Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1948, p. 4

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NEW LOW PRICES for firewood, soft slabs $11.00; hardwood slabs $10.00; hardwood limbs $17.00; hard- wood blocks and fireplace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery, all wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond 312., Rich- mond Hill, or phone 315W. 9t-fc COOK STOV-E, 2 Silent Glow oil burners put in. It saves the bother of coal. Burners guaranteed for 10 yrs. Water bank on back of stove. Crearm enamel trim. $40. In perfect condi- tion. Goodchild, Doncaster Gdns., Thornhill, phone 1413. c1w12 1 ACRE OF LAND, 4el‘00m house, newly decorated, with partially built 3-1'oom extension at rear, double gar- age with cement floor 18x34, hydro, well cistern, chicken house. 10 May Ave., Stop 24A Yong St. *1w12 CORNELL 595, seed wheat, govern- ment grade No. 1, grain from regis- tered seed, smut resistant, winters well, stifl' straw and heavy yielder. Apply M. A. Wideman, phone Rich- mod Hill 451'12. *1w12 2 DOUBLE and one single bed, spring mattresses and good springs; also stove, Quebec heater, toilet set, mir- ror, small table, kitchen chairs. 2nd house north of Langstafl‘, west side. *1w12 2, Township of Vaughan, Bathurst St., good buildings, good stable for dairying, 41 miles from Richmond Hill. Apply Phone =Rai-chmvmd Hill 247. tfc8 100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concesisofi with or without oil; 2 square galvan- ized iron wash tubs; 1 folding tub stand; 1 dresser. ‘60 Richmond St. TWO CO‘UCHES, steel frames, good cretonne covered mattresses, cheap. One Weber (Heintzman) piano, apâ€" artmnt size, good condition. Box No. 61, The Liberal. c1w12 EMPIRE coal and wood stove, black and white enamel, hot water front, $20.00 for quick sale. Apply 19 Gem tl'e St. E., Richmond Hill, evenings. - *1w12 G-ROO‘MEJD HOUSE, *Elgin Mills, ’barn and chicken house, all equipped with hydro. Early pessession ar- ranged. Phone Richmond Hill 1341'5. c1w12 ACRE LOT for sale, May Avenue. Terms arranged. Phone Willowdale 2182 or evenings Mr. McDonald, Richmond Hill 3141-21. *4w10 defrosters, phone 169 Station. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone'Fefi. Thornhill 168. tfc46 1940 CHE‘V‘ ing. Apply '1‘. Elliott, OékxvenVL-né. Richvale. tfc35 ORNAMENTAL PORCH, 7' RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire §creens_, fire sets and acetylene weld- SEED WHEAT, Cornell 595. Govern- ment tested N0. 1, rust resisting. Apply Bruce Snider, Maple, phone 73121. clwl? STOVE. 'Nm'ge, foufiurner, oven. bottled gas, nevm- been used. Sacri- fice. Apply phone Thornhill 2141‘4. HOUSE 3 rooms, 1) side, half acre land, $2000. down balance Thornhill 1921'31. SAND, gravel, stone, fill, loam, cin- ders, manure. Prompt delivery. Apâ€" ply Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, 01' phone 315W. 9th FINDLAY Cook Stove, nearly ne“; MUISCOVY DUCKS drakes. Collins, 7( Thornhill. LILY BULBS, Madoona. Mré Luesby, phone 114W, Thornhill. for fall planting. J. Manley, Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. RASPBERRY CANES ice box 50 lbs. capacity. Phone Thorn- hilrl 1931'6. *1w12 SPACE HEATER, complete with large tank, exceptional buy. Apply W. Milne, May Ava, Stop 243. *lwl‘a SPACE HEATER, large. nearly new 19:36 FORD COACH. body and mo- tor in good condition, private. Apply Willowdale. 