Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Sep 1948, p. 2

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PHONES:â€"THORNHILL 118W JUNCTION 2980 i General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender ,Work our Speciality : TELEPHONE PLM 'IEIIEIIIII III. Illlllllllllllll III-llllllllllll #IIIII-IIll-IIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIlfiIIlEill?a PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR ROOFING PROBLEMS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIMATES. UNIONVILLE W000 PRODUCTS PHONE UNIONVILLE 128W RE-ROOFING THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 9, 1948 ’Harold Mortson M. C. Macklin, Pres Agincourt Farm Implements FOR SALE and tractor driven ‘Gem’ Milk Coolers I Water Pressure Systems-â€" Direct Drive and Belt Driven (immediate in- stallation) Pulverizer ‘Judson’ Fertilizer Sowers Rubber-Tired Wagon Power Take-Off Manure Spreader Eze-Ride Tractor Seats Grain Grinders â€"â€" electric 144 YONGE STREET Out-yields Dawson’s Golden Chaff and stronger straw Remarkable resistance to Loose Smut Growers enthusiastic with it. STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE New Implements Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. List of growers on request â€" Don’t miss it this year RING THE BELL â€" GROW CORNELL YORK C0. CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Funeral Designs â€"â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Spring Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and USA. Phone Richmond Hill 3441‘2 C. RIDDELL RICH VALE FLORIST McMullen Motors COMMERCIAL N0. 1 â€" $3.00 PER BUS. At grower’s farms, bags included INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, ROOFING RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W We specialize in re-roofing, An extra dolar an acre for seed Will make the dollars you need. ORDER YOUR CORNELL 595 SEED WHEAT NOW! tor ‘ . Hay Loader (nerly new) Hay Tedde'r I.H.C. Mower Tractor Double Disc Tractor Double Disc Sâ€"furrow Tractor Plow 3â€"furrow Disc Plow 10-20 International Trac- ‘Beatty’ Sump Pumps ‘Empire’ Garden Tractors ‘Riteâ€"Way’ Milking ‘Mach- ines W. M. Cockburn, Secretary Newmarket Used Implements RICHMOND HILL WILLOWDALE, Ph. 2512 all-lllllllllufilllll III-IIIHIIIHIIIIEI Bulldozer Service Excavating, Grading Prompt and Courteous Service _ A number of folks around have been attending the exhibition. Miss Velma Brillinger left Mon- day to attend Messiah Bible College at Grantham, Pennsylvania. A very pretty wedding took place last Saturday in the United Miss- ionary Church when Miss M‘arie Pike and Mr. Douglas Mansbridge were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Ma‘nsbridge will live on Win- ona Drive, Toronto, following- their honeymoon in the north‘ of Ontario. Welyish them much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Witterholt of Newark, N.Y., Miss Marge Huff of Brantford visited with Mrs. Pelling on Friday. Rev. Archie Doner was the speak- er at the Heise Hill Church Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. E. Jones visited with Mrs. Fannie Heise in Toronto one even- ing last week. Miss Joyce Harvey spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Bennett. Mrs. Helen H‘enry spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hut- chinson. Miss Ruth Gooding commenced her teaching duties on Tuesday in the North Leaside School, Toronto. Misses Vera, Velma, Jean and Mildred. Brillinger were entertained in the Henderson home Sunday ev- ening. ‘ Misses Vera and Velma Brillinger, Misses Freda and Blanche Hender- son and Miss Miriam Heise spent a few days holidaying in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderbent and Mrs. Clifford Winger spent a few days at Canadian Keswick. .Miss Cathrine Felling arrived home last wtek after spending the summer in Algonquin Park at White Fish Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Steckley, Mr. and Mrs. Burns Steckley visited at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckley’s on Sunday. Fresh bread stays fresh longer if wrapped carefully and placed in your refrigerator. Do this to pre- vent early staleness. :ilEUflHflE Tfimamw 'Mr. and Mrs. Carly Robinson and Judy spent the holiday in the Pell- ing home. Mr. Jim Fraser and Paul Jones spent the holiday at Mrs. E. Jones’ home. Paris Aut Supply Phone 86 R. H- Centre St. SAND â€" GRAVEU CRUSHED STONE Out easy texms will enable you to enjoy the benefits of a Connor in you! home today. In a few months your savings will pay for your Connor, and then your family wash will represent a welc0me dividend each week. If YOu Have An Old Washer Trade It In On A New You’ll Appreciate It: Time And Labour Saving Advantages. L. W. REID GO RMLEY Loam - Fill CONNOR o THORNHILL Phone 77M The boys and girls are back to school this week. Mr. Brum of Tor~ onto succeeds Mr. Martin as princiâ€" pal in Maple public school, Mrs. Faith Verdun continues as teacher in the junior room. . Miss Betty Jackson left on Monday for her school near Caledonia. The village extends a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr, who were recently married and are living in rooms in the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bice. iCubs of the first Richmond Hill Pack will open the fall season with a hike on Saturday, September 11th. All cubs are requested to bring a lunch and a drink. They will meet at Akela’s home, 110 Richmond St, at 2:30 p.m. The first meeting of the season for the Boy Scouts will be held on Monday evening, September 13th, at 7 13.11). in the High School gym. The BOY Scouts .are still collecting papers and there will be a further an- nouncement in the paper about the paper collection. 