Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Aug 1948, p. 4

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NEW: 1 ‘IVIQDeering Bale Loader; 2 [furrow Fluery-Bissell tractOr plows; 2 Fleury-Bissell tractor double discs; 2 Fleury-Bissell manure Spreaders; 2 rubber tired wagons and 1 dual wheel tractor trailer; 1 7 ft. McDeer- ing grain binder; Waterloo, Bolens and Cunningham Garden Tractors and equipment; 2 power lawn mow- ers; 1 Thor washing machine; 1 Norge (bottled gas) stove. We are (hale for Essotane bottled gas. Perkins Farm & Home Equipment, Richmond Hill, phone 21w. (:2th WORD TRIACTO‘R, 1947, complete with lights, hydraulic lift, snow plow, 2 furrow plow, disc, cultivator, drag barrows. Nearly new. Apply Round Town Taxi, 3452 Yonge St., phone Hudson 9931. c1w8 FINDLAY COOK STOVE, resenvoir and warming closet, used, in good condition, bargain price. Also just received a good stock of screen doors and windows. Apply Thornhill Hard- ware, phone Thornhill 33. c1w8 1929 C‘HEV. SEDAN, 3 good tires, 2 fair. Body and upholstery good. Re- built motor and new clutch. New brake linix\ A real buy. Easy terms or cash. Apply Acme Garage Shop 24A Yonge St., or phone 314 r5. *1\v8 with red trim, also kitchen cupboard all in good condition. Apply Mrs. Charles Gordon, King, phone 13 ring 2, King. *1w8 SEED WfHEAT, A quantity of Cor- nell 595 Wheat, a good yielder and lpose-smut a‘esistant. Government grading being secured. Apply Nor- man C. Payne, phone Maple 511'31 *2w8 NEW TRAILER, all metal, all weld- ed construction, equipped with tail light, 616 tires. Apply Turner’s Welding Service, phone Richmond Hill 591‘25. c2w6 6â€"PIECE DINETTE SUITE, natural COAT, sky blue with hat to match, and red sun suit for 2 year old boy, real good, price $3.50, also mach dress, size 18. Mrs. F. Clark, 1 Ad'â€" nold St., Richmond Hill. *1w8 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, rang- ette, chest of drawers, drop-leaf kin- éhen table and chairs. Mrs. Carter, phone Richmond Hill 158, between 1:30 and 5 pm. c1w8 451'22 MASSEYâ€"HARRIS Pony Tractor, with mower, cultivator and plow, like new. Apply phone Richmond Hill HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, cur- ling stones, golf clubs, washing; ma- chine, e‘tc. Apply Stop 23A, East Side of Yonge Street, Mrs. Peter King. *1w8 SPACE HEATER, Duo Therm, ex- cellent condition. J. Warwick. Hunt Lane, phone Richmond Hill 3631‘12. *1w8 WHEAT, Cornell No. 595, power cleaned, hunted with Ceresan, 11m- ited supply. Gordon Murray, phonu Maple 371‘21. c1w8 1946 GMC 2-ton truck, high This truck, is like new, very low age. Robert Riddell, King, 42 12. GUA‘RANTEElD Wlasher, complete rebuild, motor, transmission, new rolls, porcelain tub, snap for quick sale. Apply phone Willowdale 2559. stair hand rails, fire dog-e, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weldâ€" ing. Apply T. Elliott. Oak Avenue‘ Richvale. ‘ tfc35 NEW VACUiUM CLEANERS, Floor Polisher, and Washing Machines. Harold W. Mortson, 5 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, Telephone 93W. ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, be divided. Apply M. Sarabura, House No. 54, 7 Highway, Langstafi', half mile east of Yonge. *3w8 COLEMAN Gasoline Stove, 2 burner, new £312.00. Mrs. Norman McKinnon, Teston, Maple R. R. 1. clw8 31 FORD Roadster, in good condi- tion. Apply Douglas Burns, Ellgln Mills, phone Richmond Hill 3‘09‘J. BIG RED CURRANT BUSHES. May FORD COACH, 1938 ‘DeLux, good condition, new motor, new tires. Harâ€" ry Jennings, Maple. c1w8 SEED WHEAT, N0. 