902. clw12 12 R. I. R. PULLETS, 15 L.S. Cock- erels. Apply after 5 p.m. E. Garner, Spruce St, Richvale. *1w12 LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L. Wt Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 HEATER, Firefly, 0031 Kyle, phone Maple 651-3 4 THE ‘LIEERAL, mar Classified Sale & Want Ads MTESâ€"Five lines or less FOR SALE Collins, 70 Juckes Ave., Master 85 Coach, heater good ties and motor Richmond Hill, C.N..R five lines 5 cents, pér line eixtirai ea‘ch- 311ng cihalv‘ée-dV to fiécount nine cents per line Telephone Richmond Hill 9. -0 .V-â€" - _.â€"- -w-..â€"1__..- _._ .u v.... bath, finished in- 1, good basement. e $1000. Phone ' c-1w12 or wood ord er now ducks, 2 chmond Hill, Thursday, September 16. 10.18 *1w12 c1w13 *1w12 1w12 clw12 35 cgnts for first Ain§er tion and 25 cents for each subseqqent insertion. Qrver 1w12 ctf Girl for bookkeeping and sten- ographic work. Shorthand reâ€" quired- St, Toronto, 15 miles, furnished or unfurnished, 9 rooms, large cellar, hardward floors, two three-piece bath, lawns, shrubs and flowers, nice drive, double lot, good barn and chicken house. Cash and terms. Possession arranged. Apply PO Box 357 Richmond Hill. er. Will heat four to five rooms, 6000 cubic feet capacity, used one week. Apply phone 269M Richmond Hill. . c1w12 GOOD RED BRICK HOME, Yonge LLOYD HIBERNATOR Space Heat- males, black female, thoroughbreds. Will be sold reasonably to good homes. Apply Richmond Hill 5R. c1w12 FA‘CTORIY SECONDS: $5.945 reg. m‘ice Kidd-y Cars, $3.69; $12.95, reg. price Rack Wagons heavy duty $8.95. 19 Centre St. E. *1w12 COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, 2 blond 3 BRONZE TUR‘KEYS, 1 male, 2 fe- male, approximately 4 months old. Apply Mrs. Taylor, 230 Oak Ave., Richvale. ‘ c1w12 Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial ‘Operator”â€"Message Charge) NEIW ELECTRIC washing machine, also one used electric washing ma~ chine and a rangette stove. Phone Maple 99. c1w12 SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE ,W. J. ALDRIDGE Thornhill 168 METAL ICE BOX fully insulated, 100 lbs. capacity, best offer. L. Mor- ris, Cal‘rville Rd., Stop 23 Yonge St. ' c1w12 BABY CHICKS, all‘ breeds, LBray Chick Hatchery, Fred Wise, Mark- hth Rd., Phone Richmond Hill 3591- 21. *4w12 EQR ESTATE, phone Fem), 1935 FORD V8 Coach, heater, radio and spotlight, $4010 or best offer. Good motor and tires phone Richmond MASSEY HARRIS 2-furrow rdisc plow; 1928 Pontiac Coach, new rings. Phone Maple 113114. E. Clarke, Concord. c1w12 OFFICE FURNITURE and library shelves, old English Oak, sectional Ibook cases including desk. Apply Richmond Hill 3581‘12. clw12 19315 2 TON semiadump Ford Truck, A1 condition. completely overhauled. Apply Cooney’s Garage, Richvale. (-1w12 FRESH heifers and cows. Reg. Ayr- shire Cow. due Oct., price $225.00, D. Palmer, phone 4632. *1w12 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing REGISTERED Chow pups, 6 old. Apply 56 Richmond St., or 348W Richmond Hill. COLLIE PUPS, well bred, excellent heelel's and watch dogs. Phone Mapl¢ 511'13. c1w12 QUEBEC coo‘k stove, almost Apply F. Lawther, Mill Rd., Bathurst. ' 1 DINING ROOM TABLE with 6 lea- ves and 6 chairs. Mrs. G. Yerex, 26 Yonge St., phone 242. *1w12 ELECTRIC STOVE, Mofl‘att, high oven, excellent condition, reasonable. Phone Thornhill 