100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concesison 2, Township of Vaughan, Bathurst St., good buildings, good stable for dairying, 4i miles from Richmond Hill. Apply Phone Richmond Hill 247. tfc8 NEW LOW PRICES for ï¬rewood, soft slabs $11.00; hardwood slabs $10.00; hardwood limbs $17.00; hard- wood blocks and ï¬replace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery,'all wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylof, 74 Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill, or phone 315W. 9th 8 line farm fence, heavyweight poultry fence, 12, 14 ft. farm gates, chain link fabric, 3 rolls only 1†el- ectric weld heavyweight hog fence, also quantity snow fence. We delâ€" iver. Norman Bone 259J, Richmond Hill 7 FT. TEE-RAIL STEEL POSTS, with lights, hydraulic lift, snow plow, 2 furrow plow, disc, cultivator, drag h-arrows, nearly new. Apply Round Town Taxi, 3452 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 9931. clwll O‘IL BURNERS, pair cost $45.00, sell for $20. Two 45 gallon tanks with taps ten dollars each, also 45 gal. oil. R. S. Mason, Yonge St., phone 236. *lwll FORD TRACTOR, 1947, complete LIBRARY 01‘ office furniture, all oak, swivel chair, rocking chair, sec- tional book cases including- desk. Ap- ply phone 3‘5'81'12 Richmond Hill. POWER AMPLIFIER, Hi-Fidelity, Hi-power, Hi-quality Crystal Micro- phone and stand. 12 in. P.M. speak- ers in cabinets: Walter Wynn, Map- le 28r4. *1w11 ACRE LOT for sale, May Avenue. Terms arranged. Phone Willowdale 2182 or evenings Mr. McDonald; Richmond Hill 3141‘21. *4w10 1 PR. MEN’S heavy knickers, size 39; men’s heavy red rubber top boots,also -2 pr. heavy top work boots, large size. Phone 78. lwll LADIES’ FALL SUIT, blue stripe. size 16-18; 1 pr. Chambers"shoes, size 71:, crushed kid oxfords; num- ber of fruit jars. Phone 78. 1w11 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc46 ORNAMENTAL PORCH . RAILS. stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene Weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 2 MILK COWS; also 250 Hybrid Pullets, rock and red. Apply A. Magee, R. R. 1, King, phone 35r14. *lwll 1936 CHEV. COACH, in ï¬rst class condition, new rubber, sound body. H. Jackson, Avenue Rd. and Mill Rd., Richvale. . . *lwll SEED WHEAT Cornell 595, smut 7‘6- sistant, power cleaned. F‘. S. Tyn- dall, Richmond St, Richmond Hill. phone 149J. *1w11 SAND, gravel, stone, ï¬ll, lo-am, ders, manure. Prompt delivery. ply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond Richmond Hill, or phone 315W. RASPBERRY CANES, ordér now for fall planting. J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ctf COOK STOVE, double oil bin‘nér, pratcically new. Apply phone Map- le 82. DINING TABLE and chairs, oak. Apply phone Richmond. Hill 118. clwll TRADEMARKED WITH TINY RED SPOTS Phone 188. Richmond Hill grate, used one season, reasonable. Apply Norm Dolson, Headford. clwll 3O PIGS, 8 weeks old Maple Phone 54114. McLARY FURNACE, witf {is} LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L‘ Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. t No! for rhose who use hard coal and buy early. Why nclI place your order now .3 Classified Sale 85 Want Ads RATESâ€"Five Iin'es :H-IE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, IThursday, September 9, 1948 JONES COAL CO- FOR SALE Five lines or less, 35 cents for first i five lines 5 cents per line extra each Telephone Richmond Hill 9. FUEL SHORTAGE WILL THERE BE A NEXT WSNTER ? H. Jones, clwll c1w11 clwll