Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Sep 1948, p. 4

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METAL ROOFING, ribbed, suitable for sheds, reclaimed roofing war as- sets building, been demolished; also roof 5 ft. x 8 ft. for chicken shel- ter, glazed sash, 3-1. ft. x 7 ft. Ap- ply A. A. Bhenix evening‘s, Toronto Hyland 0804 or write 52 Hanna Rd, Toronto. clwlo STOYE, coal and wood, modern white porcelain, steel top, elevated reservoir, like new, very reasonable. Apply 4th house east of Bayview, north side of No. 7 Highway, Lang- stefi. *1w10 drier; 5-bu1'ner Nesco coal stove, with oven, black and white enamel, excellent condition; small Quebec heater. Mrs. Jack Walker, phone King 73R. NEW LOW PRICES for firewood, soft slabs $11.00; ' hardwood slabs $10.00; hardwood limbs $17.00; hard- wood blocks and fireplace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery, ail wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill, or phone 315W. ‘ 9m CORNELL 595, seed wheat, govern- ment grade No. 1, grain from regis- tered seed, smut resistant, winters well, stiff straw and heavy yielder. Apply M. A. ,Wideman, phone Rich- mond Hill 451'12. c2w9 EASY WASHING MACHINE, spin 100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concesison 2, Township of Vaughan, Bathurst SL, good buildings, good stable for dairying, 4} miles from Richmond Hill. Apply Phone Richmond Hill 247. tfc8 ACRE LOT for sale. May Avenue. Terms arranged. Phone Willowdale 2182 or evenings Mr. McDonald Richmond Hill 3141'21. *4w10 R.), Kitchen Big~4 Chicks, many laying. Milton Savage Lot 23, con- cession II Vaughan. phone Maple 491‘5. . *1w10 FINDLAY coal stove, excellent ha- ker, high back with shelf $25, also Rénfrew electric rangette, two plates good oven $20. Apply F. Boyles, Yongehurst Rd.. Stop 24. c1w10 50 HYBRID PULLETS (NH. x R DELUXE convertible, also folding pram, clean. excellent condition, us- ed only four months, 830.00 cash. Apply Mrs. Hudson, Oak Ridges. 2 NEW TRAILERS, one all metal, all welded constipation, _equ'pped with tail light, 616 tirés. Apply Turner’s Welding Service, Richmond Hill, phone 3591‘25. c2w9 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc46 NEW‘ VACUUM CLEANERS, Floor Polisher, and Washing Machines. Harold W. Mortson, 5 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, Telephone 93W. stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. tfc35 ern 7-1‘oom house with green 23 acres of land, on Yonge St‘ King 312. ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. 2 STOVES, kitchen range. 1 2-plate electric rang-ette. Apply Mrs. Boy- es, Garden Ave., Langstafi‘, phone Thornhill 471'31. clwlO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, mod- SEED W'HEAT, 595 Cornell, good Sample and. rust resisting, limited supply. Apply I. D. Romer & Son, phone Richmond Hill 10. €2w9 BIG RED CURRANT BUSHES. May be divided. Apply M. Sarabura, House No. 54, 7 Highway, Langstafl’, half mile east of Yonge. *3w8 SAND, gravel, stone, fill, loam, ders, manure. PrOmpt delivery. ply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond Richmond Hill, or phone 315W. MANTLE RADIO, Deforest, nearly new. Phone Richmond Hill 349W. *‘1w10 COOK STOVE, with double oil bur- ner, $35.00. Phone Maple 641‘21. GOLDEN seed ning and corn Snider, Vellore‘ 'â€"_'â€"Iâ€"â€"_â€"'â€".â€".â€" VICTOR OIL HEATER, w1th plpes and two large drums. Apply Rich- mond Hill, phone 13616. clwlO HOUND ,PUPS, black and tan, about 3 months old. B. Kays, Oak Ridges P. 0. *1w10 HONEY, in bulk 200 lb., in small containers 25c lb. Apply B. Kays, Oak Ridges. *1w10 TWO WINTERIZED CABINS. Ap- ply phone Kin LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L. W. Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 2. 