RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister 11 a.m. ~â€" Rev. G. T. Taylor will con- duct the service. Everyone is invited to attend the Morning Services during the summer months. Sunday School will be re- sumed early in September. 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, August 26, 1948 M. C. Macklin, Pres Agincourt Out-yields Dawson’s Golden Chaff and stronger straw Remarkable resistance to Loose Smut Growers enthusiastic with it. COMMERCIAL NO. 1 â€" $3.00 PER BUS. At grower’s farms, bags included List of growers on request â€" Don’t miss it this y'ear RING THE BELL â€" GROW CORNELL YORK CO. CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION An extra dolar an acre for seed Will make the dollars you need- ORDER YOUR CORNELL 595 SEED WHEAT NOW! SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK banking practice and tradition. No customer has to fear for the privacy of his regular banking transactions. This privacy is completely free of political pressures or considerationsâ€"it is rooted in Canadian DANADA has a banking system which, for efï¬ciency'and dependability, is unsurpassed in the world. Competitive, flexible, adaptable to the changing needs of the country, it serves Canada’s producers, her industries, her tradersâ€"and it serves your personal needs, too. Contrast this Canadian way with conditions in lands where freedom is deniedâ€"where every bank is a political tool, every banker a State official! State monopoly of banking, proposed by Socialists here, would fasten the Marxist foreign pattern on you. banking system RICHMOND HILL PRESRY'I‘ERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister No Sabbath School during August, 11 a.m. â€"â€"~ Public Worship. During the month of August, the Service will be in charge of Mr. Jas, Butler, Sr., J.P. W. M. Cockburn, Secretary Newmarket Everybody Welcome g5 "vdrev Tknmnson. Mr. .T. Teesnn "isq F‘. mnbinn: Nash‘rtiumq. Mr Tnnedakx Mr<. .Tnhns. Mrie. Hanwn: “11an (9hn1191), MVQ, Hos-1n“: Pk‘nv (“erenniaH Mr. J. Teeson. Mrs. Harâ€" 4910.. and others. Winners were as follows: Class 1. single asters, Mrs. D.’Beckman: double asters. Mrs. Hansen. Mrs. HesInn: Ca'endula. Mrs. Wplls, Mrs. Healev: Cosmos. Mrs. Healey, Miss Muriel Dean. Mrs W. Harmer: Gaillardia. Mrs. Banks. Miss M. :Mnc-Kean; Dahlia. Mrs. P. Rnne; Cladinli. 1 snike, Mrs. Teas- dale; Claflinli, 3 snikes. Mrs. Banks Mr. Teasdale. Pefnr Hansen: Gladâ€" inli. 6 snikes. Mr. Teasdale; Cladioli. 1? spikes. Mr: Tnasflale: Lilies. ? sni‘ms Mrs, Harris: T,ar1'snnr. an- nual, Miss M. “van. .MT‘s. W. Hawis. “7‘s. RPnks- Dohhininm. 3 snflzas Mr. Sma‘l. Mrs Banks: Miss M. M"- ‘(Pnnz Marivolds (African). Miss Thornhill Horticultural Society , Holds Annual Fall Sh0w Thornhill Horticultural Society lweld its annual Fall Show at Law- rence Memorial Hall on Tnesdav ev- ening of this week. Mr. E. Kohler. the nresï¬dent, welcomed members and friends including Rev. and Mrs qal‘bert of Newtonhrook, Mr. and Mrs. Carl James of Unionville. Mr. Galbraith of TorontO. Mr. LummiQ "nd Mr. Wilson of the North York qNietv. Mr. and MN. Small, Willow- Mrs. Charles Hooke, Mrs. Wih Smith and Miss Jessie Hooke were hosteses for a lovely shower when the neighbours