tfc42 St., Qtfc cin- cents for first insertion and 2‘ Girl for bookkeeping and sten- ographic work. Shorthand re- quired- GOOD RED BRICK HOME, Yonge St., Toronto, 15 miles, furnished or unfurnished, 9 rooms, large cellar, ‘hardward floors, two threeâ€"piece bath, lawns, shrubs and flowers, nice drive, double lot, good barn and chicken house. Cash and terms. Possession arranged. Apply PO Box 357 Richmond Hill. floor model, 3 in. stroke, now equip- ped with 2; inch stainles steel dies and tray, hopper feed for tablet ma- king, also suitable for metal stamp- ing, punching and forming etc. Cheap. Complete. Apply Richmond Hill 248r22. c1w11 HOUGHIN & AIKEN Kick used very little $1500, also 1 two-fur- row Cockshutt tractor plow, narrow bottom, 1 Bâ€"Furrow Massey-Harris 202 bottom plow. Apply Ken & Clarke Prentice, Markham 206. clwll SEED WHEAT, Com. No. 1 Cornell 595 and Reg. No. 1 Dawson’n Golden Chéï¬â€™, 2nd generation very pure and power cleaned. Clark Young, Milli- 1~;en, phone Agincourt 45W11. *4w7 8 pieces $75; occasional chair; 1 oak desk. Apply phone Richmond Hill 35712: clwll FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhil} 168. tfc46 DINING ROOM SUITE, solid oak, sey and Guernsey, 8 weeks old. Ap~ ply H. Glassey, Garden Ave., Lang- staï¬â€™, phone Thornhill 192r3. clwll 1 ALLIS~CHAL‘MERS on rubber, YOUNG HEIFER CALF, part Jer~ MODERN white clapboard bungalow on excellent lot; interior incomplete. B. Mountjoy, Sussex Ave, Lang~ staff east. clwll Clary, with oven, in goad condition. $50.00. lA‘ppl‘V 31 Church St. or phone Richmond Hill 131W. . clwll BABY CARRIAGE, maroon, con- vertible, in good condition. Apply Mrs. MacDonald, Richmond Hill 273W. clwll COLLIE PUPPIES, well bred, excel- lent watch dog's. reasonable to sub- ulban homes. Apply Agincourt 21 w12. clwll ELECTRIC STOVE, 41burner, MC- ELECTRIC\ STOVE, Moï¬'att, high oven excellent condition, reasonable. Phone Thornhill 2111‘2. c1w11 MEN‘S RACER English bicycle. Ap~ ply phone Richmond Hill 137r23. Weak, Tired, Nervaus, Pepless Men, Women and sound. Apply Jos. Bul‘l, Summit Farms. *lwll Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial ‘Operatorâ€â€"â€"Message Charge) CHESTNUT WAGON MARE SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE LILY BULBS, Madonna, also tulip bulbs. Mrs. E. Luesby, 114W, Thornhill. 1931 FORD, Model A Sedan, fair condition. Apply Box 68 The Lib~ eral. *lwll Say goodbye to these weak. always tlred Ieellngs. depression and nervousness due to weak. thn blood. Get up laellng lresll, be peppy all day. have plenty of vltallty left over by evening. Take Ostrex. (Joutnlns quu. vltumln 15.. calclum, phosphorus for blood bulldlug. body strengthenlng. stlmulmlon. luvlgomtes system lmm-oves appetite. dluestlve powers. Costs llttle. Naw "get acquainted" size only 50c. Try Ostrex TJnlc Tablets for new, nor- mal Den, vlm, vluor, tuls very day Av. all druzglsls TOMATOES for canning. Apply Anderson’s 92 Richmond St, Rich- mond Hill. clwll MASS'EY-HARLRS 3-fu1'row di§c plow. Apply W. Anderson, Fair- ‘bank. ' *1W11 Thornhill 168 FOR REAL‘ESTATE, phone ann, TOMATOES. Geo. Boynton, Corm- ley R. R. 1, phone Stouï¬â€˜ville 66312. *lwll DOG, Irish setter, male, registered; 1 year old, champion stock, phone Thornhill 124r32. c1w11 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality Braithwaite Hardware Richmond Hill SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS WANTED Apply R. w. PARIS 5% tion and 25 cents for each subsequ'ent insertion. O_ve1 ms ertion. If charged to account nme cents per lme Press, equip- *2w10 mixed phone clwll young tfc46 5Wâ€WO‘ ooooouuoooo. MM..