Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1948, p. 2

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2 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Tlill. Thursday. September Iti- I94 WAN’EE 2 MEN TO LEARN CONCRETE BT’SINESS Excellent Working Conditions Salary Plus Bonus â€" Apply â€" S. L. and S. Artifical Stone Co. ‘ Phone Thornhill 2121'12 t t CARRVTLLE .\.l lll\'t*1'5;.1",' A FUN -‘ ‘.‘,‘i:'. ii-‘ hilt tires liltii. ui‘h a? ("arr‘si'lc l'hufqii w SW.- i'av. Sc: sin " t ‘llll‘L‘l' ail-rinoon ant wrenin‘r. Ihv, .l. .'\. ti. illi\.\ll|li:ll"\ Ill 1 r“l",'il'\’4 ill'i‘i'tlcr will to Knit. who was siiiitit ville from 1181 to litili. and. \va- viâ€" daincd to the inini~trv In the Melt - church whiti- st'i“:iu'.'j ll‘ lift- l’tizm t'ai'r\ilh- he li‘»issioii:ii'_\‘ to Oxford House in No!“ Manitoba. The W, A. "' ‘.\'l‘.. <t-l‘\'t‘ an anniversary supper on Tuesâ€" tillst cl‘arue. new. as thorn dd, Scptcznticr 21st from ii to s p. Ill. TORONTO AN!) YORK ROADS COMMISSION TENDERS FOR SAND SEALED TENDI‘IRS, properly mar- ,kcd, \‘.lll he received by the underâ€" I RICH VALE FLORIST Funeral Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Spring Bouquets ' City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and USA. Phone Richmond Hill 3441‘2 Ila-llInnIll-Innnun-annulaulllnlllunnnz I I Ymk Nmm Ymk I District “B” â€" East of Yonge St.. I In L l > a Whitchurch 5 (south of Sharon-Mt. Albert Road). “ Insoici “C” â€"â€" East of Yonge St I In the Township of East Gwillim- : Road). North Gwillimhury and Geor- IIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIEIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIII Farm implements FOR SALE ‘Beatty’ Sump Pumps ‘Empire' Garden Tractors ‘Rite-Way’ Milking Mach- ines Used Implements Tractor Double Disc 3-furrow Tractor Plow 8-furrow Disc Plow 10-20 International tor q; Hay Loader (nerly new) ‘ Hay Tedder I.H.C. Mower Tractor Double Disc New Implements Pulverizer ‘Judson’ Fertilizer Sowers Rubber-Tired Wagon Power Take-Off Manure Spreader Ezeâ€"Ride Tractor Seats Grain Grinders â€" electric and tractor driven ‘Gem’ Milk Coolers >3: Water Pressure Syst‘emssre: Direct Drive and Belt Driven (immediate in- stallation) Haroldâ€"Mormon RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W Trac- RE-ROOFING We specialize in ire-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating C. RIDDELL PHONES zâ€"TI-IORNIIILL 118W JUNCTION 2980 III-IIIll-IIIII-IIIIHHIIII- III-IIIIIIIIIEIIIEBHEEIIIIEIIIII ' IIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIII III-IIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII-IIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , McMullen Motors 144 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender Work our Speciality TELEPHONE 74-M inHIlnrnaanaIuInn-Illsuma-nnupnlullnln III-IIIIIIIIIIII-IIIZIIIIIIE ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE “to one * ' i i l l l signed up to 12.00 o'clock noon. E. D.S.T., on S.\T., SEPTEMBER ISIh. TENS for the supply and delivery of treats ed sand in stock piles in the under- mentioned districts: District “A” last of Yonge St. In the Townships of Sca‘rlioro. East and Markham (south of King‘s Highway No. Tl. the Townships of Markham (north of King's Highway No. 7). and East Gwillimbury bury (north of Sharonâ€"Mt. Albert e'ina. District. “D': ~â€" West of Yonge St. In the Townships of KingT and Vanâ€" ghan. District “Eu â€" West of Yonge St. In the Townships of Etohicoke, North York and York. A marked cheque for the sum of Sl,t‘00.00 must accompany each ten- der. Specilcations, information to Bidâ€" ders and Tender Forms may he ohâ€" tained in Room 9. 57 Adelaide St. East, Toronto I, on and after Thursday. September 9th, TOIR. Lowest. or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. KINGSLEY GRAHAM. I{.(‘.. Chairman H. C. ROSE. Chief EnQ'ineer. 57 Adelaide St. TORONTO 1, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF YALGHAN TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEW.\LI( AT THORNHILL Sealed tenders will be received by the Clerk, Township of Vaughan, Maple, Ontario. until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. September 16th. 1048, for the construction of a 4 foot concrete sidewalk at Thornhill on the west side of Yonge Street between Jane Street and the Thornhill school Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk‘s office 01' obtained at the office of. the Consulting Engineers, 119 Isabella Street, Toronto, Ontario, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. A BOYNTON WELDRICK, Reeve NELSON KERR, Road Supt. MARGISON AND BABCOCK, Consulting Engineers, 119 Isabella Street, Toronto. YORK NORTH WOMEN’S CON FERENCE SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 18TH At 10 am. sharp RICHMOND HILL MASONIC HALL In conjunction with the York North Riding, C.C.F. Association Convention E. J. HINSON Interior & Exterior Decorator RICHMOND HILL Phone 252J Box 268 SAND â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE Loam - Fill L. W. REID THORNHILL Centre St. Phone 77M jun-unnmannuaasnmmnas PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR ROOFING i 1 , PROBLEMS. j ESTIMATES. i UNIONVILLE WOOD PRODUCTS PHON E UNION VILLE 128W Bulldozer Service Excavating. Grading Prompt and Courteous Service ‘ WILLOWDALE. I’h. 2512 Illllllllllllmslnlll .ili-‘:‘ l l I EIVTPERANCEV ILLEl t,«>fii.;‘ll \.i 1m“. ‘1 i i."i‘,' ' it: (in \l'x'd‘ estij; 1.13 i i 'l N ""1 ll' \. ‘i 'l‘t- i"i lite of, M» t T rm «3" is dust . . o - it' lit tli‘. v M- 1Ll \‘Cl‘tvfi'lr It}. \v:-.< ii‘tt‘uiilu‘cd ,- 4: M‘ori Ilia tli :.:id Ii Soil wad ijc it, ._ (I ii. i * on. Mary T l‘eipl'id ~lt:‘:"~‘iiiIl- l'o: Sirkrivmui .\'uis‘! : v Me «an. 1;llllr"t in an V: ltlll p:.lul' gimp, l:\‘ .lll's. llitli‘vill'flt lli lltll‘l'l‘g mutt; l't‘ lil'ldl rt- I‘llâ€" Iii'it’ll‘ h): >lltljiiilc position of the twd. proper "cntilaliru and light. The! . lit watt zii‘swerpd hi I‘llst .\id liints. also hrought forth many re- llalde remedim, An invrftid's- tray was prepared by Mrs. Baldwin who Imphnsizced that it must he appetiz- ing- :is well as 1].‘illll.\lllll‘.i‘. In an article Nine \\':iys to Stop ‘i'ars. Mrs. t'ainc stressid the imporâ€" tance of rilltcrstzinding children, pro. per and relationships. and the implanting of lll‘."ll ideils and The of toâ€"day traced to the home. Mrs. Davis reported on her visits to the patient in Christie Street Hos» pital whom our institute has adopted and Mrs. (‘laik has kindly offered to look after the next gift parcel. We were ,Q‘lad to have as a \isitor. one of our former members. Miss Mae Harman. who was home on vacation. At the close of the meeting the hosâ€" tess and lunch committee served a deâ€" licious tea. Temperanceville heartiest neighbouring: W. I. their splendid achievement in the C. N.E. competition which featured the modellincr of early styles. “'e are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wilkins had the misfortune of hreakine‘ some bones in her wrist. We sincerely hope that both she and Mr. Wilkins will soon be well again and be aide once more to he hark in our environment our social invariably desires. causes problems can be Branch extends cengralulations to our of King City for has midst. . GORMLEY and Mis. .I. R. Sider and ties Mr. Murray Ivunctt several (lays over last week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. McKinney and Patâ€" sy of Garden City. Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. 1’. Harvey, Joyce and Miss Helen Doner had Sunday evening supper in the (looding- home. Miss Hunt is three holiday in here. Miss Doris Bell of Toronto spent last week end with Mrs. Henry Steck- lty. Mrs. Frank Goforth of Toronto is holidaying this week with Mrs. M. *laie'. ‘MI. and Mrs. Scltarback. Nancy and Patsy of Midland spent last week end in the Henderson home. Mrs. Laura Drummond is spending a while with Mrs. Quantz in Barrie. A o‘â€" spent Mr. and enjoying" a her home Marian \vceks' EDGELEY \Ve regret to learn that Mr. Silas McDougall. a former resident of this place and now residing in Wood- bridg'e has lately suffered a stroke. Mr. John McCag’uc of Victoria Square and Miss Shirley Joyce of Richmond Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clelland Thompson on Sunday for tea. