Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Aug 1948, p. 1

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1 THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 VOL LXX “In Essentials, Unity : Bingo Popular At Thornhill min" Dance The bingo booth shown above at the Thornhill Lions Club Street Dance was a popular :attraction all evening. Lion W. C. PocklingtOn is calling the numbers assisted by E. G. McKean and E. W. Anstey, while a goodly array of players keep eyes fixed on their cards. _ The annual Street Dance was a most successful event with :a record crowd in attendance. More than $25C0. was cleared for the Lions Wel- fare Fund. There was keen interest in the draw for lucky number prizes and the following were the prize winners; first prize, No. 4681, W. Butler, Thornhill, Thor al.‘,,';omatic washng machine; 2nd No. 7860, Fan Emâ€" pringham, Scarboro Jct., Bob-a-Lawn power mower; 3 No. 4567, R. Marsh, Richmond Hill, Alf Bagg pedigreed Jersey Calf; ith, 1N0. 7340, Bill 0'- Hara, Richmond Hill, Filter Queen vacuuni cleaner; 5th No. 4827, Get). Ellis, 6 Prairie Dr., Thrifâ€"Tec portâ€" able electric washer; 6th No. 2499, Mrs. Fred Martin, Concord, Mixmasâ€" WEDD‘INGS WELLS-BAILEY White gladioli and ferns dccm-ated R. Leech, Richmond Hill, and Il‘cnr Evelyn Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Maple United Church on August 3rd Mrs. Percival W. Hill, Richmond Hill, for the all white wedding of Mar- jorie Brown Bailey, daughter of Mrs. George William Bailey and the late Mr. Bailey to Lorne Arthur Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wells. Rev. Charles E. Fockler and Doctor Archer Wallace officiated. The bride given in marriage by her brother, William Bailey, was gowned in white faille taffeta with net yoke and accordian pleated ber- tha. The long sleeves were accent- ed at the wrists with similar pleat- ing. A panel from Waist to hem of accordian pleated tiers fell from a bustle bow in the back of the full skirt. White faille taffeta flowers held the flowing tulle veil and she carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas and bouvardia. . Mrs. William Bailey, matron 0f honour, Mrs. Kenneth Walker and Miss Marion Watson, bridesmaids, were gowned alike in /white faillc taffeta with butterfly neckline. fitted bodice and full skirt. They wore matching gloves and halo hats, and carried semi-cascade bouquets 0f shaded gladioli. Mr. Grant Brown was his cousin’s groomsman with Ross Knight and George Bailey as ushers. During the signing of the regist- ter, Rev. Arthur Currie, uncle of the bride from Rosetown, Saskatchewan, sang accompanied by Mrs. Roy Clegg at the organ. For the reception at Maple Villa, the bride’s mother chose pastel green with corsage of mixed sweet peas. The groom’s mother were peri-wink- le blue with corsa-ge of pink carna- tions and sweet peas. For the weddingfirip to Muskoka, the bride travelled in a coral pink wool suit with matching accessories and a corsa e of varicoloured sweet peas. On t eir return they will re- side in Maple. LEECH-BOWEN Delphinium, Queen Anne’s Lace and roses formed the background for a quiet wedding in the home of Rev. A. E. Lunau, when Frederick John Leech, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert were married. The bride wore a baby blue feulard fitted gown With a full net skirt, shoulder veil and lace mitts. She carried red roses and white gladioli. The bridesmaid, Dorothy Johnston, Scarboro, wore a dress of pastel green taffeta, shirred bustle and hat to match. Her bouquet was of ye]â€" low Gloria roses and crimson glan- ioli. Grooinsman was Fred Urben. Richmond Hill. At the wedding rcâ€" ception held at the bride’s home, the bride’s mother received in a navy crepe dress and cor-sage of Talisman roses. The mother of the groom, in flowered tafi’eta gown with corsagc of carnations and cornfl0wers, ‘as- sisted. For the‘ wedding trip to Calgary and Banfl’, the bride wore a flowered jersey dress, pale blue coat and white accessories. TRACYâ€"FRYER The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fryer was decorated with spring flow- ers for the marriage of their daugh- ter, Aileen Phyllis Fryer, to John Macdoniald Tracy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Y. B. Tracy, Toronto. Rev. Louis Pickering officiated. Given