in the John and Bay- view district presented Miss Marz- aret McKean with beautiful gifts and best wishes for her approach- ing marriage to Mr. Stanley Suter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen are vaca- tioning at the' 'home of their son, Charles, in the Owen Sound district. A speedy recovery to ‘MI‘S. Wib Smith who underwent an operation in Toronto Western Hospital last Saturday. Although progressing nicel.y Jean will probably remain there for the next week or so. The'Woman’s Association of the Thornhill United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Fisher, Cen- tre St., at 2.30 p.m. Thursday after- noon, September 2nd. At this meeting the trustees would like the ratepayers‘ opinion with reâ€" gard to placing a temporary build- ing- in the Village Park for the use of the Boy :Scouts, Cu-bs, Brownies and Girl Guides. Your trustees are hoping for a good attendance. The regular monthly meeting of the trustees of the police village of Thorn‘hill will be heLd in Victoria Hall on Tuesday evening, August 3lst, 1948, at 8 pm}. Thornhil] DistrictmNéws ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D. Rector Sunday, August 29th, Trinity 14. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer All are cordially invited. Mr. Sk‘n'wr was iufl‘trp nf the show 911 soveral hm" member: werp we‘â€" r-nmrvi. *estif‘vinq fo Hm continued “MnIm-ifv of and enthusiasm for the society. «4’ flowers. mariO‘old nvednminating. Mr. F7. Kohler. Mrs. W. Thomnsonr Clarï¬oli with nther flowor. Mr. 1“. Koh‘er: G1adioli( show basket), Mr. E. Kohler. Arrangomant of flowers by inven- "ps (wk‘rh Md to be run in hm r0- lavs), 70v Pansan, Andrew 'T‘lmmn- Mn. Pp+o- Hanson (“vd senfhn). “‘W’Qf FV‘hHP. F09: Whi’fe, Bever- ley Ives (second section). Class 2 Vegetables: Beans (yel- low) Mr. Harris, Paul Ward, Mr. W. A. Dean; Beans (green) Mr. Harris. Peter Ward, Mr. Healey; Beets. Mr Wells, Paul Ward, Miss H. Welsh: Carrots, Mr. Harris, \Mr. Healey. Miss D. Gribble; Corn, Mr. Harris N0 Name; Oncumbers, Mr. Harris Mrs. B. Brown, Mr. W. A. Dean; 0nâ€" inns (Spanish), Mr. Teasdale, Mr Hamilton, Mrs. Billerman; Onions lam" other variety), Mr. Harris. Mr. Healey, Mr. W. A. Dean; Cobble) rotatoes. Miss E. Welsh; Cabbage. Mr. Harris, Mr. Healey, No Name: Pumpkins, Mrs. Wells; Tomatoes (large red) Mr. Healey, Mrs. B Brown. Peter Hansen: Tomatoes (Sunrise), Mr. Haeley, Mr. J. Ness. Mr. J. Hamilton; Peppers. Mr. Har- ris. Peter Hansen, Paul Ward; Mar- row. Peter Hansen, Mr. Harris; Hub- Lard Squash, Peter Hansen, Mr. Mess: Sonash (any other variety). Mr. Hamilton, Mr, Harris. ‘ Class 3. Plums: Mrs. R. Slmnson Class 4 Juvenile, Collection of flow- ers, Audrev Thompson, Marv Har- rison. Gerald Billerman; Giant Zin- nias. Harold Griih-hle. Ernest Grihhle Gerald Billerman; Collection of Veg- ntables: Class '2, Paul Ward, Peter Ward; Class 2a, Joy Hansen, Mary Harrison. Class 5: Luncheon arraneement for 9. Bone ‘rrophv, Mrs. Herton. Mrs. Healev. Mrs. Harris; Dinner table ar- “9n29mm‘t. Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Luesby. Mrs. Wells; Blue and gold arrange- ment. Mrs. Pherrill. Mrs. Campbell. Miss M. chKean: Vase of flowers colour harmony. 