Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1948, p. 5

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ANNOUNCEMEiT Dr's. Lanai-3.1T and Thompson an. nouiice that during" the months of July and August they will disconâ€" tinue afttrnoon office l.’)Lll'S. hut will continue as usual iiâ€"ll ant. and p.m. 0-H ('ROP (OM PE'I‘I'I'ION WINK ERS Prize winners- in the Markham Fair Board (lat ('rop competition are as l'ullr.\\s: l. ("lurk Young" re 03, 7‘ Ajax; 2. ('has. Hooper m n: 7 L‘ea- \er; 3}. I,.(-itchtrol't Iii-arms â€"â€" 01'. is Ajax; 4. Lloyd Turner '7 ‘Jlil â€"- Beaver; 5. Gordon Dimma 7 00 â€"' Roxton; 6. Walter {eesor 7â€" :‘JL 1 Beacon; '7. II. M. Warriner â€"â€" r0 â€" Ajax. The judge was H. L, Grill'in of Acton. There were 15 entries. by collecting club orders for new blankets made from old wooIIens. Brand new, all wool or pure wool, full size blankets. in newest colours. DIRECT FROM MILl T9 YOU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Also obtainable without turn in 0! old woollens. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TODAY MIDLAND MILLS DEPT. 47 MIDLAND, om. IN MEMORIAM .‘rItDONALIJ â€" In loving memory of a dear mother. Sarah McDonald. who pased away August 25th, 194]. alsr our dear father, Murdoch Mcâ€" lw nail. who euteiezl into rest Sepâ€" ' other \th. lilill. Quiet ni'n'rcs will linger forever. Tisix- cannot «barge them it's true, Yuri»: 'hzi‘. may come cannot sever Our Irwin: remembrance of them. H how [)illltllt was their suffering, ‘.‘.h'.: 1w. hand could them case (led, the hr-lpcr of the helpless, Saw their rain and gave them peace. â€"Lovingly remembered by family and mandchildren. IN MEMORIAM BROOKE â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Oscar Brooke, who passed away, August 2â€"1, 1045. Time may heal the broken hearted, Years may make the wound less sOI‘e But it cannot fill the longing, For the loved ones gone before. Who shall say the grief is lessened- T‘ho' the smiles may hide the tears. Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing of the years. â€"Lovingly remembered by wife, family and hrothel‘.. F.L. LOWRIE, R.O EYESIGIIT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Sept. 8th and the Second and fourth Wednesday (:5 each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Q BROKEN LENSES REPLACI‘D Prescriptions for Glasses Filled _ For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 32 OPTICAL REPAiRS JONES COAL C0. NOW LOCATED AT THEIR NEW YARD Foot of Centre St. E., and turn , _ 0r .. .. Foot of Roseview Ave., and turn left Phone Richmond Hill 188 right « u '- A. .. Again on August 27, the gates will swing open on the world-famous Canadian National Exhibition. There will be a thousand things to see and hear. Agriculture, Music, Industry, Home-Mak- a, Col. K. R. Marshall, President i ng, Art, Science, Business and Sportsâ€"all will be on review. Such a collection of thrilling features you’ve never seen before. Dazzling, exciting, entertaining, instructive. Plan to come to the C.N.E. Elwood A. Hughes, General Manager September 2nd, at 3 o’clock. The ’ ’ SOCIAL AND PERSOIV AL Mrs. E. Faulkner of King Kirkland was a visitor last week with her daughter, Mrs. E. Craig. Mr. Elmer Garrow and his mother, Mrs. Patton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leece. The Liberal welcomes notes and social items. Drop them in the mail or telephone Richmond Hill 9. Reeve P. C. Hill, Mrs. Hill and Harry are on a motor trip to the Eastern coast. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoover haVc returned after three weeks at their cottage on Sturgeon Lake. Miss Isabel] Fortune of Edmonton, Alta, visited last ‘week with her nieCe. Mrs. William Neal. Miss Marian Little has returned after a pleasant holiday spent at Point-au-Baril, GeOrgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mabley were visitors last week in Barrie and Aur- ora. Dale Agar, Richmond Hill, was the lucky winner of the second prize, a console radio at the Nobleton street dance. Mr. Frank Resentera now living in New York flew, to Toronto Saturday and visited with friends here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Schrader of Shedden, Ontario, were recent vis- itors with Mrs. Robt Schrader and their grandchildren, Billy, Barbara and Cheryl. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Craigie, Prim- rose, Heather and Sharon, have re- turned after a two week’s vacation spent at Popponesset Beach, Cape Cod, Mas. The regular meeting of the Vau- ghan and Richmond Hill Veterans will be held Wednesday, September lst, in the High School Gym, .Rich- mond Hill. Veterans are aéked to note that tickets for VVarrior’s Day at C.N.E. can be obtained from Alf Wright, 45 Church St. or from Scotty Masters, Mill Road. Mrs. Jos. Orr, who has spent some time with her daughter, Mrs. L. Ab- ernethy, Tottenham, has returned home. Miss Orion Abernethy accom- panied her and is visiting with her grandparents. M1 and Mrs. J. W. Leece accom- panied by lMl Elmer Garrow, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. William Palmer or Neunnarket enjoyed a motor trip to Barrie and other Lake Simcoe cen- tres last week. i The W.