in mar- riage by her father, the bride wore a street-length frock of doveâ€"pink crepe a flower trimmed halo hat and cor- sage of sweet peas. Bridesmaid was Betty Gibson, in an azure blu‘e' silk jersey dress with matching halo and a corsage of pink roses. Best man was Bob Edmunds of Richmond Hill, and wedding music was played by Mrs. Kenneth Fryer. The bride’s mother received in a navy and pink ensemble with corsage of pink roses. asisted by the groom’s mother, wear- ing rose faconne and a corsage of white carnations. The couple will live in Toronto. PEEL'JOHNSTON VRichmond Hill United Church was the setting on Saturday, July 24. for the marriage of Patricia Ellen. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Rev. Walter Peel. to Mr. Arthur C. B. Brethen officia- Photo By Wade and Ford iNo. 22. J. F. Kosallc, 162 Parkhurst l ttr; 7th, No. 1482, Ronnie Benns. Thornhill. Boyco record player; 8th No. 1235, Bob Sutcr, Langstafi’, elec- tric razor; 9th No. (3827, Betty For- gie, Markham, electric Breakfaster; 10th No. 2682, Rev. Arthur McMahon, Richmond Hill, pressure cooker; ilin No. 7820. Gerald Tisler, 828 Shaw St., Apt. 12, electric hot plate; IZlh Blvd, electric clock; 173th. No. 123, Mrs. Billcrman, Thornhill, electric lamp; .14th, No. 2147, C. Chambers, Markham, large thermos bottle. HARVEST COMPLETED WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4'“; Vs’eslcy Clark, 3rd con. Markham Twp., at Headford, reports he is all through with the harvest. “We completed the job \\'edncsday, Augâ€" ust 4th," said Mr. Clarke, “and there a good crop and a splendid sample." This is somewhat of a lecord and we would be pleased to hear if any one “can top this.‘ \\' ‘d S 1 CAR STOLEN Parked on Church St. north during the Lions Carnival Monday evening, the car of Andy Armstrong, Vaughan Rd., was stolen. Police were immed- iately notified and an alarm given by radio, but so far no report of the stolen car has been received. and Miss \Vinnifred Shadlock Aginconrt was at the organ. The soloist was Miss Lola Jones. The bride, given in marriage by ivory brocadtd satin with a deep net yoke and moulded bodice. The full skirt fcrmed a train, and her veil was caught in an ivory satin tiara. She carried a cascade of red roses. The matron of honour, Mrs. Frank Wolfe, wore a sea-green sat- in gown in the same style as that of the bride, with tiara to match. She carried yellow roses with blue cornflowcrs. Mr. Frank Wolfe was groomsman and the ushers were Mr. John Mur- ray and Mr. Da\id Johnson. The reception was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Hoover, who re- ceiv’ed hcr guests in a gown 0f Wedgwood blue crepe with corsage of Talisman roses. For going away the bride wore a turquoise wool suit with white accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. WAUGH-TAGGART Richmond Hill United Church, decâ€" orate-d with delphiniums, gladioli and l‘aby‘s breath, formed the setting for the wedding of Eileen Anderson, only (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ta- ggart, Elgin Mills, to Richard John Waugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Waugh of Toronto. Rev. C. B. Brethen officiated and Miss Pat Devâ€" on presided at the organ. The bride given in mariage by her father were a gown of white lace with long embroidered veil and carried a cascade bouquet of roses and gladioli. The maid of honor, Miss Eileen "iaugh, in pink taffeta with match- ing headdress and veil carried a (as- cade bouquet of red roses and glad- ioli. Bob Harvey attended the groom. The ushers were Glen Waugh and Allan Taggart. Following: a reception at the Pony Crest Lodge, the couple left on a motor trip. On their rcturn. they will reside in Tor- onto. In Non-Essentials, RIf‘IIMONI) HILL. ONT. ’I‘IIURSI)AY. l.ll|i‘l‘l \‘i Village Plans New Library Room By D. G. Little The {iChmond Hill Public Library Board is engrossed these days will: plans for a new and improde loca- tion for the library. If the addition to the public school is completed by September the room downstairs in the municipal hall. for- merly used as a Classroom will be available for library purposes. Interesting improvements are conâ€" templated, and work will be. started by Mr. C. H. Sanderson as soon as assurance is given that the room's usefulness as a classroom is over. In