â€MWOOOONQNM W60“““90W Hardwood slabs $17 per cord. WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap~ ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutcli, phone Thornhill 971‘23 tf chg. 52 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc TREE FELLING, unsafe limbs re- moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and cléthesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. 9th NOWOOOOOOOOO 000.69â€. LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp. ened and repaired by an experienced workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 62r21. tfc42 Apply Dominion Bank, .. . . . . . . WILLOWDALE . . . . . . HAVE your radiators spray painted beftre installing. Phone Richmond Hill 252J. *lwll SAND AND GRAVEL delivered anyâ€" where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 DON HEAD FARMS, Richmond Hill position of gardener-handyman will become vacant in near future. Ex- cellent living conditions. Apply Mr. 01‘ Mrs. W. Redelmeier, phone Maple 55 or 88. clwll das-Um’versity 8:30; leave about 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Apply Harry Sayers, Church St., Richmond Hill or phone 113. c1w11 STENOGRAPHER, preferably with beckkeeping experience. Work is in new office under ideal conditions. Apply in person if possible. A. E. Snider, Sec.-T1‘eas., Maple Cattle Breeders Association, Maple R. R. 1. OPERATORS wanted for children’s wear, pleasant working conditions. P-hone Willowdale 8669 between 9 a. m. and 5 pm. or Willowdale 716 ev- enings. c2w10 TRANSPORTATION: Arrive Dun- PARTY wanbs to rent 2 or 3 rooms unfurnished, or if possible an apart- ment. Apply phone collect Orchard 6175. c3w9 WOMAN or girl to help 2 morning's a week, 8.30 to 11.30 am. Apply phone Richmond Hill 131‘. clwll FOR SALE . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone Willowdale Zone 8-318 Applications will be receiv- ed for an assistant Police Constable, for the Township of Markham, by the under- signed. Preference will be given to applicants with mil- itary service under thirty years of age, of suitable char- acter and adaptability. Apâ€" plications stating experience, age, and salary expected to be ï¬led on or before 12 o’clock noon, September 7, 1948. CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk Township of Markham, Unionville, Ont. OPERATORS on blouses; also girls to learn; Apply Mayfair Mfg. 00., Richmond Hill. clwll USED PIANO, in good condition. Apply Richmond Hill 131J. *lwll Hydro Office, Richmond Hill. c1w11 CLERK STEN‘OGRAPHER. Apply The very best, $12 per cord MISCELLANEOUS JUNIOR CLERK WANTED ASSISTANT POLICE CONSTABLE FOR MARKHAM TWP. Phone Richmond Hill 288M Male or Female WANTED WANTED R. WILSON SLABS The delegates are: Arthur Wal- wyn, Green Valley Farm, Kleinburg; Mrs. Frank Hope, Newmarket and John Sibbald, Jr., Sutton. Alternate delegates are: C. A. Gathers, vice- president of the associatiom; Mrs. H. Geary, president of the- Wood- bridge Women’s Association and John Perry, Woodbridge. Old Lady: “Are you really content to walk around the country begging?’ Tramp: “Nofllady.Many’s the time I wished I had a car.