‘M.S. of the United Church will hold their opening fall meeting in the Sunday School room on Thurs- new Study Book, “West of the Gor- ges,” a study of the West China Mis- sion will be introduced. I Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Patterson of Vancouver, B. C., visited in Rich- mond Hill and renewed old acquain- tances with friends and relatives here last week. Mr. Patterson says he sees many changes in Richmond Hill since he left someitwenty years ago. Congratulations to George Mas- ters, Mill Rd., who has been enrolled as a member of the Commissionaires. The Commissionaires is an organiz- ation which has been in existence in the old country for more than a cen- tury, but only for a comparatively few years here in Canada. Smartly uniformed members may be seen at military hospitals, large gatherings and special events where they do specialized police work. Members must be ex-service men with at least six and a half tycars active Service and unsullied record. Mr. Masters, a veteran of two wars has a record of more than ten years active ser- vice. By coincidence he signed up in World War I, World War II and with the Commissionaires on the same date, August 19th. Miss Helen Haldane, proprietor of Helen’s Grocery, Richmond Hill, at- tended the 61st Annual Food Mer- chants’ Picnic held at Port Dalhousie last Wednesday and was the recip- ient of many lovely prizes. Entering into the day’s sports activities, Miss Haldane won a table lamp and shade, donated by Birks-Ellis-Ryrie, first prize for the ladies’ shoe race, three cases of mushroom soup, first prize for straight running, six cans of Borden’s Malted Milk, second prize for straight running, three cases 0f Javex, fourth prize for straight run- ning and a hand painted rain ker- chief. second prize for the Spot race. Later on in the afternoon. Helen won ftur dollars on the Quiz Program, bringing her total winnings to the sum of forty dollars. Grocers from all parts of Ontario attended the convention and according to Miss Ilaldane’s report, it proved to be a very succesful one. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greene are IlOl- Zdaying at Bigwin Inn. Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P‘tllal‘tl and Jim- my have returned after holidaying in the Haliburton district. Mr. and Mrs. R. Edmunds and son. Richard. are holidaying in Halihurâ€" ton. _._'_â€" Mr. Thos. Pryde of Exeter, M.L..â€"\. for Huron, was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. McKinuon this week. Mrs. Robert Schradel‘ and Barbara were week end guests With Mr. an'l Mrs. Ed Dixon of Barrie. The regular meeting of the Pres- byterian W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Gillis, Richmond St., Thursday, September 2. at Cl p.m. Miss Margaret Mitchell of Morley's Richmond Hill, returned to work (in Monday after a pleasant two week‘s vacation. Miss Gladys McLatchy and Miss Doris Leno returned home from spending two weeks Vacation at the Royal Muskoka Hotel, Lake Rosseau. __'. A euchre will be held in St. Mary's Parish Catholic Hall on Friday even- ing, August 27th, at 8130 pm. Ev- erybody welcome. Guests at Wigwassan Lodge, Mus- koka, last Week included Miss Norma Gallanger, Richmond Hill; Miss Rita and Miss Loretta Dean, Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Youngs- town, Ohio, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ransom and Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and Miss Gwen Smith. Headford, havn return- ed home after a most enjoyable hot;- day spent at Ottawa and Loon Lake. Addington County. Mr. W. D. Atkinson, principal of Glebe Collegiate, Ottawa, Mrs. At- kinson, and son, Bill, are holidaying with Mr. Atkinson‘s mother, Mrs. F. Atkinson, Lorne Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moore and fain-I ily, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowthorn and family of Youngstown. Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore, Roseview Ave. Miss Helen Ransom has returned to her duties at the Toronto General Hospital after spending three weeks vacation at her home and visiting relatives and friends in Gzavenhurst, Hamilton and POrt Hope. .Mr. and Mrs. L. Dawson and Aud- rey and Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wells, Yonge- burst Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt and Miss Mary Dawson visâ€" ited Princess Alice Sea Cadet Camp at Minnecog on Sunday. Friends and relatives of Miss Marâ€" garet Moore, a bride of this week, held a delightful miscellaneous show- er for her at the home of Mrs Lloyd Hawkes, Roseview Ave. The bride- to-be received many lovely and use- ful gifts. Mrs. E. Wainman, Bryan and Kenâ€" dall, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kelly, Oshawa, where .Bryan and Kendall enjoyed their first aeroplane ride in an air coupe, piloted by uncle Bob _Kelly, a former resident of Richmond Hill. The rector, teachers and officers of St. Mary’s Anglican Sunday School wish to thank all who sent gifts of cake, tarts, ice cream and other good things to the pionic held On Saturday last. The children had a