Model F120 Frigidaire Refrigerator $575.00 2-Burner Hotplates, high speed elements, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 each 3-Burner Oil Stoves . . . Propane Gas Ranges MON. AUG. 2nd. 1948 Electric Rangetté, good oven . . . . . . $62.50 Summer Baking and COOking' SEE BELOW For Store, Lunch Room and for farmers TO RICHMOND HILL WATER USERS To Be CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL ' PERCY C. HILL, Reeve JACKSON’S HARDWARE ELECTRIC ' See the Waterloo Garden Tractor Our sales prove they are the best. We will demonstrate on your property. 6024 YONGE ST., NEWTONBROOK Phone Thornhill 24212 or Willowdale 568 In accordance with a resolution of the Municipal Council, I declare PROCLAMATION Paris Auto Supply Civic Holiday Owing to a temporary shortage of water, householders are requested to refrain from using garden hose from 9 am. to 5 p.m. daily until further notice. . Y. W. Brathwaite FOR SALE FOR FAST Your coâ€"operation will be appreciated. RUSSELL LYNETT‘ Clerk NOTICE Phone 18 Richmond Hill We deliver 20 Cubic Foot Capacity Richmond Hill See it at the and TRACTORS . . $105.00 up . $15.95 each H “John,†she said, “You are not so gallant as when you were a boy.†Congratulations to Mrs. James Camplin, Unionville, who celebrated her 95th birthday July 14th. She has been a resident of Unionville for over 40 years. At the last regular meeting of Markham township council it was decided to draw up a new agreement with the police villages of Thornhill and Unionville. The new agreement will deï¬ne clearly the responsibil- ities and duties of the police village trustees. The old man neglect-ed to assist his wife out of the street car. “No,†he replied, “and you are not so buoyant as when you were a gal.†Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow. .But everywhere that Mary went ’Twas her calves that stole the Show. A Scotsman, upon entering a sad- dler's, asked for a single spur. “W'hat use is one spur?†asked the man. I “Well,†replied Sandy, “if I get one side of the horse! to go the other side will have to come wi’ it.†Ontario and Quebec are the largâ€" est milk producing provinces in' Can- ada. More than 94 per cent of the cheese production and 56 per cent of the butter output of the Dominion is centred in these -two provinces. Total annual cash income from dai- rying in 1946, the last year for which complete ï¬gures are yet available was $198 million, compared with $285.6 million for the other seven provinces Rt. Hon. Earl Mounbatten, famed Commando leader in World War II, commander-inâ€"chief in Burma in the war against Japan, and last Vice- roy of India, will officially open the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto on August 27, it is announ- ced by Elwood A. Hughes, C.N.E. general manager. A lady is a woman who makes it easy for a. man to be a gentleman. Up to the end of March, 1948, the Veterans Land Act had purchased 15,661 properties as fullâ€"time farms totalling 3,212,996 acres at an av- erage cost of $19.75 per acre. Doctor: “You must avoid all forms of excitement.†Patient: “Can’t I even look at them on the street?†Clerk: “Here's a pretty card with a lovely sentiment: ‘To the only girl I ever loved’.†Customer: “Good, I’ll take twelve of them.†A stopnsign has been erected at the intersection on Yonge Street and No. 7 highway at Thornhill. Resi- dents of Thornhill can now cross the street in safety which is an improve- ment which is appreciated. If you have any job printing re- quirements, you are assured of good quality work at the right price at your home paper office, The Liberal, telephone 9, Richmond Hill. In most cities and towns in On- tario, the legal speed limit is 30 miles an hour. You may drive at that speed (but no faster) provided traffic, road and weather conditions allow this speed without endanger- ing the safety of anyone in your vicinity. Take it easy and live long- er. Some folks think a plutocrat is a fellow who gets his hair cut the day before payday. Aggressive Wife: “And don't sit there making ï¬sts at me in your pockets, either." Zy, And don’t spoil it TAKE IT EASY! Congratulations to Clark Young, well-known Milliken farmer, who won ï¬rst prize with a score of 92 per cent in the What competition sponsored by Markham Agricultural Society. Norman Johnston of Rising Sun Lodge, Aurora, was elected district deputy grand master for Toronto district C by the Masons at the an- nual Grand Lodge assembly last week. “Miss Moose of 1948†was chosen at a fraternal order carnival in Tor- onto and is said to be a dear. a battle he landed a yellow pickerel 28 inches long. Doreen Hiltz of ï¬rst prize in the sponsored by the ville Lions Club. Mishaps can wreck your recreation; Risks may ruin the best vacation. Keep your summer bright and- bree- J. H. Pearsall of Toronto was ï¬sh- ing in Lake Simcoe last week when he felt “a tug like a whale.