Marking the 75th. Anniversary of the Village of Richmond Hill. - A Big Afternoon and Evening Program,‘ From 1 p.m. to 1 am. A Horse Show With a Fine Program of saddle and Hurdle Events Featuring Some 0F Ontario's Finest Horses and Riders. Civic Holiday . ug a 2 Aunt Jemima, in person, with her most tempting pancakes Monster ï¬ance in ï¬ne Arena at Night RUSS CREEGHTON’S ORCHESTRA $1000 EN LUCKY DRAW PRIZES 'IIIIIIIDIIHENBIIllflflfllflllflml E “I IHEEIII General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender Work our Speciality TELEPHONE 74-M H ‘P'EIIEFIIIIEIIIIIIIIHFIEPIIIIIIIIP EBII Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Aug. 11th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday cf each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON OPTICAL REPAiRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptiams for Glasses Fined For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 "FLT EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT 144 YONGE STREET STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. munds, Pres. Russell Lynett, Committee Chmn. Norm. Chatterley, Committee Sec MIDWAY - GAMES - RIDES â€" SOFTBALL GAME. McMullen Motors SERAL ADMISSION: To Grounds 95c - To Dance 25: Richmond Hill, Thursd Proceeds For Lions Club Welfare/Activities RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB RICHMOND HILL IN THE July 29, 194E Mr. Boynton Weldrick, who has been ill for the past month, has re- covered sufficiently from an attack of shingles and sciatica to get about again. with the aid of a cane. Dr. R. W. Wesley is also suffering from an attack of shingles. A complete and early return to health is wished for both ‘by their many friends in the community. Doncaster Ladies’ Club At the July meeting of the Don- castcr Lad-ies’ Club, held at the [home of Mrs. Goodchild, preparations for the picnic were completed, and plans for the Bazaar commenced. The date has been set for October 9th, and the place, Thornhill United Church Sunday school reom. Birthday greetings were extended to Mrs". A. Loverock. Next rï¬eeting will be held Tues- day, August 3rd, at 7:45 p.m., at the home of Mrs. A. Loverock, Gar- den Ave. Mr. and Mrs. B. Weldrick have sold their home on Jane St. to Mr. and Mts. Angus Hills of Toronto, who will take possession around the ï¬rst of September. Mr. and Mrs. Weldrick will move back into their original home on Elizabeth 812., now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Croutch and family. J Mr. and Mrs. B. Edwards have re- turned from their vacation spent in Northern Ontario. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lougheed on- the birth of their son at Grace Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday morning, July 27th. Thornhill District News Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. W. C. L. Ball whose brother, Reginald E. Ball of Richmond Hill, died on Tuesday, July 20th Doncaster Ladies’ Club held its second annual picnic at Woodland Park earlier this month. Games, sports. swimming and. a softball game were enjoyed by the one hun- dred in attendance. Racing was un- der the direction of Mrs- Peacock and Mrs. Russell. Children were given ice cream and chocolate milk, and the smaller ones presented with rubber balls. Everyone was enthus- iastic over the ï¬ne turnout and fun, and a picnic next year will be a “mustâ€. Last Thursday afternoon, the “70- men‘s Fellowship of Langstaff Bap- tist Church :honored Miss Annecia Thelka at a personal shower, held in the garden of Mrs. Le Riche’s home on Garderf‘ Ave. Proceedings opened with prayer offered by Mrs. Jordan, followed by a solo rendered by Miss Thelka. ‘ Trafl'ic Lights, Installed Here As a direct result of a petition presented to the Deputy Minister of Highways by a delegation repre- senting the Lions Club, Churches, Schools, Women's Institute and oth- er organizations in the community, traffic lights have been installed by the Department of Highways at the junction of Number 7 and Number 11 highways here. ' Mrs.-Marritt made the presenta- tion and as Miss Thelka took her place in a beautifully decorated chair, a large basket of gifts was placed before her and she was showered with conifetti. After op- ening the gifts, the bride-to-be thanked everyone and extended an invitation to each member of the Fellowship to attend the wedding. Her marriage to Mr. Sam Rogers 01 North Toronto will be an event of Auqust 2151; at Covenant House, College St.. the' ceremony to take place at 3 pm. Doncaster Ladies’ Club Hold Picnic Thirty members were present at the shower and enjoyed delightful refreshments provided ‘by the ladies. As Miss Tholka cut the luscious cake made by» the hostess especially for the occasion. she again extended heartfelt thanks. Lamxstaï¬~ Baptist Church Notes A speedy recovery to three mem- bers of the Primary Departmen: who have contracted chicken-pox: Joanne'McLean, Marilyn and Ber- nard Warnica. Mr. Herb Foster, present pastor of the Church announced at Sunday School last Sunday