i 25 Cents Eac’h or 5 for $1.00 1 NOONWOWâ€WNW By middle age couple, in Richmond Hill, or immediate vicinity. Very best of refer- ences. DANCING â€" GAMES â€" BAZAARS AND NOVELTIES LUCKY DRAW: lst prize, Washing Machine; 2nd prize, Chesterï¬eld Chair; 3rd prize, C.C.M.. Bicycle; With many additional grand priz’es. PARADES â€" SPORTS â€" RACES â€" GAMES BAZAARS â€" DANCING LUCKY DRAW: 1st prize, Automatic Console Radio; 2nd prize, Pair 6-Ply Tires; Sid p'i‘ize, Siléx C0ï¬â€™e‘e Maker HOUSE or APARTMENT Apply at m Phone 12 2 Arnold St. Bicycle and Doll Carriage De'rb'y far best decorated “Get in on the swell prizes.†LUCKY DRAW TICKET GOOD BOTH NIGHTS September 3, 4, 5th Cities Service Garage GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Richmohd Hill Taxi OPEN AIR CHURCH SERVICE Guest Speaker â€" Col. Sidney Lambert Sélvation Army Band â€" Joint Community Choir TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. R. E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 WANTED THE LIBERAL OFFICE Tel. 9 â€" Richmond Hill MEL. MALTBY SATURDAY SUNDAY FRIDAY Ex-Servicemen Richmond Hill To Enter C'lothes Contest King Women’s Institute has enter- ed the competition open to W. I. branches for the wearing and modell- ing of old-fashioned Canadian cloâ€" thes, sponsored by the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. Money prizes range from $50 for ï¬rst down to $35 for fourth place. Miss Marjorie Jar- vis is convening local arrangements. Modelling will be done by Miss Jarâ€" vis. Mrs. Rhoda Jarvis, Mrs. IVan Specht,’ Miss Doris Hollinshead and Mrs. A. E. Kelly. Judging will be held at the C.N.‘E. on Wednesday, September 8th, at 1:30 pm. and a dress parade at 8 o’clock on the 's’ame éVening. Strange School Winners School Section IV, Strange, has been awarded third place for school grounds improvement competition staged by Ontario Horticultural As- sociation, for rural schools of the province. The accomplishment is re- markable in view of the fact grounds and surroundings were mainly im- proved this spring. The transforma» tion will continue to develop and much beauty will be seen next year. The teacher, Miss Audrey Eves, the trustee board, ratepayers and scho- lars have worked hard, displaying much interest in a paying-off project. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott are hap- py parents of a son, born at York County hospital on August 10th. Police Cdnstable D. Eai'l Welles- ley and Mrs. Wellesley of Cornwall are happy to announce the birth of their son, Terange David, who repre- Sents the second grandson in the Wellesley name, among the ten grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Wellesley. Kenneth, son of Herb Wellesley, Toronto, is another grandson. P. C. W-ellesley has been transferred. from Morrisburg to pro- vincial police radio headquarters. at Coinwall, where he is now a radio disï¬atcher. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hately and Nora Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Crawford, O.A.C., Guelph, dur- ing the week-end; Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. Hugh Ross were Mrs. Ross’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. James of Brantford who have re- centfly returned ï¬rom an extend-ed Visit to England; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cumin and children, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. William Bayliss of King; 'Mr. and‘ Mrs. Louis Moore and Mary Ann-e; 'Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bayliss of Toronto. ‘ l p Mr. Art Ross was unfortunate in losing a gift wrist watch at Misseli man’s Lake on Sunday evening. He had received» it from his parents ï¬ve years ago for high school entrance examination completion. and valued it highly. Beneï¬t Dance Nets ‘Proï¬ts Miss Eileen Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, Las- kay, will receive proï¬ts from a beneL ï¬t dance revenue of 8204, sponsored by Laskay Old Boys’ Association and Lake Marie and King Athletic As- sociation held in King Memorial Park on August 210th. Sally Lloyd and her Musical Mates played] King Association provided the park space and lighting, 25 well as'other facil- ities and the dance floor belonging to Laskay had been retained after King City District News mozlest OF bar/ADA (M’llM/TED" 0pmâ€! AIM/av Z: cram/4m? 5,646 #07545 “16 King street 'dance for this occasion. Laslday Association convened ar- rangements, and assisted with booths‘ and refreshments. George Brown, vice president of King Athletic and FergusLawson of the Laskay group called for square dances, and George Agar, president of King Association and Charles Black, president of Las- kay Association pitChed in to help along with the rest. Eileen Williams has been ill for 'more than three months, spending much of the time in a Toronto hospital where surgical operations were-pm‘formed. She is now'i-eco'vei'ing zï¬d it is hoped her convalescenc'e is rapid. Mrs. A. Paxton of Temperance- ville" is among thOSe new taking spec- ial health care, having undergone an operation at York County hospital recently. ‘ _ Mrs. Harizey Folliott has returned to King, after'a Vacation spent with her elder sister, Mrs. Millicent Gil- hooly of Baltimore, Maryland, who is now a guest of Mrs. Folliott for some weeks. Mrs. Gilhooly will vis- it among her many relatiVes and friends on her extended vi'sit. Mrs. Folliott enjoyed her trip to the US. and visited the White House among other interesting point. Miss Flor- ence Folliott of Weston accompanied her mother. Mrs. William Parker, Ronald and Carolyn are spending the Week with Mrs. Parker’s - sister, Mrs. Donald McMurchy of Hillsburg. The farmin of Mrs. Ross Walker