O , 00â€â€œ.OOOOOOOOO®OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOQOOOOOW WOWOO“MҤWWO0W 00m: “WW OOMOMWNMONW WWOWWWW. ‘ Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heating System? Frame Home Possible to Remodel The down payment is only 10’)? and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. We can install complete units with guaranteed work ‘under a time payment plan. 5 TO 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY UP TO $8,000.â€"~ $3500 CASH 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS, SHADE TREES A MUST. UI TO $10,000. 20 ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT- NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ON YONGE STREET. SIZE OF HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE IN FAIR CONDITION. ARY. UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE OR MASONRY HOUSE. Richmond Hill Plumbing 81 Heating 3-Burner Oil Stoves . . Electric Rangétte, good oven . . . . . . $62.50 2-Burner Hotplates, high speed elements, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 each Propane Gas Ranges "Real Estate Thornhi11168J Insurance Summer Bakingï¬and Cooking SEE BELOW URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS 5 ACRES AND HOUSE, CO NVENIENCES NOT NECESS- See F ENN Real Estate 82 Yonge Street FOR FAST Phone 18 Richmond Hill We deliver Phone Richmond Hill 296W . Brathwaite . . . . . $15.95 each PO. Box 119 . . $105.00 up School-s open for the fall term, on Tuesday, September 7th. North York Veterans new club house at Steele’s Corners will :be of- ï¬cially opened September lst. Do you need anything in the line of commercial printing? Consult your home newspaper, The Liberal, telephone 9, Richmond Hill. S. S. No. 4 King Township won the T. Eaton prize, third award' "In true provincial school improvement com- petition. Sir Andrew Jones, head of the Bri- tish Food Mission to Canada will of- ï¬cially open the International Plow- ing Match to be held near Lindsay, October 12th. ' Rev. T. V. Hart, pastor of Wood- brid‘ge United church since 1941 has tendered his resignation and has ac- cepted a call to Kirkland Lake. Fall wheat acreage in York Coun- ty this year was 42,200 acres and will yield an estimated 1,447,000 bushels. This is a considerable increase over last year. Unionv'ille Horticultural Society annual fall show will be held in Cros- bly Memorial Rink Saturday, August 28th. A feature of the show will be a model garden display. Mrs. Robert Hodgkinson has been appointed clerk of the division court in Aurora, succeeding the late W. H. Taylor. She 'is one of three women to hold such a post in Ontario. Fifty new houses will be erected in Newmarket by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Work on construction started alst week. Rev. Garnet Lynd of Downsview formerly of Temperanceville, will be one of the clerical delegates to the General Assembly of the United Church 'in Winnipeg next month. Bradford is considering the install- ation of sewers, and at a recent meet- ing of council were given an estimate of $235,000. The whole proposal will be considered at a public meeting to be held soon. Markham Township tax rate for general township purposes has been increased two mills over last year. Reeve Griffin and his associates on council carefully considered,all es- timates and feel that a two mill in- crease is a reasonable one in View 01‘ general increased costs. Tax rates for education vary in the school sec- tions and in many sections the rate will be increased this year. The town- ship assessment for the year is near- ly six million dollars, an all time high for the municipality. I Charles Davis heads an organiza- tion of Holland Marsh vegetable growers formed with the aim of se- curing better returns for their pro- duce. Excellent yields of fall wheat are reported throughout the district. We have heard of yields up to 50 bus. per acre and would be interested to ascertain the record yield for the disâ€" trict. If you know of a bumper cr0p yield let us know by letter or by phone. Thank you. An ostrich decided her son, Oscar, needed a playmate, so sat down and laid a beautiful egg. Unfortunately for mama she laid her egg on a slight incline, which dipped gently down in- to a brook. The egg, when Mamma‘s matronly weight was removed from it, rolled quickly down the slope and into the brook. Therefore, when Mamma turned around, the egg she had just laid was conspicuous by its absence. In a great dither, Mamma sat‘down and laid‘ another. By ‘the time she turned around to proudly survey her handiwork, the egg had disappeared for the second time. Really angry now, Mamma sat dowu and laid an orange. Just then, young Oscar strolled up and, upon seeing Mamma’s master- piece, exclaimed, “Oh, look at the Orange Marmalade!