2111'23. c1w12 RADIO, Rogers Maiestic. $18, in good condition. Apply phone 258J Richmond Hill. *1w12 BAL‘ED WHEAT STR‘AW, 10 ton 30R BEALiESTATE, phone Fem: Thol‘nhill 168 19‘41'BUIC‘K in A1 condition. Phone Richmond Hill 368122. chle ’38 FORD Coach, heater, sealed beams, in A1 shape phone 97J. ’1‘1w12 STANDING CORN. Apply Roselawn Farms, Richmond Hill. c1w12 1931 D‘URANT, in good condition. Apply B. A. Station, Stoep 24A. 2w12 R. W. PARIS Braithwaite Hardware Richmond Hill SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS McQuan'ie. phone Maple 601-22. c1w12 WANTED Apply Hill ‘ B‘arraclough. 123. *1W12 weeks phone *1w12 tfc46 , near *1w12 new tfc46 ROOM, furnished, in modern home at stop 20A Yonge St., grill privil- eges. hone Thornhill 212121. *1w12 TREE FELLING, unsafe limbs re- moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill“ 9th WELLS dug 01‘ cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement. work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. chks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971-23 tf chg. 52 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering‘, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc ened and repaired by an expériencéd workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621-21. tf042 SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp: HAVE your radiators spray painted before installing. E. Hinson, phone Richmond Hill 252J. \ *1w12 STENOGRAPHER, preferably with bookkeeping experience. Work is in new ofi‘ice under ideal conditions. Apply in person if possible. A. E. Snider, Sec.â€"Treas., Maple Cattle Breeders Association, Maple R. R. 1. FORTH ELECTRIC HOUSE or apartment to rent. will pay up to $50 a month rent, good references. Apply Lakeside 57‘01 afternoons between 12 p,m, and 4 p. m. Mr. J. Wilson or write 51 Brook- field St, Toronto. *1w12 CAR’ETA‘KER for Trinity Church and Lawrence Memorial Hall. Thorn- hill. For particulars apply to the Wardens, write or telephone R. Heal- ey or R. Fitzgerald. c1w12 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for mother and daughter, in quiet home for the winter months, Richmond Hill or vicâ€" inity south. Apply Box 22 Liberal. Richmond Hill. *2w12 COTTAGE or house, four or five rooms, in Lansing or Richmond Hill district, near transportation, best references. Apply P. O. Box ’79 Langstafi‘. *1w12 E., Richmond Hill, North York In- dustries. >“lwl‘Z. ONE MAN, at once for general wood working shop. Apply 19 Centre St. TRANSOIPRTATION to Toronto ar- riving in vicinity of down town area at 9 21.111. Apply Box 34, Liberal. ELDERLY Toronto lady wishes room and board with private family. Rich- mond. Hill 01' vicinity. Apply Box 15 The Liberal, Richmond Hill. c1w12 ASSISTANT caretaker for Richmond Hill Public School. full time. Apply Jas. Grainger, Secretary. Richmond Hill. 01w]? SMALL BARN to rent in vicinity of Richmond Hill. Box 84, The Liberal. ’5’1w12 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE Clerk, stenographer, short- hand not necessary,in Richmond Hill. Apply Box 91, The Libéral. *1w12 8 line farm fence, heavyweight poul- try fence, 12, 14 ft. farm gates, chain link fabric, 3 rolls 1" electric weld heavyWeig‘ht hog fence, also quantity snow fence. We deliver. Norman Bone 259J Richmond Hill. c1w12 7 FT. 