gave her a surprise birthday party on August 2r0th. A daughter ‘was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thomas (nee Nellie Mc- Clure) of Owen Sound, on August 17 and as Sally Lyne she weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Mother and baby are doing well and Sandra Jane aged 3 four. now has a sister. King Township Building By'Law A building byâ€"laW has gone into effect throughout King township, and Mr. Charles Ross; King R. R. 2, has? been made building inspector. After deliberation King township council decided to enforce restrictions com- parable to law effected in other mun- icipalities. The by-law is set up for regulating the erection of and pro- viding for safety of buildings in the municipality. Permits must be ob- tained from Mr. Ross for erection, alteration, enlargement, removal or reconstruction of any building with- in the township 0 King. This clause does not apply to buildings erected on farms or land used for farms, provided only one residence be so er- ected. Breach of any part of the by-law provisions will be based on a ï¬ne not exceeding $50 for each of- fence, subject to discretion of the convicting magistrate. Athletic AssocLOorn Roast & Dance A corn roast and dance sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic As- sociation will be held on Wednesday evening, September lst, in King Memorial Park, proceeds to be ap- plied- to Memorial Hall Fund. We understand ample supplies of corn will 'be specially prepared, garnished with all the attributes that make for toothsome eating“ Huge sap kettles will be swung in to boil the corn. Other features will mark the even- ONTARIO HOTELS AND nouom moms nemao EASE CANADA'S AMERICAN DOLLAR Posmon av $146,000,000 LAST YEAR liven the event Miss Marjorie Jarvis has returned from Lake Joseph, Muskoka district and with her sisters, Misses Steph- â€"â€"-râ€" anie and Jillia- Jarvis spent last week end with friends at Coldwater. Mrs. A. E. Jarvis is visiting her sisters in Barrie this week. ng and dancing in the park will en- Considerable interest has been caused by the apt description and pictures of Ballycroy, the hand-hewn log house belonging to Mrs. Eric Johnston, 4th concession King Town- ship, shown in the July issue of Can- adian Homes and Gardens. The place is a work of art, substantial, comfor- table and inviting, with furnishings and all appointments strictly in keep- ing with the historical antiquity and harmonious setting of the dwelling. Hcmes SerViced For Water Supply Approximately 60 per cent village householders are being hooked up to waterworks mains by James J. Wall, Yonge Street at Oak Ridges, > The village contract was let to Mr. Wall, Who entered into individual contracts on corresponding basis of cost. All work is being tested by Mr. Wall who has employed abdut four men to do the work. These households will be able to use water from mains on completion of stand tank. Mr. Wall has an extensive knowledge of this work, having been in plumbing and heating business for some years. He employs 12 men and has extended his lines to other services. His father has been in similar business for more than 40 years. Construction of homes is gaining headway in King Village. The Judd house is progreSsing, Mrs. Judd hav- ing worked extensive!) on the house. In her own right she is a ï¬rst class carpenter. Harold Kirby’s house, Jas. and Lester Brown, houses, and west are George Billings, Geo. Armitage houses well on the way, while Stan- ley Hunter’s house is getting on. Hugh ROSS and son, Jim, are building a commodious home next to Alfred Bayliss property. Bert Kelley’s house will look attractive. Improvement to the Ralph Gillies place, the original Gillies farm home, is worth note, and a peep beyond the roadside fence reveals smooth lawns and flower beds The detached unit of this house com- prising a neat bungalow and built across the highway is new for sale. The return of Alex Campbell to .King should be inspiration to other war veterans to build in their native town. Alex and- his wife have purchased building property and while a tem- porary structure will house them for a brief time, their permanent house will be started later. Mr. Iredale’s house will be ready for use before too long. The Herman Dennison house has a ï¬ne appearance. Land- scaping to the Harry McBride prop- erty presents a pretty picture to the driven-in sideroad to King village. Peter Jarvis has been visiting his uncle, Mr. George Jarvis in the state of Ohio and Stephen Jarvis enjoyed holidays at the Y.M.C.A. camp, at Clear Lake, Muskoka. :Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Dent lately m-o- tored to Niagara Falls for a day to give Mrs. Davis, of England, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dent, an op- portunity to see the wonder of the Falls. A drive-in show at Malton, concluded a ï¬ne day’s outing. ommo’s 1,762 HOTELS PLAY A LARGE PART IN emammme ONTARIO‘S 14,000,000 AMEle TOURISTS ANNUALLY CANADIAN “mus m 43,000 MEN AND WOMEN ovmï¬tooopoo IN WAGES ANN UALL‘I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, AuguSt'26, 1948 Wish to announce their oï¬icial opening for Gas and Oil, Expert Mechanical Work, Welding, Tires, Accessories & Batteries Phone 75 The Canadian hotel keeper is making hospitality an art. Entertain- ment and comfort he extends with equal grace to the traveller or to the permanent guest. His trained staff are yours to command for service club meetings, conventions, or your annual family dinner. For his contributions to good taste, the Canadian hotel keeper is a moulder of "Canada Unlimited". “If we can’t ï¬x it, you don’t pay for it.†BREWING COMPANY LIMIIED Fleetwood Service King City, Ontrio