1948 Classified Sale 8; Want Ads dATESâ€"J’ive lines or less FOR SALE :Five lines or less, 35 cents for finsf finger {inn and 25 cents fovz- each subsequent insertion. O_ve1' five lines 5 cents per line extra each Insertion. If charged to aceount nme cents per lme. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. corn for table, can- 1'oasts. Apply J05. *1w10 51 house, Phone c1w10 1w10 c1w10 c1w10 St., 9th cin- Deering No. 2, slightly used, good as new; 1 tractor p10w, Fleury, used, 2 furrow; two new 2-ful'row Fleul'y tractor plows; one new Bolens Wa- terloo and Cunningham garden trac- tor. Perkins Farm and Home Eq- uipment, phone 21W, Richmond Hill. c2w9 CIRCULATOR coal heater, white en- amel coal range with reservoir, large electric brooder, chicken feeders, etc., two range huts, one large and one small, one Planet Junior cultivator. Apply L. Davies, No. 7 Highway, Lang‘stafl’, phone Thornhill 2161‘3, c1w10 HARROW PLOW, 6 ft. McCormick- GLADIOLI. Fresh cut from the gar- den for you, for every occasion. Rea- sonable prices. Hughes Gardens, Langstafl’, 2nd street east of Yonge off No. 7 Highwz‘v. Phone Thornhill 2061‘14. *4w6 1'00 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concession 7, Township of Vaughan, good build- ing‘s, good stable for dairying, 43!. miles from Richmond Hill. Apply Phone Richmond Hill 247. tfc8 595 and Reg. No. 1 Dawrson’n Golden Chafl’, 2nd generation very pure and power cleaned. Clark Young, Milli- ken, phone Agincourt 45W11. *4w7 2 Lawn Chairs. Mountjoy Products, No. 7 Highway, 1 mile east of Lang- stafi‘, phone Thornhill 2151-4. c1w10 2 GARDEN BENCHES, 4 Rollaway FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 SEED WHEAT, Com. No. 1 Cornell Garden Lounges, 1 Hammock (new), ONE 41 D_0DGE COACH (Kinsway Special) in good running condition, must be sold to settle estate. Apply Mrs. A. W. Lawrie, phone Maple 29. clile LIBRARY or office furniture, all oak, swivel chair, rocking chair, sec- tional book cases including desk. Ap- ply phone 3581‘12 Richmond Hill. Clw1«0 GLADIOLI. Fresh cut, for all occa- sicns. 3rd street east of Yonge off No. 7 Highway at Langstafl’. Phone Thornhill 721‘6. ' *4w6 1931 BUICK SEDAN, real bargain, $125.00 or best offer. Apply Mrs. A. Doherty, Oxford St, Elgin Mills. c1wL0 ABOUT 35 good heavy Rock P1111- ets, starting to lay. {Apply Bruce Winger, Maple R. R. 2, phone Maple 62r22. c1w1'0 MASSEY-HARRIS 13 diSC drill with tractor hitch, in good working condiâ€" tion.,App1y David Askew, phone Ma- ple 39J. *1w10 SIX ROOM COTTAGE, with bath and central hall, hardwood floors. hot water heating. 155 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. *1w10 1930 CHRYSLER SEDAN, best ofâ€" fer, phone Richmond Hill 359233 in daytime. clwlo SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE BABY’§ PRAM, 'Th'ayer, collapsible, large size. in good condition. [Apply phone Richmond Hill 441'13. leD' HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES including chest of drawers, also other articles. Phone Thornhill 155. c1w10 LAND, one acre on Carrville Rd. Apply W. Moriarity, Carrville Road. *2w9 condition. Apply Mrs. M. Palmer. Maple, Ont. *1w10 ply phone Richmond Hill 137r23 MEN’S RACER English bicycle. Ap- 248122 TUDHOPE RANGETTE, in good DUCKS, Pekins, Mallards. Muscov- i912. G. Montgomery, May Ave., Stop 24A. c1w10 SEED WHEAT, Dawson’s Golden Chafi‘. R. Baker, phone Maple 631‘13. c1w10 NAME KICK PRESS, floor model, 3” stroke. Phone Richmond HUI, I‘HUIH‘.‘ nwnmunu 11121 JOIN" 3 (Toronto Subscribers Dial ‘Operator'Lâ€"Message Charge) mom TWO-BURNER coal oil stove, prac- tic'ally new. Apply Maple 82. c1w10 THREE CABINS, 15 by 13. 