1 Cornell 595. Apply John Greenwood, phone Maple 78r2. c1w8 USED LUMBER, brick, .etc. Apply o_n job, 46 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. *1w8 LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L. W‘ Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 FOR RL‘AL ESTATE, phone Fenn Thornhill 168. . tfc4€ 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, August 19, 1948 Classified Sale & Want Ads RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first in$er tion and 25 cénts foâ€"r each subsequfint insertion 0Y9“ five lines 5 cents per line extra each Insertion. If charged to account nme cents per llne. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. FOR SALE clw'o’ rack. mile- *2w8 ring *1w8 c1w8 “I heard your wife came to you on her knees yesterday.” If all the people who sit through after dinner speeches were lined 11p three feet apart -â€"â€"- they would stretch. “Yeah, she dared me to come out from under the bed. USED: 2 7 ft. Massey-Harris binâ€" ders; 1 garden tractor; 1 4 can cab- inet McDeering milk cooler; 1 6 can ca‘binet M-cDeering milk cooler; 3 tractor plows. We also have on hand twine, slings and pulleys. Floyd R. Perkins, phone '21W, Richmond Hill. c2w6 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE AT TEMPERANCEVILLE SCHOOL I Work Bench 3’x8", equipped for manual training, vise included; 2 Dis- stcn hand saws, 1 rip, 1 crosscut; 1 Stanley plane; 1 teacher’s desk, us-; ed. To arrange inspection phone King 2614. Send offer before Sep- tember 4, 1948 to R. Jennings, R. R. 3, King, Ont. c1w8 Hardwood sfiabs $17 per cord FLINDLAY Oval cook st0ve, with reservoir and warming closet, excel- lent condition. Phone Richmond Hill 45-12. R. Wideman, Elgin Mills Sideroad, (1351: 1.12 miles, red barn near road. c1w8 GLADIOLI. Fresh cut from the gar- den for you, for every occasion. Rea- sonable prices. Hughes Gardens, Langstafi‘, 2nd street east of Yonge off No. 7 H‘ighwz‘v. Phone Thornhill 2061‘14. *4w6 RECONDITIONED Hostess Refrig- erator with new unit. Runs quiet. One yeaif’s guarantee. E’ssotane Gas Ranges now installed inside of two weeks. Yerex Electric, phone 242. c1w8 2 ELECTRIC MOTORS, one-quarter and one-sixth horsepower, and bench sander, exchange for fill. Apply 5th house on south side of Park Avenue, Stop 14A, Yonge St. clw8 SEED WHEAT, Com. No. 1 Cornell 595 and Reg. No. 1 Daw‘son’n Golden Chafi’, 2nd generation very pure aml power cleaned. Clark Young, Milli- lzen, phone Agincourt 45W11. *4w7 1 B.S.A., three speed gear bicycle, road racer, fairly new, complete with head lights, generator and other ex- tras. Apply phone Thornhill 1941’41. c1w8 100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concession 7, Township of Vaughan, good build- ings, good stable for dairying, 4% miles from Richmond Hill. Apply Phone Richmond Hill 247. tf-c8 REFRIGERATOR, large electric; Quebec coal and wood stove. Fol away lged; spring mattreés; lawn chairs; hall stand; homespun drapes, 3 pairs. 102 ange St. cle pion Piccardy and Phefl‘er strain, Dam imported from England. Sable or black and tan. Phone 8-298 New- tonbrook. 02w8 DAISY No. 3 hot water boiler, shak- er grates, approximately 475 sq. feet radiation, $50.00 for quick sale. Rich- mond Hill 471'11. c1w8 autos or wagons. Comp early, get your pick. McMullen Motors, Rich- mond Hill. c1w8 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Ferm, Thornhill 168. _ tfc4b' GLADIOLI. Fresh cut, for all occaâ€" sions. 