the. near future, it is planned to construct a south entrance to this room, which is considerably larger than the old one, and it is hoped that something will be done to beautify the surrounding grounds. The board has arranged for a large picture window and also a door to be cut in the south wall, the latter to give access to an office for the librarâ€" ian and possibly a Story room for the children. The room as it is today needs a new ceiling, a plywood floor on which to lay linoleum or tiie, new lighting, partial replastcring and complete reâ€" decorating. The finished project will mean a really attractive library and reading room, and what is more important than anything else, there will be no longer any leg-aching stairs to climb. Undoubtedly the number of library patrons will greatly increase on this account alone. As to funds -â€" the Women's In- stitute has promised help; the library treasury has a limited sum at its disposal, and a provincial grant for constructive work on libraries am- ounts to $200. The Library Board hopes that fur- ther financial help will be forthcom- ing from those enlifiiteug‘; LQM' ‘ns of the village, who realize how much an attractive and up-to-date library adds to the cultural life of a community. It is posisble that a donor will he found for the new south window, an- other for the floor-covering, another for the lighting. How interested are you in the fu- ture of your library? Boys Grain Club Meet at Unionville A very quiet organization, the York County Boys Glain Club, last week met in the Unionville Hall for another of their informative meet- ings. These boys lack the publicity generally given to calf clubs but do excellent work and are to be espec- ially congratulated on tne fact that although they are mostly in their teens they drive as much as twenty miles to attend one of these meetâ€" ings. Last week with President Bob Hamilton and Secretary Glen Atkinâ€" son both of Scihoniberg, the lecture portion of the evening was spent on the smuts of grains and many 0; these boys could vie with their parâ€" ents on the knowledge they have of these crop diseases. How to take soil samples was another of the sua- jects discussed. Just lately the Asâ€" sistant Representative, Archie Mc- kenzie, has been around scoring tn~ boys standing crop of oats in the field and mentioned that on the aVPr- age these crops were looking very well and that many of the boys bad convinced their parents of the mcr~ its of their variety. The evening concluded with the judging of two classes of grain and reasons were taken and an .ofliicial placing given by Ray Ingleton of Agincourt, a former outstanding club boy, and this year’s club leader. On the evening’s club work, Don Fieldhouse of Wood- bridge was top judge with a perfec‘é score on placings. A pleasant social pcuiod followed to the accompaniâ€" ment of ice cream and soft drinks. compliments of the sponsoring or- Q'anization, the York County Junior Farmers. MA Y REPLACE SWITCH ES North Yonge Street municipalities, owners of the Radial line have asked the T.T.C. for an estimate of the cos. of replacing switches at stops five and eight. The general opinion that the elimination of these swit- ches was a needless expense which only slowed up the service. 15 In All Things. Charity". AUGUST 3. 11.118 Thousands Enjoy Richmond Hill ‘ Lions A l)\' 1‘} R GETS TISING IN THE LIBERAL RESI'L'I'S Carnival Favored once again by ideal wea- ther Richmond Hill Lions Club an- nual Carnival held Monday afternoon and evening was an outstanding suc- cess. The Horse Show which was an innovation this year was a fine show throughout the afternoon and attrac- ted a large crowd of interested spcc- tatm‘s. The classes were keenly cOYl- tested. Above is shown President Richard Edmunds who presided at the draw for over $1000. in lucky prizes as Lion Bill Scandrett rests from his Bingo duties and watches the proceedings. Also shown Reeve P. C. Hill of Richmond Hill and J. IS. Smith, M.P., North York drawing the lucky tickets. The Electric refrigeramr. the firs-i Sport News And prize, was won by M. McCrea, Tor- onto, who is a sister of Mrs. Scott Ferguson, Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill; 2nd prize, the electric washer, St., Thornhill and the third prize, vacuum cleaner by M. Bradshaw, 8 