4, Miss M. McKean. .48. Mrs. E. Luesby: Modernistie (shalow container). Mrs. Horton. Mrs. Ranks. Miss M. Dean; Begon- ias in howl. Mrs. Heslon; Begonias in not. Mrs. Heslon: Corsaste. Mrs. T Pherrill. Mrs. Wells. Miss M. Dean' Nosw'ay. Mrs. Rillerman. Mrs. Heal- ev. Miss H. Welsh: Miniahwe, Mrs. Horton. Mrs. Bone. Mrs. Wells. ( of Verwtables, Petpr Han- ï¬en: Unmovdratirm arrangement of vevntqblns. prcr Hansen. Class 6. Prnfmsional and AmMeur: Tiara? show basket of flr‘WW‘S. Mr. E Knhhnr, Mrs. Ranks: Basknt. large zinnias. Mr. E. K091116312 basket W‘mâ€" 1mm zinnias, Mrs. P. Bnne: basket Baskp+ of potatoes. Mr. A Dean, Pnhï¬r Hansnn: Basket of fn waffles. Mr. Hamilton, Miss Walsh Held in the Masonic Hall 3.00 pm. Sunday School Classes Sunday School and Bible Class- es for all ages. Special handwork for the children after classes. ris; Petunias (single) Mrs. Heslop, Mrs. Harris, Mrs, Horton; Petunias (double) Mrs. Heslop, Mrs. Wells; Roses: Mrs. Luesby, Mrs. Hansen; Scabiosa, Mrs. Banks, Miss H. Wel- sh; Stocks. Mrs, Dolan; Salpligossis, Mrs. Horton; Sweet Peas, Mrs. Do- ]an, Miss Clubine, Mr. T. Beckman; Z‘innias (mammoth), T.‘Beckm\an, Mrs. Hedlop, Mrs. Billerman; Zin- nias (pompom, 12 blooms), Mr. Teas- dale, Mrs. Heslop, Mrs. W. Thomp- son; Any other flower, Joy Hansen; Houseplant, >Mr5,' Billerman, Mrs. Heslop, Mrs. Dolan; Cleome, Mrs. Banks; Best Exhibit in Class 1, Mrs. Heslo‘p (basket of petunias.) “What Think Ye of Christ?†7 pm. Evangelistic Services GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Speaker: Les Hyde You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a Chrysler Method Remanufaciured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled†or "re-built†engines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are diflerent. They are precision-built no rigid speciï¬cations laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 REPLACE THAT “WORN-IIIIT†ENGINE WITH A GHRYSLER METHIIII REMANIIFAGTIIIIEII ENGINE Restore Lost Pep! RICHMOND HILL Phone 252J B( Don’f Repair . . . REPLACE! PROMPT BOND LAKE GARAGE Interior & Exterior E. J. HINSON eston General Store Decorator . RAMER & SON, Phone 10 The Eievator TY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. ACCEPT YOUR EGGS IN ANY QUANTI- WE DELIVER ANY SIZE ORDER ANY GROCERIES â€" COOKED MEATS Box 268 WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION T0 YOUR COMMUNITY SHOPPING We, are as close as your telephone COURTEOUS CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering speciï¬cations are replacegwith Genuine Chrysler- engineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a dynamometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new en ine. Come in to-day and let us show you what is difl'erent 9. out the CHRYSLER METHOD 0! Remanufacturing engines. ACME ICE CREAM 3OW0WMOW¢IOOOOOONOOOOWOOOOO0" Phone Maple 65R2 Ellesmere Rd. DRY GOODS DISTANCE PGWER SPRAYING CENTRE CUCUMBERS WANTED Silverdale Products PWï¬kmu â€"We spray with Purina Insect Oil for germs and mites. / 70% â€"We spray Purina Weed Killer ‘ on pastures. fence rows. grain ï¬elds. ‘ â€"â€"We kill flies in bums or on \K " ‘\ livestock with Purina D.D.'l' Spray. FOR PICKLING FACTORY CALL Phone Zone 2-323 LIMITED SERVICE Agincourt A9009.