3rd street east of Yonge off No. 7 Highway at Langstafi'. Phone Thornhill 721‘6. *4w6 FINDLAY Cook Stove, used, warm- ing closet and reservoir, in good condition. Apply Thornhill Hard- ware, phone 33. c2w8 ACRE LOT for sale, May Avenue. Terms arranged. Phone Willowdale 2182 or evenings Mr. McDonald, Richmond Hill 3'141‘21. *4w6 A SSORTMENT USED TIRES 1 "~01 COLEMAN Space Heater, almOSt new. 194 Spruce St., Richvale. c1w8 ALSATIAN PUPPIES. World Chamâ€" CEMENT, any quantity. Ron Gib- son, Agincourt, phone 138R. ffchge FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 MODEL A FORD sedan The very best, $12 per cord ndition. Apply H. M Edgra Ave., Richvale. QUANTITY of Cornell Wheat, a bushel Apply phone Maple 2. clw8 Phone Richmond Hill 288M R. WILSON SLABS in good Saunders, c1w8 for ROOM AND BOARD. Apply phone Richmond Hill 409W. *1w8 taken in exchange on Electric Ran- ges, Coal and Wood Ranges, Wash- ing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Ra- dios and DeLuvaI Milkers. Tovrmto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge, Toronto. I Stf TO BUY, fanning mill in good con- dition. Apply H. M. Heise, Gormley, phone Stoufl'ville 66105. *2w8 9 Foxley Ave Lombard 5205 CUCUMBERS WANTED for Pickle Factory. Call Silverdale Products Ltd, Agi‘ncourt, Ont., phone Zone INTERNATIONAL TRUCK, 1948, KB5, with custom made horse van on same. Rear ramp lifts, lowers by cable, gone 1500‘ miles since new. Thornhill Garage, phone 81, or Mer- rymount Farm, west on No. 7 High- way. c1w8 TWO CHRISTIAN MEN desire twr: rooms, an attic or small apartment, in or in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. Apply Box 62 Liberal. *2w5 FALL FRESHENING HOLSTEINS 1933 CHEVROLET, 1/2 ton panel truck, mechanically A1, good tires, reasonable. Apply C. ran‘y, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. c1w8 2323 CAR in good condition, 1938 to 40. Apply phone Thornhill 161*32. clw8 ACCOMODATION in nurses home for elderly ladies or bed patients. Per- sonal care. Phone Thornhill 5J. c4w5 TO RENT 2 rooms, large, heated on Yonge St. Apply Mrs. A. Harding, 19 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. *3w6 A SINGLE ROOM for a lady, would like it unfurnished, needed soon. Ap- ply Box 40, The Liberal. *2w6 ONE HONEY ELECTRIC RANGETTE, Tudhope. electric eye oven and drawer, looks new, $35. Apply J. Duncan. Lang- stafi sideroad just east of Keele. FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR, and implements, plow, weedel‘, disc, cut- tivator, snow plow, power hay mow- er also Allis Chalmers Tractor, one year old, power take-off good as new. Merry-mount Farms, Thornhill, Ont. c1w8 3 MALE SKUNKS, $1 dead carcasses. old ones will do. Apply Thomas Mills. TRUCKS, 1947 Mercury half ton ex- press, 41 GMC panel .1. ton, 41 In~ ternational 1/5 ton panel. McMullen Motors, Richmond Hill. c1w8 MODEL A Ford Truck, hand dump. also 1934 Ford 5 ton wood hoist dump truck. C'ooney’s, 22A Yonge St. *lqys dition TRUCK. 1931, Rugby stake body, 2 ton, in good condition, good tires, reasonable. Apply phone Richmond Hill 441'13. c1w8 TAPESTRY RUG, 9 x 12, A1 con. diticn; also kitchen table, fall leaf, 54" x 54". Phone 333W, Richmond Hill. clw8 BABY’S lar'ge panel crib, spring mattress, in good condition. Box 4’3, Liberal. *1w8 OVEN, portable electric. p sulrated, in new condition Thornhil‘l 631‘22. 