†After General News and Vlews Unionville won Garden Contest Markham-Union- The appointment Was rec0gnized both as a tribute to the retired 60 year-old general and to the Canad- ian war effort in which the lst .Canâ€" adian’ Army he directed in its Euro- pean campaign played so big a part. Gen. Crerar lives in Ottawa. The new job is honorary and will not en- tail visits to England. If the King comes to Canada, Gen. 'Crerar will be his chief Canadian aide. The British Food Minister Strachey said this week he expects world wheat prices to fall much farther but that the agreement with Cana- da for a price increase, effective Au- gust 1, still stands. “I think wheat prices are likely to drop much far- ther and much faster during the next six months,†he said. Twenty-four hours after he announced bread ra- tioning in the United Kingdom will end Sunday. ‘ The Dominion Department of Ag- riculture has issued Publication No. 795, “Planning Your Garden", writâ€" ten by R. W. Oliver. It is an ex- tensive treatise, with much valuable information and ideas in it on every phase of planning, creating, and keeping a garden in Canada to suit all tastes with consideration as to space and expenditure. A copy may be obtained by writing to the Dom- inion Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa. The King has appointed Gen. H. D. G. Crerar his ï¬JI‘St aide-de-camp general from Canada, it was announ- ced today. The vicar’s wife asked after the old man’s granddaughter, and was told, “She’s not at all well, ma'am; she’s in the ’oljspital. There’s semething amiss Wl' ’er throat. and they want to operate on ’er. But I dooan’t want ’er to ’ave an opera- tion. One slip 0’ the knife and yer ’ead’s ofl’. And when ver ’ead’s 0E yer ain’t no more good.†Approximately 29,000 veterans or their widows will be receiving 3 t0- tal of about $8,250,000. at the end of this month when adjustment cheq- ues covering the retroactive pay- ments of War Veterans’ Allowance are sent out by the War Veterans' Allowance Board. This payment is the result of the recent increase by Parliament of $10 monthly in the rates under War Veterans’ Allow- ance, retroactive to October 1, 1947. Miss Edith Caddo and Mr. Glenn Glendining of Collingwood were week end visitors with Miss Caddo’s aunt, Mrs. T. F. Jackson and family. Maple United Church services will resume August lst at 11:30 a.m. The special speaker will be Rev. W. N. Charlton, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Toronto. Sunday School is at 10:30 a.m. The “Knit-Wit Club" which was very active during the war sending boxes, knitted goods, etc. to .local boys overseas, disbanded at the end of hostilities. However, the girls still stay together more or less, and a1: ways honor any brides among their members. On Monday evening, July 26th, the Club held a sooial evening at the home of Miss Marion Watson in Woodbridge and presented their latest bride-to-be, Miss Marjorie Bailey, with a beautiful mahogany lamp table. This is the seventh “Knit-Wit†member to be so honored on the occasion of her marriage. In these days of high prices, the beauti- ful, friendly, unselï¬sh spirit which keeps the club together deserves a great deal of admiration. Mrs. Clare Lake of Binghampton, New York, was a guest of Mrs. Geo. Bailey and family for several days last week. On Thursday morning, July 2,2nd, Dr. Stewart W. Armitage of Maple passed away after a long seige of ill health. Dr. Armitage, who was a Veterinarian Surgeon, having grad- uated from Winnipeg College and a post-graduate course in Chicago, was in his 63rd year. The family moved from Roblin, Manitoba, to Ontario in 1939, living a year in Toronto, then settling in King, Ont, in 1940‘, later moving to their present residence in Maple four years ago. Dr. Armitag’e was a kindly gentleman, beloved 'by those who knew him. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, Jeanette Riddell, and four sons, George of King, Allan of Manitoba, Harry of Brampton and Tom at home. Inter- ment took place Saturday afternoon in King Cemetery, Rev. Mr. JOhn- son officiating. The sympathy of the neighborhood is extended to the be- reaved widow and family. Mr. George Harrow is with his daughter, Mary, weeks. Mr. T. Wilson of Calgary, Alta., visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robson. Richmond Hill Lions Carnival and Dance, Monday, August 2nd. Wheat cutting is Pretty well com- pleted throughout the district and some excellent crops are reported. If you have something to sell, an “ad†in The Liberal Will do the sell- ing job for you. MAPLE holidaying for a few The convention concluded one of the most successful years in the his- tory of Lions International. The secretary-general reported the for- mation of 819 new clubs in the year and the addition of 31,696 members to the roster of the association. To-day there are 6,808 clubs with a total membership of 358,144. Lions International is now the largest and strongest service club organization in the world with clubs in 23 coun- tries on ï¬ve continents. Of Enid, Oklahoma, new President of the