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong; and family motored to St. George on Sun- day and from there accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hill to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Millan of Rich- mond Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stone and Mrs. Mortson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Broadbelt and family motored to Hamilton on Sun- dav. VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton, David and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bennett and Ray visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Boynton of Port Bols- ter. Mrs. Thompson of Zephyr, Miss C. Heise, Mrs. J. Lunau of Richmond Hill and Miss Marion Boynton had dinner Sunday evening- with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins and Carol. The Young People will begin their Fall activities on Sunday evening, September 19th, at sevenâ€"thirty. All young: people are ure'cd to attend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Boynton visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson of ’Lemonville, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Caseley, Lynda and John. have returned after their vacation to points north and east. Mr. and Mrs. R. Oke of Peter-bor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. It. Winterstien of Stouf’r‘ville attended the Memorial Service on Sunday. A weiner roast under the auspices of the J.I“.A. and .I.W.I. will hefheld in Wednesday, Sept. 22. on the farm of 1.. L. Nichols_ Girls please provide ple. Everyone ‘ and fun for all. welcome. Games SAVE $30.00 ON THIS FOR SALE ss Nearly new Ea- Lrin's Marlboro ("out and IXVOOTI Stove. with \Val'llliltg' oven :1an copper re el‘\'oir_ \‘farinin't‘ oven never been used. Price $95.00. Phone Thornhill ZlSr-t W i...â€" MAPLE ' .- .mâ€"M~ w~~~~~ ._-_.-_.-..__‘__._..â€"â€".. emuâ€"4”» SIM! . anew 2-in-0 rm impâ€"l l® TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. 't' 1.1: it .n Maryli- linked t'tiurLl‘; lg‘x' 12 “Ellington St. 5"... Toronto Phone AD, 4646; EL. 3119 t Tier. 1 . if. li‘ivckicr recently, Mr. ard v, M! . Pa»~m:re of Maple t'rcst faint lit tl‘iir in» small children hairâ€" ) \ »\ Ii .7. t, and Dorothy Patricia. infant \ ‘ t “ \ l C E Sadistic» of Mr. and Mrs. ticorni' H ‘ v D ./ Mi-iiafl'c, on Stvitday litiiI'IIllIL". Augâ€" l l,s‘I ji‘ih. Kenneth Clifford, infant V ‘ I sit of Mr. aitd Mr». Norman Payne. DISTRICT R; REPRESENTATIVE \‘i:1~‘ baptised Sunday morning. Sop- il.llllt‘l' 3th. ITiI-rhcllcr. dauu'hter of .di'. and Mrs. Roy I~‘icrheller, Aurora :.nd :‘ll‘llllltl’illu‘lllcl' of Mr. and Mrs. Manning of this place was successful Lorraine ll. winning the honour certificate in of 2:} contestants for a'irls Lllltlll' ill at the Canadian Natâ€" ional Exhibition. Lorraine is a pn- pil of Mr. Illtyd Ilarris, supervisor of Music in Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Merrick of Allentown, Penn., U.S.A.. were re- cent at the home or their brother. George Merrick. While here they attended the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer of Erin and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Palmer of Maple left last week for a motor trip through the Canadian west. Mrs. Stanley Armitae‘e left last week for the Canadian West, trav- elling by boat from Port McNichol to Fort William and then by train to Winnipeg where she is visiting: relatives. Before returning Mrs. intends going to Vancou- a vocal class visitors Armilage vcr. Mrs. Levi Watson and son. .Tim. Mr. and Mrs. Donald “"atson motored to Iroquois Falls last week end to visit their cousin, Cora Julian. Some sixteen trucks hauling blocks from Maple BIOck and Tile are idle their drivers having called a strike and asking: for higher wages and also help to load at the plant. Maple DeiTcats Newmarket 9-2 Blue Shirts Easily Defeat Red Men In the first of the play-offs, Maple defeated Newmarket 9-2 in a poorly played There little to cheer for as Maple built up an early lead. and the play became ragged. The ‘Blre Shirts' even in victory did not look we have 8a.. them in many of their defeats. The scoringr divided among the Mile shirts. The Burton Bros... Jim Jones, Cherry, White,Armitage McNair, Harry shared the scoring for