Ridges is being installed. Hydro officials said the new station will assume part of the load to re- lieve the situation in the area im- proving conditions in the district. This is a welcome facility to hydro users. : "flu Large Attendance At Lions Carnival George Cadden, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cadden, third concession of King who suffered serious chest injuries and seven broken ribs from collision with a panel truck driven by Orton Day, King R. R. 2, is now re- ported in favorable condition at the Toronto Western Hospital. Great concern was felt by his parents for a few days following the accident. The youth who has been employed for some time by Mervin Wilson who op- erates the John Dew farm at King, was struck by the truck backing up to the barn to take on a load of twine. The rear Wheel of the vehicle was said to have passed over Cad- den’s chest, causing collapsed lung, shoulder injuries and broken ribs. He remained in an oxygen tent at hos- pital where he was removed by am- bulance upon examination by Dr. J. L. Urquhart, Aurora, immediately after the incident. The community is greatly relieved 'to know he will now recover. King City District News Wm. Burns has sold his farm on the third concession of Vaughan to Mr. Thomas Mashinter who will take possession in the spring. Mr. Burns ’has bought a house at Oak Ridges. A miscellaneous shower was given to Miss Marjorie B iley, a bride-to- be, on Tuesday, Jug 20th', at Maple Villa. Marjorie received numerous useful 'and beautiful gifts. A very; dainty lunch was served by the hos- tesses, Miss Marion Watson, Mrs. Ken Walker and Mrs. Bill Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Bryan have returned from a three weeks’ vaca- tion at Minden in Haliburton. The C.G.I.T. girLs left on Tuesday for Camp Ashunyung 'at Lake Sim- coe. Mrs. T. O'.'Nixon of Toronto at- tended the Women’s Institute pic- nic last Saturday at Spring Water Park at Mid‘hurst. Miss Jeanette Jackson is hoiliday- ing this week with her cousin, Mrs. Roy Lougheed .in Hagersville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rumble en- joyed a motdr trip to Sudbury re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rumble and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rumble and Miss June Peck were at Mr. and Mrs. L. Kerswells at Brock Beach on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson of Three Hills, Alberta were viSitors at the Ramsay’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson Jr. and family are holidaying in MuskOka. The August meeting of Maple W70- men’s Institute will be held August 11, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. The late Mrs. Sturdy was formerly Martha Tunley (Pat) of England and was married when the 127th battalion in which her husband served was in England. It is about 18 years since ‘the family left this vicinity, and since their son, Eddie, took over his farm on the 5th con., they were fre- quent visitors at King. The husband and family have the deep sympathy of friends at King.J Mrs. William Archibald Sarah Jane McClement, wife of William T. Archibald of Newmarket who died in York County hospital, Newmarket on Tuesday, July 13, was buried in King cemetery Saturday, July 17th. Survivors are the hus- band; ï¬ve sons, David, Clarence, and George of Maple; Carlton of Toron- to; Leonard of Cannington; and a daughter, Miriam, at home. Deceased was raised at Kettleby and had mar- ried from there. She was a member of Newmarket Free Methodist Church. The burial in King cemetery in the month of June of Mrs. Gilbert Sin- clair of Weston, removed a former native of King township, who was born here as Myrtle Mc’Callum, dau- ghter of the late Malcolm and Amel- ia McCallum. She had spent sever- al years in British Columbia with her husband, who survives her with a married daughter, Hazel, at Weston. The funeral was well attended, as Mrs. Sinclair was a .great favourite when a young woman in the La§l<ay and Strange district. Thu Late Mrs. Leslie Sturdy The wife of Leslie Sturdy of Mer- ritton, former residents of the ï¬fth concession of King was laid to rest in King cemetery on Monday, July 12. Mrs. Sturdy had undergone an operation at St. Catherines’ hospital and died suddenly 'and unexpectedly very'shortly afterward, passing away on July 9th. Funeral service was held from her home at Merritton and interment here. Surviving are her husband, two daughters, May of Tor- onto; Mrs. Mary Hingston of Otta- wa; a son, Edward, of King. A son, Charles Stu'rdy, was killed in World War II, after D Day. Donald Allen Attending the ‘funeral service in Toronto from King were Mrs. Alex Gray and Mrs. T. L. Williams. Sym- qathy is extended to the bereaved family. After the funeral, the family and friends were invited to the home of Mrs. Roy Wilson of Teston, niece of the deceased where they were served refreshments before departing for their homes. Surviving brothers and sisters are: Miss Margaret Gray and Mrs. Willâ€" iam Walker, Colin Gray, William Gray, all of Toronto; George Gray of Hig-hgate and Mrs. Bert BOyd, Hamilton. Some years ago, a siser, Mrs. Arthur Wlalker (Christina) of King and a brother, Malcolm of Tor- onto passed away. . sunered a stroke on Sunday, passing away on Monday following. Mrs. Wright had been away from King‘ for well over 40 years, but returned for visits at times. She is surVived by her husband; a son, William J11, of Trinidad, who was unable 'to be pre- sent; two daughters, Mrs. Janet Jack and Mrs. Margaret Jones, Tor- onto. Obituaries The burial of Mrs. William Wright’, Toronto, was made in King cemetery on.July 15th. Deceased was former- lyJennie Gray, daughter of the late Alex Gray of Kinghorn. She had been in poor health for a few years, and while about as usual last week, suffered at stroke on Sunday, passing MAPLE 9 “00090000600. .9006009066600000â€.OOOOOOOOONW“ mm 00†.060â€. Oâ€OWNâ€OOMOCOQW†é PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT i “If it’s for the Farm â€" We sell it†Phone 21-w Richmond Hill, Ont. “99¢OOOMMOOOOOOOWOOMOOOWOOMOWO 99â€.“ . YereX ' Electric RICHMOND HILL. PHONE 242 -AAA‘AAAAAAAAAA-‘AAA¢AAAAA-A-.._ A . , , i RICHMOND HILL, PHONE 212 g "o0M000900669990099“.90009¢OOOMM£~OMWo #00000. 0.00069090009006.0960...00900006900990.060009 Frame Home Possible to Remodel J. Carl Saigeon Agency 5 TO 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY, UP TO 88,000.“ $3500 CASH 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS, SHADE TREES A MUST. UPTO $10,000. 20 ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ON YON-GE STREET. SIZE OF HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE IN FAIR CONDITION. :EYS ACRES AND HOUSE, C0 NVENIENCES NOT NECESS- UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE OR MASONRY HOUSE. Why not come in and get signed up for your Essotane gas stove. Prices range from $97.95 up. Time payments on these stoves are very easy. FOR EXAMPLE: Liberal Classified Ads. Get Results Real Estate Thornhi11168J Insurance URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS International Harvester Tractors. Farm Machines and Twine. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals: Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors Beatty & Fairbanks-Morse Pumps & Home Appliances Payment per month $7 MOFFATT STOVE, costing Down Payment . . . . . . . . . . See F ENN Real Estate Finance Charges, 24 months All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. MASTER BRO‘OD SOW RATION Is complete] feed, specially prepared and designed to provide the sow with a nourishâ€" ing, well~balanced ration, rich in minerals and vitamins. MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Telephone Maple 11 Z .0 $180.47 $165.00 15.47 $186.50 50