Reseview Ave, Richmond Hill. Other prize-winners were: 4th, a bicycle, Marjory Weaver, Richmond Hill; 5th a mantel radio by Mrs. Hilda Huston, Richvale, 6th, mantel radio by Mrs. Hansen. Elgin Mills, 7th bag of su- gar Viola Preston, Markham, and 8th electric iron by R. V. Bick, Rich- mond Hill. Bingo, money-toss, darts, over-and- under and the other midway attrac- tions did a capacity business through- Comments From The Maple lDistrict LACROSSE Maple Loses To Orangcville And Oswekan Indians Locals Try Hard, But Loose I'lay gave their best. Stars For Indians Indians gave a clever display. They showed great improvement over their And UnderstiuenaLhuRthWs- .melast, mimzn‘emnsbonwwamaa Much For Them AT ORANGEVILLE Orangeviile T'Maple 6 Taking a two-goal lead in the first period, although minus three of their regular players, Maple looked very promising in the game at Orange- ville. They faded in the second and third periods and were on the short end of a 6-3 count at the end of the third. In the final stanza, after Orange- 'ille had added one more goal to their lead, Maple took over and drove the Green Shirts back untli it look- ed as if they would tie the SCOl'c. The last rush of the game by Gor- don Orr just missed by inches. The play throughout was Very good. There were only a few penae- ties and Maple put on a great display although they were badly short- handed. Stars For Maple Stan Foster was a great offensive threat. His final goal was a mas- terpiece. He scored with three of the opposition draped around him. Gordon Orr played a steady driv- ing game. He scored one goal and carried the play for the “blue shirts” when they tired in lthe second and third periods. Jim Jones and Ken White also were outstanding for the Maule cause. Jones outran the whole Orangeville team on his late goal, and worked hard at all times. Ken White played the entire game. He scored one goal on a blazing shot and made the road very tough for the opposition. Stars For Orangeville The “green shirts" continued to oass the ball as they did on their last appearance in Maple. Some of their pasing plays were beautiful to watch. Joe Comeba, Wilson and. the Gillespie brothers starred for the Or- angeville squad. GAME AT MAPLE Indians 9'Maple 6 Although they were strengthened for this game, Maple gave. a loose display in the first two periods, which gave the clever Indians a chance to take a lead which they never delin- quished. They did come back strong in the third period, but they could not reduce the lead of the visitors. In the fourth period, they contin- ued to drive in on the visitors goal, but loose ball handling spoiled their chances and the Indians added to their lead. Maple tried hard. but loose play spoiled their chances. There were a few fiare~ups in this encounter, but nothing of a serious nature resulted. Stars For Maple There were no outstanding stars f0 Maple. They all tried hard and most potent scorer with three goals. Comments It is a pleasure to watch the Maple team now, as they file into their dressing room after losing a hard fought game. They could have easily won the game at Ol‘angeville with a few breaks, but they figured that the better team won, and made no alibis, and found no fault with the officiat- ing. They have grown up. Short handed and badly on the limp at times, they always give their best. They may not win any championship this year, but I believe they have gained much in their recent defeats. It is this fine attitude of athletes, that inspired the immortal words â€" For when the One Great Scorer comes To write against your name, He counts not whether you won or lost, But how you played the game. These words may well be rememâ€" bered by every athlete, whether he is representing his country at the Oly- mpic games or some small unknown village or town. MIDGET LACROSSE Maple Midgets defeated Concord in a game on Thursday night 13-0. The young fellows that took part in the game served notice that Maple can look to the future for many years and have no shortage of good play- ers. Maple loaned the Concord team several players as the visitors were short handed. Goal scorers were Bob Cherrie 4, Willie Cherrie 2, Len Bone 2, Pete Jones 2, Albert Orr 2, Frank Harrow 1. Bruce Jones and George Miller are going to form a midget house league and would like