Phone Thornh ill 212r12 mMmooâ€.ooooomnoooooowooooooooooonowow g Stop 22A Yonge St. NEW: 1 McDeering Bale Loader; 2 2furrow Flueryâ€"Bissell tractor plows; 2 Fleury-Bissell tractor double discs; 2 Fleury-Bissell manure Spreaders; 2 rubber tired wagons and 1 dual wheel tractor trailer: 1 7 ft. McDeer- ing‘ grain binder; Waterloo, Bolens and Cunningham Garden Tractors and equipment; 2 power lawn mow- ers; 1 Thor washing machine; 1 Noree (bottled gas) stove. We are dealers for Essotane bottled gas. Perkins Farm & Home Equipment, Richmond Hill, phone 21w. c2w6 WOOOONOO OOOOOOOOOOOOONNOMOOOCCOOQOOOOOOOW 2; gal. water fountains, g‘l-ass chick fountains, metal feeders, electric egg candler '(new), hand horse (uppers, skis, harness and poles, waterproof ski pants 28†waist. W. G. Hobbs, Henderson Ave†Thornhi'll 141'2. ' NEW TRAIL/ER, all metal, all weld- ed construction, equipped with tail light, 616 times. Apply Turner’s Welding Service, phone Richmond Hill 591‘25. c2w6 POULTRY EQUIPMENT (used). Coal bmoder stoves (4), Warner e1- ectric brood-er (1), 8 cafeteria feed- ers, hen size, 6 gal. water fountains. McCLARY 3‘-burner electric range, heavy duty; Stromberg-Carlson ra- dio. 11 tubes: both in good condition. Apply Ma‘s. Murison, Chapman Farm, LangSta-ff. Thornhill ph. 1241'2. >“1w6 FARMERSI’Keep up-to-date on the latest in methods and equipment. Subscribe to a farm magazine. Phone 278J. c1w6 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RA‘ILS. stair hand rails, fire doze, fire screens, fi-re sets and acetylene Weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. tfc35 TRICYCL'E, child's, large size, ex- cellent condition. Phone' Maple 343. c1w6 MODE’RN STOVE burning coal or wood, having reservoir and shelf, al- so dining room table. Phone 409W Richmond Hill. “‘lwï¬ MODEL “A†Ford Truck, 1928 $200 or best offer. Apply 45 M’iliiaIII Street, Weston. 3 MEN’S BICYCLES, 2 C.|C.M., -1 racer, in good condition. Phone Richv mond Hill 1371‘23. *1w6 TUDHOPE RANGETTE.,‘ in good condition. Apply Norman‘ McCull- ough, phone Mavple 19W. c1w6 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, in goo-d condition. Apply the Burton Farm Carrville Road. *1w6 COCKER Spaniel puppies, black, ped- igreed. A-pply 124132 T-hol‘nhill. c2w5 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn Thornhill 168. tfc41 LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L. W Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 4 THE. LIBERAL, Ric} Classified Sale 85 Want Ads :{ATESâ€"Five lines or has five lines 5 cent Telephone Richm 144 Bloor St. W ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 148 ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS Service and Repairs FOR SALE CARS PAINTED -â€" $20 AND UP SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED EXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS CARS (‘ALLED FOR AND DELIVERED ALSO HOME STUDY COURSES IN â€" Shorthand. Typewriting. Cost Accounting, Bookkeeping and IVIatriculation Subjects WRITE FOR INFORMATION THE BUSINESS INSTITUTE RI-CHVALE AUTO BODY GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP by FERGUSON TRAIN FOR BUSINESS YOU CAN START ANYTIME STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL ACCOUNTING cents per line ichmond Hill 9 INCLUDING :1 Hill cepts for first inset tion and 25 céhtg for‘ each srurbrsequlent insertion. Qver lme extra each ms ertion. If charged to account nme cents per Ime- USED: 2 7 ft. Massey-Harris bin- ders; 1 garden tractor; 1 4 can cab- inet McDeea‘ing milk cooler; 1 6 can ca‘binet McDeer-ing milk cooler; 3 tractor plows. We also have on hand twine, slings and pulleys. Floyd R. Perkins, phone 21W, Richmond Hill. 02w6 1 TEAM BLACK PERCHERONS, well‘ matched, weight 3200 lbs.; 1 black Percheron mare, 6 years old; 1 black 5 year old; fresh cows and springers. Edgar Thompson, phone King 393.13. . *1w6 Toronto Toronto GLADI'OLI. Fresh cut from the gar- den for you, for every occasion. Rea- son-able prices. Hughes Gardens, Langstaï¬â€˜, 2nd street east of Yonge 01"!" N0. 