Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Aug 1948, p. 5

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That’s the watchword of the great Canadian National Exhibition of 1948. And what a show it will be! You’ll see scientific miraclesâ€"the newest achievements in art, industry and agriculture, together with countless breath- taking spectacles. And this year, for the first time, the world-renowned Welsh Guards Band will be featured. UlSen &_]ohnson, inimitable comedi- ans, a sensational Air Show, are among the hundreds of attractions coming to the C.N.E. In addition, there is a huge, new grandstand, seating 25,000, with a magnificent extravaganza. A free car and other gifts every night. Canadian Nafiona Exhihifi‘ieé; Admission FREE Dancing 50¢ per perSon In case of rain. Carnival held at Rainbow Gardens NOW LOCATED AT THEIR NEW YARD Eyes Examined, Glasses fitted AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Aug. 25th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday cf each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. OPTICAL REPAiRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACID Elwood A. Hughes, General Manager Foot of Roseview Ave., and turn left LEONS’ CARNIVAL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT Foot of Centre St. E., and turn right Prescriptions for Glasses Fifled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Col. K. R. Marshall, Preside"! JONES COAL CO. GAMES â€" For Young and Old * Lucky Draw Tickets On “Millie the Pig“ * Guessing Contest for Ton of Coal * Weight Guessing by Two Lion Members MARKHAM-UNIONVILLE LIONS CLUB PROCEEDS FOR LIONS’ WELFARE WORK MARKHAM FRIDAY, AUG. 27 -I>-n-n->u-4I-n-u-n|-:I-4I-(I-n-O-Ai-u--IC-u-n-uI V. W. B.’ORCHESTRA TO BE HELD ON MAIN STREET SCOTT â€" Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott, King, Ont. (Mary Moore, Rich- mond Hill) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Donald Lorne, on August 10, 1948, at Newmarket Hospital. Mother and baby doing well. Fifty-four years ago he was un- ited in marriage with LaVina Allison Wells of Eversley who survives him. Also surviving are two daughters, Mary (Mrs. Robert Kelly) of Oak- wood P.O., Janet Gray of Stoufl'ville; one son, William James, of Inverugie Farm; and two granddaughters and three grandsons. Another daughter, Edith Frances, died 15 years ago. A sister, Mabel Alice (Mrs. Albert A. Kennedy, Toronto) also survives. ADAMS â€" At Ottawa, on Monday, August 16th, to Cpl. Thomas and Mrs. Adams, a son. CANNING a wide reputation, and won many honours in the International Live- stock Show at Chicago, and the Roy- al Winter Fair in Toronto. Refor- estation was also one of his practical projects. As a young man James Brodie was keenly interested in sports, and playâ€" ed football with the Gormley Blue- bells. He was vitally interested in- the improvement of farm soils, seed grains and livestock, and was a pion- eer in growing corn to make ensilage for better balanced stock feeding. His flock of Southdown sheep gained In 1880 Mr.-Brodie’s father bought Inverugie Farm, and here James Brodie farmed for many years, as well as operating the farm directly opposite in Whitchurch for a time, now owned by Edgerton Clubine. Here Mr. Brodie was born on Dec~ ember 29th, 1864, his parents being Charles John Brodie and Sarah Ellen Spofl'ord. He attended Almira and Bethesda Public Schools, NeWmarket High School and the Ontario Agri- cultural College at Guelph. 'The late Mr. 'Isaac Pike was one of his school-masters and. a life-long friend. THE LATE C. J. BRODIE In \the passing of Charles James Brodie on August 8th. the district loses a man intimately associated with the life of the community for 82 years, and 13 sheep breeder of more than provincial renown. One hundred and thirteen years ago his grandparents emigrated with their children ‘from Peterhead in Aber- deenshire, Scotland; and settled on what is known as the Brodie home- stead just north of the Markham- Whitchurch Townline on the 5th of Whitchurch. This farm is now own- ed by a descendant; John C. Steckley. Funeral services were under Mas- onic auspices, and burial took pIace in Gadsby on Wednesday, August 4th, at 2:30 pm. He was born at Maple, Ont., and resided there until moving to Alberta in 1908. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Daisy Ethel Saigeon, two sons, John William of Three Hills and Stanley of ‘Gadsby, and one daughter, Myrtle (Mrs. Fiore Mastri) of Chicago. ' LATE HARVEY JACKSON The many friends of HarVey Jack- son of Three Hills, formerly of Gad- sby, Alta., will he sorry to learn that he passed away in 3 Calgary Hospi- tal on July 3lst, at the age of sixty- six. He had been in failing health for over a year.- l\NNING â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Trainer Canning of Gormley, Ont, a son, August 11th (stillborn) at Mrs. Healey’s Nursing Home, E] gin Mills. Tickets are now on sale for the silver tea service donated by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. to the Women’s In- stitute to be used in raising funds for the Community Hall. The tea service is being displayed in the win- dow of Davies’ Dry Goods Store. Tickets may be purchased from Wo- men’s Institute members or from several local merchants. The draw will be made in October at a date to be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G‘rainger 01 the Bell Telephone staff, Stratford‘ spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Ramer at their cottage at Alcona Beach. Miss Marion D. Ramer and girl friend from Toronto, recently return- ed after a delightful ten day motor trip through the New England States. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rufl’man and family have returned after a two month visit in England. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lynett, Mar- garet and Keith, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stallibrass enjoyed a motor trip to Ottawa last week. The annual picnic of_St. Mary’s Anglican Sunday School, Richmond Hill, will be held on the church grounds on Saturday next, August 21s~t, at 3 pm. OBITUARY BIRTHS SOCIAL AND PERSON AL During the month of August, the Service will be in charge of Mr. Jas. Butler, Sn, J.P. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHUROH Rev. s. w. Hirti'e, B.A., Minister Sunday, August 1. 1948 No Sabbath School during August, 11 am. â€" Public Worship. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister 11 am. â€"â€" Rev. G. T. Taylor will con- duct the service. Everyone is invited to attend the Morning Services during the summer months. Sunday School will he re- sumed early in September. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th.. R.D. Rector Sunday, August 22nd, Trinity 13 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer All are cordially invited. Sunday School Picnic on church grounds on Saturday of this week at 3 pm. ANNOUNCEMENT Drs. Langstaff and. Thompson an- nounce that during the months of July and August they will discon- tinue afternoon office hours, but will continue as usual 9-11 am. and 6-8 ial speaker, Dr. Atjcher Wain-Age 10:30 am. ~ Sunday School MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, August 8th 11:30 a.m. â€" Morning Service, Spec- We do not need a épecial day» To bring you to our mind, For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. If all the world was [ours to give, We’d give it, yes, and more, To see your dear familiar face Come smiling through the door. â€"Sad1y missed and lovingly re~ membered by ‘the family. â€" Sadly mised' by father, mother and family. IN MEMORIAM 4 ADAMS â€" In proud and loving memory of Pfiefl Gleorge Charles Adams, who gave his life for King and Country, August 19th, 1942. While he lies in peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. IN MEMORIAM HILL â€"â€" In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Charles (Chuck) Hill, Royal Reg't. of Can- ada, killed in action at Dieppe, August 19. 1942, age 22 years, bur- ied at Des Vertos Cemetery, France. â€" Ever remembered by mother father and brothers and sisters. IN MEMO‘RIAM ARCHIBALD â€" .In loving memory of our dear son and brother, David Archibald, who paSSed away, Aug- ust 24th, 1947. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain We who loved him sadly miss him But' trust in God to meet again. GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 pm. Sunday School Classes Sunday School and Bible Class- es for all ages. Special handwork for the children after classes. 7 pm. Evangelistic Services Speaker, Mr. Wm. Cundy of Rich' mond Hill, formerly of King St. Mission, Toronto. Subject “The Holy City." â€" Ever remembel‘Ed by son, W‘ill- iam and daughters, Mrs. L. Eastloy and Mrs. A. Cave. IN MEMORIAM READ â€"- In loving memory of James J. Read, who passed away August’8, 1947. - Gone from us but 'Ieaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. cogmaslhene Island, Georgian Bay They are all members. of R.