morning that he would be unable to carry on the {vork into the Fall. so it would therefore be necessary to call an- other minister. On Wednesdayev- ening following the Prayer Meeting, there will be a. short business meet- ing to vote on the question of call- ing‘ Rev. Rutter as pastor, and all members unable to attend were ur- wed to mail their votes. At a pre- vious meeting, it had been decided that a lot for a parsonage should be ourchased and a building fund com- menced. In this connection Mr. Spencely was appointed treasurer. Guest speaker on Sunday morning was Mr. David Smith, principal of Langstafl‘ Public School. Relating the story of the rich- young ruler, Found in.the Gospel according to Matthew Mr. Smith emphasized that this young man was of ï¬ne character, yet realized he lacked scmething‘. While apparently p05- sessing every good habit, his love of money was his downfall, for when Christ eommanded him to sell all he owned and give it to the poor, he chose to put his wealth ï¬rst, and in repecti‘n‘g Christ committed the 1m- pardona‘ble sin. In conclusion, Mr. Smith advised the immediate accep- tance of Christ and the putting of Him ï¬rst. Birthday grsetinqs were extended to Ruth and Ethei Layzell and Dor- een Reaman. Next Sundav morning the gang‘- stafl" Ladies’ Trio will provide the music. The Teenagers Quartette compos- ed of Gwen Carter, Grace, Ruth and Ethel’Layzen sang “Living for Jeâ€" Sns.†Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotane Furnaces â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems MAPLE T1NSMITH& PLUMBING SUPPLY REFRIGERA TION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and Domestic All Makes King P.0- Phone 2615 King GORDON CHALK Telephone Maple 102 Residence (521'32 LANGSTA FF L. HOUSE The injury is caused by the raspâ€" berry cane borer. It’s a beetle about half an inch long, and it has a black body with a yellow back. They us- ually attack new canes about 4 to 8 inches below the tip where they out two rings about the stem. In be- tween these rings an egg is laid The egg hatches into a ye“o\risn grub which bores a short distance down the stem. This usually com- pletes its work for the season and it stays there in the stem over the winter. The following year the grub starts to work again and bores right down through the cane. to the root, with the result that it kills the plant. If you notice any wilting tips, cut them off 2 or 3 inches below the girdling rings. If you do this, then you usually remove the eggs or grubs before much actual harm is done. Strawberry Plants The other day I was talking to a chap and he mentioned that in his raspberry patch he had noticed that the tips of some of the new canes had wilted. He said that the wilted part was only about 4 or 5 inches long and 'just below it the stem had been circled with what looked like a ser- ies of little punctures. There were two of these girdles, about half an inch apart. of Sunday, July 25th) By Bob Keith, Richmond Hill Raspberry Pests No doubt many of you set out some strawberry plants this spring, and by now they should be making lots of runners and ï¬lling up the rows. In some cases there will pro- bably be too many runners, and a little thinning may be necessary. Ac- tually the runners should be spaced about 4 to 6 inches apart. In com- mercial planting this Would "mean extra work and expense which might not pay, but in the home garden it wouldn’t be much of a job to attend to. During; the summer and fall keep the cultivator going to keep down the weeds and to keep the SOiI in a good friable condition so that the runners will root and get es- tablished more quickly. These new- ly-form-ed plants will be somewhat shallowlyâ€"rooted at ï¬rst. Work carefully around them so that the roots are not disturbed. The Development of the Strawberry Plant An interestinng thing about the de- velopment of the strawberry plant is that the condition of the plant in the fall has a great deal to do with the crop the following season. Along in September and October the begin- nings of the fruit buds start to form. The presence of sufficient nitrogen in the soil at this time stimulates this fruit bud develop- ment, so that applications in Aug- ust and September of fertilizer con- taining nitrogen can be very beneâ€" ï¬cial. Nitrate‘of soda is a very good thing to use for this. It doesn’t take much â€" all you need is half a pound for every 100 square feet of bed. It’s a fairly strong fertilizer so to be on the safe side it would probably be a good idea to divide it in half. Put half.of it on in the latter part of August and the other half about two weeks later. If you can’t get the nitrate of soda a good commercial fertilizer could be deed. Get one containing around 4 per cent nitro- gen and put it on at the rate of about two pounds to 100 square feet of bed. Setting Out Plants Commercial growers and most home gardeners too, ï¬nd that the best time to set out strawberry plants is in the spring. Strawber- ries like the cool moist conditions usually prevail in the spring, and planting at that time gives them‘a chance to become well established and to make good strong plants by fall. These are the kind of plants which will bear the best crop the fol- lowing year. However, ‘some gard- eners do set out plants in August or early in September, but with plant- ing at that time you can’t expect to get as good a crop as you wbuld from spring planting. â€" one beautiful, big and red, and the other small and green. Jane pondered, then bravely held out the apples with the standard invitation: “Take your choice.