2 FUR FA‘BRIC COATS, one blue check coat quality CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, “$5100 per foot, 100 x 210 ft, southwest of Elmwood and Lennox, half mile to Richmond Hill. Apply phone May- fair 1570. c1w8 COOKER SPANIEL Puppies, males, 8 weeks; also one female, one year old; all eligible for registration rea- sonable price. Apply phone Maple 631‘12. c1w8 NEW PRINCESS PAT RANGE with enamelled front. Used one winter. Coleman Gas Stove with 3 burners and oven. Phone Richmond Hill 320W. SINGER, electric machine, also trealdle. in good condition: Apply Box 45 Liberal Office, Richmond Hill DOBERMAN PINSCHER. Apply J Tinkler, 4 Younghurst Rd., Richvale FT. BINDER, in first c1ass.con- ion. Phone Agincourt 321.14. c2w6 TO RENT WANTED all size 14, good English Phone Thornhill 108r6. clws EXTRACTOR. Apply Toronto or Phone *1w8. a piece for nothing else Haley, Elg‘in *1w8 plug-in. in- n. Apply c1w8 c2w8 *3w8 WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement Work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 97323 A Barn Dance will be held at Rock Hall Farm, 3 mile south of CFRB, Friday, August 20th. Modern and old time dancing. Admision 500. I a IIIHIIIIIIll-II...IlfllllllIIIIIIIIIEEIIIHIIIII LAW'N MOWERS CLEANED, sharp- ened and repaired by an experienced workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621-21. tfc42 upholsterin carving. E VanDyke, Hill PLOUGHING DONE. Apply W owdale 2952. * SAND AND GRA'VEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 ALL KINDS FURNITUR O”m“0”09000990”””w00m9 OOOQ”OOOO”O”OOOO i PHONE 10 I g «umwooooooooooomwwoomoomomououm MISCELLANEOUS WE ARE IN A POSITION TO PAY TOP MARKET PRICE FOR WINTER WHEAT. WE WILL PICK IT UP AT1 THE FARM. GOOD SUPPLY OF ANTHRACITE COAL 0N HAND. YOU WILL BE WELL ADVISED TO GET ORDERS IN. KING MEMORIAL PARK __ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 4 RM. Merry-go-round, Kiddie Ride, Ponies, Refershments Free Dancing to Art West’s Orchestra Carol Show Midway â€" Novelty Games Refreshments Lucky Draw Proceeds for King Legion No. 434 Welfare Work ' timates given 3 Hunt Aveq DANCE abinet WANTED I. D. RAMER & SON \V ( tf chg‘ Richmond repair wo< ttc the the HERBERT W the F In the Matter of the Estate c PEARL BANTING, Deceased. All persons having claims agains claims of wh shall then have Dated at Tor July, 1948. Administrator, by his Solicitors, Messrs. Shuyler & Ecclestone, 320 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Ontario Iur Len Notice to Creditors a, 1948, are . particulars igned on or ' August, 1948 Estate will 1 lted, having Villz ty of ns having claims against of Pearl Banting, late of e of, Langstaff, in the Tork, married woman, who about the let day of AND OTHERS e notice. ronto thi ALLWIN BAN'I‘ING, be 1‘6 hereby 1fter same “111116 the III the which date adiately dis- only to the undersigned 41h day of tifie tht c3w5 unâ€" A‘JAVAVRa 9Q FRI. SAT. â€"â€" Aug. 20-21 MARKHAM ATTENTION! COMING TO ROXY MARKHAM Wed., Thurs. ONLY â€" August 25-26 SPECIAL ROAD SHOW A/a/Z/ al9 p.m. SAL! A7 1.80 LIMITIO.1’0 CAPACITY SEGREGA‘I’ED AUDIENCE!) DOORS OPEN AT MEN ONLY WOMEN ONLY at 28-7 p.m. -W|TH A STARTLING MESSAGE! 50c INC. TAX ALL SHOWS Praised By Educators, Clergy. And Civic Officials All-STAR HOLLYWOOD CAST! AND IN PERSON ON THE STAGE ELLIOT FfikBES FEARLESS HYGIENE COMMENTATOR SUMMER POLICY Continuous Nightly from 7:30 pm. Saturday Continuous from 7:00 pm. Matinee Saturdays at 2:00 pm. Aug 1|.L 23-24 DIE]

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