†;xhibition opens Friday AT TORONTO AUG. 27TH â€" SEPT. 11TH Fare and one third for the Round Trip (Government Tax Extra) Good going Thursday August 26th to Saturday September 11th inclusive RETURN LIMITâ€"SEPT. 15 Full information from any Agent EXHIBITION CANADIAN NATIONAL Low Rail Fares To The Canadian National Douglas Burns of Richmond Hill and Norman Burns, Aurora, were the winners of the men’s doubles horse- shoe pitching contest at the Aurora Legion carnival. Stouï¬â€˜viHe population ï¬gures for the year show an increase of 105 over last year. When the Village was in- corporated in 1881. the population was 866, and today is 1546. Mr. and Mrs. John Tong of Nash- ville celebrated their Golden Wed- ding anniversary, Wednesday, Aug- ust 25th. Lt. James Boa and his son, Gilmour who recently won the coveted Gover- nor-General’s medal, in marksmaï¬- ship competition, is a nephew of Mrs. G. A. M. Davison of Unionville and a cousin of Miss Mina G. Sommer- ville of Markham. In the draw for luCky number pri- zes at Aurora .Legion carnival, Mr. and Mrs. N. Rumble, Oak Ridge:, each won a prize. IMr. Rumble won the fourth prize and his wife held the ï¬fth winning number. Markham Township planning board and. township council have drafted a restriction by-law which has been given two readings by the township council. The byâ€"laW now will go be- fore the Ontario Municipal Board and if approved likely will be given third reading and made eï¬'ective in the township. Harvesting of grain crops is well under way and muc'h threshing has been completed. Excellent crops are general throughout the county. “I never have harvested a nicer crop than this year†said Clark Young, well known Markham Twp. farmer to The Liberal this week'. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Forson (nee Vera Boynton) on the arrival of their son, also to Mr. and Mrs. Don Mathews (nee Evelyn Bar- her) on the arirval of their son. Dr. and Mrs. Clarkson of Toronto, Mr. Roy Hollowell of Los Angeles, Cal‘., Mr. and Mrs. F. Perkins and family of Richmond Hill 'had tea Sun- day evening with Mr and Mrs. R. E. Perkins, Coral and Miss M. Forsythe. Rev. Erla Currey of Orton is sup- plying on the circuit for her brother, Rev. E. A. Currey who is vacationing for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols, Miss Vera Nichols and Mn W. Anderson visited with Mrs. Ida McCague. Misses Marion Boynton and Coral Perkins have returned after a two week vacation at Winona Lake, In- diana. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Nichols and two of the children motored to Smith's Falls and Kirkland Lake to visit with relatives and friends. [Mrs. M. Haig and her sister, also Mrs. Haig and Miss Velma Vulbeck 0A Toronto had dinner Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McIntOSh and Lynda spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Klinck. VICTORIA SQUARE The man who knows a big weld usually brings the conversation 129 the place he can use it. i . PHONE 10 00‘ “Old at 40,50,607†. _ Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try " pcpplng up" wlth Ostrexl Contalns tonlc for weak. rundown teellng due solely to body's luck of Iron wnlcn many men and women call "old." Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets tor pep. younger reeling. thin very day. New "get. sequalntcd" size only 500. For sale at. all drug atom everywhere. Installations, Alterations, Wiring And Repairs We service Radios, Washing Machines, Motors, Refrigerators and All Electrical Appliances. _ Man, will“ Qty! ELECTRICAL WIRING Phone 242 Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Store YEREX ELECTRIC 0F HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. Belonging to Estate of the LATE ROBERT HUNTER SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH At 2:30 p.m. (DST) in the CURLING RINK, RICHMOND HILL 1 Easy Electric" Washing Machine, with copper tub, good 1 Hall Rack 1 Hall Rack 2 Coal or Wood Heaters 1 Antique Settee, upholstered 1 Antique Chair; upholstered Quantity of Dishes and other Useful ' Articles. not mentioned 1 OhHO‘avâ€"‘Hbâ€"t Princess Beth Cook Stove, comâ€" plete with water reservoir, cream and black enamel ï¬nish, real good and near new Sideboard. oak, 1 Small Table Pull-out Couch with mattress Oak Dining Room Table Dining Room Chairs Round Walnut Dining Room Tat? Leather Seated Walnut Dining Room Chairs Parlor Settee Parlor Upholstered Racking Chair number of old fashioned picture frames Antique Parlor Table Wooden Bed, with springs Mattress 1 Dresser Dresser with mirror 1 Washstand Dark Wooden Bed, springs and mattress 190'0 Washing Machine, hand power No reserve. Terms: Cash. WED., IST SEPT. â€" Auction Sale of 100 acre farm, Dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., on lot 30, con. 6 Vaughan Twp. Prop- erty belonging to F. POWEL. Terms: Cash. No reserve except on the property, which will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Sale at 1 pm. D. S.T. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auc- tioneers. TUESDAY, 218T SEPT. â€" Auction Sale of Registered Jersey Cattle, registered Holstein Cattle, Allis- Chalme’rs tractor on rubber, thresh- ing machine, farm stock, implements, 1:3,: Irrain, etc., on lot 11, con. 4 Vaughan Twp., 2 mile south of Map- le, property of CHAS. SHROPSHIRE. Terms: Cash. No r serve, farm sold. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp D.S.T. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. SAT., 28 AUGUST ‘â€" Auction Sale Household Furniture, Garden Tools, Dishes, etc., in the Curling Rink, Vill- age of Richmond Hill. Property be- longing to the Estate of the late ROBT. HUNTER. Sale at 2:30 p. m. D.S.T. Terms: Cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. Notice to Creditors 1 AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate cfi PEARL BANTING, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Pearl Banting, late of the Village of Langstaï¬", in the County of York, married woman, who died on or about the let day of June, 1948, are hereby notiï¬ed to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned on or before the 3lst day of August, 1948, after which date the Estate will be immediately dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 24th day of July, 1948. HERBERT WALLWIN BANTING, Administrator, by his Solicitors, Messrs. Shuyler & Ecclestone, 320 Bay Street; Toronto 1, Ontario c3w5 SALE REGISTERS KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, AUCTION SALE Auctioneers Markham, Ont., phone 206 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd Flue quality ï¬bre-weave art leather trim. re piping protects seams. Smartly styled and hard wearing. Taimreaï¬-tn-Fit SEAT EWERS CAR TO FR directly to models '36 nrength of 1 Illustration BALL AND SOCKET COUPLER. Sale and positive. Designed for strength and long service . . ‘ . . . . . . BALL AND SOCKET COUPLER. Heavy duty, steel construction. 1%" ball C V . . . , . . ‘ . . . . ‘ . . . . . . BUMPER COUPLER. Fits bumpers up to 4%" wide. For light trails-E UNIVERSAL COUPLER BAR. W11] In on all bumpers and gives almost twice the pulling strength at most bars. made of heavy angle steel. aluminum finish ...V. ... ONE-MAN TOW BAR. For towmg cars and 4â€"wheel trailnrs. Will not s“ay_ zigzag or cut corners COME! SEE OUR COMPLETE DIS- PLAY OF THESE AND MANY ADDI- TIONAL ITEMS . IMPERIAL on. {gggotane \ UNITED TflDnMTA n...- my--. ... - __ :FRV‘CE A: , , FOR CARS. TRUCKS‘ TRAC'I‘URS -â€" We carry the largest supply and have the widest rangp M repzh parts under one root in Canada. Parts built It, lactaries who make for original equipment and those known for unquestionable quality. Direct buying saves you many dollars. and our money-back guaranm [Ive-a you full protection on every purchase. SETS TRAILER COUPLERS Cr BARS SETS FOR FRONT 85 REAR ROYAL INSULTEX GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT PARTS Identical to Original Equipment 11.70 6.60 Individually Tailored hem Master Patterns to {It Must sites in stockâ€"others to order. at the same l-‘OR FRONT SEATS FRAME COUPLER. Fasten: to the car frame of most '36-'42. and utmzes the of the bumper as well. (See on above) 3.10 The World's Largest Automotive Store Gives the Widest Variety and Most Oufstanding Values in You! be the envy of your neighbours when you get one of the new, modern gas ranges designed for use with Essotane. Gas cooking is qmck, clean, less trouble. There’s no smoke, no soot to blacken the bottoms of pans. Gas is economical. Lights automatically; gives full heat at once. You’ll be thrilled at the convenience. GAS RAGES Handsome “tartan plaid" patterns in lastlcized ï¬bre. with extraâ€"wide bands of grained art leather to protect at points a! wear. issotane SETS FOB FRONT SEATS SETS FOR FRONT 8'. BEAR DESIGNED FOR USE WITH Ranges and water heaters sold direct by Imperial Oil Limited. Ranges sold by most appliance dealers. .80 PLASTI- PLAID 14.25 Sieve pricesâ€"for (he 3-bwney made! $98.00 up 09 $186.50 for Mble-lofl models. Pay only 10 % down and H19 balance in small monlhly amounll. K e e p s thegé b a b y safe 1: o m (ox-table . and out o! ‘ trouble while 1 motoring. ,- WRECKING BARSâ€"For Motor- ists and Handyman Ara Set of 6. drop-towed steel 2-I-INCH SUPER-STRENGTH WEL‘CK- ING BARâ€"UNIQUE DESIGN GIVES Extra endurance on toughest jobs . . ‘ . . . ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ . . ‘ ‘ . . . .89 BABY AUTO SEATS Open-End Wrench 3.45 Rich maroon fine quality gnbardlue. with silver grey piping. Add stylo and beauty to you?“ car. SETS FOR FRONT & REAR August 26, 1948 every car low price. OXFORD ’ GABARDINE 13.25 18 INCH 12rlNCH P. c. Hill g 1.49 :39 es