WOWOOOOOMOOOOMOOOOâ€000“0â€W VWWMQWWWWMMMNOW†‘ Wmmvvvvvmvmm v v . 7 Frame Home Possible ._._. __â€"._ va 5 TO 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY UP TO $8,000.â€" $3500 CASH 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS, SHADE TREES A MUST. UI TO $10,000. 20 ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ONYONGE STREET. SIZE OF HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE IN FAIR CONDITION. ARY. . 1‘ UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE 0R MASONRY HOUSE. JACKSON’S HARDWARE ELECTRIC Real Estate Thornhill 168J Insurance URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS See the Waterloo Garden Tractor Our sales prove they are the best. We will demonstrate on your property. 6024 YONGE ST., NEWTONBROOK Phone Thornhill 242r2 or Willowdale 568 Richmond Hi 5 ACRES AND HOUSE, C0 NVENIENCES NOT NECESS- Moro-MASTER will glve your englne more "driving power", because it ls s tough film, pure Pennsylvania ml. especially termed to reslst sludge and other aeposlts. Protects against hottest engine temperaturesâ€"MOTo-MASTEB in heat. reslstlng, free flowing and long lasting. It's better for your car. See FENN Real Estate Equal to any first-line brand selllng at $6.30 ‘ a gallon. You can {my more-â€"but you can't buy a better palm than ARMORâ€"COAT. Ma only from the ï¬nest wear and we her-resisting oils and plgments. High glossâ€"attractive colors. QUART 1.4-5 GAL- 5.20 I "Easiflow' House Paint Standard qualily, carelully mixed house palnt for lnsldp or outside satis- lactlon. Second in quality only to our "Armor-Coat" line. Popular colors. QUART I99 GAL. â€Armor~Coat" Auto Enamel Perfect [or touching up or for a com- plete paint Job. Solid-covering, lus- trous and easy to apply . . . 20 beau- tiful colors. unequalled for outdoor fumlture. boats. \bicycles, etc. Brush or spray. 1,; PINT _59 Auto Topping Material BLACK (Ior closed cars). ï¬ne quality tabrikoid cobra grain 57" 1 I wide. Per yard ., TAN SPORT TOPPINGâ€"For all con- vertible models. A pleasing shade suitable for matching all body fin- Lh, 54" 1d. I:eresyard e BLACK TOP DRESSING. 1/; pint .44 CONVERTO DYE. the only satisfacâ€" tory product for sport tops, Renews and waterproots. One quart size V . . V r . . r . . . . . . . TOP SEAL PUTTEE. for repairing tops and sealing drip mouldmga. etc i-ounce cube V . . . . . . r . . . . . .27 o'ng-plm can . . . . . . . . . . . . . _49 QUART .37 WW “ARMDR- BUM†House Paint GALLON Save $1.10 3 Gal. QUART 1.75 and 1 .39 Richmond Hill, Ont. YONGE ST‘ GENUINE POLAROID DAY DRIV- ING \‘lSOEâ€"Polarold visors menu. iicale blocks eye fatiguing glare. al- lowing you to see clearly and enjoy new driving comfort on inng trips. Laminated plastic construction. 011133 on to your present visor. New low DE-LUXE VlSORâ€"Simflar to new car equipment. A necessary protec- tion against sun. bright lights and glare. Folds out 0: way when no: m use. Fits right. or left side price for all Cars and Trucks A precision-built mechanic‘s tool that will efficiently handle wood. metal and plastic. With ball Lhrust' bearinz. Jacobs chuck. built-in coo'lnz (an. Operates on ‘35 or 60- cycle. 1,700 rpm. 1/6†PORTABLE ELECTRIL‘, DRILL... .with key type Jacobs _ chuck 2.200 r.u.m ‘,’4" Portable Lightweightâ€"Fewerful FAN BELTS 80 h 1.35 ELECTRIC DRILL 5-GAL. DRUM Sold elsewhere for $1.50. 9081- tlve action screwdype. with sturdy base. Easy to use â€"- raises to a greater height. than most other jacks. Stow-g BUMPER JACK in car Hunk neatly in small space. Complete with set at Wheel safety Blocks that pre- vent car rolling when jacked up. A Complete Range of Jack- Eor All Cars and Trucks. Here's a Bargain! 