5 The open meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts will he .held in October instead of Sentem- bet as planned. Further notice will be given later. It took Mrs. R. L. MacF’ai-lane of Woodbridge, who has been making dolls for 10 years, more than three months to make Princess Elizabeth in her wedding dreSs. The Princess and the Duke of Edinburgh are am- ong 10 new dolls. Mrs. MacF‘ai‘lane. who now has 110 new dolls in her collection, is exhibiting all of her Work for the second time at the C. Members of the local auxiliary are invited‘ to attend the annual picnic of the Toronto ladies Wednesday, September 15, at Blue Springs. Those interested are asked to get in touch with the president, Mrs. Lyn- ett, or the secretary, Mrs. Bales. Emptying Vacuum Cleaner When emptying vacuum cleaner, shake contents on a dampened news- paper. (Pick a rainy day, too. â€"â€" Editor). Dampness will keep the dust from flying. Phone 252J PRINCESS DOLL IN EX SHOW BOY SCOUT NEWS E. J. HINSON Handyman To Learn Auto Parts Business Interiqu & Exterior RICHMOND HILL “23 mag/mm; OF "CANADA Wit/Milly MAPLE 'aris Auto Supply Decorator Ara/weak @2000- 04/5? Kg 0F (AA/A043 185,000 mm. WANTED Mechanic With ‘Tools Richmond Hill Phone 86 Box 268 of Tor- princiâ€" x], Mrs. teacher SEALED TENDERS, properly mar ked, will be received by the under signed up to 12.00 o’clock noon, E for the supply and delivery of treat- ed sand in stock piles in the under- mentioned districts: District “A” â€" East of Yonge St. In the Townships of Scarboro, East York, North York and Markham (south of King’s Highway No. 7). District “B” â€" East of Yonge St.. In the Townships of Markham (north of King’s Highway No. '7), Whitchurch and East Gwillimbury (south of Sharon-Mt. Albert Road). District “C” â€" East of Yonge St. In the Township of East Gwillimâ€" bury (north of Sharon-Mt. Albert Road), North Gwillimbury and Geor- gina. District “D” â€" West of Yonge St. In the Townships of King and Vau- ghan. District “E” â€" West of Yonge St. In the Townships of Etobicoke, North York and York. A marked cheque for the sum of $1,000.00 must accompany each ten- der. Specilcations, information to Bid- ders and Tender Forms may be ob- tained in Room 9, 57 Adelaide St. East, Toronto 1, on and after Thursday, September 9th, 1948. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. The first meeting of the Brownie Pack will be held Saturday, Septem- ber 18th, at 1:30 in the Presbyterian Sunday School Room. All Brownies are expected to attend. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK AT THORNHILL Sealed tenckrs will be received by the Clerk, Township of Vaughan, Maple, Ontario, until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 16th, 1948, for the construction of a 4 foot concrete sidewalk at Thornhill on the west side of Yonge Street between Jane Street and the Thornhill school. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk’s office or obtained at the office of the Consulting Engineers, 119 Isabella Street, Toronto, Ontario. The lowest or any tender will not The lowest or any tender will necessarily be accepted. BOYNTON WELDRICK, Reev NELSON KERR, Road Supt. MARGISON AND BABCOCK, SAT.. SEPTEMBER 18th, 1948 Con’sulting Engineers, 119 Isabelllh Street, Toronto. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION Chairman H. C. ROS-E, Chief Engineer, 57 Adelaide St. E., KING‘SLEY GRAHAM, K.C., TU-WHIT TOO-WHOO TORONTO 1, Ont TENDERS TENDERS FOR SAND Reeve cANAD'A's I947 TOTAL or RAIL mam LOADED AND UNLDADED was 20, 565,321+ TONS. ‘OWWOMMM’é WWW”QOWM“O WM...” é Petralame Bottged Gas 3 '9OOWNNOOOWOOOOOONOOMOQ”MOO”WWQ “06060099960 OOOWQOOOONOOWW WE ARE IN A POSITION TO PAY TOP MARKET PRICE FOR WINTER WHEAT. ' WE WILL PICK IT UP AT THE FARM. GOOD SUPPLY OF ANTHRACITE COAL 0N HAND. YOU WILL BE WELL ADVISED TO GET ORDERS IN. 9 TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. 12 Wellington St. 11-. Toronto Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 3 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R a INSURANCE Distributors of Bottled Gas YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHON EASY-CLEAN BURNERS DISTRICT *KCCURATE OVEN CONTROL %WM,/ fififi RANGES smvmcg HERBERT R: BUTT WANTED. I. D. RAMER & SON PHONE 10 Life blood for a nation flows through Canada’s steel arteriesâ€"her railroads. The railway men of Ontarioâ€"and Canadaâ€"help supply the East with the produce of the West . . . and help the West produce their crops with machinery from the East. Because they are the link between the East and West, Canada’s railwaymen are moulders of "Canada Unlimited". BREWING COMPKNY LIMITED If you’ve always longed to cook with gasâ€"on a gleaming, modern rangeâ€"here’s your chance. Now available in streamlined models are well-known makes of gas ranges specially built for use with Essotane. They light auto- matically: No smoke, no soot. Gas cooking is clean, quick, less trouble . . . economical too. Essalana ranges and waler healers are sold dime! by lmporlal Oil Limiled. Ranges also sold by mail appliance dealers. Range pricesâ€"for lha 3-bumer model $98.00; up lo $186.50 lor labia-lop models. Pay only 10% down and lhn balance in small monlhly amounls. DEBENDME REPRESENTATIVE

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