International Association of Lions Clubs. He was unanimously elected at the 3131; annual convention York County Lions Clubs include: Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Maple, Unionville, Schomberg, Weston, Au- rora andNewmarket. of the association‘which closed in New York to-day. Mr. Art Mortson of Collingwood called on his cousin, Mrs. Annie Mor- tson last Tuesday. Mr. Donald Elliott of Woodstock is spending the week with his friend, Mr. Alan Bagg, and calling on other friends in the locality. Visitors to see Mrs. Mortson on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and Mr. and Mi‘s. Herman Mortson and his daughter, Margaret, of Victoria Square and Mr. and Mrs. Bone of Carrville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong and lit- tle daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Broadbelt and daughters motored to Wasaga Beach on Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kerswill. Mrs. C. Breese of Walkerville vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dalziel for a few days last week. of Victoria Square and Mr. and Mrs. Bone of Carrville. Miss Eileen Millsap of Toronto' and South Africa spent a day with Mrs. Paul Snider last week. She returns to South Africa next month. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sy‘mons of Port Hope and family have returned home after a month’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -A1f Bagg. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Bagg on Sun- day and on Saturday the Gifl'ins of Toronto were there. ..A gentle Quaker heard a strange noise in his house at night. He found a burglar busily at work. In plain sight of the visitor he walked quietly with his gun to the door and said: ' “Friend, I would do thee no harm for the world and all that is in it, but thou standest where I am about to shoot.†The burglar didn’t linger EUGENE S. BRIGGS EDGELEY Telephone 9 HOLIDAY WEEK “THE LIBERAL †of Woodstock is with his friend, calling on other We will observe our annual Holiday Week August 9th to 14th, and there will be no is- The co-operation of advertisers, contribu- tors, and commercial printing customers we of The Liberal on August 12th. will be very much appreciated 5. Gordon . Herman Margaret, and Mrs. Avg 09 90¢.“MOOMNOOOWWNOMOWMOWWQ‘ mooo» .96 006600600. MOOWONW THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July FAST 8: EASY +0 fence off park of a field fo give FULL USE of a†padure. Saves iime and work -â€" profeds crops. Sturdin buiH {or all-weafher efficiency and economical oparaï¬on. See MASTER FENCERS. Ba!- !eries and accessoriex cf your neared CTC Associafe Sforeâ€" or order direct from Toronfo, hanspor’raï¬on prepaid. Sam Here. at Canadian Tire. we have prob- ably the most complete line-up of high-grade socket sets and parts avail- able anywhere. Whether you wish to buy a complete set or are desirous of adding to your present equipmentâ€" choose your requirements from these quality products of world-famous manufacturers. RUSH YOUR ORDER NOW â€"for Big A complete range of sockets in all drives from 7/16 upwards. Handles and parts Include long and short extensions, slldlng "T" handles, swing head hlnge handles, ratchet, wrenches, urlversal jolnts. drag llnk sockets and a host of others. Tools for Automotive, Farm and Industries 10" heavy duty type -""" 7" Standard type 2_19 Pieces, Places. Pieces. Pieces. Places. Places. Pieces. drive A Mulii- Purpose Tool SETS IN METAL BOXES ings an ELEETRB FENEERS CARS PAINTED â€" $20 AND UP EXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS CARS CALLED FOR AND'DELIVERED SOCKET WRENCH SEPARATE PARTS 1.4" RICHVALE AUTO BODY square drlve square drive midget set .‘ square drive square drive and %"drive 31%., and 3%.. GUARANTEE D WORKMANSHIP Super Forged, Genuine Alloy Steel Stop 22A Yonge St. Phone Thornhill 212r12 gar-M AJMLJA... on 505055 567749 a93518 1 11 45.95 Richmond Hill, Ont. Richmond Hill YONGE ST‘ "STANDARD"â€"Sunnlln wlth long storaga battery leads. “on arm on" wltch. 24 In- lulators. washert. around :lamn and instructlnns. No. R3I9 . . . a . . . . . . . . “MASTER SPECIAL"â€"-Genaral utlllty modal. Heavy uauna steel can house: mochanlsm and hattery. Wllh switch. 24 Insulators. washers. around clamn, atI. (lea: battery) to. m .. 8~95 "SENIOR" â€" Weathernroal cahlnet honm mechanism and 6-volt battery. Flasher Ilunals when lenca Is shorted. With 56 Insulators. 50 washers, tent. nuns. around alamn and In- t H l ht! ). was†".95 "DE LUXE" ahlntt houses machanlsm and than battery. Built-In test matar and 7- nosltlon control switch. Wllh uata handla. 60 Insulators. 50 washm, tenco :llps. around I dl t tl . fix’aihm? 1%."?320 .. 16-95 SETS AND PARTS Iâ€"%" square drive. tldcal for working In close quarters. 9-PIECE SOCKET SET P. C. Hill For h o m e or shop use. 110V, fully approved, 25‘ weatherproof cable, reflector with g u a r d. wlth convenient hook for attach- lng, R u b b e r h a n d l e with built-1n switch. 5.50 2.98 1948