7.45 P. C. Hill .98 2.89 Weekly News Budget From The Richvale Community Over last week end the volunteer workers of the East Vaughan Rate- payers’ Association added more blocks to the walls of the Richvale Community Hall. i It is rather disappointing to the building committee in the way the volunteers have deindled during the summer to a mere handful of men, (busisting 6f little more than the building committee. As a matter of fact it is rather embarrassing for your correspondent to write of this matter for he must plead guilty to ‘being one of the delinquents. Now that summer is a thing of the past, what say we reach for some old clothes and dig in with the faithful few â€"â€" time is getting short in so far as good weather goes and much is to be done to protect the work of the ones who have shown so much interest in the future welfare of the community. Mr. John Hertz, on commenting on the progress of the campaign to raise funds for the hall appears pleased with the response he is get- ting in the initial stages of the drive. Richvale residents will all be canvassed. However, if you wish to speed the campaign telephone Mr. Hertz through the Maple exchange and he will arrange a visit. This is Richvale’s H'all so dig deep you peop- le that it will serve. Richvale Winner WUB HYDRO CHAIRMAN BENRTS Young Canada Stepped into the limelight in Richvale last week when Howard Bruce Martin, the ï¬fteen- month-old son of MI- and Mrs. Frank Martin of Oak Avenue, took honors placed second in the twelve to eight- een month g1;oup 0f the baby show. Congratulations to the Martins on their wonderful offspring. Ratepayers’ Entertainment The entertainment committee an- nounce the prize winners in their re- cent raï¬le which Was held to favor the community hall ï¬nances. First prize, Mrs. GregOI‘Y; second prize, Mrs. Elsey, with Mrs. Franks drawâ€" ing third prize. This Friday evening, September 17th, the entertainment committee have a dance planned Which Will be held on the floor of the Community Hall. Fred Rose and his orchestra will supply the music and there will be both modern and old tyme rhy- thms. Everyone is invited so grab your best gal and let’s go â€"â€" Friday night that is â€"â€" September 17th at Richval’e Hall. HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE NUMBERS 221 Principal Elson of the Richmond Hill High School reports an enroll- ment this term of 221, with 84 new- comers in the junior grades, Agri- cultural Science is now being taught to grade IX students. on ï¬ve Power Shorfage LOCAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TO HAVE ADDITIONAL TEACHER Enrolment at Richmond Hill Pufb- lic School for the fall term totals 324, and the public school'trustees have advertised for an additional teacher. The staff at present num- bers eight, in addition to a part time music teacher and a part time dom- estic science teacher. Only one room of the new addition is ready for use but it is expected other rooms will be completed by Sept. 30th. Miss Fer~ guson, B. A., of Brampton is the new kindergarten teacher and her class numbers 64. There were more than 50 new beginners in grade I. The board also has advertised for an asâ€" sistant caretaker. DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of District No. 5 (Counties of York, Ontario and Peel) of the Ontario Horticultural Association, will be held in the Scar- boro Collegiate Institute, on Wednes- day, September 29th, at 8.15 p.m., sharp. The Collegiate is located one mile east of the stop light on King- ston Road, at Scarboro Bluffs. The programme will include the following: 2. Greetings from Mr. Percy Bone, President of the O.H.A. 3. Discussion of Society problems. 4. Demonstration of projector and colour slides, with equipment provi- ded by the Association and available to the Societies â€" John F. Clark, Dept. of Agriculture. 15. Musical numbers. 6. Light refreshments provided by the Scarboro Horticultural Society. 1. Election of District Director for 1949. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 16, 1948 3 Highest Offer Received By Sept. 27 Takes Yonge St. HURRY - - - HURRY TRUC KS for SALE 34 Ford half ton panel 40 International half ton panel 41 GMC half ton panel 49 Mercury half ton panel (new) McMullen Motors St. Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 74M Ontario ’