Maple. Johnston and TIefl‘ner scored for Newmarket, Map- le play the return game with New- market at Newmarket on Friday of this week. St. Stephen's Church, Maple, are holding Annual Harvest Thanksgiv- ing Services on Sunday, September 26th. There will be Holy Commun- ion at 10 a.m. and Evening Prayer at 7:30 p.m. It is hoped there will' he a good turn out to take part in these beautiful services of praise and thanksgiving. VELLORE Vellore Sr. W. I. met at Vellore Memorial Hall for their September meeting. Some of the members met in the forenoon as quilting was the order of the day. During the afterâ€" noon, the gathering‘ called to order by the President, Mrs. D. Jar- rett, for the business meeting. Plans were made for the booth at the of- ficial opening of the Maple Cattle Breeders Association, also for fam- ily night to be held next month in the Hall. During the day two quilts were QR TITO. “'3 S as well as was evenly Cooper, “'3. S quilted. iMany thanks to Mrs. Peel- ar Sr., who donated the tops for these quilts which are for sale at the Bazaar to be held November 20. The Roll Call was a shower of articles for the bazar. Don’t forget Family Night in Vellore Hall on Tuesday. October 5th. At eight o‘clock sharp. the members and their families and the Junior Farmers and Institute will meet when an interesting pro- gram will be given after which a sumptuous lunch is to be served. Let us all be present to hear the play, “Sister Sue Swings It” being pre- sented by some of the members. Much time is being- spent in practice SO let the rest Show their appreciation by their presence. Bowfimms ll’lrs. Miles and her rink of Mon- arch Park won the Mrs. Leila Clem- ent Memorial Trophy in the tourna- ment for women’s rinks at the local greens last Saturday with a score of (it; and a plus of 7. Second was Mrs. Shields of Cosburn Park, third Mrs. Stewart, Glebe Manor, for 1 win Mrs. Hawes, Cosburn Park. There will be a mixed doubles tour- nament here Saturday and next Wed- nesday a Trebles tournament for the Walker Hall Memorial Trophy. 0R SALE I I. CLOVER HONEY AT A REASONABLE PRICE In .1 lb. and 65 lb. Tins E. CHARLTON 30 Arnold St. RICHMOND HILL l @ 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R @ MOOOWOOOQOMOQOOMOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOMOMOOOOOOO Petrolane Settled Gas The ideal fuel beyond the gas mains Enjoy more kitchen freedom Make your cooking hours happy hours See our display of gas ranges Petrolane Corporation Ltd. Distributors of Bottled Gas YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHONE 170-J OOWWOO”? OWW”. IN TWO short years we have added over 257,000 telephones, . put in hundreds of switchboards W and trained thousands of people to extend and improve your telephone service. We are adding more telephones to meet the continuing demand for service just as fast as equipment becomes available. All this is being done in the face of rising costS. Yet, up to now, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. For you, this means greater value than ever befors: for us, the satisfaction of providing “the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost”. THE BELT. TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA; â€"_ mouowomomouomnfloc: REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY PART TIME AND FULL TIME FEMALE FACTORY HELP For Small Electrical Assemblies. Punch Press Operators Machine Operators Bench Hands â€" APPLY â€" GEO. P. DOWE CO- LTD. STOP 22A YONGE ST.. RICHVALE PHONE RICHMOND HILL 423 i 0 =°===0=0==0=0$0m0==0=fl o I] i o [I H 0 II :- WO“W“WWMW3 W i i t WOQOW”N¢MNWWOWW Harvest Festival Services ST. MARY'S ANGLIOAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sunday September 19th 8 am. â€" Holy Communion ]‘1 am. â€" PROFESSOR HETTLINGER Wycliffe College. Toronto. 7 pm, â€"â€" Rev. J. H. BARNES St. Peter's Church, Toronto Gifts of fruit, vegetables. flowers for the Children at 3 Orange Home. will he received at the church on Saturday. 3 Come and sing; the old Harvest Hf-‘mns. g Soloists â€"- Mrs. I'Icalcy, Mr. Abram, Mr. Floyd Davies. I A special Thankâ€"Offering will be received. 0 N b

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