7 Highwa'.‘ Phone Thornhill 2061‘14. ‘ *4w6 GAS STOVE, Findlay, full burner, automatic oven, apartment size, used only one month. Apply phone Thorn- hill 161'14. c1w6 ACRE LOT for sale, May Avenue. Terms all'ang'ed. Phone Willowdale 2182 or evenings Mr. McDonald, Richmond Hill 3‘141‘21. "‘4WG ELADIOLI. Fresh cut. for all occa- sions. 3rd street east of Yonge off No. 7 Highway at Langstaï¬â€œ. Phone thornhill 72r6. *4w6 JACKET HEATER with attachâ€" ments, flat top, 2 lids, nearly new: lawn mower, Brockville, 18"; phéne 30-J, Box 47, Thornhill P. O. *1w6 DELAVAI. MILKERS, new and used, $200 up. Electropail heaters, $16.75. Electric clippers, $32.50. Oil heat- ers, coal and wood ranges. Century motors, washers. vacuum cleaners and radios. Trades accented. To- ronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge St., .nnn FOR REAL Thornhill 168 $250 LOT 55 feet by 150 feet, corner Lawrence and Elmwood off Markham Rd. Apply 0. Mallory, 'Le-nnox Ave. *3w4 SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. Two weeks‘ supply $1.00; 12 weeks $5.00, at Austin’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, Ont. Richmond Hill 374W TROMBONE, good condition. Apply 24 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill. AN 'QSTERMOOR MATTRESS, large aize, excellent condition. Phone 115w, Richmond Hill. c1w6 Stands, each 5’ x 10 I‘hornhill 168 RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS TOAST‘ERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES FITM'ENT, any quantity. Ron Gib- on, Agincourt, phone 138R. ffchge ic-hmond Hill 4‘01J EECTRIC RANGETTE 325. Phone OR REAL ESTATE, phone anI ROADSIDE Fruit 111‘ ESTATE, phone Fenn . tfc4F August 5, 1.94 and Vegetable Apply phone c1w6 Mi 2522 tfc32 clwr tfc4f c1w6 or cottage, in Richmond Hill or Thornhill District, by young couple with year old child. Phone Mrs. Watt, Stouffville 6731Q.. *1w6 PURSE, black plastic, shiny, around Richmond Hill. Reward. Apply Betâ€" ty Svanefel-t, 5 Eliza-hem St, Ric-4h» mcnd Hill, phone Richmond Hill 5R. *1w6 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11 â€" Auc- tion Sale of ll-roomed frame house and frame garage, on part of Lot No. 13, 65â€"67 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Sale at 2:30 p.171. Buiidmg to be re- moved fl'om property. Ken and .Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. 3 OR 4 UNF'U'RNI-SH'ED R'OOMS WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel; Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 871‘? or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971-23 tf Chg. 52 TO BUY FARM, 10‘0 acles, must have good buildings and be well sit- uated. Apply Box 85, The Liberal. c1w6 owdale 2952 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, _wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. bfc TO RENT 2 rooms, large, heated on Yonge St. Apply Ml‘s. Harding, 19 Benson Ave“ Richmond Hill. *3w6 RELIABLE WOMAN for genera: housework 8:30-12:39, at least 4 mornings .a week, $2 each. Start end of August. Phone Richmond Hill 10’! *1w6 BULLDOZER service, excavating, grading, prompt and courteous ser- vice at reasonable prices. ApplyyH’i A. Briggs, 296 Cumher Ave., Neww tonbrook, phone Wi‘llowdale 2512. *8W50 Hi1] A