10 by 12, and 7 by 11 ft. Phoné Maple 54r4. c1w10 JACKET HEATER, $8. Apply Mr. S. N. Doner, Gormley. *1w10 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS 2w10 .woomud OOO“O“OOOOO‘ Hardwood siabs .317 per cord ROOM AND BOARD. Appky phone Richmond Hill 409W, after six o’chck. *1w10 taken in exchange on Electric Ran- ges, Coal and Wood Ranges, Wash- ing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Ra- dios and DeLuval Milkers. Toronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge, Toronto. ' ' Stf FALL FRESHENING HOLSTEINS TRANSPORTATION daily. arriving at Yonge and Richmond at 8:30 am. returning anytime after 4.45 p.m. Apply phone 3651'3 Richmond Hill. c1w10 COTTAGE 01' house to rent, four or five rooms, in Lansing or Richmond Hill district near tramsportation, best references. Apply box 54 Lib- eral. *1w10 RELIABLE woman or girl for hqusework daily, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., nq heavy work, 40 dollars a month. Apply Mrs. W. J. Mason, 72 Church St., Richmond Hill, phone 151. c1w10 TRANSPORTATION: Arrive Dun- dasâ€"University 8:30; leave about 5 p. m., Monday to Friday. Harry Say- ers, Church St. South, Richmond Hill. . -c1w1‘0 DAIRY FAR‘M-1 appu‘oxiimabely 150 acres, good building's, modern con- veniences, with or without equipment fall possession, cash, state price and all particulars. Box 73, The Liberal OPERATORS wanted for children‘s wear, pleasant working conditions. Phone Willowdale 8669 between 9 a. m. and 5 pm. or Willowdale 716 ev- enings EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN for farm work with free house, by first of September. Apply Box 53 Maple or phone Maple 12M. *2w9 PARTY wants to rent 2 or 3 rooms unfurnished, or if possible an apartâ€" ment. Apply phone collect Orchard 6175. c3w9 TRANSPORTATION to Toronto. vicinity of Swift’s or Canéda‘Packâ€" ers, by 8 am. Phone Richmond Hill QRJ. clwlO 98J Applications will be receiv- ed for an assistant Police Constable, for the Township of Markham, by the under- signed. Preference will be given to applicants with mil- itary service under thirty years of age, of suitable char- acter and adaptability. Ap- plications stating experience, age, and salary expected to be filed on or before 12 o’clock noon, September 7, 1948- Clerk Township of Markham, Unionville, Ont. BROILERS,~2; to 3; lbs., best prices Apply Arthur Rigg, Carrvillg Rd. Richvale or phone Maple 641‘31. *ZWS COLLEGE, STUDENT wishes trans- portation from Elgifi Mills to and from Toronto daily. Phone Rich- mond H111 441‘32. *1w10 PLOWING DONE, 35 acres. James Rodberg, Bat/burst St., King 1112. DRUG APPRENTICE wanted at once. Apply Scotchmer’s Drug- Store, phone 71 Richmond Hill. clwlfl SINGER. electric , machine, also treadle, in good condition. Apply Box 45 Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. ' *3W8 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Thornhill 168. WOMAN TO CLEAN, one gfternnon a week. Phone 216 Richmond Hill. *1w10 BA BY’S BATHINETTE, in condition. Phone Maple 103J YOUNG PIGS, 8 Weeks old. A Steele’s Ave. W., Stop 13. The very best, $12 per cord ASSISTANT POLICE CONSTABLE FOR MARKHAM TWP. Phone Richmond Hill 288M CHAS. HOOVER, WANTED R. ,WILSON BOARD SLABS ‘c2w10 Apply phone *1w10 Higgs clwlvo Fenn, tfc46 good 1w10 I Q IIIII-IIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII H 'loomoooonmml millsIII-IllllInning-IlllllI-llllilll 7 IlllglIfiljlllllldlIBILlBlllflll'llillltllllll! TWO-ROOMED bathroom flat, near radial, furnished, middle-aged couple prefererd, low rental for light ser- vice. Apply Box 235, Richmond Hill. *2w9 LIGHT BROWN COLLIE PUP with white feet. Owner call 168J, Rich- mond Hill. Ilw-IO TREE FELLING, unsafe limbs re- moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. 