(‘.S.C.C -‘0nta‘rio" located at Lansing. Stanley Butler, Ban'y Dawson Doug Wells, Bill Zuefelt and Georg: Reid of Richmond Hill; Mervin Alex- ander of Richvale ‘and Clarence and Joe Greenfield of Langstafi are at;- tending Sea Cadet Camp at Minn!â€" Everybody Welcomé Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Eden and M15 Dorothy Eden have returned after : two week vacation at West Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper of Buttonville are on a three weeks‘ motor trip to Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George FenWicL holidaying in Quebec Province. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Jackie and Ross of Chesley visited friends :n :he village over the week end. 1‘ E I ._ a " - ‘x. *_ V .. 7 . , I I Adde bhmt Slle'tCt Added News of the VV 011d Cartoon I l “End of an Empxre" Cartoon . : : “Ali’s Fair At The Fair" The Truce Hurts Rabblt PLmCh I ill-Ill-IllIllllllllllllllluuuullallllunllllllllllllllllllll: “” “ """ 1| ST'OP 22A YONGE ST.. RICHVALE ,ix‘ nul‘ appreciation of suvh kindness. \\'0 in H‘tm'n wish you all God’s rich- E PHONE RICHMOND HILL 423 m Messing. n=o===ao=c===o=o===o=mmo= :lfllllllllIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIEIIII'IIIIIIll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION Mrs: Menno Smith and family wish to thank all their friends, relatives and neighbours for their help am: for the kind expressions of sympa- thy in their visits, cards, letters and prayers offered in their behalf in the death of a dear husband and father. Those who have experien- ced such loss will realize how great is our appreciation of such kindness. We in return wish you all God’s rich- est blessing. Mrs. Troyer of Toronto. The wed- ding will take place on Wednesday Septenliber lst, at 7:30 p.m., in St John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges Ontario. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manley of Jefferson, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Sheila Josephine, to David Stanley Troyer, son of‘ Rev. Herbert L. Troyer and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hilbert Tay- lor, Richmond Hill, wish to announce Lhe engagement of their daughter: Betty Alberta Pearl to Murray Alex- ander Bowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen, Richmond ,Hill. The marriage to take place Saturday evening, September 4,1948, at 7 p. m. at the home of her parents. May Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce, Ri‘ mond Hill, announce the engagem of their daughter, Shirley Barba to John S. McCague, son of Mr. 2 Mrs. Heber McCague, Gormley, marriage to take place in St. Mar marriage to take p12 Anglican Church, Saturday, September Avenue EDDIE JOAN CANTOR DAVIS “ If You Knew Suzie ” Royal Theatre AURORA Cauliflower ONTARIO SNOW WHITE N0. 1 GRADE Cooking Onions 5 230 Javex Certo Oxydol or Rinso 36c Ketchup -â€"Added Short Subjectsâ€"- “End of an Empire” “All’s Fair At The Fair” SOLID MEAT Tuna Fish FANCY CLOVER LEAF MuslardR-ffi 10c 333?; 190 HEINZ TOM ATO LIBBY‘S CONC-ENTRATED LARGE SIZE CLARK FRI.. SAT. â€" Aug. 20-21 LIQUID ENGAGEMENTS CAREFULLY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT FREE PARKING PORK & BEANS 2 27c SOCKEYE SALMON {ichm 25th. “mm-1 DAILY ' is): 4 10mg. gement arbara, Ht]. 16 oz. 13 02. Btl. FRESH DAILY Bottle lich- Hill 7 oz Tin SPENCER LANA TRACY TURNER ’ “Cass Timberlane All Sunday School members and their parents are invited The annual SATURDAY. AUGUST 218T, AT 3 p.m. ' 24c 25C 49c 15c THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday MON.. TUE., WED. August 23-24-25 ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FEMALE FACTORY HELP For Small Electrical Assemblies Punch Press Operators Machine Operators Bench Hands OI=O Will be GEO. P. DOWE CO- LTD. Cooking Apples 3 250 SUNKIST Sardines Peaches BRUNSWICK DUCHESS Shredded WheatZ “gs-250 Chateau Cheese 280 PLAIN OR PIM ENTO CHRISTIE'S Ritz NABISCO KELLOGG‘S All Bran 10 15c 16 24c STONEY CREEK nic of RICHMOND HILL St. Mary’s Anglican Sunday School on the church grounds on â€" APPLY â€" Oflo “Magic Town J AMES JANE STEWART WYMAN THUR, FRI- â€" Aug. 26-27 7.00 pm. and 9.00 pm. Saflturda‘y Matinegi 2.0!.) p.171. m. m y.l|Ytl3nfiflBWmm Two SHOWS' DAILY 20 02. 0=0=°=°=O Tin Tin fi;25c August 41c 190 1948

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