any boy sixteen years or under, in the Maple district to turn out for practice on Monday, August 9th and Wednesday, August 11th. The Maple district includes King, Richvale, Edgeley, Concord, Hope, Vellore, etc. BASEBALL A few years ago, small places like Teston, Hope, King Ridge, Vellore, etc., had football teams and the fen- ows seemed to get a big kick out of playing. Now. with a splendid ath- letic field in Maple, there is nothing played except lacrosse. It would he better if some activity was going on in the park. We have to pay to have the weeds cut and tramping them would serve just as well. The M.R.A. has enough baseball equipment to start a league or say a few friendly games for this year. If any Sunday School teachers would like to arrange games between the various classes of the above mention- ed places, I would he very glad to help you out. If you are interested in this proposition, phone Mila Mill- er at Maple No. 2. was won by Mrs. G. Campbell, John out the afternoon and evening and the refreshment booths dispensed thousands of hot dogs. sandwiches, hot and cold drinks. In the arena many hundreds danced to music by Russ Creighton and his orchestra. The La‘batt truck featuring safe driving tests was a popular and in- structive attraction and during the afternoon and evening 168 persons were tested. President Dick Edmunds, Chairman Russell Lynett and other Lions who worked hard in preparation for the event and into the early hours of Tuesday expressed themselves as well satisfied with the results, and grate- ful to the people of the district for their generous patronage. EDGELEY Mr. Alan Baggs, Miss Isabel Hal- bcrt, Mr. Donald Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Broadbelt and little daugh- ters motored to Bass Lake on Sun- day and enjoyed a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price and little lscns had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Thompson. Mrs. Wesley Stong, Mr. and Messrs.,,Alber-t,and Dan and Miss El- da, spent Sunday evening with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Menno Smith and family in the loss of a loving husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Baggs visited on Sunday at the home of Professor Sta- ples of Guelph. Mr. Elmer Atkinson of Aylmer has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Menno Smith and assisting in the care of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong, Mrs. Mortson, Terry and Ronnie, attended the Mortson reunion held on the lawn of 'Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson, Victoria Square, on Civic Holiday. A number of friends were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Baggs on Friday evening, it be- ing the ocacsion'of Mr. Baggs’ birth- day. MORE STOP LIGHTS COMING North York Council has been m- formed by the Department of High- ways that a stop light will be install- ed on Avenue Road at Melrose Ave- nue, and council also has asked for a light on Yonge St. at stop 10. ,â€"._____.â€"_~â€"â€"« Maple Defeats Woodbridgc 7-5 In Overtime Blue Shirts Display Too Much Speed Fdr “Mercenaires” Map'le bounced back in the win column. before a capacity crowd, at Woodbridge on Monday night. After a slow, sluggish start, the game deâ€" veloped in a splendid encounter. Un- like the two previous meetings be- tween these two teams, Maple gave ground shortly after the game start- ed, but continued to improve as the game progressed. Itxwas not a rough game, but there was too much stick work, which did not help matters. Stars for Maple Foremost in the Maple attack was Stan Foster with three clever goals. He took a lot of unnecessary punish- ment along with Roy Thompson. Checking does not mean chopping. Gordon Orr, who is one of the most valuable players in the league, scored the winning goal. He also 'checkea‘ well and slowed down the opposition’s attack. Al McNair returned to the Maple line-up and gave a good steady dis- play. Stars For Woodbridge “Bill Anthony" was the best man for Woodbridge. He played a steady hard checking game and set up many dangerous plays. Roy Castator is still a grand play- er to watch. He played a fine game going both ways. Carso on the defense slowed the Maple forwards down, with his rug- ged defnese work.

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