9th WELLS dug'or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done. rocker stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. icks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, plume Thornhill 971‘23 tf Chg. 52 TRANSPORTATION available, leav- ing Richmond Hill, Jefferson town- line for Toronto daily at 8:00 a.m. returning 5:15 p.m. Can accomodate two or three passengers. Phone 196 r41. >‘51w10 upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VahDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill] _ tfc YOUR WEEKLY mending and darn- ing done neatly and reasonably: Al- so plain sewing for children. thone 2391‘12, Richmond Hill. c1w10 PETROLANE Gas Ranges installed immediately, no waiting, (tulT-e in early before the rush starts and pick out the range you want. Petrolane Gas Co. Ltd., Thornhill. c2w9 ened gmd workman Maple 62 PLOWING and grading, excavating Apply W. Moriarity, Carrvme Rd SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. '13. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 LAWN MowfiRs CLEANED, sharp ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs FORTH ELECTRIC ,FREE IREWOOD FREE to be taken from making job_ Paris Auto Simply, ichmond Hm, AND AND c'RAvg‘Lgeliyereg ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS PHONE'SF‘HOM BERG 69 Farm 8: House “‘rring 1'2 1 TO RENT reparired 1 Joseph FOUND by an expériencéd I Winger, phone tfc42 Serving airmen who wish to take advantage of the university courses must have the necessary educationai qualifications required by the univ- ersity for entrance into the Science faculties. They must be unmarried and under 25 years of age, medically fit for flying duties, and must pass certain qualifying examinations. Air- men selected to attend university will proceed to universities in the acting rank of Sergeant with equivalent trade grouping to that held. If they hold higher rank already, they will he paid in such higher rank. All un- iversity fees, books, etc., will be paid by the RCAF. During the summer vacation period, candidates will enter the University Summer Training Scheme and be paid as Flight Cadets, for training as Pilots or Radio Navi- gators. Personnel who do not possess the necessary educational qualifications are given every assistance to improve their academic standing while in the Service. Educational Officers at un- its assist the airmen in their studies and correspondence courses are pro- vided free of charge. 90.090000000000006... 9W Serving airmen desiring to enter the Canadian Services Colleges must be between the ages of 16 and 20, un- married, physically fit for flying; du- ties and must possess Junior Mat- riculation educational standing. Qual- ifying examinations in English, Ma'- thematics and Phsyics of Senior Ma- triculation level are written prior to entrance. ‘ Those selected are sent to the col- leges as Leading Aii‘craftme'n with tuition costs, books, laundry, etc., paid ‘by the RCAF. During; the summer months, flying training is carried out and students are paid as Flight Cadets during this period. The‘ RCAF has recently \made knOWn two schemes whereby quali- fied serving airmen. are selected for enti'ance to'university or the Cana- dian Services Colleges. Graduates will be granted Long Service Com- missions in the. RCAF (Regular). Serving: airmen desiring to enter RC'AF. TO TRAIN ‘ . SELECTED AIRMEN FOR CO‘MMISSIONED RANKS Phone Willowdale Zone 8â€"318 JUNIOR CLERK WANTED Apply Dominion Bank, . . WILLOWDALE . . . . . Male or Female W””OWWONMWOQOOOO 9000000009006; "WWMOWMOOWWOOOOWOOONOOO film»: ifAM'meRv mm A MAN DEMPSEY - WllLARD FIGH? {GEDD m BAYS Mon., Tues., Wed. Sept. 6, 7, 8 . 55 Mount Pleasant Road, North Toronto Watch for the Opening of the BIG SPECIALS ATTENTION ! KHAM Church Hardware Store ON OPENING DAY ‘ JOHN FORD and MEIIAN C. COOPER pruonl SUMMER Continuou from 7: §aturday ( from 7: John WAYNE - Henry FONDA SHIRLEY TEMPLE . PEDRO ARMENDARIZ Directed by Fri., Sat. Sept. 3 and 4 it Directed by Jun“ I'Ufll Shun Play by flank S. Nuaum Argosy Piflurol ‘ Production G Released by '21:. RKO Radio Piduru / Drama of the fromier's lusty, reckless cavalry- men . . . and the women who bravely waved farewell! Satul 00 DJ Honing P( Nightly ) pm. ntinuous ) um. 13'

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