†112 lbs. 118 lbs. 126 lbs. 135 lbs. 147 lbs. 160 lbs. Flyweight Bantamweight Featherweight Lightweight Welterweight Middleweight 175 lbs. ~ Lightheavyweight ' Heavyweight And a special class open to all boys under 100 lbs. Prizes There will be a trophy for the win- ner of every class. NORTH YORK DELEGATES TO CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION Two women are among the dele- gates who will represent North York riding at the Progressive-Con- servat’ive national convention in 0tâ€" tawa. Delegates and alternate del- egates were appointed by the exec- utive of the North York association meeting at the home of Major Lex M‘ackenie, provincial member. On Tuesday, September 21st, at the Richmond Hill Arena, the newly organized East Vaughan A. C. will Stage an amateur novice boxing show. The club matchmaker, Red Garner, wants to stage this show to give sme of the local boys 21 chance to show their wares. Entries for all classes will be accepted h‘om the 112 lb. flyweight to heavyweight and will include a special class for the young- er lads under 100 lbs. Any boy who has never won a box- ing match or who has never had any previous training as a boxer will be classed as a novice and will be able to combete. These bouts are open to all boys of Richmond Hill and the surrounding vicinity, and the club alâ€" ready has several entries in the lightweight division and invite all interested parties to send in their entries to C. C. Mabley, Manager the Richmond Hill Arena or to Red Gar- ner, Box 28, Richvale,«0nt. Following' is the list of the various classes: 112 lbs. â€" Flyweight 118 lbs. â€" Bantamweight 126 lbs. â€" Featherweight 135 lbs. -â€" Lightweight 147 lbs. â€" Welterweight , . l____ï¬l Farm & House \V'mng 2 Richmond Hill Telephone S-J E . «000mm NOMOOOOMMOOWWM‘ fl'fllIll-Illl-Il-Ilâ€"I-Iillflifll-I'IIIIIIIUIIIII-IIIIII" Ii!-I'llRUBIN-wwwâ€"III‘Il-UU-l! NOVICE BOXING snow FORTH ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PHONE SCHOM BERG 69 Flyweight Bantamweight Featherweight Lightweight Welterweight Middleweight Lightheavyweig‘ht SEPTEMBER 21 Ue four curtain rods â€"â€" one at the top, one at each side, and one at :the bottom of your window wood work. Slip four-inch-wide rufl’ling on them, and you haxe a candy-box fril] framing your view. Straight, tailored glass curtains (hung on a ï¬fth rod) of a neutral color, may be added for a ï¬nishing- touch, if de- sired. This is an idea that’s espec- ially practical when you’re short on fabric for draperies. HERE '5 NEWS! NEW BLANKETS FROM OLD WOOL AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES THURS. FRI. â€" SEPT 9. 10 DEPT. Turn in your old woollen: for brand new, all wool or pure wool, full size blankets, in newest colours. {‘BN’I BALL IT % WE---EEE§:%EEES"‘". HUHI Imam :: ummscnm 3"} WALLIS' moducflm WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TODAY MIDLAND MILLS Also obtainable without turn in of old -.ollens. um WEHBELL CUREY- KIRK DOUGLAS KRMIN} yum . omnpmnmsm DIRECT FROM Mlll TO YOU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Lovely Window Frame CORNER Adult Entertainment and GEORGE mauo - MARC LAWRENCE MIKE MAIURKI - MICKEY KNOX »A Pa raj! ahni Picture- (‘UTTERS WW9Wâ€W MIDLAND. 0N1" WOOMNMWOWMOWOOO" M“. 0' M A R K H A M SAT. ONLY â€" SEPT- 11 w THE GREAT ANEMAL SERIES » YGU’VE [WED [IN THE SCREEN Ellesmere Rd. will. 950m: ADD CUCUMBERS WANTED Continuous Nightly from 7:30 pm. Matinee Saturdays Silverdale Products pawn Diromd by Robert Emma" Tan», A Paramount 3i FOR PICKLING FACTORY CALL ’idure SUMMER POLICY Phone Zone 2-323 LIMITED GRANT - lOY ~ DOUGLAS flkfllMfl/A/ï¬io‘e‘éï¬fiï¬ Mon.. Tue.‘ Weiâ€"Sept. 6, 7.. DORE SCHARY presents CM" RIVERA IS! Saturday Continuous ‘ from 7:00 p.m. ; 2:00 p.m. Agincourt MELVYN