SINGLE; ROOM for a lady, would like it unfurnished, needed soon. Ap- vply Box 40, The Liberal. _ "‘2w6 EABY’S large panel cri-b, spring mat‘trvess, in gond cond'itlzon. Box 45, Liberal. *1w6 RELIABLE PA‘RTY wants to rent house in Richmond Hill, at least 3 bedrooms. Apply Box 58, The Liber 211 Office, Richmond Hill. *hvï¬ SAND AND GRAVEL delivered an)“ where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tf025 [AWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp- ened and repaired by an experienced Workman. Joseph Wingelf, phqu Maple 621‘21 vcau' penters PLOUGHING DONE. Apply BLOCK 2 OIL BURNERS, may be used in my stove; two 50 gal. tanks with taps, one ï¬lled with oil. R. S. Mason, Yonge St., just south of Richmond Hill, phone 236. *1w6 ACCOMODATION in nurses home for elderly ladies or bed patients. Per- sonal care. Phone Thornhill 5J. c4w5 I‘EACHER for room and board. Ap- ply phone Thornhill 161‘14 SEPTIC TANK . SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE Willowdale, Zone 8-288 * (Toronto Subscribers Dial ‘Operatorâ€â€"Message Charge) WANTED TO RENT ition. Phone Agincourt 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing THORNHILL Centre St. Phox MISCELLANEOUS FT. BINDER, in ï¬rst SAND â€"- GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE SALE REGISTER C‘K LAYERS, labourers and enters. Apply Star Construc- Co., Stop 20A, Yonge St. c1w6 L. W. REID Loam - Fill WANTED LOST Phone 77M class con- 321J4. c2w€ VVill- tfc42 c1w-6 1 ZWI) g PHONE 10 g OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQ000906.66060000060660660606090090 Ill-HIIEIIIII'IBIKaEHHIllISURE-III!-Ian-Ill.IEllâ€"Blan-IIlI'll-I'lB-lB-IHIIIIIIIII3 JONES COAL CO. Phone 188, Richmond Hill E. H. HALL TRADEMARKED WITH TINY RED SPOTS Hall’s Service Station coalâ€"and ï¬lls his bin early Shiverâ€"nor a fuel shortageâ€" for fhe man who burns hard "(0AA- CALL UP AN There’s never a NGW! H9†lllllllll'llllllllIIIIIGIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-III...†SIIEIII HERBERT VVALLW‘IN BANTING, July In the Matter PEARL BA laims hall 1 Date Administrator, by his Solicitors, Messrs. 'Shuyier & Ecclestone, 20 Bay Street, .Toronto 1, Ontario ELGIN MILLS, ONT Notice to Creditors zte Opp. Orange Home then f 1948 194 arti ate at \ND OTHERS ave notice. Toronto this 24th day 1948, after which Gabe will be immediately dis- ving- regard only to the which the undersigned 3.1' of the Estate TING. Deceased. Langstafl’, in the mar ' d woman, who DEN notiï¬e the un c3 w5 ainst )f 09990999090999... oooowowmoooommooooomoono LAST TIME’S THURSDAY â€" August 5th Now in it’s 9th sensational week in' SPECIAL EXTRA â€" Twenty Years of Academy Awards FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€" August 6 & 7 A strange and fascinating story of defiant love and deadly encounter in the High Sierras. She wants a husband; in a hurry, for the darndest reason “ THE GREAT WALTZ "“CALL NORTHSIDE'IW†WE ARE IN A POSITION TO PAY TOP MARKET PRICE FOR WINTER WHEAT. WE WILL PICK IT UP AT THE FARM. GOOD SUPPLY OF ANTHRACITE COAL 0N HAND. YOU WILL BE WELL ADVISED TO _GET ORDERS IN. ‘5 MARKHAM Aug. 9 10 A heart story for every woman who has loved â€" for every man who has strayed. Luise Fernand RAINER Robert YOUNG GLENN FORD EVELYN K EYES The Mating of Millie MON., TUES. In Colour By Technicolour “RELENTLESS †_1n__ WANTED I. D. RAMER'& SON TORONTO GRAV ET In Aug. 11 & 1'2 The real story of a news- paper‘s ï¬ght for true jus- tice. Richard Helen CONTE SUMMER POLICY Continuous Nightly from 7:30 p.m. Saturday Continuou: from 7:00 p.m. Matinee Saturdays WED, THURS. rd Helen "E WALKER LEE J. COBB hilarguerite CHAPMAN