†Young Billy and Jane were in the yard pla_ying.‘_J_anrerhad t_wo appleg Billy eyed the apples, then his greediness overcame him and he took the big red one. Jane’s eyes blazed, she §tamped her foot and aclmonish- ed: “Put that back and take your choice.†â€" Mrs. M. A. Lewis, ,Mag- azine Digest. Ontario Gardener (Condensed from the Broadcast I. D. RAMER & SON, Phone 10 The Eievator Four Years After D Day Britons Thankfully Recall Generous Red Cross Gifts The Prophet tells us “Cast th} bread upon the waters for thou shal ï¬nd it after many days,†an we am sure the workers of Markham Town- ship Branch of the Red Cros will fee‘ fully repaid for all the love and label put into the service they gave so will- ingly during the war years, wher they read the following letter sent to your Convenor. We feel honored that after the lapse of several years someone still remembers and we are happy in the thought that we were able to help a little in those trying times. Your Convcnor also remembers with gratitude your splendid co-01-â€" eration and this great Canada of ours can have nothing to fear in times of turmoil and stre5s with such strength behind her in the service of such splendid women. Mina J. Sommerville, Convenor of Work, Markham Tp. Red Cr0ss Branch Wme Km. mm mm. Dear Miss Sommerville Today’s date is a memorable in our history. It is four years ago on the 6th of June that the Allies at- tacked the Germans from Britain. The great D-Day. I shall never for- get the effect it had on this small corner of the globe. The silent erâ€" plosive rockets rained down on Souâ€" thern England more than ever with the result that the Receiving Areas, and this was one, had evacuee wo- men and children simply pouring in day and night. In hundreds they came, we had nearly 3,000. That was over-working time for the W.V.S. billeting officers, especially my de- : PHONES:â€"TIIORNHELL 118W JUNCTION 2980 I cull-IaInunllIannual:Inn-allllllnllllll MARKHAM TWP. RED CROSS CONVENOR RECEIVES APPRECIATIVE‘ LETTER FROM OVERSEAS Year-Round Farm Help Specially selected displaced persons now entering Canada are available for immed- iate placement on farms. Displaced persons have been employed by farmers in the past and have proved highly satisfactory. IF YOU NEED FARM HELP THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE IMME- DIATE RELIEF. APPLY AT ONCE TO YOUR NATIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Humphrey Mitchell Minister AN OPPORTUNITY DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF LABUUR ‘ l 1" Our power spraying rig sprays Purina D.D.T. on all barn interiors. Kills flies all summer. Ask us about this new low-cost service. C. RIDDELL INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR'AND ASPHALT SHINGLES. EéROOFING Falling Royd Hebden Bridge Yorkshire, Englann ' June 6, 1948 We specialize in Ire-roofing, POWER SPRAYING to obtain Before D-Day we had hundreds of school children from Brighton, from ‘he beginning of the war. After D- Day, we had hundreds of school chil- lren from London. They arrived In iust the clothes they stood up in â€" no coats. night attire or shoes, many of the soles literaly hanging off, and not a clothes coupon between them. they had been sent away so quickly. For ten days my department worked extremely hard, I can tell you, try- in: on clothes, ï¬tting on shoes. In normal times, not a very quick job, is it? And some children haven’t any idea whether or not a shoe is tight. During that ten days we handled hundreds and hundreds of shoes and hootsl I thanked Markham Township Red Cross Branch and all other wor- kers of the diï¬erent branches from the bottom of my heart for all the magniï¬cent gifts of clothing made and sent to Britain. I can assure you it was very much appreciated in this part of the world. It was wonderful to pass on your gifts to homeless and ‘clothless «maple and how their eyes sparkled to see the wonderful choice of pretty dresses, bloures, chats, nightict, layettes, hed, pram and cot covers, blankets, etc. wartment, the Clothes Depot. How ve blessed and thanked all you Red Cross workers in Canada for all the wonderful clothes, shoes, blankets, etc., you sent to this country. Again our thanks also to Mark- ham Chapter No. 155 0.E.S. for the ‘pvely parcel recently received, so many good things in the big gen- erous parcel that we were so grate- ful for. My love to you all and God bless you every one. A. MacNamara Deputy Minister Aï¬'ectionately yours, Kitty Waller