wonderful time with games and races. Supper was served in the Parish Hall, at which about fifty happy children were served. Following service at St. Mary’s Church on Sunday morning last, the Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon motored to St. Thomas’ Church, Balsam Lake, near K'irkfield, where Mr. Wrixon dedi- cated Altar Vases in memory of a former parishioner, Annie Charity Laidlaw, late wife of A. A. Macdon- ald, Esq. The church was filled, and Mr. and Mrs. Wrixon renewed acâ€" quaintances with former parishion- ers. Richmond Hill had a brief visit re- cently from Col. A. C. Taylor, 0. B. E., F. R. C. 8., son of Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, Arnold St. He had recently returned from India where he held a responsible position as Surgeon to the Viceroy, Lord Wavell, and later to the Governor-General, Lord Louis Mountbatten. He was in India when the transfer took place of India from British to Indian hands, and the two Dominions of Pakistan and In- dia came into being. He was through all the exciting days that followed when widespread rioting took place, and the consequent migration of milâ€" lions of people from one part of In- dia to the other. During the visit of Lord and Lady Mountbatten to Canaâ€" da when the former will officially 0p- er‘. the Canadian National Exhibition. Col. Taylor will act as His Excellen- cy’s Staff Officer and afterward will locate in Canada in medical practice. Mi. dayin;r in the Muskoka district this week. Fall, their Winter, liut before you fall for Old Man Winter. fall in at the Fall Show, Saturday. September lirh. in the l:i.‘:imoud llill Arena. What kind of marrow have you 2’ Did Old Mother Iluhliard squash the numpkin, or did parsnip the last rose Anyway carrot the ear- of summer? Ten into the Arena on Saturday, Sep- tember llth and lettuce see \\ ho can Iueet. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLatchy re- port havinu' spent a delightful holi- lay in the Laurentians. taking in the various golf courses along the trip, including the Beaconsfield Golf and Country Club where they were guests of Bill Kerr. Pro of Thorn- ~will Golf Club. former LANGSTAFF Mrs. Wm Bowen of Garden Ave, Langstaft‘ returned home after visit- ing with relatives in Sydney, Nova Scotia and P.E.I. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank of R. R 2, Gormley, wish to express their appreciation for the help and kind- ness shown to them by theu‘ neigh- hours and unknown neighbours (lurâ€" ing their recent fire. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Samuel Winger wishes to ex- press his appreciation for the prompt service rendered by the Maple fire brigade when his combine caught fire last Saturday. Samuel Wencer w1shes to ex-’ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday August 26. 1948 3 r l Service and Repairs ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES INCLUDING ELECTRIC MOTORS RANGET'I‘ES IRONS RECORD PLAYERS LAMPS TOAS'I‘ERS OIL BURNERS VACUUM CLEANERS RADIOS WASHING MACHINES SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED by FERGUSON 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 148 l> ==o=oz==omo===zo=o=louox= REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FEMALE FACTORY HELP For Small Electrical Assemblies Punch Press Operators Machine Operators Bench Hands â€" APPLY â€" GEO. P. DOWE CO- LTD. STOP 22A YONGE ST., RICHVALE PHONE RICHMOND BILL 423 i r =o=o=o=ouo== IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiEIEIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SATURDAY ONLY AUGUST 28 LEO GURCE‘I AND THE BOWERY BOYS ‘ I N “News Hounds ” Added Features “ Flashin Guns ” IIIIIIIIIIEMIIB II’iIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIII FANCY QI'ALITY POST'S Pkg. Branllakes 8 AUSTRALIAN Seedless Raisins ORANGE PEKOE Redrose Tea PLAIN'NUTTY-RELISH Maple Leal Chees SUNRISE Peas . CARNATION M'lk SUPER CREAMED .2 ..2 WHITE OR GREEN Celery Stalks 2 SUNKIST Oranges NO. 1 FREESTONE Size 2885 Doz. Royal Theatre CAREFULLY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEHIIIflIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIEIIEIIEIH Tomato Juice 140 8 oz. Pkg. PEACHES TWO SHOWS DAILY 7.00 pm. and 9.00 pm. Saturday Matinee 2.00 p.m. Saturday and Holidays Show starts at 6.30 pm. COMFORT AURORA n I I I I I I I I FREE PARKING WED.. TIIURS' â€" SEPT 1-2 19-02 onv â€" 'Sant "NON Joan Crawford Lee Bowman Susan Hayward Dana Andrews _In_ “SMASH UP” “Daisy Kenyon Marsha Hunt Eddie Albert Adult Entertainment Henry Fonda Ruth Warrick Shorts: Sun Valley Fun Pathe News Shorts: Souvenirs of Death I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hobo Gadget Band : II a .. ,. 21c 17(: ' 296 27c 49¢ 20 02. This LIBBY’S â€" WITH MEAT Zlc Spaghetti . S‘YEET RELISH 245 350 Pickle . . CLARK’S 57c Mincemeat . PURE CIDER 279‘ Vinegar . . 14 oz. 15 oz. Tin 16 oz. Jar 19 oz.‘ Jar 8 oz. e Pkg. TOILET SOAP "' "i 170 3.66 20 oz. Tins 250 Maple Leal 2 29c Tide . 16 oz. Tins Lge. .I’kg‘. * Crisco RED RIPE Tomatoes . LARGE, FIRM Head Lettuce 2 15c LOWEST M ARK ET I’ RIC 19,, 29c

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