'I'EF-RAIL STEEL POSTS. CORNELL W'H‘EAT, No. 1 smut rc- sistant. Power cleaned. F. S. Tyndall, Richmond St, Richmond Hill, phone 149.1. V *2w12 VACUUM CLEANER SIT; rug- ‘7 x lll) ft. 310‘ Kleinbm'g' MISCELLANEOUS Plymouth, 51,000 miles, in excellent repair. Phone Maple 27. c1w12 40 ROCK P‘ULLETS, laying: Apply Mrs. Samuel Winger. phone Maple 62r22. c2w12 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $760, 1937 $300 193-0 Ford 1 ton stake body, re built motor. Phone Maple 27. PHONE SCHOMBERG 69 Farm & House Wrring TO RENT WANTED Real bargains. Sam Dean, *1w12 1w12 IIEUIIIIIIEIIIIIIIUIIllfllllflllllllllllli Carlo Trounce vs. Red Garner Semi-Final â€"â€" 2 out of 3 falls 45 minutes 1' Main Event â€" 2 out of 3 falls, 90 min. 0 5 Bob Kirkland vs. Harry Stanfield WRESTLING g=o===o=o:==o=lo==.â€"=omo===o=: It costs nothing to choose Wise: ly the rather costly food~stuffs of to-day. By so doing we may, in fact, favorably influnce the c0st. It costs not-hing: to be cheerful and of happy disposition, to stop worrying and to cut out grouches. It casts nothing to walk in the open, hl'eathing properly and keeping- the body in the erect pos- ture, It costs nothing to exer- cise properly every day. ' It costs nothing to chew and masticate our food thoroughly. It costs practically nothing to clean he teeth wi-ce each day. It costs nothing to stop using medicines except as advised by a physician. ample amount necessaries of without price1 homes cost of frustrate CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H TOWN SI Preliminary 2 Local Boys vs. Ed Mangotich and Tommy Haire TUESDAY, SEPT. 28 =O=O= Sponsored by the DEPARTMENT OF. HEALTH seset The Low Cost of Health Admission 500 â€" Reserved Seats 750 sts nothing 8.30 p.m. RICHMOND HELL ARENA know ving the healtl' 01:10 ar are PROFESSIONAL 'esh THREE BOUTS an East Vaughan Ratepayers’ Association ecure an rat l UKIX les ODD: ‘ne 9%.“..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwo‘ ‘0”. “OM £ 6 060900.600.“ Hardwood siahs L. T. B. & 0. TAG DAY The L. T. B. & 0. Home was granted permission to hold a tag day in Richmond Hill on Saturday, Sepâ€" tember 18th. ' lbutes and acts of kindness durin their recent bereavement. CAR‘D OF‘ THANKS Mrs. Nellie McDonald and family wish to express their appreciation to their many friends for the floral tri- TAG DAY SATI‘RDAY. SEPTEMBER 18TH In aid of the L-T.B. and Orange Home GIVE GENEROUSLY FOR: SERVICE AT THE FRONT utton. Apply Liberal Office, Rich The very best, $12 per cord nd Hi1 Phone Richmond Hill 288M R. WILSON SLABS one LOST $1 .. per cord W RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRIC WIRING 8: REPAIRS GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS Thurs., Fri., Sat. "Yllli AIN’I SEEN NIHHIH’ HMS, IlllYllll SEE... MARKHAM Mon, Tues. Wed. â€" September 20, 21, 22 NOW AT REGULAR PRICES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI-IIII JENNIFER JONES o GREGORY PECK o JOSEPH CO'ITEN 82 YONGE â€". PHONE 296 LIONEL BARRYMORE HERBERT MARSHALL . LILLIAN GISH WALTER HUSTON . CHARLES BICKFORD ~WITH A CAST OF 2506 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DAVID O.SELZN1CK'S {Lake SUN in Technicolor Dirmld by KING VI D O R mag: STAIIING WITH September 16, 17. 18 Continuous Nightly from 7:30 p.m. Saturday Continuous from 7:00 p.m. Matinee Saturdays at 2:00 pm. LLOYD BACON Produced by WALTER MOROSCO

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