l III-IIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIllflflflh: . OF‘ir‘V --<,Es SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMIS SAT. AUG. let Pin’ecrest Speedway No. 7 Highway Between Woodbridge and Thornhill AND HIS DARE-DEVIL DRIVERS â€"- Also â€" STOCK CAR RACES & SPEED TRIALS _At_ 7 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR ROOFING PROBLEMS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIMATES. . THELIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, August 19, 1948 THIS LITTLE FELLOW is a lucky boy . . . with Chemistry and its products to serve him at every turn. The water he drinks and bathes in is puriï¬ed chemically. Chemistry improves his food and makes the containers in which it is served; his nursery gleams with specially created paints and enamels. Nylon, “Cellophane†cellulose ï¬lm and plastics add to his comfort, safety and enjoyment. And Chemistry, symbolized by the oval trademark of C-I-L will continue to protect and serve him throughout his life, its uses and value broadening with every passing year. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMTED Toronto Racing Drivers’ Club â€"â€" Presents â€" Jimmy FOX ROOFING UNIDNVILLE WOOD PRODUCTS PHONE UNIONVILLE 128W m: / flaw/5.773% At 2 p.m- sharp A card addresed to Mrs. W. Pitâ€" r'hfr‘rl‘h was received, last week from K. Halliburton, Lazonly, Cumberland, England. If was to thank her for some knâ€th articles. Mrs. Pitchforth died last Septem- ber, but her daughters believe that We aricles mentioned were some of fhrse mar'e b,v +heir n1n+he1' for the British War Victims. Though con- ï¬ned tn her *bed ‘for twenty-three years, the late Mrs. Pitchforth did a great deal of knitting durin-r the war for friends and relatives in the services, and also for the Red Crnss and other worthv war efl’nrts. Sh» often. used to tuck a noiie in a sock or sweater that was destined for some stranger. ' Richvale Boy Inllll‘f’rfl Nelsen Rroderirk, vounmest .mn of Mr. anrl Mrs. L. Broderick of Edgar Ave'.Y is in Western Hospital. Tor- onto. with eye iniuries sustaine- when a truck collided with a south- hnurwl radial car last week. The three Broderick lads were rMnrnimr tn I‘USlHOhS on the boats after having spent their leaves a‘r home when the accident occurred. Exact extent of the eve injury will not be known un- til the bandages are removed, but an emergency operation was necessary. The annual pknic of Trhï¬ty An- glican Church was held at Mussel- lnan’s Lake last Blonday. Ideql wea- ther, swimming, ‘sports, and a delic- ious supper conï¬ï¬ned to Inake the ouï¬ng a Inost enjoyable one for an concerned. Horticultural Society to Held Fall Show Thornhill Horticultural Society will hold its annual Fall Show in Law- rence Memorial Hall on Monday ev- ening, August 23rd. The Hall will open at twelve o’clock noon and en- tries must be in place by three o'clock. of Woodbridge took the services at Trinity Church. Rev. S. A. R. Wood. Mrs. Weed. Jimmie, Catherine and Nora, have returned from their hb'lmays spent in ‘Kinmount and Bethany. Durmz Mr. Wood’s absence, Rev. W. E. Kidd week at home on Falls. Thornhill District News Mackintosh is spending this t his grandparents’ summer rn Cameron Lake, Fenelon Late Mrs. Thomas Mv'ldonn The death tnnk plaCe in St. Mary’.s Hospital, Sundav, August 8th. of Mrs. Thns. Muldoon, Niagara Falls. NY. Mrs. Muldoon was born in TM- onto. ‘and lived in Thornhill for 9 number of years when ï¬rst Warriefl before going to reside in Niagara Falls. She was a merwher of St Luke’s Church. Thornhill. The late Mrs. Mnldoon is survived by her hus- hand. four daughters, th sons an" thirteen grandchildren. The funm‘°l took place Wednesdav. Auvnst 11th. fran St. John he LaSallp Church 'n Miss Bofv Bnno will be leaving Niagara Falls. NY. Miss Margaret McKean. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mchean of John St., was the recipient of dozens of charming and useful gifts at a mis- cela‘neous shower given in her hon- our at the home of a friend, Mrs, (_'.. McLelland of Toronto, last week. Guests were friends and I‘qutivesv mainly from Toronto. Special rec- ognition was given to the mothers of the bride and groom as well as sev- en year old Barhar Suter who is to act as flower girl at the wedding which is scheduled for the 11th 0" Sentember. MiSS McKean’s engage- ment to Mr. Robert Slater was an- nounced recently. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone returned re- cently from a ten day vacation in the north country. Mr. ‘Bone spoke at Horticultural Society meoting‘s along the route which extended as far as Sudbury and Blind River. Ho ale" attpnried a District Meeting (No. 3‘ at Blind River attended by membm's ï¬'nm Sault Ste. Marie. Esnanola Sudb-ury, Blind River. etc. “Here you with poor soil, barren. rocky expan ï¬nd the real liox-ticulturists" said wiht poor soil. barren. rockv expanâ€" ses and sulphur fumes from 131° mines which completely kill plants." Thornhill on Saturday to take a course at McMaster University, Ham- ilton. On its complption, early'm September, she Will commence du- ties as Programme Director for teen- agers, business girls and married couples groups at the Y.W.C.A., Lon- don. this week as g-uest of the McDon- ald‘s at their farm in Milton. (Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were former res~ idents of Doncaster.) Mary’s twm sister, Sylvia, plans to spend her vacation there next week. Miss Mary Garnett is spending 15,5 PROMPT A D E 8: F 0 R D I. D. RAMER & SON, Phone 10 The Eievator eston Generai Store Announcing?! TY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. ACCEPT YOUR EGGS IN ANY QUANTI- WE DELIVER ANY SIZE ORDER ANY & CHILD PORTRAITS AT YOUR HOME For appointment Telephone Thornhill 145 Vim GROCERIES â€" COOKED MEATS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS YOUR COMMUNITY SHOPPING WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO We are as close as your telephone WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS " COURTEOUS ACME ICE CREAM Phone Maple 65112 WWW mm. mm ms}: DRY GOODS SPECIALTIES DISTANCE 0r Zone 8-164 CENTRE Our power spraying rig sprays Purina D.D.T. on all bum interiors. Kills flies all summer. Ask us about this new low-cost service. POWER SPRAYING FUN: : tummth SERVICE